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Forum Vestas Wind Systems geopend

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 21 juli 2020 11:16
    Vestas Bags Wind Turbine Order from Polenergia Farma Wiatrowa 3 Sp in Poland

    Vestas has developed a customised wind energy solution for long-term customer Polenergia Farma Wiatrowa 3 Sp zoo to secure a 121 megawatt wind project in Poland from a competitive auction round. Together with Vestas’ previously announced orders from Poland’s technology-neutral energy auctions, this auction win showcases onshore wind energy’s competitiveness and underlines Vestas’ market leadership in the country. The Zielona Debsk project with a total capacity of 121 megawat will be located in north-central Poland in the Mazovian Province.

    The site-specific solution comprises 55 V110-2.0 megawat turbines in 2.2 megawat Power Optimised Mode on 120m towers and a long-term service agreement, leveraging the flexibility of the 2 MW platform to cater for local requirements and maximise the power production while lowering the levelised cost of energy.

    The project will feature a VestasOnline® Business SCADA solution, lowering turbine downtime and thus optimising the energy output. The contract further includes supply, installation and commissioning of the wind turbines, as well as 30-year Active Output Management 5000 service agreements.Deliveries are expected to begin in the third quarter of 2021, while commissioning is planned to start in the fourth quarter of 2021.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  2. forum rang 10 voda 31 juli 2020 16:51
    Vestas Bags 40 MW Order for Wind Project in Nagasaki Prefecture

    Vestas has secured a 40 MW order with Japan Wind Development for the Hirado Minami Wind Farm in Japan’s Nagasaki prefecture, following last month’s project win with Japan Wind Development and Tokyu Land Corporation. The order includes the supply and supervision of 11 V105-3.6 MW turbines, delivered with customised 72.5-meter towers. The solution was developed in close collaboration with JWD in order to accommodate the extreme local wind conditions, whilst simultaneously minimising visual impact due to the site’s natural beauty. This project win provides further evidence that the Vestas V105 solution is a robust option for sites with extreme weather conditions and challenging transport requirements.

    Vestas will also provide multi-year Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreements for the wind farm. With an energy-based availability guarantee, this agreement will ensure optimised performance and long-term business case certainty for the customer.

    Delivery of Vestas’ turbines will begin in the second quarter of 2021, with commissioning scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2021.

  3. forum rang 10 voda 11 augustus 2020 08:46
    Verlies voor Vestas

    Vestas Wind Systems AS
    114,40 0,00 0,00 % Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Xetra)
    Vestas Wind Systems AS
    DKK 847,00 0,00 0,00 % OMX Copenhagen

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Vestas Wind Systems heeft in het tweede kwartaal van dit jaar verlies geleden, maar de omzet nog wel zien stijgen. Dit bleek dinsdag uit het kwartaalbericht van de Deense windturbineproducent.

    De omzet steeg van 2.121 miljoen euro naar 3.541 miljoen euro, maar het bedrijfsresultaat voor bijzondere posten daalde van 128 miljoen euro in het tweede kwartaal van 2019 naar 34 miljoen euro in dezelfde periode dit jaar. Er resteerde een nettoverlies van 5 miljoen tegen een nettowinst van 90 miljoen euro een jaar eerder.

    In een kort commentaar op de resultaten liet Vestas weten dat COVID-19 nog altijd druk uitoefent op de sector voor minder milieuschadelijke energiebronnen als windenergie.


    In april van dit jaar liet Vestas de outlook voor 2020 los, maar inmiddels is er een nieuwe. Vestas rekent op een omzet van 14 tot 15 miljard euro, zoals het in de vorige outlook ook al deed.

    De EBIT-marge is daarentegen verlaagd van 7 tot 9 procent naar 5 tot 7 procent. Dit is inclusief een voorziening van 175 miljoen euro.

    Voor de investeringen wordt door Vestas voor dit jaar rekening gehouden met minder dan 700 miljoen euro, waar in de oude prognose nog circa 700 miljoen werd aangehouden.

