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Aandeel ArcelorMittal AEX:MT.NL, LU1598757687

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 27 november 2013 16:54
    Hebei closes polluting iron and steel plants

    Efforts to reduce air pollution in China seem to be accelerating. In a coordinated action on Sunday, local authorities pulled down facilities in three cities in Hebei Province, a main center of iron and steel manufacturing. This could eventually cut coal consumption by nearly three hundred tonnes. And it’s just the beginning.

    Mr Xin Zhichun special advisor of Tangshan City Government said that “We are going to completely demolish these facilities. That includes destroying the entire production system, and cutting power permanently to make sure production can’t be restarted."

    China now has called a halt to all new iron and steel projects.

    The State Council recently issued plans to cut iron and steel production capacity by 80 million tons. And half of those reductions will be in Tangshan.

    Mr Xin said that “The goal is to cut nearly one third of our capacity by 2017. We are under huge pressure. We are facing a drop in fiscal revenue and are having to lay off a huge number of workers. We also need to help iron & steel companies handle their debts and maintain social stability.”

    Hebei province is China’s biggest iron & steel base. However in recent years, this pillar industry has been haunted by over capacity. That’s involved a massive waste of energy and caused severe air pollution.

    Source – english.cntv.cn

  2. forum rang 10 voda 27 november 2013 16:56
    ArcelorMittal to produce steel for the new Vikings Stadium

    The Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority announced that ArcelorMittal will provide some of the steel needed for the new Minnesota Multi-Purpose Stadium.

    ArcelorMittal in Luxembourg will produce 3,600 of the 18,000 tons of steel required for the construction of the stadium. The steel that ArcelorMittal will provide is required to be grade 65, however there are no steel manufacturing plants in the United States that make that grade, which is why the Facilities Authority has to buy it from Europe.

    Grade 65 steel is being used for the main truss that will be used for an extremely long span of the roof. The remaining 14,400 tons needed for construction, which will be grade 50 steel, will be manufactured and purchased in the United States.

    ArcelorMittlal owns and operates facilities on the Iron Range in Minnesota – the ArcelorMittal Minorca Mines and the Hibbing Taconite Mines.

    Groundbreaking for the new stadium is scheduled for December 3, 2013, which is expected to be completed in time for the 2016 Minnesota Vikings season.

    Source - www.northlandsnewscenter.com

  3. forum rang 10 voda 27 november 2013 16:57
    ArcelorMittal looks to 800 MW gas-fired plant to cut energy costs

    ArcelorMittal South Africa the world's largest steel and mining company plans to purchase power from an 800 megawatt compressed natural gas fired power plant to reduce electricity costs. The plant will be built near the company's existing steel-making facility in the Western Cape.

    The Saldanha facility spends 44% of its operating costs on electricity currently, and uses 160 MW of power each year, totaling USD 74 million, Reuters reported. If the compressed natural gas plant project is approved, ArcelorMittal would import gas from Angola and other countries.

    Power provider Eskom was recently granted approval by South African energy regulators to raise prices by 8% over five years. Eskom also recently declared a supply emergency due to some units being shut down for maintenance and other older units experiencing problems. ArcelorMittal made an agreement with Eskom to reduce its energy usage by 10% recently.

    Source - www.pennenergy.com
  4. forum rang 10 voda 27 november 2013 19:31
    ArcelorMittal hervat in juni '14 productie derde hoogoven Braziliaanse Tubarao

    RIO DE JANEIRO (Dow Jones)--Staalgigant ArcelorMittal (MT.AE) verwacht dat zijn fabriek in het Braziliaanse Tubarao volgend jaar voor het eerst sinds de financiele crisis weer op volle capaciteit zal draaien, dankzij een verbetering van de economische vooruitzichten voor de VS en Europa.

    Het bedrijf is van plan om de derde hoogoven, die een capaciteit heeft van 2,5 miljoen metrische ton per jaar, in juni 2014 te hervatten, stelt Mario Baptista, de directeur van ArcelorMittal Brazilie. Sinds november 2012 worden er reparatiewerkzaamheden aan de hoogoven verricht.

