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  1. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 26 juli 2017 15:03
    Prijs koper roodgloeiend
    49 min geleden Theo Besteman

    De prijs van koper, veel gebruikt in woninbouw en industrie, hervat zijn stormachtige opgang. Vooral de Chinese economische groei dit najaar stimuleert de prijs.

    Dat constateren analisten van ING Research. Het IMF kwam met betere groeivooruitzichten voor China voor 2017 en 2018.

    Partijen koper verhandeld aan de metalenbeurs LME ging deze week al met 6% omhoog, over heel 2017 staat het metaal ruim 14% in de plus.

    Minder vervuiling

    Woensdag steeg de prijs met ruim 4% naar $2.8405. Het basismetaal noteert daarmee op het niveau van mei 2015.

    Volgens ING Research zijn er veel signalen dat de Chinese overheid vervuiling in de industriële wil beperken en de slechtere metalen uit de markt gaat houden.

    Op 20 juli bereikte de koperproductie in China zijn hoogste niveau sinds december 2015. Het metaal was afgelopen jaar al gewild vanwege de infrastructuurplannen van president Trump. Hij beloofde in tien jaar $1000 miljard te investeren. De markt constateert dat China het stokje heeft overgenomen.
    Maand op maand

    Citigroup, dat eerder een forse prijsstijging voorspelde, meldt dat de Chinese import van verfijnder koper blijft stijgen. China is zelf goed voor bijna de helft (49%) van het wereldwijde verbruik van koper, en produceert 35% daarvan. Volgens de International Copper Study Group is het koperverbruik voor de tweede maand op rij aan het stijgen.

    Volgens James Butterfill van ETF Securities is de bezorgdheid over China van afgelopen kwartalen onder beleggers "overdreven". ,,De Chinese economie presteert beter dan verwacht."

    Ook hedgefondsen hebben posities ingenomen die rekening houden met prijsstijgingen voor het bouwmateriaal. Het koper profiteert momenteel van de zwakke dollar tegenover de euro en het pond, nu steeds meer plannen van president Trump niet lijken te worden verwezenlijkt.

    ABN Amro-econoom Casper Burgering constateerde eerder dat China voorlopig zijn stempel zal blijven drukken op de trends in industriële metaalprijzen. ,,Door de sterke verwevenheid van China met metaalmarkten spelen de economische ontwikkelingen in China een bovengemiddelde rol in de prijsbeweging", stelde hij.

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  2. Bernard + 26 juli 2017 22:59

    Bernard + schreef op 26 mei 2017 00:42:

    De prijsontwikkeling van koper is overduidelijk in opgaande lijn.
    Met de low van 1.9365 in januari 2016 is het dieptepunt duidelijk gepasseerd. Vervolgens rond 2.05 een half jaar lang een bodem aanstampen, testen en hertesten: daar moest een uitbraak op komen. Dan oktober/november in minder dan een maand stijgen naar 2.70. + 30% op no-news: voorspelbaar dat dit weer moest corrigeren. Op 2.47 is recent een hogere bodem gelegd.
    'Go with the flow' en 'the trend is your friend'. Wat betreft koper is die voor mij wel duidelijk.....
    Point made and solidly proven!
  3. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 22 maart 2018 20:41
    Als ik dit lees dan is Eritrea helemaal nog niet zo'n gek land om een mijn te hebben:
    Shares in Canada’s First Quantum Minerals (TSX:FM) rebounded slightly on Wednesday, dodging what was about to become their worst two-day drop in almost two years after its chief executive said he was ready to dispute a $7.9 billion bill for alleged unpaid import duties in Zambia.

    Talking to investors and media during a call conference, Philip Pascall said his company refuted the charge and would work with the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) to clarify the matter.

    The bill, which First Quantum was notified about on Tuesday, relates to $540 million of mining equipment imported for the company’s Sentinel mine. Zambia is asking the Vancouver-based company to pay $2.1 billion in penalties and $5.7 billion in interest, Pascall said.

    Shares of First Quantum dropped 12% in Toronto Tuesday when trading was halted ahead of the company’s statement. They slumped as much 9.2% at the opening Wednesday before recovering slightly (+0.56%) at 11:58AM to Cnd$18.10.

