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Ivanhoe Mines: een metaalgigant in wording

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  1. Housepartyy 6 maart 2022 12:22

    nine_inch_nerd schreef op 4 maart 2022 22:54:


    Heb jij de afgelopen week/weken onder een steen gelegen? Bedrijfsgerelateerde invloeden werken niet meer bij een puinhoop die nu ergens in het oosten speelt. Ik zou zeggen, kijk eens om je heen.
    NB: voorbeelden: de olie- en gasprijs is skyhigh en wat heeft Shell vandaag gedaan? En Lithiumprijs versus Lithium miners en producers?
    Fijn weekend.

    Je kan gewoon normaal tegen mij praten en spreek voor je eigen portefeuille..

    Goud- en koperaandelen zijn dit jaar al 10-30% gestegen en gaan nog steeds als een raket, maar dan moet je ze wel hebben..
  2. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 10 mei 2022 15:07
    by @newsfile on 10 May 2022, 07:37
    Ivanhoe Mines Issues First Quarter 2022 Financial Results, as Well as Review of Mine Construction and Exploration Activities

    Kamoa-Kakula Copper Mining Complex in the Democratic Republic of Congo sold 51,919 tonnes of payable copper and recognized record revenue of $519.6 million in Q1 2022

    The Kamoa-Kakula joint venture recorded record EBITDA of $399.4 million, and operating profit of $380.5 million for Q1 2022

    Kamoa-Kakula's cost of sales total $1.08 per pound of payable copper in Q1 2022, with C1 cash costs trending towards lower end of 2022 guidance at $1.21 per pound

    Kamoa-Kakula Phase 2 offtake agreements concluded

    Regional exploration drill campaign commences at the Western Foreland Copper Project in the Democratic Republic of Congo

    Kamoa-Kakula positioned to be the world's third-largest copper producer by Q4 2024, with projected annualized copper output of approximately 600,000 tonnes

    Ivanplats completes Platreef's Shaft 1 changeover to a production shaft, commences lateral mine development toward Flatreef orebody

    Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - May 10, 2022) - Ivanhoe Mines (TSX: IVN) (OTCQX: IVPAF) today announced its financial results for the three months ended March 31, 2022. The first quarter was highlighted by many important milestones, including: the early declaration of Phase 2 commercial copper production at the Kamoa-Kakula Mining Complex; the commencement of lateral mine development toward the high-grade Flatreef platinum-group-metals orebody at Platreef; a new agreement to return the ultra-high-grade Kipushi Zinc Mine to commercial production; and the initiation of an extensive regional drilling program at the Western Foreland Copper Exploration Project. All figures are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise stated.


    Ivanhoe Mines recorded a profit of $21.5 million for Q1 2022, compared to a profit of $20.4 million for the same period in 2021. Ivanhoe Mines' share of profit from the Kamoa-Kakula copper joint venture and finance income therefrom totaling $115.4 million, were the principal contributors to the profit recorded in the first quarter.

    The Kamoa-Kakula Mining Complex set a new quarterly production record during the period, with 55,602 tonnes of copper in concentrate produced. Commercial production from the Phase 2 concentrator was declared on April 7, 2022.

    A de-bottlenecking program is underway at Kamoa-Kakula to expand processing capacity of Phase 1 and Phase 2 concentrators by 21%, to a combined 9.2 million tonnes of ore per year. Copper production from Kamoa Copper's first two phases is projected to exceed 450,000 tonnes per year by Q2 2023.

    Kamoa-Kakula's cost of sales per pound (lb.) of payable copper sold was $1.08/lb. for Q1 2022, while cash costs (C1) per pound of payable copper produced totaled $1.21/lb., compared to $1.12/lb. and $1.28/lb. respectively in Q4 2021.

    During Q1 2022, Kamoa-Kakula sold 51,919 tonnes of payable copper and recognized record EBITDA of $399.4 million and revenue of $519.6 million, with an operating profit of $380.5 million.

    On May 3, 2022, Ivanhoe Mines announced details of the Phase 3 expansion at Kamoa-Kakula, which will include an additional 5-million-tonnes-per-annum concentrator adjacent to new underground mines at Kamoa - named Kamoa 1 and Kamoa 2. Phase 3 will increase total processing capacity to more than 14 million tonnes of ore per annum, and grow annualized copper production to approximately 600,000 tonnes by the fourth quarter of 2024. This production level will elevate Kamoa-Kakula to the world's third-largest copper mining complex, and the largest copper mining complex in Africa.