    Met de hervatting van de productie van de derde hoogoven komt de totale productiecapaciteit van de fabriek uit op 7,5 miljoen metrische ton per jaar.

    "Het besluit de productie volgend jaar te hervatten is niet gerelateerd aan de binnenlandse Braziliaanse economische ontwikkelingen", aldus Baptista. ArcelorMittal constateert dat de Amerikaanse economie het "volgend jaar beter doet dan dit jaar". Daarnaast is het concern gematigd positief over Europese groei en van mening dat de Europese economie zijn dieptepunt heeft bereikt.

    - Door Paul Kiernan; Vertaald en bewerkt door Patrick Buis; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 571 52 00; patrick.buis@wsj.com

  5. forum rang 10 voda 27 november 2013 20:03
    ArcelorMittal ranks second in Ukraine transparency index

    ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih secured second place in the 2013 transparency index rating by the renowned Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility in Ukraine. This comes in recognition, among other things, of the significant improvements made to ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih’s website, in particular its corporate responsibility section.

    Judges were impressed with the high level of transparency and information available on the company’s corporate responsibility activities, compared with the websites of other Ukrainian companies.

    The website was assessed based on four major criteria:
    reporting – report on social and environmental activity of the company
    content – the level of openness of information in key areas of corporate responsibility;
    navigation – easy access to information about the special and environmental responsibilities of the company;
    availability – in terms of languages available, contact information, access for people with disabilities.

    ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih’s website was re-launched in 2013, after a series of technical and design improvements in line with ArcelorMittal corporate online standards. New functionalities were added, such as a multi-language platform, enhanced navigation and search engine, all of which allows visitors to have better, easier and quicker access to information. Particular emphasis has been placed on the website’s corporate responsibility section, which has been enhanced taking into account the transparency index’s requirements, as well as the suggestions and comments shared by visitors via an online feedback form available on the former website.

    The website had already made it into the top five of the transparency index rating in 2012, ranking fourth.

    About the transparency index

    The index is compiled by the Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility, the leading corporate social responsibility organisation in Ukraine and also a member of the United Nations’ Board of Global Agreement of UN, a national partner of CSR Europe in Brussels and member of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in Geneva.

    The transparency index was founded to promote transparent access to information among Ukrainian companies, and is now in its third year. In 2013, 88 companies were involved in the rating, including DTEK, Metinvest, SKM, Interpipe Ukraine, Industrial Union of Donbass, Kyivstar, and MTS Ukraine.

    Visit ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih’s website
  6. forum rang 10 voda 27 november 2013 20:04

    ArcelorMittal safety barriers help protect motorcyclists

    ArcelorMittal Ostrava has developed special safety barriers that help better protect motorcyclists in the event of an accident.

    The new steel barrier has now been installed for the first time, in a test area in the Czech municipality of Šebrov, Blansko district. With a lower guard strip compared with traditional barriers, the new barriers are the first to be certified against ‘under-riding’ – a major cause of injuries and fatalities among motorcyclists involved in road accidents.

    ArcelorMittal Ostrava has developed, tested and installed the safety barriers, called JSAM-M/H1, free of charge - as part of its commitment to protecting and improving the lives of people in the communities close to ArcelorMittal sites.

    "The new barriers, with a lower guard strip, prevent motorcyclists from going underneath the restraint system, which is currently the cause of many serious injuries. At the same time, they mitigate the impact on motorcyclists hitting the barrier during an accident," said Richard Toman, responsible for the production of safety barriers at ArcelorMittal Ostrava. ArcelorMittal's new safety barrier is the first and currently the only certified restraint system with a lower strip to be in use on Czech roads.

    The new safety barriers were developed following research and development activities carried out to develop the so-called ‘smart road restraint system’ which uses sensors to record accidents - a project which has received funding from the EU. ArcelorMittal Ostrava was actively involved in the development of this system between 2008 and 2012, and has built on this work to produce the new safety barrier in use today. In cooperation with the University of Zaragoza, Spain, suitable shapes for the lower strip were designed and testing using a computer simulation to assess the impact of a motorcyclist hitting the barrier. "Using the results of the simulation, we developed and started producing a prototype barrier, which underwent laboratory testing and crash tests in Spain," Toman added.