    First Quantum, which operates the Kansanshi and Kalumbila mines in Zambia, accounted for more than half of the country’s copper output last year and is the largest individual taxpayer. The southern African nation, in turn, accounts for 84% of First Quantum’s revenue.

    Other miners currently dealing with tax issues include Rio Tinto’s majority-owned subsidiary Turquoise Hill, which is said to owe Mongolia $700 million, and Barrick’s Acacia Mining, which hasn’t ruled out exiting Tanzania due to a $190 billion tax bill received last year.

  4. forum rang 10 voda 22 maart 2018 20:44
    Copper hits three month low on rising inventories
    Metal News - Published on Thu, 22 Mar 2018

    Reuters reported that copper slumped to its lowest level in more than three months on Tuesday as rising inventories highlighted healthy supplies. Concern about trade wars, higher US interest rates and a stronger dollar also weighed on industrial metals markets.

    London Metal Exchange prices extended losses in the European afternoon as US computer-driven funds stepped up selling.

    Mr Geordie Wilkes, head of research at Sucden Financial said that “The US has opened up and they’re carrying on the negative sentiment.”

    Copper was hit by data showing LME copper stocks grew by a further 3,200 tonnes on Tuesday to 322,475 tonnes, bringing this month’s rise to 61 %.

    While some investors have been worried that potential strikes at copper mines could create shortages, this was not a major threat given robust supplies, said Ms Caroline Bain, chief commodities economist at Capital Economics.

    Some labour deals have already been sealed while progress was announced on Tuesday in wage talks at Antofagasta’s Los Pelambres copper mine in Chile.

    Ms Bain said that “We’ve been forecasting from the beginning that copper prices would fall this year because we just didn’t think the market was that tight adding that her year-end target was USD 6,500.”

    Three-month LME copper closed 1.4% down at USD 6,755 a tonne, marking a fourth session of losses. It had dipped as low as USD 6,730, its weakest level since Dec. 14.

    Source : Reuters
  5. forum rang 10 voda 22 maart 2018 20:44
    Congo set to overtake US as world's no 4 copper producer
    Metal News - Published on Thu, 22 Mar 2018

    Mining com reported that likes of Glencore, Randgold, Zijin, China Moly and Ivanhoe appear to have been blindsided by Congo’s determination to push through a new mining code that substantially increases the cost of doing business in the central African nation. Lobbying of President Joseph Kabila (who insisted that the CEOs personally show up in Kinshasa for talks) that lasted six hours ended with no concessions other than that the miners’ concerns “will be taken into account through a constructive dialogue” after the law is promulgated.

    Those negotiations kick off, but the mining companies’ hopes of more favourable case by case “transitional arrangements” or significant concessions in the detailed regulations (which need to be produced within 90 days) also seems faint.

    Glencore et al may have overestimated the strength of their position with suggestions that the new law will “cause the certain death of a young industry" or that international arbitration was a viable option.

    The industry may be young, but the DRC is already too important for global copper and of course cobalt supply that companies could simply up sticks. Glencore CEO Mr Ivan Glasenberg told a commodities conference, the Swiss miner has invested USD 7 billion in the DRC since the investor-friendly 2002 mining law came into effect.

    Today the country supplies more than 60% of the world’s cobalt and that share will only grow over the medium term. The DRC could also soon overtake the US as the world’s number four producer of copper.

    Cobalt production is forecast to hit 86,000 tonnes by the end of the decade, that’s up from fewer than 18,000 tonnes in 2007 according to the country's central bank. The expansion of copper output is more spectacular from 96,000 tonnes in 2007 to a forecast 1.4 million tonnes in 2020. Gold production is estimated to have grown to 35 tonnes by 2020 from a measly 122 kilograms in 2010.

    BMI Research predicted in January that better metals prices, new projects coming online and expansions at existing operations “will make the DRC the fastest growing major mining market in the world this year, despite mounting political and regulatory risks.”

