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Logica nieuws draadje

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  1. [verwijderd] 28 maart 2009 12:50
    za 28 mrt 2009, 10:36 'Groot-Brittannië doet mogelijk beroep op IMF'

    LONDEN (AFN) - Groot-Brittannië is dermate kwetsbaar voor de wereldwijde financiële crisis dat het mogelijk een beroep doet op het Internationaal Monetair Fonds (IMF). Dat zei de invloedrijke Amerikaanse miljardair George Soros zaterdag in een interview met de Britse krant The Times.

    De Britse economie is in het vierde kwartaal van 2008 nog iets sterker gekrompen dan eerder werd gemeld. De teruggang kwam uit op 1,6 procent, vergeleken met het voorgaande kwartaal. Dat is de sterkste krimp sinds 1980. Dat maakte het Britse bureau voor de statistiek vrijdag bekend.

    De Amerikaanse miljardair weigert om de Britse premier Gordon Brown de schuld te geven van de economische malaise. “Hij heeft het probleem wel onderschat, maar dat doen de meesten.” Volgens Soros is de G20-top van volgende week in Londen de laatste kans om ervoor te zorgen dat de wereld niet in een depressie terechtkomt “die mogelijk nog erger is dan in de jaren dertig.”

  2. forum rang 10 voda 31 maart 2009 16:10
    IT-sector hard geraakt door crisis
    31 maart 2009, 16:03 | ANP
    AMSTERDAM (AFN) - De economische crisis lijkt nu ook volledig te zijn doorgedrongen in de kort geleden nog bloeiende IT-sector. Getronics voegde zich dinsdag bij het lijstje automatiseerders dat moet saneren. Het bedrijf, onderdeel van telecombedrijf KPN, schrapt 1400 banen. De helft daarvan verdwijnt in Nederland.

    Eerder kondigden IT-bedrijven als Ordina, Logica en Capgemini in Nederland al maatregelen aan. Bij Ordina verdwijnen driehonderd banen, bij Logica moeten honderd mensen in Nederland weg. De Franse automatiseerder Capgemini gaf deze maand nog aan dat honderden arbeidsplaatsen in Nederland verloren gaan.

    De ontslagronde bij Getronics is massaler dan bij branchegenoten. Hoofdonderzoeker Peter Vermeulen van onderzoeksbureau IDC ziet daarin de hand van KPN. ,,Het is een manier om naar de aandeelhouders te communiceren dat het bedrijf scherp op de kosten let.''


    Vermeulen denkt niet dat Getronics veel harder geraakt is dan andere IT-bedrijven. ,,Andere bedrijven saneren in dezelfde orde van grootte, maar doen dat stilletjes. Elke maand verdwijnen een paar groepjes mensen her en der in het bedrijf.''

    Ook worden veel ontslagen opgevangen door natuurlijk verloop. Dit verloop daalt nu echter fors, aldus Vermeulen, waardoor bedrijven toch over moeten gaan op ontslagen. ,,Mensen blijven nu juist op hun plek zitten.''

    Op de bank

    Volgens KPN is de situatie in de sector de afgelopen maanden sterk verslechterd. ,,Dit zagen we in januari nog niet aankomen'', aldus een woordvoerster. Ze zei dat klanten in alle sectoren voorzichtiger zijn geworden. ,,Orders blijven uit, waardoor onze mensen op de bank zitten.''

    Vermeulen denkt dat IT-bedrijven de eerste maanden van het jaar terughoudend hebben gereageerd op de crisis. ,,Ze hebben afgewacht hoe de situatie zich zou ontwikkelen. Nu duidelijk is geworden dat er niet snel sprake zal zijn van herstel, grijpt men in.''


    Dat de IT-sector weer snel zal aantrekken als de economie herstelt, daar is Vermeulen van overtuigd. De meeste voorspellers rekenen op herstel in 2010. Analist Victor Bareño van SNS Securities is iets voorzichtiger. Hij denkt dat ook 2010 nog een moeilijk jaar zal worden voor de sector.

    De mate waarin individuele IT-bedrijven geraakt worden, hangt volgens Bareño af van de mix van activiteiten. Outsourcingsactiviteiten worden bijvoorbeeld minder hard geraakt door de crisis, omdat bedrijven om kosten te besparen juist hun IT-werk uitbesteden.