    Development of the new restraint system took two months at ArcelorMittal Ostrava, and was followed by successful crash tests and certification by the Czech Republic’s Directorate of Roads and Highways and the Ministry of Transport. The restraint system has now been installed in collaboration with the local police department on a 142m-long stretch in Šebrov, in the district of Blansko. The local Transport Research Centre further equipped the barriers with reflective strips and reflectors.

    “An accident with tragic consequences happened to a motorcyclist in Šebrov in 2010. He died from his injuries after hitting against the safety barrier. I hope that the new safety barrier in this area is just the beginning for improved protection of motorcyclists on the Czech roads,” said Iva Šebková, spokeswoman of the Police of the Czech Republic, department of Blansko-Vyškov.

    The new restraint system was launched in Prague today. The event was attended by representatives of ArcelorMittal Ostrava, the Czech Ministry of Transport, the Motorcycle Association of the Czech Republic, the Transport Research Centre and the Police department of Blansko. " I am glad that the first step has been taken to protect motorcyclists on Czech roads from serious injuries and potential death," said Jaromír Šíd, president of the Motorcycle Association of the Czech Republic.

    ArcelorMittal Ostrava is the largest steelmaker in the Czech Republic, with an annual production capacity of 3 million tonnes of steel.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 28 november 2013 16:18
    Tata trekt aanvraag banklicentie in

    Gepubliceerd op 28 nov 2013 om 12:04 | Views: 1.739

    MUMBAI (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Het Indiase conglomeraat Tata & Sons heeft een aanvraag voor een banklicentie in eigen land ingetrokken. De regelgeving voor de financiering van klanten van buitenlandse werkmaatschappijen bleek te ingewikkeld. Tata, het moederbedrijf van het vroegere Hoogovens in IJmuiden, maakte de intrekking donderdag bekend.

    Tata & Sons bestaat uit meer dan 1000 werkmaatschappijen, die onder meer auto's, chemicaliën, zout en staal produceren. ,,De financiering in het buitenland wordt bemoeilijkt door wetgeving in sommige landen die voorschrijft dat werkmaatschappijen alleen samen met een lokale bank een financiële instelling kunnen oprichten'', aldus een woordvoerster van Tata. De groep haalt ongeveer 64 procent van zijn omzet uit het buitenland.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 28 november 2013 16:24
    Rio Tinto verhoogt productie

    Gepubliceerd op 28 nov 2013 om 09:55 | Views: 2.880

    Rio Tinto 16:04
    PNC 3.285,00+146,00(+4,65%)

    ArcelorMittal 16:04
    EUR 12,67+0,11(+0,88%)

    LONDEN (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Rio Tinto verhoogt in de komende tijd zijn jaarlijkse productiecapaciteit van ijzererts met meer dan 60 miljoen ton en deze verhoging kost minder dan de onderneming eerder verwachtte. Dat maakte het op een na grootste mijnbouwbedrijf ter wereld donderdag bekend.

    De mijnbouwgroep wil tussen 2014 en 2017 de jaarlijkse capaciteit van de ijzerertsproductie uit laten komen op circa 360 miljoen ton. Dit gaat in totaal circa 3 miljard dollar (2,2 miljard euro) minder kosten dan waar het bedrijf eerder van uitging. Wat die verwachting precies was, gaf Rio Tinto niet aan. Analisten gingen eerder uit van een bedrag van ruim 5 miljard dollar om de productie in die mate te verhogen.

    De capaciteitsuitbreiding wordt bereikt door de productie van bestaande mijnen op te krikken en de ontwikkeling van een nieuwe productielocatie. Tegelijkertijd gaat Rio Tinto scherper op de kosten letten. IJzererts is een van de belangrijkste grondstoffen voor de productie van staal.