    Vestas benadrukte dinsdag dat de outlook onderhevig is aan grotere onzekerheden die met het coronavirus en de gevolgen ervan verband houden dan onder 'normale' omstandigheden het geval is.

    Het aandeel Vestas sloot maandag 1,1 procent lager.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 11 augustus 2020 10:32
    Da's een heel andere kop!

    Grootste windmolenbouwer ter wereld Vestas groeit hard door

    Gepubliceerd op 11 augustus 2020 09:34 | Views: 1.469

    114,60 -0,15 (-0,13%)

    KOPENHAGEN (AFN) - De Deense windmolenbouwer Vestas blijft hard groeien ondanks logistieke uitdagingen en verstoringen vanwege de coronacrisis. 's Werelds grootste maker van windturbines behaalde in het tweede kwartaal 67 procent meer omzet dan een jaar eerder en het orderboek dikte aan tot het hoogste niveau ooit. Wel ging er een beperkt kwartaalverlies in de boeken.

    De opbrengsten liepen op tot 3,5 miljard euro. Maar de kosten gingen ook hard omhoog omdat Vestas eenmalig 175 miljoen euro aan garantievoorzieningen moest opnemen voor een specifieke reparatie en upgrade van een beperkt aantal reeds geïnstalleerde rotorbladen. De winstgevendheid van het bedrijf viel bovendien wat lager uit omdat projecten werden opgeleverd met lagere marges. Hierdoor was onder de streep sprake van een verlies van 5 miljoen euro, tegen een winst van 90 miljoen euro een jaar eerder.

    Volgens topman Henrik Andersen blijven de vooruitzichten ondanks de onzekerheid door de coronacrisis gunstig. Voor Vestas is een belangrijke rol weggelegd bij het regelen van een stabiele en duurzame energievoorziening in de wereld, zo benadrukt hij. De orderportefeuille voor turbines en ondersteunende diensten klom naar 35,1 miljard euro. Dat is een toename van 3,6 miljard euro vergeleken met een jaar eerder.

    Vestas durft het nu ook weer aan om financiële verwachtingen uit te spreken voor heel 2020. Net als voor de uitbraak van de coronacrisis rekent het bedrijf op 14 miljard tot 15 miljard euro omzet. De verwachting voor de winstmarge is met 5 tot 7 procent wel wat verlaagd ten opzichte van de eerder uitgesproken inschatting van 7 tot 9 procent.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 11 augustus 2020 12:16
    Vestas wins 54 MW Multibrand Service Agreement in the Philippines

    Vestas has secured an agreement with Vena Energy to service its 54 MW Gamesa turbines at Pililla Wind Project in Philippines. The agreement is Vestas’ first full scope multi-brand service deal in the country, leveraging our extensive experience from servicing 3.6 GW Gamesa turbines globally, including Taiwan in the Asia Pacific region. Located 50 kilometres east of the capital city, Manila, the Pililla Wind Project was commissioned in 2015 and comprises 27 Gamesa G90-2.0 MW turbines.

    Under the agreement, Vestas will commence a 5-year Active Output Management 5000 service agreement, designed to maximise the wind farm’s energy production. With a yield-based availability guarantee for turbines and services for balance of plant assets, the agreement will provide Vena Energy with improved certainty of return on its wind asset investment.

  6. forum rang 10 voda 12 augustus 2020 12:41
    Vestas Under Service Wind Turbines Reach 100 GW Mark

    With more than 100 GW of wind turbines under service, Vestas is, as the first company to reach this milestone, leading the renewable energy industry’s efforts to replace fossil-based energy sources as the backbone of our society. As installed capacity has grown and continues to grow, Vestas’ Service Business has scaled accordingly, which has seen Service evolve from a new business unit with a high potential in 2014 into a strong and highly profitable business unit today with an even more promising outlook. Today, Vestas services more than 47.000 wind turbines, including multibrand, and has around 10,000 dedicated service employees in a global network across 69 countries.