    Ivanhoe Mines has a strong balance sheet with cash and cash equivalents of $562 million as at March 31, 2022, and expects that Kamoa-Kakula's expansion capital for Phase 2 and Phase 3 will be funded from copper sales and facilities at Kamoa.

    During the first quarter of 2022, Ivanhoe commenced a regional drilling program, expected to total approximately 95,000 metres, targeting Kamoa-Kakula-style copper mineralization on its Western Foreland licences, which cover approximately 2,407 square kilometres in close proximity to the Kamoa-Kakula mining licenses.

    Exploration models that successfully led to the discoveries of Kakula, Kakula West, and the Kamoa North Bonanza Zone on the Kamoa-Kakula joint-venture mining licence are being applied to the extensive Western Foreland land package by the team of exploration geologists responsible for the previous discoveries.

    On May 9, 2022, Ivanhoe Mines announced the completion of the Platreef Project's Shaft 1 changeover to a production shaft, as well as the first blast on the 950-metre level, which marked the commencement of lateral mine development toward the high-grade Flatreef platinum-group-metals, nickel, copper and gold orebody.

    In February 2022, Ivanhoe Mines announced the outstanding results of a new independent feasibility study for the Platreef Project that builds on the alternate scenario to expedite production, based on a steady-state production rate of 5.2 million tonnes per annum, confirming the viability of a new phased-development pathway to fast track Platreef into production in Q3 2024.

    The Platreef 2022 Feasibility Study yields an after-tax NPV8% of $1.7 billion and IRR of 18.5% at long-term consensus metal prices. At spot prices as at May 6, 2022, the after-tax NPV8% increases to $3.5 billion and the IRR increases to 27%.

    In February 2022, Ivanhoe Mines and Gécamines signed a new agreement to return the ultra-high-grade Kipushi Zinc Mine back to commercial production.

    Ivanhoe Mines announced the positive findings of an independent feasibility study for the planned resumption of commercial production at Kipushi based on a two-year construction timeline. The Kipushi feasibility study's sensitivity analysis at spot zinc prices of approximately $1.70/lb. (May 6, 2022), results in an after-tax NPV8% of $2.4 billion with an after-tax real IRR of 75.8%.

    On May 2, 2022, Ivanhoe Mines issued its fifth annual Sustainability Report, highlighting the company's commitment to becoming a global ESG leader in mining.
  3. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 9 juli 2022 10:16
    In het kort

    Ook grondstofprijzen dalen flink, ondanks dreigende tekorten op lange termijn.
    Beleggers en investeerders blijven liever weg bij controversiële mijnbouwbedrijven.
    Mede daardoor dreigt de energietransitie te veel vertraging op te lopen.

    Na aandelen, obligaties en cryptomunten krijgt nu ook de markt voor grondstoffen rake klappen. Centrale banken proberen met hogere rentes de economie af te remmen en zo de inflatie aan te pakken. Maar dat kan een recessie veroorzaken, waarin consumenten minder kopen en er minder behoefte is aan allerlei metalen en energievormen.

    De prijs voor een vat Noordzeeolie dook deze week voor het eerst sinds april onder de $100. Op de termijnmarkt dalen de voedselprijzen flink. En een mandje met zes belangrijke metalen — aluminium, koper, lood, nikkel, tin en zink — is sinds maart 30% gedaald. Daarmee sorteren grondstofbeleggers voor op de dreigende recessie: zo'n daling was voor het laatst in 2008 te zien, vlak voor het uitbreken van de kredietcrisis.

    Volgens analisten worden de dalingen vooral veroorzaakt door speculatieve hedgefondsen, die grondstoffen hadden gekocht als bescherming tegen inflatie. Nu de inflatie afneemt, nemen ze hun winst en verkopen ze hun grondstofcontracten. Zonder daarbij te kijken naar de verwachtingen op de iets langere termijn.
    Vraag naar metaal zal alleen maar toenemen

    'De markt lijkt volledig gefocust op de zorgen over tragere economische groei, en de invloed daarvan op de vraag naar metalen op de korte en middellange termijn', schrijft Warren Patterson, hoofd grondstoffen bij ING. Ook op de oliemarkt is volgens hem 'fundamenteel weinig veranderd'. De behoefte aan energie en metalen blijft enorm en zal in de meeste gevallen toenemen.

