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Aandeel ArcelorMittal AEX:MT.NL, LU1598757687

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
23,350   +0,140   (+0,60%) Dagrange 23,170 - 23,540 1.635.550   Gem. (3M) 2,6M

Arcelor Mittal - Augustus 2017

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  1. forum rang 5 Gaston Lagaffe 3 augustus 2017 17:15

    Toekomstbeeld schreef op 3 augustus 2017 17:09:


    Haha shit, die pagina shift heb ik gemist. Krijg zelf ook de mails van SA maar heb die pagina shift compleet gemist. Weer wat geleerd!
    Mocht het enige troost zijn, ik moest vandaag ook even kijken. Dacht eerst dat ik het verkeerde te pakken had : -)
  2. forum rang 4 03har 3 augustus 2017 17:16

    voda schreef op 3 augustus 2017 16:48:

    Interessant voor 03har?

    SAIL RSP plate mill achieves 94% capacity utilization in July

    PTI reported that Steel Authority of India Limited’s Rourkela Steel Plant said that its new Plate Mill, which was brought back to normalcy on June 30 after a temporary setback, has registered the best ever monthly performance since inception in all important parameters last month. The mill rolled highest ever 78,254 tonnes of the slab in July. During the month, the mill produced 70,367 tonnes of plates by utilizing around 94% of its capacity. This is an increase of 14.3% over the previous best monthly figure of 61,547 tonnes.

    The dispatch of 60,963 tonnes of plates from the New Plate Mill matched the production and was the highest ever. The last best monthly dispatch of 60,124 tonnes was registered in March 2017. The July dispatch included the export of 13,172 tonnes of CE marked plates to the highly competitive European market where RSP has created a niche for itself

    Besides, 30,398 tonnes of High Tensile Plates were also dispatched during the month.

    Source : PTI
    New Plate Mill van Sail RSP
    The new 4.3 metre wide Plate Mill has been installed having initial capacity of 1.0 MT (0.92 MT saleable), which can be augmented to a capacity of 1.8 MT (1.674 MT saleable). The Plate Mill equipped with state-of-art technology produces wide range of plates with close tolerances to meet stringent international standards. The 4-Hi reversing mill is designed for roll force up to 90 MN, with hydraulic automatic gauge control, roll bending and shifting facilities and provision of on-line thickness, profile and width measurement.

    Capaciteit Plaatwals is 1.000.000 ton per jaar bij full time 97% dus 80.833 ton per maand.

    Men is blij met 70.000 ton. Voorbeeld van brutto-tijd en gepland.

  3. [verwijderd] 3 augustus 2017 17:19

    ressiva_ schreef op 3 augustus 2017 17:12:

    Een voordeel is ook dat als de koers van AM lekker stijgt, die Snuf ook ineens weg is met zijn getreiter!
    Ik zei al vanmorgen: kost je geld Snuf.
    Jantje huilt,Jantje lacht.
    Dat bedoelde ik vanmiddag hier.
    Stijgen=lol en uitdagen
    Dalen=forumtrollen,bashers,moderator smeken
    Feli vandaag voor de longers.
    Fijne avond.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 3 augustus 2017 17:27
    For the believers. :-)

    Iron ore jump a short-term treat

    The Sydney Morning Herald reported that iron ore experts are divided over the direction of Australia's largest export, with Chinese analysts convinced the bulk commodity is set to enter a bull market while local analysts say this week's surge is only a short-term burst.

    The spot price of iron ore surged 7.2%, or USD 4.97, to near USD 74 a tonne during Tuesday's session as Chinese authorities inspected local low-grade steel mills, and surprisingly strong construction figures released last week caused the iron ore price to play catch-up to higher steel prices.

    Mr Qiu Yuecheng an analyst at steel trading platform XiBen New Line said that "All of this sends a strong signal to the market the government will try and remove smaller mills and encourage the development of bigger mills, which is good for iron ore.”