    In an update last week BMI, a unit of Fitch Group, reiterated this view saying the new law will not alter the positive outlook for mining in the country:

    Even with the announced hike in mining levies, the DRC's royalty rates will remain among the most competitive in the world for key sources of income, including copper and gold, meaning the domestic investment environment is unlikely to be impacted.

    Source : Mining com
  6. forum rang 10 voda 22 maart 2018 20:46
    Copper preliminary Data for December 2017 - ICSG
    Metal News - Published on Thu, 22 Mar 2018

    The International Copper Study Group released preliminary data for December 2017 world copper supply and demand in its March 2018 Copper Bulletin. World mine production is estimated to have declined by around 2% in 2017, with concentrate production declining by 1.6% and solvent extraction-electrowinning by 3%:

    1. Mine production fell 4% YoY in the 1st half of 2017 due to a series of supply constrains but the situation improved in the 2nd half with output remaining essentially flat YoY but increasing by 10% compared to the 1st half 2017.

    2. The reduction in world mine production was mainly due to:
    a). A 1% decline in Chile, the world’s biggest copper mine producing country which was negatively affected by the strike at the
    Escondida mine in the first part of the year and lower output from Codelco mines.
    b). Reductions in concentrate production in Argentina, Canada and Mongolia of 59%, 14% and 14% respectively that were mainly due to lower grades in planned mining sequencing and Argentina’s Alumbrera mine approaching end of life.
    c). A 12.5% decrease in Indonesian concentrate production as output was constrained by a temporary ban on concentrate exports that started in January and ended in April.
    d). A 12% fall in production in the United States mainly due to lower ore grades, reduced mining rates and unfavourable weather conditions at the beginning of the year.

    3. However, these reductions in output were partially offset by 30% and 4% increases in Kazakhstan and Peruvian mine production respectively, with both countries benefitting from new and expanded capacity that was not yet fully available in 2016. Brazil, Mexico, Myanmar, Spain and Sweden also contributed to world growth.

    4. On a regional basis, mine production is estimated to have declined in the Americas by 2%, in Asia by 4% and in Oceania by 5% while increasing in Africa and Europe (including Russia) by 2.5% and 2% respectively.

    World refined production is estimated to have increased by 0.6% in 2017 with primary production declining by 0.15% and secondary production (from scrap) increasing by 4.5%:
    1. Increased availability of scrap allowed world secondary refined production to increase, notably in China.

    2. The main contributor to growth in world refined production was China (increase of 5%), followed by India (6%) and some EU countries where output recovered after maintenance shutdowns in 2016.

    3. However, overall growth was offset by a 7% decline in Chile, the second largest refined copper producer, where both primary electrolytic refined production and electrowinning production fell.

    4. Production also decreased in the third and fourth ranked refined copper producers, namely, Japan (-4%) and the United States (-12%) mainly due to maintenance shutdowns at several plants.

    5. On a regional basis, refined output is estimated to have increased in Africa (1.5%), in Asia (3.5%) and in Europe (3.7%) whilst declining in the Americas (7.5%) and in Oceania (15%).

    World apparent refined usage is estimated to have increased modestly by 0.7% in 2017:

    1. Improved scrap supply constrained world refined copper usage growth globally in 2017.

    2. Preliminary data indicates that world ex-China usage increased by 0.5% while Chinese apparent usage (currently representing almost 50% of world refined usage) increased by 0.9%.

    3. Chinese apparent usage (excluding changes in unreported stocks) increased by 0.9% as although refined copper production increased by 5%, net imports of refined copper declined by 9.5%.

    4. Among other major copper using countries, usage increased in India and Japan but declined in the United States, Germany and
    South Korea.

    World refined copper balance for 2017 indicates a deficit of about 163,000 t (including revisions to data previously presented):

    1. This is mainly due to an almost stagnant situation in world refined copper supply.

    2. In developing its global market balance, ICSG uses an apparent demand calculation for China that does not take into account changes in unreported stocks [State Reserve Bureau, producer, consumer, merchant/trader, bonded]. To facilitate global market analysis, however, an additional line item—Refined World Balance Adjusted for Chinese Bonded Stock Changes—is included in the table below that adjusts the world refined copper balance based on an average estimate of changes in unreported inventories provided by three consultants with expertise in China’s copper market.

