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  1. [verwijderd] 23 maart 2010 02:08

    maxen schreef:

    Of misschien slaat het antigen uit Shan5 uit zichzelf al neer na een paar weken/maanden NAdat het de fabriek al uit is, zonder enige 'hulp' van een niet optimaal functionerende cold chain. Kan maar zo.
    Het feit dat de lots alle kwaliteits-controles zijn doorgekomen, wil niet zeggen dat het probleem al niet aanwezig was bij het verschepen van de vaccins. Ik zou die mogelijkheid dus ook zeker niet uit willen sluiten.
  2. [verwijderd] 24 maart 2010 08:34

    de tuinman schreef:

    Waarom wordt er zoveel aandacht besteed aan de bijwerkingen terwijl deze medicijnen mensenlevens redden????

    Miljoenen levens worden gered waarvan er enkele last hebben van bijwerkingen.
    Vaccins zijn preventief en bieden volgens mij nooit(of zeer zelden) 100% bescherming.
    Nog voor je ziek wordt, of bewezen is dat je beschermd zal worden tegen een ziekte, zou ik persoonlijk willen weten welke risico's ik loop voordat ik de keuze maak voor een vaccin.

    Hoe groter de kans op een ernstige ziekte, des te sneller ik bijwerkingen of nevenrisico's op de koop toe zal nemem. Een aardig voorbeeld is een middel tegen MS , als ik me wel herinner van Biogen Idec, het was de keuze voor een wonderbaarlijke genezing of een kleine kans op de dood...als je keuze is om (verkort)levenslang in een rolstoel te zitten of uit die rolstoel op te staan en een goede kwaliteit van leven te hebben met een kleine kans op de dood, dan snap ik dat te nemen risico wel.

    Bovenal wil ik kiezen op basis van transparante risico's en niet op basis van 'verborgen gebreken'.
    Ik zal nooit beweren dat bijwerkingen een reden zijn om vaccins/medicijnen e.d. niet te gebruiken.

    Behalve bij voeding geldt ook voor medicijn/vaccingebruik: kies bewust!
    Vaak is het middel beter dan de kwaal, maar ik waak voor een middel dat erger is/kan zijn dan de kwaal.

    Overigens is er een middel waarvan de bijwerking populairder is geworden dan het oorspronkelijke doel: Viagra...

    mvg ivet
  3. aossa 29 maart 2010 15:18
    Op handen zijnde (imminent)... bagger !

    Use Of Indian Vaccines On Hold

    KATHMANDU, March 27: The Department of Health Services (DoHS) has decided to suspend the use of vaccines manufactured by Indian company Shantha Biotech following a recommendation of World Health Organization (WHO).

    The DoHS took this decision after WHO found fault in the composition of DPT-HepB-Hib manufactured by the company. The samples had been collected from different countries including Nepal. “There were complaints against the vaccines in many countries,” Krishna Bahadur Chanda, vaccine department chief at DoHS, told Republica. “We suspended the use of these vaccines immediately after WHO made its recommendations.”

    According to Chanda, particles of medicines used for DPT-HepB-Hib vaccines do not dissolve in water before injecting them into babies" bodies. “The amount of medicine was also less in some vials,” Chanda told, adding, “The amount of medicine must be 0.5 ml per vial. But some of the vials contained just 0.5 ml medicines.”

    According to public health experts, DPT-HepB-Hib is a combination of mainly three vaccines. The DPT component is used to protect children under the age of one from Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus. Similarly, HepB is used worldwide for keeping children safe from Hepatitis B and Hib is to protect babies from Haemophilus Influenza.

    The Child Health Division (CHD) at DoHS started using DPT-HepB-Hib vaccines almost a year ago. In the first phase, it was introduced in 25 districts of far and mid western regions. CHD introduced it in the rest of the 50 districts less then six months back. “We have instructed all district hospitals to not use this vaccine,” he said.

    The suspended vaccines will be stored in nearby go-downs. “We will not store all packs of vaccines until the next decision,” Chanda said. According to him, DPT-HepB-Hib vaccines will again be bought from another company soon. “We will have new vaccines manufactured by another company by next week,” Chanda said.

