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Aandeel ArcelorMittal LU1598757687

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
28,930   +0,610   (+2,15%) Dagrange 28,120 - 29,030 892.629   Gem. (3M) 3,1M

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  1. [verwijderd] 11 december 2013 23:30

    Marc. D schreef op 11 december 2013 23:27:

    Kneep je hem heel even Tratib en maar zoeken op die forums naar nieuws.


    Mooie koopmomenten MT ING orders staan er al in 11,75 / 8. 87

    Fijne avond en tot morgen
    Ik knijp ergens anders in...;) ook tot morgen. Bij de wee, ik wacht nog even tot Mittal rond de 11.25 staat. Dit geeft een dubbele bevestiging van de lange neerwaartse trend. Dan nog meer puts inslaan. Salam aleikum
  2. forum rang 10 voda 12 december 2013 16:54
    TATA Steel sees domestic Indian demand at 5 to 6% this fiscal

    PTI reported that demand for steel in India is likely to be 5 to 6% in the current financial year, while in the global market it will be 2.5 to 3%.

    Mr B Muthuraman vice chairman of TATA Steel on the side lines of a CII event said that "The US demand growth is very marginal. China is not growing as much as it used to be. The domestic growth rate is also not strong. Gobal growth rate for steel will probably be around 2.5 to 3%. Domestic steel demand will be around 5 to 6%."

    On Tata Steel's European operations, Mr Muthuraman said that the firm's unit in the region, where it entered in 2007, have improved on the back of a slew of efficiency enhancement measures taken in recent times.

    He said that “The private steelmaker's upcoming Kalinganagar unit in Odisha will be operational by the end of next year. Kalinganagar unit will go on stream by the end of 2014, it will help improve both cash flow as well as operating margins.”

    On TATA Steel's debt, which is one of the highest in the sector, he said that debt has to be seen with respect to the cash we generate. Our profitability from domestic operations has been good. If we get this 3 million tonne plant, that will add to the cash and EBIDTA margin of the company.

    Allaying fears of possibility of over capacity in the next 3 years in the domestic market, he said that "steel demand is likely to grow at 6 to 10% in the next 30 years for which we need capacity addition. India's problem is not demand but addition of fresh capacity."

    Source - PTI
  3. forum rang 10 voda 12 december 2013 16:55
    EU to grant Zimbabwe USD 4.1 million for steel sector

    The European Union will next year grant Zimbabwe USD 4.1 million to finance a feasibility study targeted at facilitating revival of its iron and steel industry.

    The country's steel industry has been dealt a serious blow following the closure of 17 companies last year while the deteriorating economic climate is further straining the situation.

    Ms Paulina Rózycka, EU's head of section economic cooperation and food security in Zimbabwe, said the Western trade bloc is planning to carry out a diagnostic study on the status of the engineering, iron and steel sector and to develop a strategic plan for the revival of the engineering and steel sector.

    She said that "These actions will be carried out in a framework of the three million Euro (USD 4,1 million) support programme to trade and private sector development to commence early next year adding the funding was not a loan.”

    Failure to revive Ziscosteel now NewZim Steel following the acquisition of a 54% stake by Essar Africa Holdings and to promote new investment in the industry has also been blamed for the demise of the sector industry, contributing to Zimbabwe's estimated 80% unemployment rate.

    The investment climate, meanwhile, continues to be dampened by the indigenisation drive.

    Zimbabwe's indigenisation policy compels foreign-owned companies to cede 51% shareholding to black locals.

    Relations between the country and EU which soured in 2002 when the bloc imposed trade restrictions due to alleged human rights abuses have been improving since the formation of a coalition in 2009.

    SOurce - www.thezimbabwemail.com
  4. forum rang 10 voda 12 december 2013 16:58
    BHP productivity push slashes cost of ore plan

    The Australian reported that BHP Billiton's intense focus on improving productivity under chief executive Mr Andrew Mackenzie is flowing through to growth projects, the flagged cost of its next iron ore expansion falling by up to USD 1 billion.

    Mr Mackenzie who says he is on a mission to change the company's culture, is also hoping BHP can expand its Queensland coking coal operations where it is the world's biggest exporter of the steelmaking ingredient beyond budgeted production at no extra cost.

    The BHP chief, who took the helm from Mr Marius Kloppers in May, gave analysts in Houston a firm rundown of his commitment to squeezing all he can out of operating and capital costs.

    Mr Mackenzie said that "Our productivity agenda continues to build momentum, which I think won't just last for years, but will be part of an enduring and probably unshakeable cultural change in our company."