    Lees het volledige artikel: fd.nl/financiele-markten/1444697/ook-...
  4. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 9 juli 2022 11:03

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 9 juli 2022 10:16:

    In het kort

    Ook grondstofprijzen dalen flink, ondanks dreigende tekorten op lange termijn.
    Beleggers en investeerders blijven liever weg bij controversiële mijnbouwbedrijven.
    Mede daardoor dreigt de energietransitie te veel vertraging op te lopen.

    Na aandelen, obligaties en cryptomunten krijgt nu ook de markt voor grondstoffen rake klappen. Centrale banken proberen met hogere rentes de economie af te remmen en zo de inflatie aan te pakken. Maar dat kan een recessie veroorzaken, waarin consumenten minder kopen en er minder behoefte is aan allerlei metalen en energievormen.

    De prijs voor een vat Noordzeeolie dook deze week voor het eerst sinds april onder de $100. Op de termijnmarkt dalen de voedselprijzen flink. En een mandje met zes belangrijke metalen — aluminium, koper, lood, nikkel, tin en zink — is sinds maart 30% gedaald. Daarmee sorteren grondstofbeleggers voor op de dreigende recessie: zo'n daling was voor het laatst in 2008 te zien, vlak voor het uitbreken van de kredietcrisis.

    Volgens analisten worden de dalingen vooral veroorzaakt door speculatieve hedgefondsen, die grondstoffen hadden gekocht als bescherming tegen inflatie. Nu de inflatie afneemt, nemen ze hun winst en verkopen ze hun grondstofcontracten. Zonder daarbij te kijken naar de verwachtingen op de iets langere termijn.
    Vraag naar metaal zal alleen maar toenemen

    'De markt lijkt volledig gefocust op de zorgen over tragere economische groei, en de invloed daarvan op de vraag naar metalen op de korte en middellange termijn', schrijft Warren Patterson, hoofd grondstoffen bij ING. Ook op de oliemarkt is volgens hem 'fundamenteel weinig veranderd'. De behoefte aan energie en metalen blijft enorm en zal in de meeste gevallen toenemen.

    Lees het volledige artikel: fd.nl/financiele-markten/1444697/ook-...
    Daarom had ik mijn Li en recycle battery portefeuille aan. "Doosje dicht en over 2 jaartjes nog eens kijken"
  5. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 23 juli 2022 08:49
    Ivanhoe Mines: The Share Price Becomes Attractive Again
    Jul. 21, 2022 10:58 PM ETIvanhoe Mines Ltd. (IVN:CA), IVPAFZIJMF, ZIJMY2

    Ivanhoe Mines' share price declined by approximately 50% since March.
    The shares start to be attractively valued once again.
    The Kamoa-Kakula production keeps on growing and after Phase 3 expansion is completed, in Q4 2024, the annual copper production should exceed 1.3 billion lb.
    Kamoa-Kakua alone should push Ivanhoe's market capitalization 50% higher after Phase 3 is completed and the metals prices don't fall further.
    Kipushi and Platreef provide additional value of several billion dollars.
    Looking for more investing ideas like this one? Get them exclusively at Royalty & Streaming Corner. Learn More »

  6. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 6 januari 2023 19:37

    Our new Progress Gallery features images of some of the work underway at our three mining projects in Southern Africa, including: expanding the Kamoa-Kakula high-grade copper joint venture on the Central African Copperbelt in the DRC, which is expected to approach the upper end of its 2022 copper production guidance of between 325,000 – 340,000 tonnes; mine development at the Platreef Project, a major palladium-rhodium-nickel-platinum-copper-gold deposit on the Northern Limb of South Africa’s Bushveld Complex, that is scheduled to begin production in late 2024; and upgrading of the historic, high-grade Kipushi zinc-copper-silver-germanium mine, also on the DRC’s Copperbelt.

    To view the December Progress Gallery, please visit: bit.ly/3GUMvxv

    Further details on our projects are available through: www.ivanhoemines.com/projects/, and;

    Follow Robert Friedland (https://twitter.com/robert_ivanhoe) and Ivanhoe Mines (https://twitter.com/IvanhoeMines_).