    The DPT-HepB-Hib vaccines were bought under the financial assistance of the United Nations Children"s Fund (UNICEF). The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVA), founded mainly by Bill Gates and Melinda Gates, has been helping poor countries to buy vaccines through various international agencies.

  4. aossa 29 maart 2010 15:34
    Shantha races against time to fix vaccine glitch

    BS Reporter / New Delhi March 18, 2010, 0:59 IST

    Hyderabad-based Shantha Biotechnics has stopped the production of its five-in-one vaccine after the World Health Organization and Unicef, the two agencies that procured the bulk, decided to temporarily suspend its use due to complaints from some recipient countries.

    The company, a subsidiary of European company Sanofi Aventis, hopes to rectify the problem and resume production, as well as its international supplies, in two months.

    The pentavalent vaccine provides protection against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, haemophilus influenza-B and hepatitis-B, all in one vial. Three nations — Columbia, Comoros and Nepal — had in February complained that Shantha’s vaccine, marketed under the brand name Shan5, had white sediments which stuck to the glass vials even after vigorous shaking.

    Industry experts say sediment is a normal feature of pentavalent vaccines, though it always dissolves in the solution once thoroughly shaken. “The problem was seen in four batches of Shan5 (550,000 vials) and WHO recommended temporary suspension of the distribution and use of the specific lots on February 19 as a precautionary measure,” said Varaprasad Reddy, managing director.

    A WHO-Unicef statement said the suspension was extended to all vaccine lots after more countries raised similar complaints. “The company has stopped the production of Shan5 completely and wants its research team to find the root cause of the problem,” Reddy said.

    Between January 2008 and February 2010, Shantha had supplied 23 million doses of this vaccine through Unicef and the Revolving Fund of the Pan-American Health Organisation.

    Reddy said the company would lose $4-5 million (Rs 18-22 crore) if it cannot supply Shan5 for another month. It had received contracts worth $340 million (Rs 1,540 crore) from international agencies for supplies till 2012. WHO has not taken out Shan5 from its list of pre-qualified vaccines, as it is yet to have any proven quality problem.

    Sanofi had acquired an 80 per cent stake in Shanta for Rs 3,783 crore in July last year.

  5. [verwijderd] 29 maart 2010 15:36

    aossa schreef:

    According to Chanda, particles of medicines used for DPT-HepB-Hib vaccines do not dissolve in water before injecting them into babies" bodies. handa told, adding, [/quote]
    Dit lijkt inderdaad te bevestigen dat de antigens uit de oplossing zijn gekomen.

    “The amount of medicine was also less in some vials,” adding, “The amount of medicine must be 0.5 ml per vial. But some of the vials contained just 0.5 ml medicines.”
    2 x 0.5ml?
    Hier zal iets in de vertaling fout zijn gegaan.

    According to him, DPT-HepB-Hib vaccines will again be bought from another company soon. “We will have new vaccines manufactured by another company by next week,” Chanda said.
    Ik verwacht geen pb van Oya, ook als 'another company' Crucell blijkt te zijn.
  6. aossa 29 maart 2010 15:51

    maxen schreef:

    “The amount of medicine was also less in some vials,” adding, “The amount of medicine must be 0.5 ml per vial. But some of the vials contained just 0.5 ml medicines.”
    2 x 0.5ml?
    Hier zal iets in de vertaling fout zijn gegaan.
    Is het niet zo dat 0,5ml(e) bedoeld wordt en dat een vial te weinig vloeistof (tarra) bevat om er 0,5ml nuttig eruit te krijgen ?
  7. [verwijderd] 29 maart 2010 16:12

    maxen schreef:

    According to him, DPT-HepB-Hib vaccines will again be bought from another company soon. “We will have new vaccines manufactured by another company by next week,” Chanda said.
    Ik verwacht geen pb van Oya, ook als 'another company' Crucell blijkt te zijn.
    Als het om significante additioneel te leveren aantallen gaat zou dat toch wel moeten. Dat is immers koersgevoelige informatie.