    A firm example of the drive was in Western Australia, where iron ore chief Mr Jimmy Wilson now said that he can deliver an additional 50 million tonnes of annual iron ore production at $US100 a tonne or less.

    This is down from recent briefings where analysts were told an expansion of the West Australian iron ore operations from capacity of 220 million tonnes a year to 270 million tonnes would cost between USD 100 per tonne and USD 120 per tonne of annual capacity.

    The new cost estimate, which means a total cost of USD 5 billion or less comes as iron ore prices remain unexpectedly strong at near USD 140 per tonne.

    Mr Mackenzie said that "My challenge to Jimmy is to do better and to continue to work our productivity agenda both in what we've got and what we might invest to actually get to a number that is two digits."

    Source – The Australian.com
  5. forum rang 10 voda 12 december 2013 16:59
    Germany crude steel output in November up by 5.7%

    In November this year, Germany's crude steel output increased by 5.7% year on year to 3.66 million metric tonnes, though it decreased by 2.6% compared to October, according to the information provided by the German steel federation Wirtschaftsvereinigung Stahl. The year on year growth in November was just the third increase on year on year basis in the last nine months. Also in November, the capacity utilization of German steel producers rose to 86% from 84% in October.

    In the first 11 months of the current year, Germany's crude steel output decreased by 1.1% year on year to 39.180 million tonne. On the other hand, in the given period Germany's total hot rolled steel product output amounted to 30.758 million metric tonnes, decreasing by 0.7%, including 19.854 million metric tonnes of flat steel products - down 1.9% and 10.90 million metric tonnes of long steel products - up 1.7%, all on year on year basis.

    Source - Visit www.steelorbis.com for more
  6. forum rang 10 voda 12 december 2013 17:06
    ArcelorMittal and Bekaert announce new agreement in Latin America

    ArcelorMittal Long Carbon Americas announced that it will extend its partnership in Latin America with the Bekaert Group, a worldwide market and technology leader in steel wire transformation and coatings.

    ArcelorMittal and Bekaert, who have been partners in the region since 1975, have decided to extend their partnership to Costa Rica and Ecuador. These regions are strategic for ArcelorMittal Group operations, especially in the civil construction sector.

    Both partners will invest in ArcelorMittal's existing steel wire plant in Costa Rica and also build a new Dramix® steel fibre manufacturing plant on the Orotina industrial site in Costa Rica. The partners have agreed to invest around US$20m over two years in the new plant, which will have an annual production capacity of 20,000 tons of Dramix® steel fibres.

    As part of the transaction, ArcelorMittal will have a minority shareholding in the Ideal Alambrec Ecuador wire plant, a company controlled by Bekaert, to be able to take advantage of growth opportunities in the country's civil construction sector.

    The operation will be completed by exchanging shareholdings in the various businesses, on a net zero-cash basis. ArcelorMittal will participate as a minority shareholder in Ideal Alambrec Ecuador; Bekaert will become the controlling partner of Costa Rica steel wire; and ArcelorMittal will transfer its 55% ownership of rope business, Osasco (Sao Paulo) Brazil - held through Belgo Bekaert Arames (BBA) - to Bekaert. The transaction also includes wire rod supply agreements, and a rope wire supply agreement for BBA.

    This transaction does not impact ArcelorMittal's controlling position in Belgo Bekaert Arames (BBA), apartnership established in 1997 with the Bekaert Group in Brazil.

    In Brazil, the agreement involves transferring the cable business of Cimaf Cabos in Osasco (Sao Paulo) to the Bekaert Group. Cimaf Cabos, which produces steel cables for infrastructure, mining, oil and gas projects, will no longer be part of Belgo Bekaert Arames (BBA).

    However BBA will continue supplying rope wire for cables to Cimaf Cabos, which will be renamed Bekaert Cimaf Cabos.

    In Costa Rica and Ecuador, the new agreement between ArcelorMittal and the Bekaert Group will have the same shareholding structure for both countries, where Bekaert will be the controlling partner of the wire businesses. While Ideal Alambrec Bekaert will retain the same name in Ecuador, the steel wire products business in Costa Rica will be renamed BIA Alambres Costa Rica SA, where BIA stands for Bekaert Ideal - ArcelorMittal, and the new Dramix® manufacturing business will be named Bekaert Costa Rica SA.

    "The new agreement will strengthen our value chain integration strategy, increasing value to our steel, and expand our wire rod market", said Jefferson De Paula, CEO of ArcelorMittal Long Carbon Americas.

    The transaction is subject to regulatory approvals in certain markets.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute

  7. forum rang 10 voda 12 december 2013 17:09
    Deutsche Bank pulls plug on iron ore swaps trade

    Reuters reported that Deutsche Bank AG has now closed its iron ore swaps business as part of an overall strategy to get out of physical commodities and maintain only a limited presence in commodity derivatives.