    Vestas President and CEO Henrik Andersen said“Vestas has led the energy transition for the past four decades. Our current portfolio of 115 GW installations and 100 GW under service shows how far Vestas and wind energy has come. As the current global pandemic has demonstrated, renewables are fast becoming a critical component of the global energy system as well as an important element in the green recovery of the world’s economies. To this end, the service business plays an increasingly important role in ensuring a balanced and stable supply of energy to communities all over the world and in supporting a growing number of jobs globally”.

    The successful proliferation of wind energy and other renewables are, however, creating new demands for the industry, and the successful transition away from fossil fuels requires equipment to deliver as expected and energy systems to remain reliable. To ensure that turbine blades keep turning and energy systems are running with an increasingly large share of renewables, Vestas is at the forefront of the digital transformation, data collection and analysis. More than 140 times a day, 27,000 turbines under Vestas service thus send performance data to Vestas’ Performance and Diagnostics Centre. Through the effective use of digital tools and advanced forecasting systems, Vestas is able to deliver outstanding service and maintenance solutions both on turbine and system level as well as advanced digital analytics applications through its US based subsidiary, Utopus Insights.

    With 100 GW under service, Vestas helps remove over a hundred million tonnes of CO2 every year from the atmosphere by providing reliable, sustainable and cost-effective renewable energy, meeting global energy needs without compromising our planet’s wellbeing. Based on the global average of electricity usage, 100 GW of wind energy saves around 134 million tonnes of CO2 annually. This is equivalent to removing more than 90 million passenger cars from the road every year.

  7. forum rang 10 voda 13 augustus 2020 13:04
    Vestas Surpasses 1 GW of Order Intake in Vietnam

    Vestas leads the market for wind energy in Vietnam with over 1 GW of projects installed or under construction, after securing an additional 50 MW order for the second phase of Hoa Binh 1 wind farm. Since securing the first phase in December last year, Vestas has been working closely with the Phuong Anh Group to optimise this second phase of the project. This order marks Vestas’ eighth intertidal project in the country, strengthening Vestas’ undisputed leadership in this market segment and underlining Vestas’ ability to deliver tailored intertidal solutions suitable to exploit the full potential of the region’s nearshore wind conditions.

    The project is located in Hoa Binh, a district of Bac Lieu Province where the turbines will be installed in shallow waters close to shore along the Mekong Delta region. The contract includes the supply and supervision of the installation of 13 V150-4.2 MW turbines with ten turbines delivered in 3.8 MW and three turbines delivered in 4.0 MW operating mode to optimise energy production for the site’s specific wind conditions.

    The project also includes a 20-year Active Output Management 5000 service agreement, designed to maximise energy production for the project. With a yield-based availability guarantee, Vestas will provide the customer with long-term business case certainty. Together with this agreement, the customer has also extended the first phase’s service agreement by another 10 years to a 20-year AOM 5000 service agreement as a recognition of their trust in Vestas’ long-term service capabilities.

  8. forum rang 10 voda 14 augustus 2020 15:05
    Vestas Surpasses 1 GW Order Intake in China in 2020

    Vestas has secured a 101 MW order for a project in China that includes the supply of 42 V120-2.2 MW wind turbines delivered in 2.4 MW Power Optimised Mode, as well as a 20-year Active Output Management 4000 service agreement. Vestas has also received a 150 MW order in China that includes the supply of 53 V120-2.2 MW in 2.4 MW Power Optimised Mode and seven V155-3.3 MW turbines as well as a 5-year Active Output Management 4000 service agreement. With these orders, Vestas has reached an order intake in China in 2020 of more than 1 GW.

    Deliveries are expected to begin in the fourth quarter of 2020, with commissioning planned for the same quarter.