    3. In 2017, the world refined copper balance adjusted for changes in Chinese bonded stocks indicates a deficit of around 135,000 t.

    Copper Prices and Stocks:

    1. Based on the average of stock estimates provided by independent consultants, China’s bonded stocks increased by around
    30,000 t in 2017 from the year-end 2016 level. Bonded stocks increased by about 15,000 t in 2016.

    2. As of the end of February, copper stocks held at the major metal exchanges totalled 755.847 t, an increase of 213.318 t (39%) from stocks held at the end of December 2017. Compared with the December 2017 levels, stocks were up at the LME (63%), at SHFE (45%) and COMEX (9%).

    3. The average LME cash price for February was USD 7001.80/t, up from the January average of USD 7080.30/t.

    4. The 2018 high and low copper prices through the end of February were USD 7,202.50 per tonne (on 4th Jan) and USD 6,755 per tonne (on 9th Feb), respectively, and the year average was USD 7042.92/t per tonne (14% above 2017 annual average).

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  7. ubu 6 april 2018 20:04

    Copper pipeline the lowest in century despite growing appetite for assets

    Appetite for copper-mining assets is picking up after prices climbed in 2017 to the highest level in seven years, amid disruptions that worsened a shortfall in supply. The metal rally, however, has weakened since prices climbed to a three-year high in late December, and prices could become volatile unless the industry solves what Colin Hamilton, director of commodities research at BMO Capital Markets, believes is the sector’s most obvious problem — existing operations.

    In a report published this week, Hamilton says that more than a evident lack of new copper projects, the perennial struggle of existing assets, particularly in large operations, are the main hurdle to overall copper supply growth.

    An example of this is what happened in the first 10 months of last year, when copper production trailed consumption by 175,000 tonnes, data from the International Copper Study Group shows. The deficit widened from 143,000 tonnes in the same period a year earlier, after a labour strike at BHP’s Escondida mine in Chile, the world’s largest copper operation, and a temporary ban on concentrate shipments from Freeport-McMoRan’s Grasberg affected supply in the early part of 2017, the group says.

    According to the BMO expert, the world's top copper operations in 2007 presently produce 10% to 15% less than they did eleven years ago, and he expects that trend to continue.

    Additionally, he says the current copper pipeline is the lowest seen this century, both in terms of number and capacity of projects.

    “After delivery of Cobre Panama (with the main ramp early next year) we are left with a gap until we see the next batch of 200ktpa-plus projects in 2022-23. This is when the likes of Kamoa, Oyu Tolgoi Phase 2, and QB2 are likely to offer meaningful supply growth,” Hamilton writes.

    There may be more supply troubles brewing. More than 30 labour contracts are up for negotiations this year in world’s largest producers Chile and Peru, putting almost one-fifth of global copper supply at risk of disruption during 2018.

    What’s worse, BMO Global Commodities warns that the lack of megaprojects ramping up over the coming years will affect overall balance.

    Eyes on Escondida
    Hamilton warns that there seems to be a heavy reliance on Escondida recovery this year to drive both Chile’s and global copper growth. “Put in simple terms, at more than 300kt Escondida's planned output recovery in 2018 will be the second largest year on year gain by a single operation in recent copper history, after Las Bambas in 2016,” he writes. “To have such reliance on a single operation for copper supply growth, particularly one with a history of output hiccups, clearly comes with some risk.”

    However, sustained periods of growing supply-demand imbalance simply don’t happen in commodity markets, he says. Rather, they self-solve, with price as the regulator. “Thus, we see the path of least resistance as substitution in cabling for lower-value Chinese housing development, particularly under the rural reform push,” Hamilton concludes.