    Ik neem aan dat Oya niet nog meer de verdenking op zich wil laden dat er op ongelijkwaardige basis informatie wordt verstrekt (om het eufemistisch uit te drukken).
  8. [verwijderd] 29 maart 2010 16:26

    xynix schreef:

    According to him, DPT-HepB-Hib vaccines will again be bought from another company soon. “We will have new vaccines manufactured by another company by next week,” Chanda said.
    Ik verwacht geen pb van Oya, ook als 'another company' Crucell blijkt te zijn.
    Als het om significante additioneel te leveren aantallen gaat zou dat toch wel moeten. Dat is immers koersgevoelige informatie.

    Ik neem aan dat Oya niet nog meer de verdenking op zich wil laden dat er op ongelijkwaardige basis informatie wordt verstrekt (om het eufemistisch uit te drukken).
    Het eerste wat zou moeten gebeuren is schema een cocktail uur of informeel diner met de bevoorrechte weinig. Dan met een paar knikt of knipoogt ze laten weten hoe veel, eventuele extra business Crucell krijgt uit deze. Pas na deze bijeenkomst, en een week om de juiste koopt of verkoopt, kan Oya maken een persbericht.

    Standard Operating Procedure voor Brus en de jongens.

    Sommigen van u vergeten waarom we echt een nieuws black-out. Het is moeilijk voor de weinige tho maken een hoop geld als iedereen op de hoogte op hetzelfde moment

    The first thing that would have to happen is to schedule a cocktail hour or informal dinner with the privileged few. Then with a few nods or winks let them know how much, if any, additional business Crucell will get from this. Only after this meeting, and a week to make the proper buys or sells, could Oya make a Press Release.

    Standard Operating Procedure for Brus and the Boys.

    Some of you forget why we really have a news black-out. It is hard for the few tho make a lot of money if everyone is informed at the same time.
  9. flosz 9 april 2010 17:52

    maxen schreef:

    Pentavalent (ook QV?) onder druk (India press) ?

    Sri Lanka, 16 october 2008:
    In Sri Lanka, gedurende de periode van 1 januari tot 29 april 2008, zijn er vijf fatale en 20 niet-fatale incidenten met Quinvaxem geweest, waarschijnlijk HHE. Opgemerkt wordt, dat tegelijk met de introductie van dit nieuwe vaccin, Sri Lanka de monitoring van incidenten sterk heeft verbeterd/opgevoerd.
    Het onderzoek van de WHO heeft geen onverwacht veiligheidsprofiel van Quinvaxem in Sri Lanka opgeleverd. Er is geen verhoogd risico op bijeffecten vergeleken met het vorige pertussis vaccin.
    Quinvaxem blijft op de prequalified lijst staan, en deze aanbeveling is gecommuniceerd naar alle landen die dit vaccin ontvangen via de UN.

    WHO Global Immunization News 26 February 2010

    26/02/2010 from Nihal Abeysinghe, WHO/SEARO:
    Sri Lanka introduced Quinvaxem liquid pentavalent vaccine [DTwP-HepB-Hib] procured through
    UNICEF with GAVI support in January 2008. However, due to reports of a few serious adverse
    events following immunization (AEFIs), the use of the vaccine was temporarily suspended in May
    2008 as a precautionary measure. Investigations into these AEFIs by both the Ministry of Health
    and World Health Organization including a WHO appointed external panel have ruled out the
    possibility of causal relationship with the vaccine and the country re-introduced pentavalent
    vaccine [Quinvaxem Liquid] back into the National EPI on 1 February 2010.
  10. forum rang 4 harvester 10 april 2010 13:50

    wilb52 schreef:

    "Wie wil er nou met een gek op de borrel" !

    Ik, want soort zoekt soort (:->D)
    Gek en bijzonder liggen niet ver van elkaar.
    Ik denk dat alle particuliere aandeelhouders van Crucell bijzonder zijn.
    Zij zijn allemaal veel meer met de toekomst bezig en hebben veel meer interesse in innovatie dan de gemiddelde piet particulier.
  11. flosz 16 april 2010 08:58

    maxen schreef:

    Dus Sri Lanka gebruikt Quinvaxem. Bhutan kan ik nog niet vinden (bilbo?).
    Volgens dit overzichtje van Bilbo dus ook Bhutan aan de Quinvaxem vanaf 2009:
    Van Perseazes:

    The trade name of the pentavalent vaccine used in Bhutan is Easyfive and is manufactured by a pharmaceutical company based in New Delhi, Panacea Biotec Ltd. The manufacturers of pentavalent vaccines for countries like Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh are different said health officials...."