    Detachering heeft het relatief zwaar, omdat bedrijven hun externe krachten vaak het eerste wegsturen. Een bedrijf als Ordina is relatief afhankelijk van detachering. Getronics houdt zich vooral bezig met werkplekbeheer. ,,Het portfolio van Getronics heeft de wind nog relatief mee'', aldus Vermeulen.

  3. [verwijderd] 1 april 2009 18:29
    National Policing Improvement Agency appoints Logica to deliver The Police National Database

    01 April 2009

    Logica secures seven year contract valued at £75.6 million

    The National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA) has awarded Logica, a leading IT and business services company, a £75.6 million contract over seven years to design, build and operate the Police National Database (PND).

    The PND is a highly secure information sharing capability that, for the first time, will enable the Police Service in England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and other government organisations that support public protection to electronically share, access and search existing local intelligence and operational information nationally.

    The PND will be developed as part of the IMPACT Programme, which was established in response to the Bichard inquiry and its recommendation for the creation of intelligence sharing systems as ‘a national priority’. The initial phase scheduled to be rolled out in 2010 will see Logica bring together data from five operational areas of policing into one central system – custody, crime, intelligence, child abuse and domestic abuse. It will provide forces with immediate access to up-to-date information from across the Service, overcoming artificial geographical and jurisdictional boundaries. Ultimately the PND will assist forces to improve their operational effectiveness. The first phase will focus on safeguarding children and vulnerable adults, countering terrorism and assisting major crime investigations.

    Logica will act as the prime contractor leading the applications development, management and service provision of the PND. Logica will also draw upon its extensive expertise in secure systems design and information security to mitigate solution and service risks.

    Logica’s partners in the development of the PND include Northgate Information Solutions (NIS) and SunGard Public Sector (SPS) working with Logica on the application development and business change services aspect. Cable and Wireless (C&W) will provide the hosting and communications services for the overall solution.

    Chief Constable Peter Neyroud, Chief Executive of the NPIA said:
    - “This is a significant milestone for the NPIA, for policing and, ultimately, for the public. Currently, police forces are unable to search or access intelligence or other information that is held on another force’s local systems. The Police National Database will enable this by making available nationally copies of locally held information on suspects and criminals; making the public safer by improving the ability of the Police Service to share operational information and helping the police to stay one step ahead of the criminal population.“

    Commenting on the contract award Joe Hemming, Chief Executive, Logica UK, said: “We are delighted to have been chosen to develop and support such an important Programme. This is the first stage in a larger implementation over the coming years. Logica has a proven track record in providing similar business and IT solutions to those required by the PND. We look forward to working with the NPIA and helping to meet the objectives of transforming the way in which police share intelligence to ultimately build safer communities.”

    Logica’s experience in the Public Sector includes the provision of joined up information systems and services for organisations such as the Crown Prosecution Service, The Ministry of Justice, The Home Office, The Office for Criminal Justice Reform and several police forces.
  4. [verwijderd] 2 april 2009 15:23
    Logica en Sun Microsystems verleggen grenzen in volumes betalingsverkeer

    02 april 2009

    Nieuw betalingssysteem voor banken verwerkt meer dan 50 miljoen betalingen per uur

    Logica heeft een nieuw systeem ontwikkeld waarmee banken in staat zijn enorme aantallen financiële transacties te verwerken. Met het zogeheten ‘Logica All Payments System High Volume’ (LAPS-HV) beschikken banken over voldoende capaciteit om snel in te spelen op het veranderende gedrag van klanten enerzijds en de gevolgen van nieuwe regelgeving anderzijds. Ook zijn zij toegerust op een mogelijke consolidatie in de sector. Bij de ontwikkeling van LAPS-HV heeft Logica nauw samengewerkt met Sun Microsystems.

    Uit testen is gebleken dat LAPS-HV meer dan 50 miljoen betalingen per uur kosteneffectief kan verwerken. Dit overtreft de huidige behoeften van banken, van kleine lokale kantoren tot de grootste wereldwijde instituten. LAPS-HV is ontworpen met het doel grote volumes te verwerken en de complexiteit van verschillende organisaties, zoals bij in- / outsourcing of eventuele toekomstige fusies en overnameactiviteiten, te ondersteunen.