    * The main representatives of the copper industry gather next week in Santiago, Chile, for the 17th World Copper Conference. MINING.com will be covering the event on the ground, and also presenting at the International Mining Exploration Forum.
  8. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 19 april 2018 09:54

    KabouterUbu schreef op 19 april 2018 09:30:

    Al wat ouder nieuws, maar misschien toch interessant:


    Lukas Lundin Chases Base-Metal Buy With $3 Billion Budget

    - Copper ‘might be the easiest asset to work with,’ Lundin says
    - The group would also ‘love’ to acquire another gold project
    Hij gaat Nevsun kopen.
  9. ubu 1 juni 2018 18:17

    Engineers in the mining industry say the same could be about to happen in copper and gold, as some of the world's largest mining companies examine ways to replicate fracking, injecting liquid into deposits to extract metal from ore, before pumping it back to surface.
    Australia's BHP, Toronto-based Barrick Gold and mining contractor Hatch are among several companies investing in research into so-called 'in situ leaching', replacing mines with grids of wells that pump solution in and out of the ground. “You don't have to go through the whole mining process,” one senior gold mining director says.
    The technology would obliterate many of the industry's largest costs, from diggers and dump-trucks to crushers and mills. But it could also up-end profit margins, letting companies exploit deep and low-grade deposits, massively boosting total mineable reserves.
  10. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 3 juli 2018 09:53
    Indonesië verwacht spoedig akkoord over Grasberg-kopermijn

    Nog deze week kan er een akkoord worden gesloten over de overname van de grote koper- en goudmijn op de Grasberg in de Indonesische provincie Papoea door de Indonesische overheid. Dat heeft Rini Soemarno, de Indonesische minister voor staatsbedrijven, gezegd.
    Bussen waarmee mijnwerkers naar Grasberg worden gebracht.
    Bussen waarmee mijnwerkers naar Grasberg worden gebracht.Foto: Reuters

    De Grasbergkopermijn, de op een na grootste in de wereld, is nog in handen van het Amerikaanse mijnbouwconcern Freeport-McMoRan. Dat bedrijf is sinds het aantreden van Soeharto als president van Indonesië in 1967 actief op Nieuw-Guinea.


    De huidige president Joko Widodo besloot echter dat buitenlandse mijnbouwbedrijven hun belangen in Indonesië voor 2019 moeten verkopen aan lokale partijen. Over de verkoop van de Grasbergmijn is meer dan een jaar onderhandeld.

    Het Indonesische staatsbedrijf Indonesia Asahan Aluminium had al jaren een kleine 10% in Freeport Indonesia, de uitbater van de mijn, en zal dit nu uitbreiden naar 51%. De prijs waarover wordt onderhandeld, en waarbij ook het Britse mijnbouwbedrijf Rio Tinto is betrokken, bedraagt bijna $4 mrd, aldus persbureau Bloomberg maandag.

    Freeport kreeg in 1967 van Soeharto een licentie om de kopermijn op de Ertsberg op Nieuw-Guinea te exploiteren, een groeve die de Nederlandse geoloog Jean Jacques Dozy in 1936 vond. Deze mijn raakte in de jaren tachtig uitgeput, waarna de Amerikanen in 1988 op enkele kilometers afstand op de Grasberg een veel groter mineralendepot ontdekten.


    De aanwezigheid van Freeport op het Indonesische deel van Nieuw-Guinea is altijd omstreden geweest. De lokale Papoea's voelden zich van hun grond en bodemschatten beroofd. Hun onvrede voedde de tegen Jakarta gerichte guerrillabeweging van de Papoea's, de Organisasi Papua Merdeka.

    Ook waren er veel protesten van milieubewegingen. De Indonesische rekenkamer Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan becijferde twee maanden geleden de totale ecologische schade die Freeport heeft berokkend, op 185.000 mrd roepies, ruim €11 mrd, aldus The Jakarta Post.
  11. [verwijderd] 18 augustus 2018 10:09
    freeport is afgelopen periode sterk gedaald

    Sinds enige tijd zijn de grondstofprijzen van edelmetalen zoals goud, zilver en koper in vrije val. Dit leidde tot een uitverkoop in gerelateerde aandelen. Voor beleggers die niet op korte termijn speculeren, maar een langetermijnvisie hebben biedt dit kansen. Kaz Munerals PLC is een mijnbouwbedrijf dat het de laatste maanden hard te verduren heeft terwijl de resultaten sterk zijn. Het aandeel noteert op de Londen Stock Exchange.

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