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  1. flosz 23 april 2010 11:07
    – be given in the buttock!

    Re-introduction of Pentavalent
    Vaccine to EPI–Sri Lanka
    Epidemiology Unit
    Ministry of Health

    The committee in agreement that there is no evidence to establish causal relationship between pentavalent (Quinvaxem®) vaccine and any
    of the five deaths reported following its administration.
    The committee is also in agreement that there is no evidence to establish causal relationship between vaccines and the other fourteen deaths reported following administration of other different types of vaccines.
    In arriving at the above decision the committee did make note of reporting of another 12 deaths following administration of different
    vaccines and all of them were following same batches of DPT/HBV/OPV vaccines which were use in the programme before the introduction of
    pentavalent (Quinvaxem®) vaccine at the beginning of 2008.
    Due to non availability of pertinent clinical information on presented
    case histories and detailed macroscopic and microscopic findings in
    autopsy reports, assessment of causality of the majority of the cases
    were not straightforward. Hence, committee has to classify such cases
    as unclassifiable.

    Conclusion of the WHO
    1. No evidence to suggest the possibility of a vaccine
    quality problem with quinvaxemR potentially related
    to the safety findings
    2. No significant increase in recognized AEFI
    compared to expected incidence
    3. No evidence to support increase incidence of HHE
    following pentavalent vaccine
    4. No evidence was found to conclude that the deaths
    following Hepavax-Gene & Quinvaxaem were linked
    to same causative factors
  2. Alpen 26 april 2010 20:16

    The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends as a precautionary measure the recall and destruction of all lots of the Shantha Biotechnics (India) produced pentavalent Shan5 (DTwP-hepatitis B-Hib) vaccine remaining in stock in countries.
    The Shan5 vaccine currently held in stock in countries should not be used. Countries have already identified the concerned stock and are now requested to organize transport of all unused vaccine to central level, in coordination with WHO and UNICEF country offices (or the in-country entity facilitating the procurement of the vaccines if vaccines were not supplied through UNICEF or the Pan American Health Organization). Once collected, the
    vaccine will handed over to the named Shantha representative in the country for appropriate handling of return and/or destruction.


    The committee concluded that the batches of the product being held in quarantine are unsuitable for use and should be destroyed. This recommendation was based on several factors: the product has a different physical appearance to that which was prequalified; there are uncertainties about the safety and immununogenicity profile of the vaccine in this situation (although no reports of adverse events following immunization have been received); and the root cause of the change in physical
    appearance has not been established.


  3. flosz 26 april 2010 20:42
    Mooi Alpen!

    Shan5 and alternative vaccine supply
    According to updated estimates, between November 2008 and February 2010, almost 24
    million doses of this vaccine were supplied to countries through UNICEF and the Pan
    American Health Organization (PAHO) Revolving Fund. The vaccine is also procured directly
    by a number of countries.

    UNICEF and PAHO have been working with alternative suppliers of pentavalent vaccines
    and with the concerned countries to ensure that there is an adequate alternative supply of
    vaccines for continuation of immunization programmes.
  4. [verwijderd] 26 april 2010 21:20

    bionerd schreef:

    Dit gaat morgen wel wat vuurwerk geven.
    Over het algemeen kunnen ze in de States ook best aardig Engels lezen. Daar is het vuurwerk tot dusver beperkt tot kerststerretjes: aandoenlijk, maar zonder Wow-factor.

    Wat beter zou helpen is een (vooralsnog voorzichtige) opwaartse bijstelling van de omzet-/winstverwachting door Crucell zelf. In mijn optiek hoeven ze daarvoor alleen te verwijzen naar de verbeterde marktomstandigheden en zijn er niet direct getekende contracten nodig om tot zo'n uitspraak te komen.

    Een mooie aanleiding tot zo'n positieve bijstelling zou zijn wanneer er beter dan geplande voortgang zou zijn met de nieuwe fabriek. Daarbij zou men kunnen aangeven "confident" te zijn dat de additionele capaciteit volledig verkocht zal kunnen worden.