    Roel Wolfert, Group Director Payments Logica: ‘Het betalingsverkeer blijft groeien, terwijl de inkomsten van banken onder druk staan. Banken moeten maatregelen nemen om kosten te besparen en klanten meer flexibiliteit en functionaliteit te bieden. Tevens moeten banken voldoen aan maatregelen zoals de Single European Payments Area (SEPA) en de Payments Service Directive (PSD). Gecombineerd met de economische neergang, waardoor er meer bankfusies worden verwacht, maakt dit een transformatie van het betalingsverkeer nog urgenter. Met onze ervaring en diensten op het gebied van betalingsverkeer kunnen wij banken helpen betalingsprocessen kosteneffectief te herstructureren.’

    ‘De test laat zien dat LAPS-HV meer dan 50 miljoen betalingen per uur kan verwerken, 70% meer dan we noodzakelijk achtten toen we de test begonnen’ aldus Joaquin de Valenzuela, manager global retail banking solutions Sun Microsystems. ‘Logica’s systeem, draaiend op het Sun Solaris™ Operating System, biedt banken een high-end, schaalbare oplossing die hen in staat stelt de doorvoersnelheid te maximaliseren, maar tegelijkertijd kosten te verlagen en de IT-omgeving te vereenvoudigen’.
  5. [verwijderd] 7 april 2009 19:22
    Logica launches a pioneering centre for utilities in Portugal

    07 April 2009

    The International Utilities Competence Center will develop and export Logica's solutions to the world, putting Portugal at the forefront of global research in the utilities area

    Logica, a leading IT and business services company, today announcend the launch of its International Utilities Competence Center in Portugal. The technology center, inaugurated by José Sócrates, Prime Minister of Portugal and Andy Green, CEO of Logica, will promote and develop solutions in the Utilities field, focused on the strategic markets of Europe, Americas and Oceania. The center aims to place Portugal at the forefront of world research in this area. With the opening of the new center, Logica will also create several qualified jobs in this area for the company.

    This new utilities center brings together, in Lisbon, a set of skills that allow demonstrations of cutting-edge technology, developed in Portugal for the sectors of electricity, water and gas. The center will focus on and innovate around five key areas - Advanced Metering Infrastructure, Wind Farm Management, SAP IS-U, Geospatial Information Systems and Utilities Business Suite. Some of the solutions developed around these areas are already being marketed in countries like Spain, Holland, Belgium, Brazil, USA and Australia.

    The center will focus on the development of solutions such as smart grids (intelligent networks for energy distribution) - technologies that will enable consumers to manage their energy consumption more efficiently. The Utilities center will have the capability to demonstrate simulations of crisis situations in the distribution of energy (eg, failure in electricity supply).

    "In Portugal, we are living a true revolution in the energy and environment sectors and Logica is at the forefront, creating innovative solutions to enable this revolution ", says José Carlos Gonçalves, CEO of Logica Iberia."The opening of the 'International Utilities Competence Center’ contributes strongly to the leading position Portugal has in the world with regards to research, development and commercialization of advanced solutions in this area."

    The new center is part of a Technological Plan, a strategy created by the Government to promote development and strengthen the country's competitiveness on knowledge, technology and innovation. Commenting on the new center, Carlos Zorrinho, national coordinator of the Technological Plan, said,”This significant investment of Logica in Portugal confirms that our country is positioned globally as a location of excellence for companies developing highly sophisticated technological services. In addition to the creation of skilled employment and the increase of services exportation, this center also has great importance in further strengthening Portuguese skills in the use of resources efficiency, particularly in the energy domain".

    Intelligent networks developed in the new center
    Some of the solutions developed in this expert center, such as smart grid, will also support the Information Systems Consortium launched in 2007 - InovGrid - led by EDP and of which Logica, Efacec JANZ and INESC Porto are a part. The InovGrid project is integrated in the implementation of a strategy adopted internationally, both in Europe and Americas, for the efficient management of networks, resources and energy consumption. Through this project Logica is involved in one of the most advanced projects of smart electricity grids in the world, being responsible for the information systems and integration architecture.

    Logica's solutions include more than 25 million consumers
    Logica has a wide experience in the utilities sector, providing IT services and business processes outsourcing for companies worldwide. It is responsible for the development of network management and supply of energy and water for more than 25 million consumers in a thousand cities covering four continents. Logica has also implemented billing and management systems of 10 million contracts in Portugal and integrated and centralized systems in dozens of wind farms in several countries.