    He added that "Steel mills are making so much money so they are happy to pay a higher price for high-grade iron ore."

    Local Chinese futures traders reacted dramatically to the prospect of tighter steel supply on Tuesday, following Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's reiteration over the weekend that low-quality producers will be shut down.

    Mr Glyn Lawcock managing director of resources research at UBS said that "Can prices surge higher from here? Of course they can. But we don't see this as a sustainable move higher in the longer term. It's important to remain cognisant that the futures markets in China are heavily influenced by retail volume, and they respond quite rapidly and strongly in both directions to newsflow."

    About 70 per cent of the Dalian market is made up of retail investors and, thanks to the proliferation of smart phones, there is a frenzy of individual investors trading everything from iron ore future to cotton and eggs.

    But there is optimism that the Chinese economy is performing better than previously thought. Government spending on infrastructure and widespread property investment, despite a regulatory clampdown, saw China's PMI sub-index construction gauge jump to 62.5 from 61.4 in June.

    As such, Goldman Sachs last week lifted its three-month iron ore forecast to USD 70 a tonne from USD 55, and the year-end target by USD 5 to USD 60.

    Source : The Sydney Morning Herald
  5. Toekomstbeeld 3 augustus 2017 17:38

    voda schreef op 3 augustus 2017 17:27:

    For the believers. :-)

    Iron ore jump a short-term treat

    The Sydney Morning Herald reported that iron ore experts are divided over the direction of Australia's largest export, with Chinese analysts convinced the bulk commodity is set to enter a bull market while local analysts say this week's surge is only a short-term burst.

    The spot price of iron ore surged 7.2%, or USD 4.97, to near USD 74 a tonne during Tuesday's session as Chinese authorities inspected local low-grade steel mills, and surprisingly strong construction figures released last week caused the iron ore price to play catch-up to higher steel prices.

    Mr Qiu Yuecheng an analyst at steel trading platform XiBen New Line said that "All of this sends a strong signal to the market the government will try and remove smaller mills and encourage the development of bigger mills, which is good for iron ore.”

    He added that "Steel mills are making so much money so they are happy to pay a higher price for high-grade iron ore."

    Local Chinese futures traders reacted dramatically to the prospect of tighter steel supply on Tuesday, following Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's reiteration over the weekend that low-quality producers will be shut down.

    Mr Glyn Lawcock managing director of resources research at UBS said that "Can prices surge higher from here? Of course they can. But we don't see this as a sustainable move higher in the longer term. It's important to remain cognisant that the futures markets in China are heavily influenced by retail volume, and they respond quite rapidly and strongly in both directions to newsflow."

    About 70 per cent of the Dalian market is made up of retail investors and, thanks to the proliferation of smart phones, there is a frenzy of individual investors trading everything from iron ore future to cotton and eggs.

    But there is optimism that the Chinese economy is performing better than previously thought. Government spending on infrastructure and widespread property investment, despite a regulatory clampdown, saw China's PMI sub-index construction gauge jump to 62.5 from 61.4 in June.

    As such, Goldman Sachs last week lifted its three-month iron ore forecast to USD 70 a tonne from USD 55, and the year-end target by USD 5 to USD 60.

    Source : The Sydney Morning Herald
    Zojuist is maar weer bewezen dat de meest geprezen analisten van GS en Barclays er al een hele maand compleet naast zitten. En dat de Citi analisten al vanaf begin vh jaar alles goed voorspellen......behalve tot nu toe de koers van AM.

    De IO future zojuist 8 yuan up oftewel 1,19% tov gisteren.