    Rio Tinto rekent op een stijgende vraag vanuit China, waar de economie na een korte periode van iets zwakkere groei, in de komende jaren naar verwachting weer snel zal uitdijen. De onderneming zei donderdag te verwachten met de uitbreiding van de productiecapaciteit meer marktaandeel te winnen.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 28 november 2013 16:42
    TATA Steel introduced model of Coke Dry Quenching of Coke ovens

    Orissa Diary reported that achieving high standards in innovation has been the driving force for improved environmental performance, energy efficiency and productivity at TATA Steel.

    The steel major has always aimed to raise the bar in delivering the best to its customers. In this process it has come up with numerous innovative, indigenous as well as heterogeneous technologies that have paved the way forward for other technological wonders in the industry. These new technologies have changed the way the industry views aspects of environmental benefits and energy conservation in its overall operations.

    It is in this journey of Operational Excellence that TATA Steel introduced the model of Coke Dry Quenching of its Coke ovens # 5, 6 & 7 in order to promote energy conservation and add to the industrial environmental benefits. The implementation of the Coke Dry Quenching technique helps in reduction of carbon emissions, energy and water consumption and aids in power generation in the operational processes at TATA Steel.

    Speaking on the implementation of this state of the art technology, Mr Ashok Kumar Chief Technology Officer of (Process) of TATA Steel said that “We at TATA Steel have always endeavored for innovations in technology which propel our production and underscore our proposition in promoting energy conservation and industrial environmental benefits. The technology of Coke Dry Quenching is a step in that direction and is an extension in implementing ourbest practices in production of steel and conserving energy.”

    The model project on CDQ, to promote energy conservation has been carried out inside Tata Steel Works by New Energy and Industrial Technology Development organization in collaboration with the Ministry of Steel, Government of India, Ministry of Finance of India and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan. Nippon Steel Engineering Co Limited of Japan and Tata Steel Ltd. India have jointly constructed a Coke Dry Quenching facility for Coke ovens # 5, 6 & 7. The project came into operation in August 2011. The Plant recovers the sensible heat of hot coke by using circulating gas and feeds the recovered heat into the boiler to generate utility steam. Coke Dry Quenching is a benchmark in excellence in Operations on the environmental front as it prevents wastage of water and energy in the form of steam. This innovation has helped in conserving water, a scarce resource to a great extent in the operational lines inside the plant. The benchmark novelty stood as a pioneer in technology which remains an extension of the steel major’s philosophy of care for the environment.

    Process of Coke Dry Quenching:
    Continuing in its journey of leadership in pioneering the stamp charge battery operations in India, Tata Steel introduced the new technology of Coke Dry Quenching in 1989. Tata Steel has seven batteries that generate about 3 million tonne of coke per annum. Previously all the coke was wet quenched using water where the sensible heat of the coke was lost and huge amount of water would be wasted. With this installation, almost 37% of the coke is dry quenched which not only helps in moving ahead in sustainable methods but also assists in improving quality of the coke. CDQ is a counter current solid gas heat exchange operation, where a nitrogen enhancedmixed gas is moving upwards in between packed columns of coke pieces with an exchange of thermal energy. Thermal energy is extracted from the heated gas and the residual gas is re circulated within the system with some additional make up gas to maintain desired composition.

    Source - www.orissadiary.com
  10. forum rang 10 voda 28 november 2013 16:44
    Three Cities in Hebei began to shut down BF

    It is reported that Tangshan, Handan and Chengde in China’s leading steel province Hebei began to tear down 10 blast furnaces and 16 converters of 8 steelmakers, leading the trend of dissolving overcapacity, which has drawn the attention from all walks of life in a short time.

    Hebei’s steel output has been in the top level in China for 12 consecutive years. Now, it’s steel capacity hits 0.2 billion tonnes. The State Council decided to compass the steel capacity by 80 million tonnes within five years, of which 60 million tonnes should be compassed from Hebei province.

    This action will reduce 4.56 million tonnes of ironmaking capacity and 6.8 million tonnes of steelmaking capacity and can therefore reduce 2.76 million tonnes of coal consumption, 9,800 tonnes of sulfur dioxide discharge as well as dust discharge each year.