    Dus het vaccin gebruikt in 2009 in Bhutan is toch niet Quivaxem, alswel Easyfive van Panacea.
    De overzichtjes van Bilbo namen aan dat alle pentavalent in 2009 wel Quinvaxem zou zijn, en dat andere fabrikanten pas in 2010 gingen leveren. Dat blijkt dus niet zo.

    Overigens nog een aparte quote uit ander linkje uit de post van Perseazes:

    "...Easy five, the Pentavalent received by Bhutan was the product of Panacea Biotech Ltd in New Delhi. The company must not be waiting with fingers crossed for the lab results. The government seems seriously evaluating the pros and cons of the report and its release. When the lab result is still in the file and peoples’ eyes are focused on it, there was a distraction. Bhutan received a dozen ultra sophisticated ambulances from New Delhi as gift with promises of some more such gifts soon.
    ... "

    a dozen ultra sophisticated ambulances? Promises of some more such gifts?
    Report or recall: DRA

    Pentavalent Vaccine Update15 April, 2010 - The drug regulatory authority (DRA) has written to the department of public health (DoPH) and the world health organisation (WHO) in New Delhi, India, to send the experts’ reports on the suspended pentavalent vaccine by the end of this month, or else the vaccine would be withdrawn from Bhutan’s vaccination programme.

    Only nine days are left for the health ministry’s six-month suspension of the pentavalent vaccine, which allegedly caused the death of eight infants last year, to be over.
    DRA officials said that, after the suspension order, it sent about 300 samples of the vaccine for testing. “We need to have certain regulatory measures based on their reports, so that we can notify the health ministry accordingly,” head of DRA and drug controller, Sonam Dorji said.
    He said that if the reports don’t reach them by the end of this month, they would recall the product and deal with the vaccine suppliers accordingly. Sonam Dorji said that the issue would be discussed during the board meeting on April 22.
    “Biological tests do take time, unlike chemical tests, but we’ve given them enough time and this is a reminder,” he said. “We don’t know if it’s the compilation of the report that’s taking time or if it’s the report itself.”
    The public health director, Dr Ugen Dophu, said that DRA has “threatened” the public health department with their letter. “What they’re doing is right and they have the authority to withdraw the vaccine,” he said.
    He, however, said that the reports could reach Bhutan only by the first week of May. The five in one combination vaccine against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, haemophilus influenza B, and hepatitis B was suspended on October 23 last year after the deaths of eight babies, who had received the vaccine.
    In a press conference earlier this month, the prime minister told the media that the government is very concerned about the issues surrounding the pentavalent vaccine.
    By Sonam Pelden
  12. flosz 21 april 2010 08:55
    Child dies 13 hours after vaccination
    BAGLUNG, April 20: A five-month old girl died on Tuesday morning 13 hours after being administered DPT vaccine. Sanjita GC, daughter of Jit Bahadur from Ramjadeurali-5, Parbat and posted at District Police Office, Baglung, had been given the vaccine at Baglung hospital on Monday afternoon.

    “She was all right while being taken for vaccination. She started crying after being given the vaccine,” said Sanjita´s mother Sabitra
    “I thought she must have cried out of pain and put her to sleep by lactating her in the evening. She was dead when I woke up at around three in the morning,” she added.

    The infant had also been given BCG vaccine previously and this was her third dose of DPT. The medicine and syringe for the vaccine is provided by the World Health Organization (WHO).

    Dr Tarun Poudel at the Baglung Hospital claimed that the death was just a coincidence.

    “If the death were due to the vaccine, the effects would have been visible immediately after administering it. Her death may be due to other infections as other children, who have been administered the same vaccine. have not been affected,” Dr Poudel argued.

    The Department of Health Services (DoHS) had last month decided to suspend the use of DPT vaccines manufactured by Indian company Shantha Biotech following a recommendation of World Health Organization (WHO).

    The vaccine was replaced by the ones manufactured by Crucell Berna, a global biopharmaceutical company based in the Netherlands, Korea and Sweden.

    Baglung Hospital said the vaccines administered to the children were produced in Korea.

    Published on 2010-04-20 23:40:31
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