    P.s.: wel totaal onverantwoord gebeuren deze handel (zie bold tekst). Dat kosten en opbrengsten van grote internationale bedrijven zoals Rio Tinto, Vale, Arcelor noem ze maar, voor een zeer groot gedeelte beïnvloed worden door goklustige particuliere handelaren.
  6. [verwijderd] 3 augustus 2017 17:38
    Dag allemaal ben nieuw op de beurs. Aangezien spaargeld niets opbrengt, heb ik besloten om in de beurs te beleggen. Ik heb gekozen voor ArcelorMittal aandelen. Op een paar dagen tijd maakt dit aandeel nogal een bokkensprongen. In ieder geval aan iedereen veel succes toegewenst en hoop dat ik wat interessante info uit dit forum kan bekomen.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 3 augustus 2017 17:40
    In de wederom forse eindveiling van 1,005,205 stuks, werd de koers 1 cent lager gezet.

    ArcelorMittal 21,645 0,325 1,52 % 17:35:38

    Laatste 21,645 17:35:38 Theor. open 21,645 17:35:16
    Bied 21,635 17:37:05 Laat 21,65 17:37:06
    Laagste 21,00 09:53:40 Hoogste 21,71 17:05:02
    Open 21,31 09:00:27 Vorig slot 21,32 02-08-2017
    Cum. vol. 8.164.939 Gem. dagomzet 8.346.949
  8. forum rang 4 03har 3 augustus 2017 17:46

    Gaston Lagaffe schreef op 3 augustus 2017 17:06:

    [...]03har vraag : ik heb de indruk dat AM zeer moderne fabrieken heeft (Calvert / Gent) maar ook enkele zeer oude welke amper gemoderniseerd zijn (ik bedoel niet die in de "mottenballen" staan maar meer aan die bij AMSA en in de VS (Indiana / Burns Harbour e.d.). Ze kunnen nooit alleen maar de dure modernere staalsoorten maken want zoveel kunnen ze niet afzetten. Hoe kijk jij tegen dit soort fabrieken aan ? Is dit een kwestie van tijd tot ze sluiten (Tata GB ?)of kan je er nog wat mee ?
    kom hier op terug, moet nu pizze bakken

  9. [verwijderd] 3 augustus 2017 17:51

    voda schreef op 3 augustus 2017 17:27:

    For the believers. :-)

    Iron ore jump a short-term treat

    The Sydney Morning Herald reported that iron ore experts are divided over the direction of Australia's largest export, with Chinese analysts convinced the bulk commodity is set to enter a bull market while local analysts say this week's surge is only a short-term burst.

    The spot price of iron ore surged 7.2%, or USD 4.97, to near USD 74 a tonne during Tuesday's session as Chinese authorities inspected local low-grade steel mills, and surprisingly strong construction figures released last week caused the iron ore price to play catch-up to higher steel prices.

    Mr Qiu Yuecheng an analyst at steel trading platform XiBen New Line said that "All of this sends a strong signal to the market the government will try and remove smaller mills and encourage the development of bigger mills, which is good for iron ore.”

    He added that "Steel mills are making so much money so they are happy to pay a higher price for high-grade iron ore."

    Local Chinese futures traders reacted dramatically to the prospect of tighter steel supply on Tuesday, following Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's reiteration over the weekend that low-quality producers will be shut down.

    Mr Glyn Lawcock managing director of resources research at UBS said that "Can prices surge higher from here? Of course they can. But we don't see this as a sustainable move higher in the longer term. It's important to remain cognisant that the futures markets in China are heavily influenced by retail volume, and they respond quite rapidly and strongly in both directions to newsflow."

    About 70 per cent of the Dalian market is made up of retail investors and, thanks to the proliferation of smart phones, there is a frenzy of individual investors trading everything from iron ore future to cotton and eggs.

    But there is optimism that the Chinese economy is performing better than previously thought. Government spending on infrastructure and widespread property investment, despite a regulatory clampdown, saw China's PMI sub-index construction gauge jump to 62.5 from 61.4 in June.

    As such, Goldman Sachs last week lifted its three-month iron ore forecast to USD 70 a tonne from USD 55, and the year-end target by USD 5 to USD 60.

    Source : The Sydney Morning Herald
    Zeer interessant, ABtje waard!
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