    Investor Relations
  7. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 10 januari 2023 16:21
    Ivanhoe Mines: Growth Outlook Clouded By Higher Costs And Negative News
    Jan. 08, 2023 12:29 AM ETIvanhoe Mines Ltd. (IVN:CA), IVPAFFCX, LUN:CA, LUNMF11

    Ivanhoe will be one of the fastest-growing copper miners in the world.
    Costs at Ivanhoe have been higher than forecast.
    Recent allegations of wrongdoing may prove to be an overhang on the stock.

    Ivanhoe Mines (OTCQX:IVPAF) is a mining company that is focused on producing copper and zinc in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and platinum group metals (PGMs) in South Africa. The company's main projects are the Kamoa-Kakula copper mine in the DRC and the Platreef platinum-palladium-nickel-copper-gold mine in South Africa. Ivanhoe Mines owns 39.6% of the Kamoa-Kakula mine and 64% of the Platreef mine. The Kamoa-Kakula mine began production in 2021 and is expanding rapidly. The Kamoa-Kakula project has exceptional resource potential, including some of the highest grade mineable resources. Ivanhoe Mines plans to increase the mining rate at this project to 15 million metric tons per year, which would make the Kamoa-Kakula project one of the largest copper mining complexes in the world.

    Kamoa-Kakula is positioned to be the 3rd largest copper mining complex by 2024

    Ivanhoe Mines website

    Ivanhoe Mines released lower-than-expected financial results for Q3 of 2022. While the company increased its production guidance for 2022, it also revised the mid-point of cost guidance upward by ~6%. However, the outlook for growth at the Kamoa-Kakula project remains positive. Ivanhoe Mines slightly improved its operating guidance for 2022 to 325-340 thousand metric tons of copper, and updated its C1 cash cost guidance to $1.35-$1.40 per pound. The company also decreased its 2022 capital expenditure guidance to $1.1 billion due to deferrals. A feasibility study for the planned Phase 3 expansion at Kamoa-Kakula is expected to be released in early 2023. As of Q3 2022, Ivanhoe Mines had $663 million in cash and cash equivalents and $667 million in debt, resulting in a net debt balance of $4 million. The increase in costs was due to some provisional pricing adjustments and higher logistics charges. Overall, Ivanhoe Mines revised its full-year 2022 C1 cash cost guidance to a range of $1.35 to $1.40 per pound, from the previous range of $1.20 to $1.40 per pound. Logistics challenges are expected to improve in the near future due to the reopening of the Lualaba smelter, which will reduce the volume of concentrate that needs to be shipped, and the opening of two new border crossings between the DRC and Zambia. In the medium term, Ivanhoe Mines anticipates a significant improvement in cash costs, between 10-20%, once it completes construction of the Phase 3 500,000 metric ton per year copper smelter at the end of 2024. The de-bottlenecking program at Kamoa-Kakula is about 70% complete and is ahead of schedule. This program aims to increase the combined processing capacity of the Phase 1 and 2 concentrator plants from 7.6 million metric tons per year to approximately 9.2 million metric tons per year. The de-bottlenecking program is expected to be completed in Q2 of 2023, which will increase Kamoa-Kakula's annual production to approximately 450,000 metric tons of copper.