    Logica has equipped and given support to one of the greatest centers of wind farms’ telecontrol in the world and developed an advanced wind management system which in real time and in a centralized and integrated way, manages and monitors the performance of hundreds of turbines in various wind farms located in different countries. Logica has managed the performance of these turbines from different manufacturers in rough terrain with difficult access.
  6. [verwijderd] 11 april 2009 11:30

    Robevis schreef:

    Weet iemand waarom LOG op dit moment hoger staat dan de AMX?

    Niemand weet dit dus? Echt weer Logica zonder Logica?
    Staat Logica hoger dan de AMX is het wéér niet goed??

    Bij sommigen is het ook nooit goed...bij ontbreken van nieuws zijn koersen op dagbasis vrijwel nooit te verklaren.

    Met vriendelijke groet,

  7. Robevis 12 april 2009 23:04

    rick88 schreef:

    Weet iemand waarom LOG op dit moment hoger staat dan de AMX?

    Niemand weet dit dus? Echt weer Logica zonder Logica?

    Staat Logica hoger dan de AMX is het wéér niet goed??

    Bij sommigen is het ook nooit goed...bij ontbreken van nieuws zijn koersen op dagbasis vrijwel nooit te verklaren.

    Met vriendelijke groet,

    Volgens mij zeg ik NERGENS dat ik het niet goed vind!!! Ik vroeg/vraag het me alléén af, want als er nieuws is, wil ik dit uiteraad ook weten. En LOG wint niet zo snel, dus vermoedde ik dat er iets aan de hand was.
  8. Robevis 14 april 2009 12:16

    Robevis schreef:

    Weet iemand waarom LOG op dit moment hoger staat dan de AMX?

    Niemand weet dit dus? Echt weer Logica zonder Logica?

    Staat Logica hoger dan de AMX is het wéér niet goed??

    Bij sommigen is het ook nooit goed...bij ontbreken van nieuws zijn koersen op dagbasis vrijwel nooit te verklaren.

    Met vriendelijke groet,


    Volgens mij zeg ik NERGENS dat ik het niet goed vind!!! Ik vroeg/vraag het me alléén af, want als er nieuws is, wil ik dit uiteraad ook weten. En LOG wint niet zo snel, dus vermoedde ik dat er iets aan de hand was.
    Ik had meer winst kunnen pakken, dat weet je uiteraard pas achteraf, maar ik ben al mijn bagger nu kwijt.
  9. [verwijderd] 16 april 2009 16:13
    Logica and Rabobank trail blaze with innovative interactive conference table

    16 April 2009

    MS Surface to be launched in retail banks and offices.

    Logica, a leading IT and business services company and Rabobank, a leading international financial services provider, are for the first time launching a client facing interactive and multi-touch MS Surface meeting table. The solution is set to revolutionize visual communication between the bank and its customers as well as internally between its employees, thereby facilitating new ways of collaboration at work.

    The MS Surface table will allow the bank to explain mortgage and loan facilities to its customers in an easy to understand, interactive way. Rabobank will also install the table in their central office in Utrecht for employee meetings. Logica will coordinate the project and in partnership with Rabobank will analyse the various possibilities of this new collaboration method.

    The MS Surface table has a multi-functional touch screen. Just by using your fingers it’s possible to open programmes and move documents or pictures to every corner of the screen. It is also possible to let multiple users work with the table and to communicate online with clients or colleagues across multiple locations. Participants will therefore have the ability to meet in an extremely interactive and productive way.

    Commenting on the applications of MS Surface, Gerben Mak, Director of Innovation, Netherlands, says, “Interactive tables offer a wide range of applications, ranging from watching your holiday picture at your home to teleconferencing with colleagues and clients in an office environment. Logica is the first IT service company to launch ready to use interactive tables for European customers. We expect the table to become an integral instrument within companies that helps improve corporate work processes in the years to come.”

    Logica is currently implementing the table in the Dutch province of Zealand together with provincial library in a programme to teach grammar school children the dangers of traffic.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 16 april 2009 19:04
    Vroeger was er het Sectornieuws draadje hiervoor. Waar is die gebleven?

