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Aandeel ArcelorMittal AEX:MT.NL, LU1598757687

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
22,480   +0,370   (+1,67%) Dagrange 22,110 - 22,690 2.135.428   Gem. (3M) 2,5M

Arcelor Mittal juni 2018

973 Posts
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  1. nieneute 20 juni 2018 16:18

    My_Own_Sanity schreef op 20 juni 2018 15:56:

    Gelukkig is de koers spannender dan dit forum :P
    haha ja , de meesten dutten in voor de pc denk ik .Bovendien is er een groot deel dat alleen maar roeptoetert als er een dipje is , dan worden ze wakker gesjot en owee- owee dan is er paniek in de portemonnee , dan laten ze zich horen en heeft iedereen ineens de waarheid in pacht :-) sorry guys en girls maar zo is het wel :-)
  2. nieneute 20 juni 2018 16:28

    My_Own_Sanity schreef op 20 juni 2018 15:56:

    Gelukkig is de koers spannender dan dit forum :P
    gelukkig zijn er ook mensen zoals jij , Archie , Voda Rene ,en nog enkele anderen die echt bijdragen aan dit Forum en het levendig pproberen te houden zonder eigenbelang , wat ik newbie alleen maar kan toejuichen
  3. forum rang 10 voda 20 juni 2018 16:41
    ArcelorMittal launches Steligence, a radical and disruptive construction industry concept

    ArcelorMittal has unveiled a radical new concept for the use of steel in construction, which will facilitate the next generation of high performance buildings and construction techniques and create a more sustainable life-cycle for buildings. Known as Steligence®, the concept revolves around the idea of buildings as holistic entities where all aspects of design are considered in an integrated way, as part of the whole. As such, it proposes the need for better dialogue between various specialist architectural and engineering disciplines, recognizing not only specialist expertise, but also the need for enhanced co-operation between experts. Steligence® further suggests that the use of best available technology in steelmaking, as well as modularization of steel components in buildings where possible, has the capacity to generate efficiency gains in the design, construction and configurability of buildings as compared to those using traditional construction methods.

    Additionally, because steel is infinitely recyclable, Steligence® sets the stage for architects to consider the life-cycle, recyclability and, ultimately, re-usability of a building and its components at the earliest point in the design process.

    This new approach to construction from ArcelorMittal has been brought about by real advances in technology which now make steel an even more attractive material for construction than was previously the case. As such, the Steligence® concept has the potential to drive significant architectural and sustainability benefits.

    These benefits include more building storeys within a given height than is the case with traditional building systems and materials; less deep and therefore less costly foundations due to the lower weight of steel buildings compared with traditional materials; and far longer uninterrupted spans between columns, resulting in much better flexibility of interior floor layout.

    In addition, buildings designed using the Steligence® philosophy will be easier to assemble (and potentially disassemble) and therefore quicker to build, leading to significant efficiencies and cost savings for the construction sector.

    While steel’s infinite recyclability potential is clearly superior to that of alternative materials, even then there are associated costs given the energy necessary to melt and re-form. In this context, design where possible using modular steel components can enable re-use rather than re-cycling of steel components in new buildings at the end of life of the original building. This ‘re-use’ possibility gives steel a huge advantage over traditional building materials, particularly as regulations strengthen regarding the sustainability credentials of buildings.

    Steel already plays a big role in the circular economy. Steligence® will enable the construction industry and buildings themselves to play an even more significant role in it.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  4. nieneute 20 juni 2018 16:43

    voda schreef op 20 juni 2018 16:41:

    ArcelorMittal launches Steligence, a radical and disruptive construction industry concept

    ArcelorMittal has unveiled a radical new concept for the use of steel in construction, which will facilitate the next generation of high performance buildings and construction techniques and create a more sustainable life-cycle for buildings. Known as Steligence®, the concept revolves around the idea of buildings as holistic entities where all aspects of design are considered in an integrated way, as part of the whole. As such, it proposes the need for better dialogue between various specialist architectural and engineering disciplines, recognizing not only specialist expertise, but also the need for enhanced co-operation between experts. Steligence® further suggests that the use of best available technology in steelmaking, as well as modularization of steel components in buildings where possible, has the capacity to generate efficiency gains in the design, construction and configurability of buildings as compared to those using traditional construction methods.

    Additionally, because steel is infinitely recyclable, Steligence® sets the stage for architects to consider the life-cycle, recyclability and, ultimately, re-usability of a building and its components at the earliest point in the design process.

    This new approach to construction from ArcelorMittal has been brought about by real advances in technology which now make steel an even more attractive material for construction than was previously the case. As such, the Steligence® concept has the potential to drive significant architectural and sustainability benefits.

    These benefits include more building storeys within a given height than is the case with traditional building systems and materials; less deep and therefore less costly foundations due to the lower weight of steel buildings compared with traditional materials; and far longer uninterrupted spans between columns, resulting in much better flexibility of interior floor layout.

    In addition, buildings designed using the Steligence® philosophy will be easier to assemble (and potentially disassemble) and therefore quicker to build, leading to significant efficiencies and cost savings for the construction sector.

    While steel’s infinite recyclability potential is clearly superior to that of alternative materials, even then there are associated costs given the energy necessary to melt and re-form. In this context, design where possible using modular steel components can enable re-use rather than re-cycling of steel components in new buildings at the end of life of the original building. This ‘re-use’ possibility gives steel a huge advantage over traditional building materials, particularly as regulations strengthen regarding the sustainability credentials of buildings.

    Steel already plays a big role in the circular economy. Steligence® will enable the construction industry and buildings themselves to play an even more significant role in it.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
    thanks Voda
  5. nieneute 20 juni 2018 17:23

    Archie Steelman schreef op 20 juni 2018 17:19:

    [...] Die van mij ook, alleen is er geen cash meer om het te doen helaas.
    ik heb wel weer wat maar ik moet zorgen dat ik nog cash heb voor je weet maar nooit ;-) , ik had mezelf 1 week geleden ook vastgezet door met mijn n laatste geld te hoog in te kopen
  6. forum rang 10 voda 20 juni 2018 17:39
    En het slot!

    In de eindveiling 780,915 stuks, die de koers 10 cent lager zette.

    ArcelorMittal 27,17 0,11 0,41 % 17:36:30

    Laatste 27,17 17:36:30 Theor. open 27,17 17:35:08
    Bied 27,17 17:38:35 Laat 27,18 17:35:11
    Laagste 27,17 17:35:11 Hoogste 27,76 10:39:56
    Open 27,405 09:00:28 Vorig slot 27,06 19-06-18
    Cum. vol. 4.703.097 Gem. dagomzet 5.426.793
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