    C1 costs higher on logistics

    Work on Phase 3 is progressing as planned. Basic engineering is complete and procurement is ongoing, as well as detailed engineering. Ivanhoe Mines is also advancing early construction work, including earthworks, which are 70% complete at the smelter site. The company is also making progress on the refurbishment of the Inga II turbine, which will provide an additional 178 MW of hydropower to support the expanded Phase 3 mine and smelter. The runner, the longest-lead item for the turbine refurbishment, is expected to be delivered by the end of 2023 and will improve the efficiency of the operation compared to the previous design. Engineering work is ongoing for the rest of the refurbishment equipment, and a study is being conducted to evaluate upgrades to the transmission infrastructure between Inga II and Kamoa-Kakula. The refurbishment of the smelter is on track for Q4 of 2024, which is the same timeline as the commissioning of the Phase 3 process plant and the smelter. During its quarterly call, management provided an update on the progress of exploration at Western Foreland as the 2022 drilling program nears completion due to the start of the rainy season. The drilling has been focused on regional targeting to define the limits of the roan sandstone, which is the host for Kamoa-Kakula style mineralization, as well as testing more advanced targets such as extensions to the known Makoko discovery and the Makoko West zone. In addition, management mentioned that two other advanced targets, Lupemba in the far southwest of the licenses and Mushiji, located 3km north of the Kamoa-Kakula mine license, were also tested. Ivanhoe was in the news for the wrong reasons recently in relation to the granting of licenses at Western Foreland. A story in the Canadian publication called "The Globe and Mail", discussed a Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) search of the Vancouver office of Ivanhoe Mines in November 2021 in connection with $2.7 million in bank transfers from Ivanhoe to a Swiss bank account. The RCMP obtained the search warrant based on reasonable grounds to believe that Ivanhoe violated Canada's Criminal Code and Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act between 2014 and 2018. Ivanhoe cooperated with the search and no charges have been filed against the company or its directors or employees. The search warrant authorized the seizure of documents related to Stucky Ltd., Stucky Technologies, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo's state-owned power company. Ivanhoe's stock price dropped by about 11% on the Toronto Stock Exchange following news of the search. A significant portion of the report focuses on the issuance and timing of various exploration licenses and the process of converting those licenses into exploitation licenses. The licenses in question relate to the Western Forelands properties owned by Ivanhoe Mines, which are mostly in an early exploration stage and do not have active mining operations. The report specifically mentions the Western Forelands properties, which are valued at $750 million as potential option value for a future discovery. These properties make up approximately 6% of Ivanhoe Mines' consolidated net asset value.
  8. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 10 januari 2023 16:22

    Ivanhoe released a rather long statement, which pointed at numerous "inaccuracies" in the reporting but it is suffice to say that there is remains ongoing uncertainty around the dealings of the company in the DRC. The DRC itself has proven to be a rather difficult place to work for Western companies as a result of significant corruption within the country. Corruption is a widespread problem in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The country ranks near the bottom of Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index, with high levels of corruption in the public sector, including in the police, judiciary, and government. The extraction of the country's natural resources, including minerals such as gold, copper, and diamonds, has also been plagued by corruption, with many officials and businesses profiting illicitly from the country's wealth. This corruption has contributed to poverty and instability in the DRC, and has made it difficult for the country to develop and prosper. This has been to the detriment of Western companies who are forbidden from engaging in illicit practices and has benefitted the Chinese who have tend to view corruption as a cost of doing business. Lundin Mining (OTCPK:LUNMF) exited the DRC in 2017 by selling their stake in the Tenke mine to the Chinese as did Freeport-McMoRan (FCX) when it also sold its stake in the Tenke mine to the China Moly. Subsequently, Freeport also unloaded its undeveloped project in the DRC to the Chinese in 2020 to the Chinese, effectively exiting the country. A rather significant portion of Ivanhoe is owned by the Chinese in addition to the direct involvement on the project level. CITIC owns 25.9% of Ivanhoe while Zijin owns 13.6% of the company.

    From an investor's perspective, it is important to consider both the positive and negative aspects before making a decision. In my view, Ivanhoe is a good buy, but only at the right price. Currently, the company trades at a discount of around 15% to its net asset value compared to its peers such as First Quantum and Lundin Mining. While neither First Quantum nor Lundin operate in Tier 1 jurisdictions, they are considered to be in more stable locations than the DRC. On the other hand, Ivanhoe's operations are of a higher grade and more profitable than either FM or Lundin. For my money, Ivanhoe becomes an attractive investment opportunity if its discount compared to its peers widens beyond 25% especially in light of the growth capital that needs to be spent this year. Given its historical volatility, it is likely that there will be opportunities to purchase Ivanhoe at lower prices in the future.

    Editor's Note: This article discusses one or more securities that do not trade on a major U.S. exchange. Please be aware of the risks associated with these stocks.