    Atos Nederland krimpt in
    16 april 2009, 18:18 uur | FD.nl
    Door: Johan Leupen
    De pan-Europese automatiseerder AtosOrigin heeft zijn Nederlandse organisatie met 5% ingekrompen in het eerste kwartaal. In totaal verdwenen er 443 banen, waarvan bijna de helft met de verkoop van het bedrijfsonderdeel Technical Automation.

    Volgens een woordvoerder zijn er geen gedwongen ontslagen gevallen. De Nederlandse tak verloor 8% van zijn omzet ten opzichte van de vergelijkbare periode vorig jaar, en bleek daarmee met afstand de slechts presterende divisie van het concern.

    Een woordvoerder had daar niet direct een verklaring voor. Qua winstgevendheid over heel 2008 bleef Nederland ook al achter bij de Franse en Britse onderdelen, zo bleek in februari uit de jaarcijfers.

    ‘Reorganisatie op komst’

    Volgens een voormalige manager van het bedrijf is er in Nederland een reorganisatieronde op komst, die met name de kwakkelende adviestak Consulting hard zal raken. ‘Er gaan er in totaal een paar honderd mensen uit. De Parijse top pakt goed door’, aldus de ex-werknemer.

    Hij verwijst naar de voormalige Franse minister van financiën Thierry Breton, die recent aantrad als bestuursvoorzitter en sindsdien bezig is de hele bedrijfsvoering op te schonen. De woordvoerder zegt ‘niet op de hoogte’ te zijn van een dergelijk reorganisatieplan.

    Logische ingreep

    ‘Nederland ontkomt niet meer aan gedwongen ontslagen’, aldus analist Richard Nguyen van Société Générale. Hij vindt het logisch dat dat onderdeel als relatief zware component als eerste fors moet ingrijpen onder de verslechterende omstandigheden.

    Hij signaleert verder dat het Frans-Nederlandse bedrijf als geheel niet goed in staat is om tegemoet te komen aan de wens van klanten om werk uit te besteden naar goedkopere locaties in India. ‘Atos heeft slechts dertien procent van zijn werknemers op goedkope locaties zitten. Daarmee leggen ze het af tegen partijen als IBM en Capgemini, die hun marges wel hebben weten te beschermen.’

    Veel klanten in financiële sector

    Atos Origin Nederland, dat Océ, Philips en ING en tot zijn clientèle rekent, is sterk vertegenwoordigd bij klanten in de financiële wereld. Die staan onder grote druk om hun IT-budgetten te decimeren.

    Daarnaast heeft het bedrijf net als concurrenten te maken met klanten over de gehele linie die forse kortingen tot 15% eisen. Voorheen was de Nederlandse branche een van de grootste winstmakers.

    Wel of geen gedwongen ontslagen

    Op 1 april verzekerde de centrale ondernemingsraad van Atos Origin Nederland tegenover vakbond FNV Bondgenoten dat het bedrijf niet van plan is op grote schaal gedwongen ontslagen door te voeren.

    ‘Ik weet ze een groot aantal bankzitters hebben en dat het aantal groeit met de dag, maar voor zover ik weet is er alleen sprake van vertrek op vrijwillige basis’, aldus bestuurder Nevin Demirtas. Zij benadrukt overigens dat Atos zijn cao eenzijdig heeft afgeschaft en dat het bedrijf dus geen afspraken met de vakbond hoeft te maken.

    Copyright (c) 2009 Het Financieele Dagblad
  11. niche 010 16 april 2009 19:28
    eWorld - Software
    ‘Logica’lly speaking

    Continental Europe is open to IT spending, avers this software player..

    Craig Boundy

    K Bharat Kumar

    It isn’t just the Queen’s English from Craig Boundy that sounds like music to your ears. His comments on outsourcing opportunities in Continental Europe could well have his Indian competitors in IT cocking their ears in optimism for that part of the world. (Typically, Indian players have been far more successful in penetrating the UK than they have the rest of Europe.) Listening to him gives you an idea of what is happening in Europe in the context of IT spends . Read on:

    Boundy, Chief Executive, Global Operations at Logica, a UK-based IT outsourcing services provider, met with eWorld recently. Logica‘s CEO, Andy Green, had articulated a new strategy in early 2008. Boundy gives us an update on what has transpired since.