    What’s more, Hebei will pay more attention to dissolving overcapacity, accelerating the industry transformation and upgrading and improving the air quality in accordance with the overall requirement of “digest a batch of outdated capacity, transfer a batch of that, integrate a batch of that and eliminate a batch of that”.

    Steel industry is the first pillar industry in Hebei province as well as the key point in solving the problem of overcapacity and the job of prevention and treatment of air pollution. Since the Twelfth Five-Year Plan, Hebei has eliminated 39 blast furnaces and 47 converters which has already reduced 11.81 million tonnes of ironmaking capacity and 17.16 million tonnes of steelmaking capacity. The insider source said that it is better to shut down these small steelmakers rather than let them pollute the air.

    Source - www.steelhome.cn/en
    China steel information centre and industry database
  11. forum rang 10 voda 28 november 2013 16:44
    US Weekly raw steel production update

    In the week ending November 23, 2013, domestic raw steel production was 1,850,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 77.2%. Production was 1,744,000 net tons in the week ending November 23rd 2012, while the capability utilization then was 70.1%. The current week production represents a 6.1% increase from the same period in the previous year.

    Production for the week ending November 23, 2013 is down 0.3% from the previous week ending November 16, 2013 when production was 1,856,000 net tons and the rate of capability utilization was 77.5%.

    Adjusted year-to-date production through November 23, 2013 was 86,893,000 net tons, at a capability utilization rate of 77.2%. That is a 1.7% decrease from the 88,366,000 net tons during the same period last year, when the capability utilization rate was 75.5%.

    Broken down by districts, here's production for the week ending November 23, 2013 in thousands of net tons:
    North East: 214
    Great Lakes: 676
    Midwest: 249
    Southern: 627
    Western: 84

    Source – Strategic Research Institute
  12. forum rang 10 voda 28 november 2013 16:47
    Imported iron ore stockpiles up in China

    Xinhua reported that stockpiles of iron ore at 25 major Chinese ports increased last week.

    At the end of the November 19th to 25th 2013 period, inventories of imported iron ore in ports stood at 81.11 million tonnes up 1.63 million tonnes or 2.05% over the previous period.

    The index, compiled through research and analysis of 25 major sea ports, showed that the price index for iron ore imports with a 62% purity grade decreased 2 points from the previous week to 135 and the index for iron ore imports of 58% purity grade fell 3 points to 122.

    Steelmakers showed little desire to buy iron ore as the downstream market has not rebounded. Meanwhile, oversupply has caused high supplies that have kept prices from rising, indicating risk of price drops for imported iron ore in 2014.

    Source - Xinhua

  13. forum rang 10 voda 28 november 2013 16:48
    Siemens Jet Process boosts flexibility of raw material use in converter steel making

    With the Jet Process, Siemens Metals Technologies offers a solution for operating converters with up to 100 percent scrap and sponge iron. This enables operators of melt shops to respond to raw material supply bottlenecks and exploit short-term price fluctuations. The solution consists of a bottom-blowing converter that makes it possible to blow in oxygen, lime and coal through bottom tuyeres and of a hot blast top lance for feeding additional energy into the steel bath. The Jet Process can either be implemented as a new installation or retrofitted in existing plants in a modular fashion.

    Falling prices for scrap and direct reduced iron (sponge iron) as well as pressure from public authorities to reduce CO2 emissions offer stimuli for operators of integrated steel works to increase the share of scrap and sponge iron in the converter steel plant. Due to increasing price volatility, it has also become necessary to be able to flexibly adjust amounts of scrap and sponge iron to the respective market situation. A higher share of scrap or sponge iron calls for a supply of additional energy to maintain the temperature of the steel bath.

    To fulfill these requirements, Siemens has developed a converter with bottom- blowing equipment and a hot blast lance. Oxygen, lime or coal can be fed into the steel bath with the aid of bottom tuyeres jets. Additionally, a top lance is used to blow a hot blast enriched to up to 40% of oxygen and a temperature of around 1,300 °C onto the bath. As a result of the high temperature, the speed of sound and the volume of the hot blast are high. This leads to excellent mixing, almost complete combustion of CO from the bath and optimum transfer of the heat generated in post combustion to the steel bath. A pebble heater with an energy efficiency of more than 95% is used to create the hot blast. Furthermore, the converter is equipped with a cooling stack to fully exploit the remaining thermal energy of the exhaust gas.