    This article was written by
    Volatility Surfer profile picture

    Investing since the dot com crash. Searching for a little wisdom every day. I enjoy uncovering quality dividend ideas for my retirement portfolio. With my play money, I enjoy hunting for commodity multi-baggers. Gold and silver bull.
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    Disclosure: I/we have no stock, option or similar derivative position in any of the companies mentioned, and no plans to initiate any such positions within the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.
    Comments (11)
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    IVN:CA - Ivanhoe Mines Ltd.
  9. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 24 januari 2023 16:44
    Ivanhoe Mines to Release Kamoa-Kakula 2023 Integrated Development Plan and 2023 Cash Cost Guidance on Monday, January 30

    Newsfile Corp.
    Tue, January 24, 2023 at 1:45 PM GMT+1

    Company-wide capital expenditure guidance for 2023 and 2024 to be released on Tuesday, January 31

    Investor conference call discussing 2023 Integrated Development Plan to be held on Tuesday, January 31

    London, United Kingdom--(Newsfile Corp. - January 24, 2023) - Ivanhoe Mines (TSX: IVN) (OTCQX: IVPAF) will release the Kamoa-Kakula 2023 Integrated Development Plan (Kamoa-Kakula 2023 IDP), as well as the 2023 cash cost (C1) guidance for Kamoa-Kakula before market open on Monday, January 30, 2023.

    In addition, before market open on Tuesday, January 31, 2023, the company will release its group-wide capital expenditure guidance for 2023 and 2024. On the same day at 10:30 a.m. Eastern time / 7:30 a.m. Pacific time, the Company will hold an investor webinar to discuss the Kamoa-Kakula 2023 IDP.

    The webinar will include a video update from Kamoa-Kakula, as well as remarks from Ivanhoe's Co-Chairman Robert Friedland, President Marna Cloete, and members of the company's management team. To register and attend the webinar, click on the link below. There will be an opportunity to submit questions during the webinar session.

    A recording of the webinar, together with supporting presentation slides, will be made available on Ivanhoe Mines' website at www.ivanhoemines.com.

    A separate dial-in is available on +1-416-764-8650 or toll free +1-888-664-6383, quote "Ivanhoe Mines" if requested. Media are invited to attend on a listen-only basis.

    About Ivanhoe Mines

    Ivanhoe Mines is a Canadian mining company focused on advancing its three principal projects in Southern Africa; the expansion of the Kamoa-Kakula Mining Complex in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the construction of the tier-one Platreef palladium-rhodium-platinum-nickel-copper-gold project in South Africa; and the restart of the historic ultra-high-grade Kipushi zinc-copper-germanium-silver mine, also in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

    Ivanhoe Mines is also exploring for new copper discoveries across its circa 2,400km2 of 90-100% owned exploration licences in the Western Foreland, which are located adjacent to the Kamoa-Kakula Mining Complex in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  10. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 30 januari 2023 14:29

    January 30, 2023

    Ivanhoe Mines
    announces outstanding economic results of updated, independent Integrated Development Plan (2023 IDP) for world-leading Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex

    • Ivanhoe’s 26-year odyssey of discovery realizes a globally significant copper complex essential for the energy transition

      2023 IDP consists of a pre-feasibility study (PFS) for the Phase 3 and 4 expansions of Kamoa-Kakula, and a preliminary economic assessment (PEA) life-of-mine extension case

      Phase 3 expansion, to be completed in 2024, increases Kamoa-Kakula’s annual copper production to a ten-year average of 620,000 tonnes of copper, at cash costs (C1) of $1.22/lb.

      Expansion to 19.2 Mtpa in PFS case yields after-tax NPV8% of $19.1 billion, over a 33-year mine life

      $20.2 billion after-tax NPV8% in the 42-year PEA life-of-mine case


    OTCQX: IVPAF) Co-Chairs Robert Friedland and Yufeng “Miles” Sun announced

    today that the company and its partners, Zijin Mining Group, Crystal River Global

    Limited and the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), welcome

    the extremely positive findings of an independent Integrated Development Plan

    (2023 IDP) for the world-leading Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex.

    The 2023 IDP consists of a Pre-Feasibility Study (Kamoa-Kakula 2023 PFS) for the Phase 3 and

    Phase 4 expansions of the Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex over a 33-year mine life,

    as well as an updated Preliminary Economic Assessment (Kamoa-Kakula 2023 PEA)

    that includes a life-of-mine extension case to 42 years overall.

    See full details in Ivanhoe Mines’ attached news release.