    Logica has about 3,000 people in its Bangalore centre and Chennai houses its newest centre with 900 people. It also has another centre in Mumbai. The company aims to have about 8,000 people across all its ‘nearshore and offshore’ centres by end of 2009. Boundy says he is well on track for this, with a 50 per cent growth taking that count to about 5,000 by December 2008.
    CIO priorities

    Boundy feels that most decision-makers in Europe are obviously looking to cut costs and improve efficiencies, but that they are also looking to innovate with IT so as to create new revenue lines, improve certain metrics such as time-to-market or getting stock on shelf for a retailer or managing risk for banks.

    Everyone’s still spending, he declares emphatically. “Financial services players may be nervous for now and acting slower, but telecom is a growing sector for us, as is Public Sector (Government).”

    But aren’t there opposing pulls in force in the public sector? After all, a government can increase spends to kick-start the economy but it would have to protect jobs and hence might not offshore so easily?

    That is where, he says, his blended delivery model comes into play. “We are a big onshore employer as well. Our onshore teams call on our local capabilities wherever we have offshore delivery presence.”

    He also says that Logica is different from the typical Indian IT player. “We are not pure-offshore players.”

    But what about the global delivery model that Indian IT biggies talk about?

    “I don’t think anyone has the same level of proximity or intimacy with clients as we do. We manage our relationships intensely. But, do competitors have strong customer relationships in the way they work with them, as we do?” He thinks not.

    He says if he were a pure offshore player, then he would have difficulty getting his people into Europe because immigration and work permit laws are getting tightened ‘everyday’. “All governments are slowly but surely changing the way the law works to make it difficult for people from outside to enter and work in the European union.” He clarifies that this does not hold for short-period contracts but for those with a six-nine month range or longer.

    This seems interesting, in the context of Indian IT biggies who have seen European contribution to total revenues reducing a bit, while seeing a rise in that from US. So, clearly IT spend is not a contracting pie? No, says Boundy. “A large part of our revenues comes from Western Europe — 95 per cent. So what we see is inconsistent with what you say.”

    The company also saw a unique switch last year. “For the first time in Logica’s history, we had more of our offshore work done for clients from Continental Europe than for those from the UK.”

    He says that this has proved that Logica’s new strategy has worked. So what is this strategy? According to him, “Invest more and more in our relationship management, sales capability and account management. This is complementary with driving more delivery work offshore. Under our OneLogica theme, you sell more, get better relationships, deliver more globally and use the one-company ethos. We aim to remove costs from overheads of our business and reinvest it in the business.”

    But with the economic environment being what it is, why would clients look at offshoring and add one more piece of uncertainty? “We don’t represent uncertainty” he jokes with a poker-face. His point is that his brand is strong in Europe. “Europeans buy from us — but not in the same way they would buy from a pure-offshore player — that may represent risk.”

    He explains that Logica has a consultative approach. “If I am speaking to an airports authority, I tell him how I see his business evolving, what he should be doing and how I can help him do that. Better still, I work a bit on it and even show him a demo.” Imagine, he says, comparing that with a proposal he could take to him with the yearly costs for a programmer who could be at the site within 60 days. “How do you talk to a CEO of a client company about that? May be five levels down to an IT manager, but not to a CEO!”

    So what kinds of clients does he see in the market nowadays? Those that have stopped spending, those that spend lesser than they did, or those spending more now…?

    “All kinds. But we are certainly seeing a lot of people asking us how they can accelerate their plans.” He talks of a typical retail player whose future loans (or refinancing) depend on the way he manages his stock cover. “The retailer obviously sees the benefit of a $5-million IT spend that can give him $30 million returns!” Boundy adds that he is a realist, though. “Some clients are slowing down spend — some of those risks tend to balance out if you have clients across industries, as we do across manufacturing, BFSI, Public Sector and Telecom.”
    Still lot to go after

    But are deal sizes shrinking? For, first time outsourcers would start small. He does not see any specific trend there. Logica has won more deals worth 20 million pounds or higher, than it did last year. “And in the time we won these deals, the economic crisis was with us through this time.”

    In other words, even though the economy is in bad shape, there is still a lot of business to go after. “There is a lot more growth potential in this very large marketplace. So, even if the economy continues to face horrendous problems, we still have a lot of steam left,” he says.