    The bottom-blowing converter offers even more advantages. The oxygen bottom jets act as cutting torches, for example, enabling even large pieces of scrap to be melted with greater ease than in a conventional converter. Blowing in lime powder accelerates slag formation and desulfurization, thus improving process control. Bottom blowing also ensures a lower share of iron and iron oxide in the slag and lower slag volume in total, reducing evaporation of iron and crucially increasing the converter's yield and thus its profitability. The injected volume of coal can be varied within a wide scope. This permits easy and fast adjustment of the raw material composition to current market prices.

    The Jet Process is particularly suitable for use in regions where scrap or sponge iron are relatively cheap compared to hot metal. It can also be used to circumvent bottlenecks in the availability of hot metal, either due to a planned production expansion, temporary unavailability of a blast furnace or because of production restrictions resulting from emission constraints imposed by authorities. The Jet Process has been successfully in operation at an Asian steel works since mid-2013.

    Source – Strategic Research Institute

  14. forum rang 10 voda 28 november 2013 16:51
    US preliminary steel imports up by 9% in October

    Based on preliminary Census Bureau data, the American Iron and Steel Institute reported that the US imported a total of 3,059,000 net tons of steel in October, including 2,233,000 net tons of finished steel (up 8.5% and 2.7%, respectively, vs September final data). Year-to-date total and finished steel imports are 27,010,000 and 20,986,000 net tons (NT), respectively, down 5% each, respectively, vs. 2012. Annualized total and finished steel imports in 2013 would be 32.4 and 25.2 million net tons, down 3% each, respectively vs. 2012. Finished steel import market share was an estimated 24% in October and is estimated at 23% YTD.

    Key finished steel products with a significant import increase in October 2013 compared to September are sheets and strip all other metallic coatings (up 89%), oil country goods (up 53%), cold rolled sheets (up 34%) and sheets and strip galvanized hot dipped (up 31%).

    Major products with significant YTD import increases vs. the same period last year include
    Reinforcing bars (up 25%)
    Hot rolled bars (up 16%)
    Sheets and strip all other metallic coatings (up 12%).

    In October, the largest volumes of finished steel imports from offshore were all from Asia and Europe. They were from
    South Korea (369,000 net tons, up 9% vs. September final)
    China (214,000 net tons, up 10%)
    Japan (126,000 net tons, down 34%)
    India (117,000 net tons, up 117%)
    Germany (105,000 net tons, up 19%)

    For ten months of 2013, the largest offshore suppliers were South Korea (3,143,000 net tons, down 2%), Japan (1,607,000 net tons, down 6%), China (1,592,000
    net tons, up 20%), Turkey (1,083,000 net tons, down 9%) and Germany (911,000 net tons, down 13%).

    Source – Strategic Research Institute
  15. forum rang 6 Candelll 28 november 2013 18:51

    Volledige Luikse bekken van ArcelorMittal ligt stil

    donderdag 28 november 2013

    (Belga) De productie in de vestigingen van ArcelorMittal in Kessales, Tilleur, Ramet en Flémalle liggen vandaag volledig stil, tot minstens 14 uur. De acties van de werknemers verhardden nadat de directie gisteren de onderhandelingen over het sociaal luik had stopgezet.