    According to industry sources, Germany's largest bank laid off its iron ore swaps team after announcing last week that it would exit commodities due to toughening regulations and diminished profits.

    The bank's exit from iron ore derivatives follows Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley's move to exit the business, and leaves only Credit Suisse and Macquarie as the main financial players in the space.

    Deutsche said that last week it will cut 200 jobs in energy, agriculture, base metals, coal and iron ore, retaining only precious metals and a limited number of financial derivatives traders.

    Together with Credit Suisse, Deutsche was a pioneer of the iron ore swaps market in 2008, though industry participants insist its exit will have a negligible impact on volumes.

    Source – Reuters
  8. forum rang 10 voda 12 december 2013 17:12
    Wugang to start second phase iron ore project in Liberia

    Chinese steelmaker Wuhan Iron & Steel (Wugang) plans to launch its second phase of 10 million tonnes per year iron ore project next year in Liberia, West Africa.

    The completion of the second phase project would make Bong mine’s total iron ore production capacity reach 10m tons annually by the Q1 of 2017. The Bong project is developing one of the largest iron ore deposits in Africa. Wugang acquired a 60% controlling stake in the project in 2010 from the Liberian government.

    The Bong project will play a crucial role in helping Wugang achieve its target to realize total self sufficiency in iron ore from domestic and overseas iron ore operations.

    Source – Sinoshipnews.com

  9. forum rang 10 voda 12 december 2013 17:24
    Eens over een jaar kijken wat hier van terechtkomt!

    PIMCO: 2014 wordt beter dan 2013, eurozone definitief uit recessie

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--2014 Wordt beter dan 2013, doordat herstel in Europa en de VS de groeivertraging in China en Japan compenseert, zo verwacht vermogensbeheerder PIMCO in een persbericht donderdag in aansluiting op de uitkomst van het driemaandelijks overleg van de beleggingsexperts van PIMCO, het zogeheten Cyclical Forum.

    Veel van de uitdagingen in 2013 hebben ofwel een punt van zelfuitputting bereikt, ofwel kunnen worden overwonnen door alternatieve oplossingen. Voor volgend jaar verwacht PIMCO dat de wereldeconomie groeit tussen 2,5% en 3%.

    De groei van de wereldeconomie in 2013 is naar het inzicht van PIMCO grotendeels het gevolg van het geleidelijke herstel in de VS, ondersteund door buitengewoon monetair beleid.

    De eurozone zal in 2014 uiteindelijk uit de recessie komen. Doordat de Europese Centrale Bank een vangnet heeft gespannen onder de schuldencrisis van de eurozone is een belangrijk risico weggenomen. Samen met een geleidelijke overgang van een strak naar een neutraler begrotingsbeleid van overheden, zou dit moeten leiden tot een beter concurrentievermogen en een groei van de private economie, zij het zeer langzaam: tussen de 0,25% en 0,75%, aldus de vermogensbeheerder.

    Ook in de VS wordt het begrotingsbeleid minder krap en in combinatie met de gestage verbetering van de vraag op de arbeidsmarkt en opgelopen waarderingen van activa leidt dit waarschijnlijk tot een reele economische groei van 2,25% à 2,75% voor volgend jaar. PIMCO gaat uit van meer vraag naar woningen en duurzame consumptiegoederen, een wat snellere groei van de huishoudelijke inkomens en een kleine versnelling van de investeringen doordat bedrijven profiteren van buitengewoon soepele financiele condities.

    Japan blijft waarschijnlijk groeien, dankzij buitengewoon expansief beleid. De vertraagde positieve effecten van een ruim monetair beleid komen terug in stabiele consumptie, meer investeringen en een betere nettobijdrage aan de handel. Wel zullen hogere belastingtarieven waarschijnlijk de groei enigszins beperken, maar mogelijk wordt dit fiscaal weer gecompenseerd, zo verwacht PIMCO.

    Door de snellere groei van de Amerikaanse en Europese economie zal in China de buitenlandse vraag verbeteren. De binnenlandse vraag vertraagt daarentegen naar verwachting enigszins vanwege de strengere aanpak van buitenlandse investeringen en de centrale overheid niet langer mikt op "groei tegen elke prijs".

    De impact van China op de wereldeconomie zal veranderen, nu de focus van het land verschuift van industriele naar huishoudelijke vraag. In andere opkomende markten blijven de groei en de inflatie naar verwachting stabiel. Het beleid zal hier gericht blijven op het terugdringen van de inflatie en het verhogen van de reele groei. Voor bepaalde opkomende economieen blijft volatiliteit op de financiele markten een punt van zorg.