    Logica does not seem keen on acquisitions right now. But isn’t now a good time for cherry-picking? Says Boundy, “This is the time to concentrate and get on with the delivery strategy. That is what we are sticking on to now.” So, is that why Logica exited a couple of German subsidiaries, one of which was in the training business? While Boundy does not elaborate, he says, “Being clear on what you execute is key. Ensure you stick to that and ensure that there are no distractions in the way.
    Cost savings – not only from offshoring

    Logica has done better than it expected to on the cost savings front. It generated savings of 25 million pounds in 2008. It expects to generate a total of 75 million pounds (which is more than the estimated 50 million pounds) through 2009 and 110 million pounds (80 million pounds) through 2010.

    Not all of this is through increasing headcount in offshore centres while decreasing it onshore. “We rationalised our property occupancy, decreased overheads and started to buy more effectively.” “We closed some buildings and opened some. We closed our headquarters in London but opened new ones in the
  12. [verwijderd] 17 april 2009 18:16
    The continuing rise of offshore outsourcing

    UK firms’ use of nearshore or offshore resources rose from 57 per cent of deals in 2007 to 66 per cent in 2008

    16 Apr 2009

    The adoption of a global IT delivery model by private and public sector organisations is one of the key trends for outsourcing in 2009, along with a rise in the use of services delivered from India, according to a UK study carried out by business advisory firm EquaTerra.

    The research looked at more than 400 outsourcing contracts, and found that UK firms’ use of nearshore or offshore resources rose from 57 per cent of deals in 2007 to 66 per cent in 2008.

    In addition, the study revealed that IT services provided from India are now used by 89 per cent of organisations that opt for offshoring.

    Satisfaction levels with Indian firms are high – albeit lower than many of their more established rivals – but the study claims the gap between offshore suppliers and local IT service providers such as Capgemini and Logica is closing.

    However, separate research by the ET Intelligence Group suggests that the top three Indian IT companies – TCS, Infosys and Wipro – are set to experience the worst-ever growth rates in revenue and profit in the quarter ending March 2009.

    According to the study, average revenue for the top three is likely to decrease by 0.5 per cent during that three-month period, due to pressure on rates and re-evaluation of client budgets.

  13. [verwijderd] 21 april 2009 09:51
    Neste Oil partners Logica on global outsourcing agreement

    20 April 2009

    Logica, a leading IT and business services company, today announced that it will provide Neste Oil with ICT infrastructure outsourcing services, including support services, workstation, smartphone, email and instant messaging services, data center services , server capacity services as well as network and data security services. This three year agreement will cover ICT services for around 5,000 staff in over ten countries.

    “Neste Oil aims to build more comprehensive and cost-effective ICT infrastructure services for its business needs. We believe that the service model agreed with Logica will provide excellent support for our work. With Logica focused on managing our hardware and software, we will be able to concentrate on developing and managing our own, internal processes,” explains Kari Keskiivari, CIO of Neste Oil.

    Logica has a global network of resources and the required expertise to support and develop Neste Oil’s ICT operations.

    “The strong IT infrastructure service competencies we have built in Finland and other parts of the Logica network can be replicated for our customers around the world” states Leena-Mari Lähteenmaa, Managing Director of Infrastructure Solutions Finland, Logica. “We systematically leverage ITIL* best practices to deliver to the exacting standards required by customers. Our key competitive advantage lies in our cost-efficient IT service competencies and our ability to provide support for the productivity of our customers’ employees.”
  14. [verwijderd] 25 april 2009 10:27
    The Next Wave of Sky Industry Links Taiwan to the Global Business Opportunity Through GGIA

    April 25, 2009

    Owing to the increasingly mature development of global satellite positioning system, this year, EU Galileo satellite first issues that the position error is less than 10cm. Regarded as the most accurate satellite positioning system in the world, it not only advances satellite-related industries but also innovates the new industrial revolution through the related applications, which has been forecasted to reach Taiwan's trillion dollar industry next year. In order to improve the competitiveness of Taiwan's satellite communication, Dr. Johnsee Lee, President of Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), and Mr. Thorsten Rudolph, Chairman of European Union ESNC, will sign the agreement of Global Galileo Industry Alliance (GGIA) to lead the telecommunication companies of Taiwan as well as global 1,500 companies to co-promote the "new opportunity of aerospace industry".