    Volledige Luikse bekken van ArcelorMittal ligt stil

    De werknemers in Ramet en Flémalle stemden voor een volledige onderbreking van de productie. In Tilleur en Kessales was gisterennamiddag een 24 urenstaking opgestart, terwijl de vestiging TDM Marchin sinds dinsdag 14 uur al stilligt. Aan de ingang van de fabrieken staan stakingsposten. Om 14 uur beslissen de werknemers of ze de acties voortzetten. De directie van ArcelorMittal maakte gisterennamiddag bekend dat ze eenzijdig een einde maakt aan de onderhandelingen over het sociale luik en de organisatie van het werk. Ze riep op tot een nationale verzoening. Bij ArcelorMittal in het Luikse staalbekken zijn 1.300 banen bedreigd. Volgens de wet-Renault moet er binnen de 60 dagen na afsluiting van de informatie- en consultatiefase een akkoord zijn over het sociale luik. Die periode verstrijkt op 30 november.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 28 november 2013 19:43
    Miljardenschikking in belastingzaak Brazilië

    Gepubliceerd op 28 nov 2013 om 19:26 | Views: 63

    RIO DE JANEIRO (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Het Braziliaanse mijnbouwconcern Vale heeft met de Braziliaanse belastingdienst een schikking getroffen van omgerekend 7 miljard euro in een langslepend conflict over winsten van buitenlandse dochterondernemingen. Dat maakte de grootste ijzerertsproducent ter wereld bekend.

    Vale betaalt een deel van het bedrag nog voor het einde van deze maand en de rest in 179 maandelijkse termijnen plus rente. Het bedrijf stemde in met een schikkingsvoorstel van de overheid om het 10 jaar durende conflict te beëindigen. Een deadline om tot een akkoord te komen met de Braziliaanse belastingdienst zou vrijdag aflopen. Ook andere grote Braziliaanse bedrijven hebben te maken met belastingclaims van de overheid.

    De onzekerheid over het belastinggeschil zorgde voor koersdruk op het aandeel Vale, dat dit jaar 23 procent in waarde is gedaald. Analisten gaven aan positief te zijn over de deal omdat nu een hoop onduidelijkheid rond Vale is weggehaald.
  17. forum rang 6 Candelll 29 november 2013 12:09
    Russian steelmaker MMK posts third quarter net loss of $138 million
    By Reuters | 29 Nov, 2013, 01.12PM IST

    MOSCOW: Russian steel maker MMK posted a deeper-than-expected third-quarter net loss of $138 million, partly due to foreign exchange and impairment losses.

    A Reuters poll of analysts had forecast a loss of $67 million.

    MMK, controlled by billionaire Viktor Rashnikov, said revenue for the quarter fell by 13 per cent, year-on-year, to $1.9 billion. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation ( EBITDA) were down 20 percent compared with a year earlier at $233 million.
  18. wins 29 november 2013 15:55
    LONDEN (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - West-Europese staalbedrijven kunnen 2014 met enig vertrouwen tegemoetzien. Kredietbeoordelaar Fitch liet vrijdag weten ,,iets verbeterde marktomstandigheden'' voor volgend jaar te verwachten. Er is volgens Fitch sprake van een aantal positieve signalen, zoals een sterkere vraag naar staal vanuit de bouw en de autobranche.
    De groei blijft volgens de kredietbeoordelaar wel bescheiden. De volumes zullen waarschijnlijk met 2 tot 3 procent toenemen ten opzichte van 2013. Dat geeft de prijs van staal een iets opwaartse druk. Fitch waarschuwt echter ook voor onzekere factoren, zoals matige financieringsmogelijkheden voor bedrijven. Die zouden gedurende dit jaar nauwelijks zijn verbeterd.
  19. forum rang 10 voda 29 november 2013 17:15
    China's crude steel production might hit 780 million tonnes in 2013

    According to a report released by China Iron and Steel Association, the fundamentals of China steel market will be little changed next year.

    Global apparent consumption of steel products will post an increase of 3.1% to 1.475 billion tonnes in 2013 and the growth rate might be 2.0% higher than 2012, as per forecast from World Steel Association. The figure might be 1.523 million tonnes in 2014, a rise of 3.3%. Mainland China will register a growth of 3% on the high base.

    Chinese central government timely put forward to take stable growth as the priority and insist on the development mode that investment growth is key when GDP growth retreated in the second quarter of this year. Therefore, the country strengthened efforts on rail transit, environmental protection, machinery manufacturing, indemnificatory housing construction, auto and home appliance industry, which brought GDP growth in the third quarter to 7.8%.