    De wereldwijde inflatie blijft in 2014 waarschijnlijk binnen de doelstellingen van centrale banken, mede vanwege de groei van de totale vraag, de nog steeds aanwezige en omvangrijke output gaps, de hoge werkloosheid en een duidelijke verbetering in de balans tussen vraag en aanbod naar energie.

    Er zijn ook enkele risico's voor deze vooruitzichten. In de VS zou het beeindigen van het buitengewone monetaire beleid het herstel van de huizenmarkt kunnen temperen, doordat een stijgende rente, hogere prijzen en stagnerende inkomens de betaalbaarheid ondermijnen. Aan de andere kant kan de drastisch verbeterde financiele situatie van bedrijven leiden tot hogere kapitaaluitgaven en meer vraag op de arbeidsmarkt.

    In de eurozone leiden de nieuwe stresstests voor banken waarschijnlijk tot verdere balansverkortingen. Dit kan betekenen dat overheden hun balansen moeten verbeteren om buitenlandse investeerders aan te trekken. Dit heeft mogelijk een bepaalde begrotingsdiscipline tot gevolg, hetgeen de groei kan belemmeren.

    In China blijven slechte leningen een belangrijke bron van zorg, al is het volgens PIMCO een beheersbaar risico. In de andere opkomende markten is het vooral de vraag of aanhoudende beleidsaanpassingen daadwerkelijk leiden tot terugkeer naar duurzame groei. Met de aankomende verkiezingsjaren dreigt voor veel van deze landen uitstel van moeilijke beslissingen.

    PIMCO is een wereldwijde vermogensbeheerder met een beheerd vermogen van EUR412 miljard en EUR1,51 biljoen aan vermogen van derden. PIMCO is eigendom van Allianz Global Investors, een onderdeel van de wereldwijde verzekeringsgroep Allianz Groep.

    Door Andre Sterk; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; andre.sterk@wsj.com; +31-20-571 5201

  10. forum rang 10 voda 12 december 2013 19:22
    Fitch houdt rating ArcelorMittal op BB+

    Gepubliceerd op 12 dec 2013 om 19:18 | Views: 0

    ArcelorMittal 17:29

    EUR 11,94-0,23(-1,85%)

    LONDEN (AFN) - Kredietbeoordelaar Fitch houdt de rating van ArcelorMittal op BB+ met stabiel vooruitzicht. Dat maakte de firma donderdag bekend. Volgens Fitch heeft de staalmarkt dit jaar de bodem bereikt en treedt vanaf 2014 een bescheiden herstel op.

    De financiële positie van ArcelorMittal blijft volgens Fitch wel aan de zwakke kant om een BB+-rating te rechtvaardigen. Als de winstgevendheid en schuldpositie gedurende heel 2014 op het huidige niveau blijven, zal dat waarschijnlijk leiden tot een verlaging van de kredietstatus.

    Fitch gaat er evenwel van uit dat ArcelorMittal door zal gaan de kosten terug te dringen. Hoewel aan de uitvoering van herstructureringsplannen risico's hangen, wijst de kredietbeoordelaar erop dat het bedrijf de reputatie heeft dat het levert wat het belooft.
  11. forum rang 10 voda 13 december 2013 16:49
    Asian steel companies profit to remain historically low next year - Moody

    Economic Times reported that Moody's Investors Service said that profits of Asian steel makers would remain historically low next year, amid higher output and slowing demand.

    Stating that its outlook for Asian steel and coal sectors were negative in 2014, Moody's Investors Service said that "The negative steel industry outlook reflects the expectation that steelmakers profits will remain historically low in 2014 as output remains high and demand growth slows."

    The negative outlook for the coal sector reflects weak liquidity and elevated default risk for some companies with weak ratings as increasing production dampens the prospects for a meaningful rebound in the prices.

    According to the report, 2014 Outlook Asian Steel and Coal, Oversupply and Weak Prices Drive Negative Outlooks, the demand for steel would increase by 2-3% next year as China's government tolerates slower GDP growth and shifts economic growth drivers to domestic consumption from infrastructure spending.

    The Chinese government's push to cut inefficient steel capacity would be credit positive for most large steel producers in the region. However, uncertainties remain as to the timing and the scale of the capacity cuts.

    The report said that "We expect thermal coal prices will remain flat at USD 80 to USD 85 per tonne and that coking coal will remain around USD 150 per tonne next year."

    However, uncertain regulatory environments in China and India, the largest importers of coal and in Indonesia, the largest exporter of seaborne coal, cloud the coal industry's supply-demand dynamics.