    En dat mogen ze wat mij betreft dan combineren met de aankondiging van eindelijk weer eens wat voortgang rond Rabiës, waar alle betrokkenen hun neus toch onderhand volledig moeten hebben leeggepeuzeld.
  5. flosz 27 april 2010 00:08

    xynix schreef:

    Wat beter zou helpen is
    ....If, however, the
    manufacturer is not able to identify the root cause of the quality issue and prepare a robust
    plan for corrective action within a period of two months, the product will be removed from the
    list of WHO prequalified products.
  6. [verwijderd] 27 april 2010 08:39

    Alpen schreef:

    "• WHO called on an ad hoc committee of experts (from regulatory, vaccine manufacturing and immunization programme management fields) to review reports of the investigation from the manufacturer, results of WHO-commissioned tests, and the physical appearance of the Shan5 vaccine received from the countries. Samples of lots of the Shan5 vaccine received during the prequalification process and other DTP combination vaccines were also reviewed.
    • The committee concluded that the batches of the product being held in quarantine are unsuitable for use and should be destroyed. This recommendation was based on several factors: the product has a different physical appearance to that which was prequalified; there are uncertainties about the safety and immununogenicity profile of the vaccine in this situation (although no reports of adverse events following immunization have been received); and the root cause of the change in physical appearance has not been established."

    Dus de ad-hoc commissie heeft de foute shan5 ampullen vergeleken met ampullen van andere fabrikanten (o.a. Quinvaxem neem ik aan), alswel met ampullen uit het archief van de ge-prequalificeerde Shan5. De conclusie was dat de huidige shan5 afweek van de pentavalent ampullen van de andere fabrikanten EN van de shan5 waarop destijds de prequalificatie gebaseerd was. Er is dus iets in het productieproces veranderd wat de stabiliteit negatief heeft be-invloed.

    "Samples from affected vaccine lots are being tested in WHO-contracted laboratories, to check for a change in immunogenicity. Based on the results of these tests WHO will review its current advice not to revaccinate children who have received the full primary series with Shan 5. No other vaccine quality complaints besides the flocculation described above have been reported to WHO."

    Er bestaat dus ook nog de mogelijkheid dat uit verdere testen zal blijken dat OOK de immunogenicity van Shan5 ernstig is aangetast (dwz Shan5 beschermt onvoldoende tegen de 5 ziektes), en dat vele immunisaties overgedaan moeten worden (met een ander pentavalent vaccin, neem ik aan).

  7. [verwijderd] 27 april 2010 09:52

    wilb52 schreef:

    DE markt gelooft het wel, niet dus,
    anders stond de koers van deze baggeraar , wel op 16.62 bij opening.
    Op zich juist, er is geen sprake van nieuwe info die een hogere koers rechtvaardigt. Hooguit een bevestiging van extra kansen voor Quinvaxem.

    Maar als de koers eens WEL een paar dagen achter elkaar met menig procent stijgt hoor ik je NOOIT zeggen " de markt gelooft in Crucell, gezien de procenten stijging van de afgelopen dagen".

    Feit is dat de koers wat op en neer hobbelt, als ie daalt post je bagger-commentaar, als ie stijgt heb je GEEN commentaar. A la ronb dus.
  8. patient 27 april 2010 09:52

    wilb52 schreef:

    Woe o wie duwt hem nog even verder naar beneden.

    Met dank namens Petanque Vereniging : Wij Liggen ,
    met vele K's te liggen
    Met "het spel van de ballen" zijn er momenten dat er getireerd moet worden, Wilbert.
    Nu is zo'n moment anders schiet je te laat en ligt er iemand anders.;O))
  9. aossa 27 april 2010 12:39
    Extra omzet voor QV hangt imo af van de voortzetting van de vaccineprogramma's bmv pentavalent vaccine in de landen die voor Shan5 vaccine hebben gekozen.

    Het alternatief, zoals ook voorgesteld door Sanofi, dat ze terugvallen op het toedienen van afzonderlijke vaccines ipv de 5-combi, bv. 4-combi + tetanus afzonderlijk, of zich tevreden stellen met uitsluitend een 4-combi zonder tetanus vaccine.

    De 4+1 optie zou in versnelling kunnen komen indien Sanofi dit ter vervanging van hun foute Shan5 zou leveren (gratis uiteraard) ipv geldelijke compensatie.
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