    Furthermore, crude steel production resumed to a high rate growth of 8%. According to steel demand in the first three quarters, it is expected that China crude steel production might be 780 million tonnes in 2013, a rise of 9% year on year; apparent consumption of crude steel will reach 730 million tonnes, up 8.9% from a year earlier. Chinese steel supply and demand might achieve basis balance in 2013 as CISA predicted sales-output ratio of large and medium-sized steel mills to be 99%.

    As the problems of China industry such as low concentration rate, overcapacity, high energy consumption and environmental protection could not be casted off overnight, the effects of macro control are hardly to fully pay off within two or three years. It is predicted that the fundamentals of China steel market will be little changed next year.

    China's crude steel production might be 800 million tonnes and apparent crude steel consumption will reach 760 million tonnes in 2014, a rise of 3% respectively compared to 2013.

    According to statistics, the frequency of steel price fluctuation becomes faster and faster but the range is smaller and smaller since wire rod and rebar futures launched on March 27, 2013.

    On balance, China steel market is expected to keep flat next year with faster fluctuation frequency and smaller range against the backdrop of a new round of reform and development.

    Source - www.steelhome.cn/en
    China steel information centre and industry database
  20. forum rang 10 voda 29 november 2013 17:15
    Rio Tinto unveils breakthrough pathway for iron ore expansion in Australia

    A series of low cost brownfield expansions will bring on early tonnes to feed the expanded infrastructure currently being developed. From a base run rate of 290 million tonnes a year by the end of first half 2014, mine production capacity will increase by more than 60 million tonnes a year between 2014 and 2017. The majority of the low-cost growth will be delivered in the next two years with mine production of more than 330 million tonnes in 2015.

    This will be achieved primarily through a combination of expanding production at existing mines and securing further low-cost productivity gains, such as those delivered by Rio Tinto's pioneering Mine of the Future™ programme, together with the proposed future development of the greenfield Silvergrass mine. Work continues on various further expansion options to optimise the next stage of the 360 programme.

    In support of the brownfield expansions, Rio Tinto has today approved $400 million of capital expenditure for plant equipment and modification, and additional heavy machinery for use at various mine sites in the Pilbara.

    The additional production will be achieved at a world-class all-in capital intensity of US$120-130 a tonne (low-US$100s a tonne Rio Tinto share), including the cost of infrastructure growth and mine capacity.

    Rio Tinto chief executive Sam Walsh said "Expanding our world-class, low-cost, high-margin Pilbara operations represents the most attractive investment opportunity in the sector and is in line with my commitment to be totally focussed on only allocating capital to opportunities that will generate the best returns to shareholders. The breakthrough pathway we have identified, combining brownfield expansions and unleashing low-cost productivity gains, means we will deliver the expansion at an estimated capital cost of more than $3 billion below previous expectations."

    Rio Tinto Iron Ore chief executive Andrew Harding said "This investment is driven by the attractive long-term fundamentals for iron ore which are underpinned by urbanisation and income growth in the developing world, particularly China. By delivering these additional tonnes we will capture a greater share of demand and ensure we continue to enjoy the best returns in the industry. Today's announcement reflects our team's commitment and dedication to retaining its edge as an industry leader. I am convinced the breakthrough iron ore optimisation pathway we have unveiled today represents the best use of capital for our shareholders and that our smart use of innovative technology will drive the business forward for decades to come."

    • Extra iron ore tonnes will come from multiple mines, including Brockman 2 and Brockman 4, Yandicoogina, Paraburdoo and West Angelas.
    • Due to the early tonnes delivered through brownfield expansions, an investment decision on Silvergrass has been deferred until third quarter 2014 at the earliest and the decision on the proposed Koodaideri greenfield mine has been deferred until 2016 at the earliest.
    • Rio Tinto will reach a run-rate capacity of 290 Mt/a by the end of the first half of 2014, following the completion of the first phase of its expanded port rail and mine operations. The phase two expansion of the port, rail and power infrastructure to get to 360 Mt/a is already underway and is scheduled for completion in H1 2015.
    • The expansion pathway is subject to the normal government and joint venture approvals.

    Source – Strategic Research Institute
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