    Moody's said that it could revise outlooks to stable if the margins of the region's large firms start improving.

    Source - Economic Times
  12. forum rang 10 voda 13 december 2013 16:50
    Governments need to play a key role to solve global excess capacity - OECD

    Between December 5th and 6th, Alacero participated in Paris of the 75th Steel Committee Meeting of the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). This industry summit gathered government representations of 34 countries, industrial associations, unions and consultancy firms.

    The Committee discussed the slow growth prospects, exchanged views on the effect of excess capacity on the financial health of the industry and agreed on identifying future work for addressing it. It also expressed concerns about trade frictions in steel and raw materials trade and exchanged views on potential policy measures to improve steelmakers’ energy efficiency. Alacero along with Japan was one of the only two regions invited to present their points of view on current steelmaking global overcapacity.

    Alacero began addressing that the current situation is becoming critical as global overcapacity reaches more than 500 million tonnes, which represents 36% of annual apparent steel use (comparing to historic ratios of 19%). This scenario complicates the situation of the sector.

    The Latin American organization highlighted that state owned enterprises now represent a key player in the steel industry that was not present in the last overcapacity crisis of the late 90s. According to 2011 figures, SOEs account for 50% of the top 46 steel companies, and almost all of them belong to China. Moreover, 38% of the world steel production is generated at Chinese SOEs.

    Overcapacity is driving exports up and prices down. These facts along with global demand slowdown and the risk of a rise in raw materials prices, are pressing on private companies profitability and are leading to increased trade frictions.

    In the case of Latin America, Alacero noted that after being a net finished steel exporter, the region became a net importer. Massive imports many of them under unfair trade practices are driving anti dumping measures up. Currently, 52 investigations are under development in different countries of the region, 23 of them against Chinese companies. Also, 78 anti dumping measures are already in place, 43 against China.

    Regional annual steel consumption grew 5% in 2012 (YoY), while imports increased by 26%. Latin American consumption is being supplied by imports that are forcing a drop in domestic production and intra regional trade.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  13. forum rang 10 voda 13 december 2013 16:50
    China plans daily iron ore price index in 2014 -CISA official

    China plans to publish a daily iron ore index from next year, an industry official said on Wednesday, in what would be the latest effort by the world's top importer to have a bigger say in pricing the steelmaking raw material.

    The move comes as China, which has launched a host of futures contracts from iron ore to eggs, ramps up its efforts to shift pricing benchmarks for commodities from West to East.

    The China Iron and Steel Association hopes to publish the daily index next year, said an official from the association who de- clined to be named as he is not authorised to speak to media.

    CISA has been publishing a weekly price index since 2011, although it failed to gain traction as mills, traders and miners preferred index prices from providers such as Platts and Metal Bulletin.

    Iron ore is China's largest import commodity by volume and, spending nearly USD 100 billion annually, it wants to be sure it pays a fair price. The government has in the past accused the big miners of delaying shipments and holding back stocks to pump up indexes published by data providers like Platts, used as benchmarks to price cargoes. In October, China launched the world's first iron ore futures market backed by physical delivery, in its attempt to have more say in pricing and providing domestic buyers more hedging tools.

    Source - Reuters

  14. forum rang 10 voda 13 december 2013 16:52
    TATA Steel new electrical steels improve power industry efficiency

    TATA Steel subsidiary Cogent Power has unveiled a range of sophisticated new electrical steel products which reduce electricity losses by 20 to 30% compared with conventional grain-oriented grades.

    The new products are being made at Cogent Power's Orb works in Newport, South Wales. Orb produces cold rolled grain-oriented electrical steel for the manufacture of modern electricity transformers that are used to build and renew the world's major power networks.

    As global demand for electricity continues to grow, so does the requirement from the power industry for products that enable electricity to be generated and transmitted more reliably and efficiently.

    Mr Stuart Wilkie MD of Cogent Power said that "These new high-grade products will make a significant contribution to the preservation of natural resources by reducing the energy lost in the generation and transmission of electricity. They benefit our customers and the whole of society."

    The launch of the new grades follows the integration in 2011 of TATA Steel's electrical steels production route. The Orb plant now receives hot rolled coil made in a patented process at the company's steelworks at IJmuiden in the Netherlands.

    The new grades - M080-23DR, M085-23DR, M090-27DR and M095-27DR - support this requirement by enabling the production of highly efficient steel cores housed within the transformers used in energy transmission networks.

    In addition, Cogent Power has invested in a new one-metre wide transformer core cutting line at its Canadian manufacturing facility in Burlington, Ontario to meet the needs of large power transformer manufacturers in North America.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
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