  9. forum rang 10 voda 28 augustus 2020 16:00
    Vestas Secures 36MW Order from ELAWAN Energy in Poland

    Vestas has secured a 36 MW order with ELAWAN Energy for four projects awarded at the Polish wind-solar-energy auction in December 2019. With this order, Vestas once again has supported its customers to succeed in competitive auctions and has now secured a total of more than 1.5 GW of onshore wind energy projects in Poland, since the country introduced its auction scheme in 2018. The order reinforces Vestas’ market leadership in the country’s renewable energy sector and builds upon the installed base of more than 2.2 GW. Vestas has been active in Poland since 2002 and employs around 400 people in the country.

    Demonstrating the continued popularity of the 2 MW platform, Vestas delivers three V110-2.0 MW turbines for the Wloszakowice wind park, three V100-2.0 MW turbines for the Kleby-Golczewo wind park, two V110-2.0 MW turbines for the Wronczyn wind park and ten V100-2.0 MW for the Werbkowice wind park.

    The contracts further include supply, installation and commissioning of the wind turbines, as well as 10-year Active Output Management 4000 service agreements. The projects will feature a VestasOnline® Business SCADA solution, lowering turbine downtime and thus optimising the energy output. All towers will be delivered by E-Towers Famaba in Poland.

    Deliveries are planned for the first quarter of 2022.

  10. forum rang 10 voda 28 augustus 2020 16:07
    Vestas Secures Final Order Dreieck Spreeau Wind Project in Germany

    Demonstrating the slow and stepwise growth that currently characterises the German wind market as it recovers from a historic low in 2019 due to a lack of permits, Vestas has received its second and final order for the 34 MW Dreieck Spreeau wind project, located in Brandenburg in eastern Germany. The 8 MW order, placed by experienced project developer ABO Wind AG, comprises two V150-4.2 MW turbines and it follows an unannounced 25 MW order for the same wind park earlier this year. The project is Vestas’ largest with V150-4.2 MW turbines in Germany to date.

    Vestas worked closely with the customer to tailor a solution for the wind park that comprises a total of eight V150-4.2 MW turbines at 166m hub heights in combination with a 15-year Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 500) service agreement, maximising the annual energy production of the project.

    The order takes Vestas’ firm order intake in Germany past 250 MW in 2020, adding to Vestas’ 8,300 wind turbines totaling more than 14.5 GW installed in the country.

    The contract includes supply, installation and commissioning of the wind turbines, as well as a 15-year Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreement. The project will feature a VestasOnline® Business SCADA solution, lowering turbine downtime and thus optimising the energy output.

    Deliveries are expected to begin in the fourth quarter of 2021, while commissioning is planned for the first quarter of 2022.

  11. forum rang 10 voda 28 augustus 2020 16:08
    Vestas Bags 86 MW Order for Lakiakangas III Wind Project in Finland

    Vestas has secured an 86 MW order with German developer CPC Germania for the Lakiakangas III project located in Isojoki in the South Ostrobothnia region of Finland. The order includes the supply, installation and commissioning of 20 V150-4.2 MW wind turbines in 4.3 MW Power Optimised Mode as well as a 20-year Active Output Management 5000 service agreement that will ensure optimised performance and long-term business case certainty for the customer.Vestas has worked closely with CPC Germania to develop the most cost-effective and competitive solution that was awarded in Finland’s first technology neutral renewable energy auction in 2019. With this deal, Vestas reinforces its presence in Finlands wind market, where we have installed roughly 400 wind turbines with a total capacity of almost 1.2 GW to date.

    The Lakiakangas III order follows Vestas contract wins for the Lakiakangas I and Lakiakangas II projects with CPC Germania. Both projects are already fully operational. While Lakiakangas I generates revenue under the Finnish feed-in tariff, the Lakiakangas II project is remunerated under the first Finnish power purchase agreement with a third party, meaning it is realised without state subsidies.

    Turbine delivery is expected to be completed by the second half of 2021.