    Dr. Johnsee Lee, President of ITRI, shows that in response to the challenges and conflicts on R & D technology affected by globalization, the rapidly growing demand for renewal techniques and the development and applications of EU Galileo global satellite positioning system, ITRI specializes in the overall layout of the applied equipment industrial systems in Taiwan, such as GPS modules and peripheral components. Meanwhile, rich in the experiences of technology innovation, global licensing, high-tech industrialization, international exchange and cooperation, etc., ITRI brings up an idea of "aerospace industry" to make Taiwan's satellite applications connect with the world and enter prior the cooperation opportunity of global satellite navigation industry managed by EU.

    Mr. Thorsten Rudolph, Chairman of GGIA, represents that for the first time EU invites Galileo-related industry representatives large-scalely to join the alliance, looking forward to applying Galileo satellite positioning system to the future technical consumer products. Through the key technical R & D invested by EU enterprises and the cooperation of Taiwan's complete telecommunications industry structure, there is going to be a new business opportunity in assistance of inspiring the next new worldwide industry. First invited VP of NAVTEQ, the biggest digital map company, Mr. Marc Naddell participates in the "aerospace industry forum" and delivers a speech about the future trends of satellite positioning system to encourage that both Taiwan's and global satellite positioning systems are capable of being applied generally to innovative technology products and expand the trade markets of satellite positioning industrial technology and its application services toward Asia, America, and Europe.

    Witnessing the signature, Mr. Jia Yu, Ling, Director of Technology Department of Industrial Technology Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), demonstrates that MOEA proactively promotes the cooperation between corporate research institutions and private enterprises, facilitates the international technical exchanges and international investment, and masters the development of key technology and intellectual property energy to raise the competitiveness of the satellite telecommunication industry in Taiwan. To benefit the early selling of EC Galileo and US GPS products, including chips, modules, systems, terminal products, etc. and win the market openings, it is expected to make use of Taiwan's experiences of vertical-integrated high tech industries again to help Taiwan's satellite industry link up with the universe.

    ITRI: Over NT$ 1,500 Million Invested Worldwide for "2009 ESNC Galileo Masters"

    The European Satellite Navigation Competition 2009 (ESNC) has formally begun on April 21st, 2009. In 2008, Taiwan has contributed with outstanding performance in the very first ESNC. Now, the curtain of 2009 ESNC was rose by honorable guests including MOEA Technology Dept. Vice Minister Jia-Yu Ling, ITRI President Johnsee Lee, European Economic and Trade Office Minister Guy Ledoux, and EU ESNC chairman Thorsten Rudolph. Industrial experts have been invited as advisors in 2009 ESNC, such as Japan's AIST President Hiroyuki Yoshikawa, India's Infosys Technologies Chairman N.R. Narayana Murthy, Thailand's NSTDA President Sakarindr Bhumiratana, and U.S.A.'s SRI Chairman Dr. Curt Carlson. What's more, through over 1,500 international brands in sponsorship for Galileo Satellite industry promotion Including T-systems (Germany), Siemens (Germany), DHL (Germany), NAVTEQ (US), Thales ATM (US), EADS Astrium (UK), Logica (UK), new moment is rising among industries related with Galileo Satellite system.

    Participating regions have extended to 16 regions this year, with accumulative prize amount up to NT$ 1,500 million worldwide. Champion in Taiwan region will be awarded with Euro 10,000. To increase participation, more prizes are set up in order to elect the best representative for Global final contest, competing for prize of Euro 20,000 and global business opportunity. At the same time, through ITRI and international brands' consulting in starting up business and related services, companies chosen for incubation are very likely to gain cooperation chances with billions of investment. (For more details, please visit galileo.itri.org.tw/.)

    Over 1,200 global participants joined "2008 ESNC Galileo Masters"; participants from Taiwan even contributed 69% of the total works, suggesting the amazing innovation energy in Taiwan. "CITITOUR" was ITRI's champion-winning work last year, employing having-fun technology ideas of WEB 2.0 and delicate application of Galileo's positioning system; the work overthrew traditional travel forms. Necessary information can be easily accessed by travelers, transforming themselves into guidance and companion for others in the trip. As for Quanta Computer's champion work "YOU CAST", multiple features including Galileo localization, timing and angle position technology are integrated together, establishing a sharing platform for instant global issues. These outstanding works are now under ITRI's incubation for creating actual benefits once applied to industrial applications in the future.

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