    Investor Relations


    Telephone +1 604-688-6630

  11. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 30 januari 2023 19:27

    Watch a video encompassing the core elements of the 2023 IDP as well as ongoing expansion activities at Kamoa-Kakula: vimeo.com/793832552/c6e4f1f11d



    Newsfile Corp.
    Mon, January 30, 2023 at 1:53 PM GMT+1
    In this article:


    Ivanhoe's 26-year odyssey of discovery realizes a globally significant copper complex essential for the energy transition

    2023 IDP consists of a pre-feasibility study (PFS) for the Phase 3 and 4 expansions of Kamoa-Kakula, and a preliminary economic assessment (PEA) life-of-mine extension case

    Phase 3 expansion, to be completed in 2024, increases Kamoa-Kakula's annual copper production to a ten-year average of 620,000 tonnes of copper, at cash costs (C1) of $1.22/lb.

    Expansion to 19.2 Mtpa in PFS case yields after-tax NPV8% of $19.1 billion, over a 33-year mine life

    $20.2 billion after-tax NPV8% in 42-year PEA life-of-mine extension case

    Kamoa-Kakula 500,000 tonne-per-annum copper smelter completion in late 2024; brings operating cost reductions and environmental benefits, producing ultra-low carbon 99+% copper blister anodes

    Kamoa-Kakula to rank as the 4th largest copper producer globally in 2025, with lowest-quartile cash costs

    Mineral Reserves tonnage increased by 101% to 472 million tonnes

    Kamoa-Kakula generates powerful cash flow to fund expansions, with an average annual EBITDA of over $3 billion for the first 10 years

    Phase 3 and 4 expansions deliver significant blessings to all Kamoa-Kakula stakeholders, including host communities, 12,000+ employees and contractors, as well as the Democratic Republic of Congo as a major 20% shareholder

    Ivanhoe Mines to host conference call on Tuesday, January 31, 2023

    Ivanhoe Mines provides 2023 cost guidance for Kamoa-Kakula

    Kolwezi, Democratic Republic of Congo--(Newsfile Corp. - January 30, 2023) - Ivanhoe Mines' (TSX: IVN) (OTCQX: IVPAF) Co-Chairs Robert Friedland and Yufeng "Miles" Sun announced today that the company and its partners, Zijin Mining Group, Crystal River Global Limited and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), welcome the extremely positive findings of an independent Integrated Development Plan (2023 IDP) for the world-leading Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex. The 2023 IDP consists of a Pre-Feasibility Study (Kamoa-Kakula 2023 PFS) for the Phase 3 and Phase 4 expansions of the Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex over a 33-year mine life, as well as an updated Preliminary Economic Assessment (Kamoa-Kakula 2023 PEA) that includes a life-of-mine extension case to 42 years overall.
  12. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 5 april 2023 16:56
    April 5, 2023

    Ivanhoe Mines reports Q1 2023 production of 93,603 tonnes of copper from Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex
    Kamoa-Kakula produced record 34,915 tonnes of copper in March


    Kamoa-Kakula reported weekly production record of 9,016 tonnes of copper and daily production record of 1,563 tonnes of copper in March


    Phase 1 and 2 concentrators reached new daily average milling record of over 29,000 tonnes


    Kamoa-Kakula achieved record average copper recoveries exceeding 88% in March

    KOLWEZI, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO – Ivanhoe Mines (TSX: IVN; OTCQX: IVPAF) Executive Co-Chair Robert Friedland and President Marna Cloete are pleased to announce that the Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) produced 93,603 tonnes of copper in concentrate during the first quarter of 2023.

    The Phase 1 and 2 concentrators are now regularly operating at the increased processing rate of 9.2 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa), following the completion of the debottlenecking program. The $50-million Phase 1 and 2 concentrator debottlenecking program was completed on-budget and ahead of schedule in late February, increasing production capacity up to 450,000 tonnes of copper in concentrate per annum.

    See full details in Ivanhoe Mines’ attached news release.

    Investor Relations


    Telephone +1 604-688-6630
  13. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 1 mei 2023 16:11
    April 27, 2023

    Ivanhoe Mines and Gécamines agree on off-take and financing terms to return the ultra-high-grade Kipushi Mine in the DRC to production

    Off-take term sheet for 100% of Kipushi's zinc concentrate, together with US$250 million facility supported by Glencore


    Kipushi construction advancing ahead of schedule; first concentrate production expected in Q3 2024


    Underground development of the Big Zinc orebody also ahead of schedule; mining to commence in January 2024


    Plans for dedicated Kipushi commercial border-crossing advancing to unlock value for the DRC, Kipushi and Kamoa-Kakula

    KIPUSHI, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO – Ivanhoe Mines (TSX: IVN; OTCQX: IVPAF) Executive Co-Chair Robert Friedland and President Marna Cloete, together with Chairman Guy-Robert Lukama Nkunzi and General Manager Placide Nkala Basadilua of Gécamines, the Democratic Republic of Congo’s state-owned mining company, announced today the signing of an off-take and financing term sheet to return the historic Kipushi zinc-copper-lead-germanium mine to production. In addition, Ivanhoe is pleased to provide an update on construction activities for the restart of the ultra-high-grade zinc mine, which is on track for first concentrate in the third quarter of 2024.