  12. forum rang 10 voda 28 augustus 2020 16:37
    Vestas Secures 86 MW EPC Deal with Nexif Energy to Extend Lincoln Gap Wind Farm in Australia

    Vestas has signed an 86 MW contract with Nexif Energy for the second stage of the Lincoln Gap Wind Farm in South Australia. The EPC agreement will include the engineering, procurement and construction of 24 of Vestas’ V136-3.45 MW turbines delivered in 3.6 MW Power Optimised Mode. This will add to the customer’s existing fleet of 126 MW of Senvion turbines which are being serviced by Vestas.

    By replacing Senvion as the EPC contractor, the project is on course to successfully meet Nexif Energy’s long-term sustainable goals for South Australia. Upon completion, Vestas will commence a 20-year Active Output Management 5000 service agreement for the new turbines. This is designed to maximise energy production for the lifetime of the project. With an energy-based availability guarantee which covers both the turbines and balance of plant assets, Vestas will provide Nexif with long-term business case certainty.

    The Lincoln Gap extension demonstrates Vestas’ expertise across wind turbine brands through our ability to integrate the existing Senvion fleet with our turbines, and successfully export to the grid.

    Delivery of the turbines will commence in the first quarter of 2021, with commissioning to be scheduled in the third quarter of 2021.

  13. forum rang 10 voda 3 september 2020 13:07
    Vestas Bags 409 MW Order for Ventos do Piauí in Brazil

    Vestas has received a 409 MW order from the joint venture between Votorantim Energia and the Canadian fund CPP Investments for the projects Ventos do Piauí II and Ventos do Piauí III in Serra do Inácio in the state of Piauí, in Brazil. The contract includes the supply and commissioning of V150-4.2 MW wind turbines, as well as a 20-year Active Output Management 5000 service agreements, designed to ensure optimised performance for the lifetime of the project. Turbine delivery will begin in the second half of 2021 with commissioning scheduled for 2022.

    Recently, Vestas announced it had surpassed 10 GW in firm order intake of V150-4.2 MW turbines globally and with this order Vestas has secured almost 3,5 GW of orders for the turbine variant in Brazil, underlining the V150-4.2 MW’s excellent fit with the country’s wind conditions.

  14. forum rang 10 voda 25 september 2020 13:41
    Vestas Wind Systems ontvangt Griekse order

    Vestas Wind Systems AS
    127,35 -2,85 -2,19 % Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Xetra)
    Vestas Wind Systems AS
    DKK 948,60 -9,20 -0,96 % OMX Copenhagen

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Vestas Wind Systems heeft van het Griekse Terna Energy een order ontvangen voor de levering van windturbines. Dit maakte de Deense windturbinefabrikant vrijdag bekend zonder financiële details te geven.

    De 40 turbines van het type V105-3.45 MW moeten in het tweede en derde kwartaal van het volgend jaar afgeleverd worden.

    Naast de levering omvat de overeenkomst ook een onderhoudscontract voor een periode van 10 jaar.

    Vestas zit al circa 20 jaar in Griekenland en heeft naar eigen zeggen een marktaandeel van bijna 50 procent.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  15. forum rang 10 voda 25 september 2020 16:35
    Vestas Bags 20MW Supply Deal for Guajira I Wind Park in Colombia

    Vestas has entered the Colombian wind power market with a 20 MW order for the Guajira I wind park, located at the municipality of Uribia, in La Guajira, Colombia. The contract includes the supply and installation of ten V100-2.0 MW turbines, as well as an Active Output Management 5000 service agreement for the operation and maintenance of the wind park over the next 12 years. The order has been placed by the multinational business group Elecnor, and Isagen, one of the most important energy generators in Colombia with over 3 GW of hydroelectric and thermal energy projects. Once installed, the Guajira I wind park will provide clean energy and support the country’s plans to diversify its energy mix towards renewable energy sources.

    Turbine delivery is expected by the second quarter of 2021 whilst commissioning is planned by the fourth quarter of 2021.

  16. forum rang 10 voda 28 september 2020 12:55
    Vestas Wind Systems krijgt order uit Nederland

    13,40 0,10 0,75 % Euronext Brussel
    Vestas Wind Systems AS
    130,40 4,30 3,41 % Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Xetra)
    Vestas Wind Systems AS
    DKK 971,00 14,20 1,48 % OMX Copenhagen

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Vestas Wind Systems heeft van windmolenpark Kroningswind een opdracht gekregen voor 19 windturbines. Dit maakte de Deense windturbinefabrikant maandag bekend zonder financiële details te geven.

    De 19 turbines van het type V117-4.2 MW worden geleverd inclusief een onderhoudscontract voor een periode van 25 jaar.

    Het Belgische TINC is grootaandeelhouder van Kroningswind, dat 60.000 Nederlandse gezinnen van stroom zal gaan voorzien.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  17. forum rang 10 voda 29 september 2020 11:08
    Vestas Wind Systems haalt Duitse order binnen

    Vestas Wind Systems AS
    130,05 -1,35 -1,03 % Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Xetra)
    Vestas Wind Systems AS
    DKK 972,20 -2,40 -0,25 % OMX Copenhagen

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Vestas Wind Systems heeft van diens bestaande klant PNE een opdracht gekregen voor de levering van 7 windturbines voor windmolenpark Boitzenhagen in Noord-Duitsland. Dit maakte de Deense windturbinefabrikant dinsdag bekend zonder financiële details te geven.

    Het gaat om één windturbine van het type V126-3.45 MW en zes van het type V136-3.45 MW. Deze worden geleverd inclusief een onderhoudscontract voor een periode van 20 jaar.

    De turbines worden vanaf het vierde kwartaal van 2021 afgeleverd.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  18. forum rang 10 voda 29 september 2020 13:09
    Vestas ontvangt opdracht uit Vietnam

    Vestas Wind Systems AS
    130,85 -0,55 -0,42 % Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Xetra)
    Vestas Wind Systems AS
    DKK 975,00 0,40 0,04 % OMX Copenhagen

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Vestas heeft in Vietnam een opdracht gekregen voor de levering van 13 windturbines voor de windmolenpark Phu Lac Phase 2 en Loi Hai 2. Dit maakte de Deense windturbinefabrikant dinsdag bekend zonder financiële details te geven.

    Het gaat om 13 windturbines van het type V150-4.2 MW. Deze worden geleverd inclusief een onderhoudscontract voor een periode van 20 jaar.

    De twee windmolenparken moeten in het derde kwartaal van 2021 draaien.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  19. forum rang 10 voda 29 september 2020 16:36
    Vestas Secures 46 MW Order in USA

    Vestas has received a 46 MW order of 4 MW platform turbine components that qualify for the 60 percent PTC value from an undisclosed customer. These components will enable future wind energy projects that complete construction by the end of 2024.

    The PTC terms set in the PATH act, passed by Congress in 2015, made the wind industry the first energy industry to agree to permanent tax reform and have resulted in billions of dollars in wind energy investment in the U.S., including expansions in domestic manufacturing and supply chain, construction, transportation, tax revenue to local communities, and the addition of tens of thousands of jobs across the wind value chain.

  20. forum rang 10 voda 30 september 2020 10:43
    Vestas krijgt opdracht uit VS

    Vestas Wind Systems AS
    134,20 0,50 0,37 % Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Xetra)
    Vestas Wind Systems AS
    DKK 998,20 9,20 0,93 % OMX Copenhagen

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Vestas heeft in de Verenigde Staten een opdracht gekregen voor de levering van windturbines voor een windmolenpark. Dit maakte de Deense windturbinefabrikant woensdag bekend zonder financiële details, of de naam van de opdrachtgever en het windmolenpark te geven.

    Het gaat om windturbines van het type V150-4.2 MW voor in totaal 185 megawatt. Deze worden geleverd inclusief een onderhoudscontract voor een periode van 20 jaar.

    De turbines zullen in het tweede kwartaal van 2021 worden afgeleverd.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
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