    See full details in Ivanhoe Mines’ attached news release.

    Investor Relations


    Telephone +1 604-688-6630
  14. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 6 juni 2023 10:06
    June 5, 2023

    Ivanhoe Mines announces Kamoa-Kakula achieved record copper production of 35,856 tonnes in May
    Monthly copper production equivalent to annual production of approximately 430,000 tonnes

    New daily ore milling record achieved at Kamoa-Kakula, equivalent to an annual rate of approximately 9.8 million tonnes


    Phase 1 and 2 concentrators continue to operate at above-design copper recoveries

    KOLWEZI, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO – Ivanhoe Mines (TSX: IVN; OTCQX: IVPAF) Co-Chairs Robert Friedland and Yufeng “Miles” Sun announced today that the Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex in the Democratic Republic of Congo achieved a monthly production record of 35,856 tonnes of copper in concentrate during May.

    Copper production during April was 34,826 tonnes of copper in concentrate, bringing quarter-to-date production to 70,682 tonnes.

    A new daily milling record of 29,366 tonnes of ore was also achieved by the Phase 1 and 2 concentrators. This is equivalent to an annual milling rate of 9.8 million tonnes per annum (after accounting for availability). This record far exceeds the increased milling capacity of 9.2 million tonnes per annum following the debottlenecking program of the Phase 1 and 2 concentrators, which was completed in February 2023.

    See full details in Ivanhoe Mines’ attached news release.
  15. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 6 juni 2023 10:10

    MisterBlues schreef op 6 juni 2023 10:06:

    June 5, 2023
    Ivanhoe Mines announces Kamoa-Kakula achieved record copper production of 35,856 tonnes in May¦
    Monthly copper production equivalent to annual production of approximately 430,000 tonnes
    New daily ore milling record achieved at Kamoa-Kakula, equivalent to an annual rate of approximately 9.8 million tonnes
    Phase 1 and 2 concentrators continue to operate at above-design copper recoveries
    KOLWEZI, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO – Ivanhoe Mines (TSX: IVN; OTCQX: IVPAF) Co-Chairs Robert Friedland and Yufeng “Miles” Sun announced today that the Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex in the Democratic Republic of Congo achieved a monthly production record of 35,856 tonnes of copper in concentrate during May.

    Copper production during April was 34,826 tonnes of copper in concentrate, bringing quarter-to-date production to 70,682 tonnes.

    A new daily milling record of 29,366 tonnes of ore was also achieved by the Phase 1 and 2 concentrators. This is equivalent to an annual milling rate of 9.8 million tonnes per annum (after accounting for availability). This record far exceeds the increased milling capacity of 9.2 million tonnes per annum following the debottlenecking program of the Phase 1 and 2 concentrators, which was completed in February 2023.

    See full details in Ivanhoe Mines’ attached news release.
    Met zo'n productie is het geen wonder dat de koperprijs daalt.........
  16. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 6 juni 2023 10:10

    Check out our Progress Gallery showcasing the incredible work taking place at our three mining projects in Southern Africa, including: expanding the Kamoa-Kakula high-grade copper joint venture on the Central African Copperbelt in the DRC; mine development at the Platreef Project, a major palladium-rhodium-nickel-platinum-copper-gold deposit on the Northern Limb of South Africa’s Bushveld Complex, that is scheduled to begin production in late 2024; and upgrading of the historic, high-grade Kipushi zinc-copper-silver-germanium mine, also on the DRC’s Copperbelt.

    To view the May Progress Gallery, please visit: tinyurl.com/4p8c9up2

    Follow Robert Friedland (https://twitter.com/robert_ivanhoe) and Ivanhoe Mines (https://twitter.com/IvanhoeMines_).

    Investor Relations
    Telephone +1 604-688-6630
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