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  1. forum rang 10 voda 19 november 2013 16:33
    Steel sector moves to value added products

    Financial Express reported that amid the slump in domestic demand for the metal, the steel industry is increasingly focussing on high margin value added steel products. Companies such as Essar Steel, Steel Authority of India, Jindal Steel and Power and Tata Steel are relying heavily on high strength and low alloy products to improve margins.

    Mr CS Verma chairman of SAIL said that “Around 37% of our revenues are from value added steel products at present and in the next 1½ year, we plan to increase this to 55%.”

    Jindal Steel and Power spokesperson said FE that the company will lay emphasis on manufacturing of head-hardened rails as well as steel for making windmill tower plates.

    Essar Steel has started supplying steel for building Navy warships, which was earlier being imported. Essar Steel spokesperson said that “Currently 50% of our revenues comes from sale of value-added products. The industry is moving from commodity grade steel to high-grade steel, which provide higher margins.”

    Analyst at Corpotrade Global Private said in their steel report 2013 said that “Most of the steel exports from India consist of value added steel products with higher margins. To remain competitive globally India needs to grow share of value added and sophisticated steel product in its export basket.”

    SAIL has reported gross sales of INR 12,802 crore during the Q2 of the current fiscal, out of which INR 4,736 crore is from the sale of value added products. Mr Verma said that “The effort is to switch from long products, primarily used in construction to value-added products which allow better realizations.”

    SAIL has also joined hands with Japan’s Kobe Steel for strategic collaboration in technologies for producing high-value products for nuclear plants to automobiles. This will include special alloy steel, bars and stainless steel tube. Industry experts say most imports into India from China happen in the flat steel segment, which falls in the value added category. Indian steel makers are now trying to capture it.

    JSPL claims that they will be in a position to supply such rails at a good discount to prices quoted by Japanese producers. Most of the value added steel products that Essar Steel.

    Amid the slump in domestic demand for the metal, the steel industry is increasingly focusing on high margin value added steel products.

    JSW Steel also has been slowly ramping up its value added steel production. Currently, 70% of its flat and 40% of its long products fall in the finished steel, hence, value added category. JSW Steel entered with JFE Steel Corporation in 2009 and invested about INR 5,000 crore to buy a 14% stake in JSW Steel, primarily to fund JSW’s value added products business.

    The steel industry registered a growth of 13.3% and 9.9% during 2010 and 2011 fiscals but Indian steel consumption grew at only 5.5% during 2012 on the back of a slowdown in demand from its key consuming industries namely construction, capital goods and automobiles.

    Capacity utilization rates remained below 80% exhibiting a serious challenge facing the industry. The lack of availability of primary raw materials like iron ore and coking coal lagged the ability of the industry to sustain revenue realization. This created margin pressure and compounded financial problems for the steel industry.

    Source - Financial Express
  2. forum rang 10 voda 19 november 2013 16:34
    Steel scrap levels remain buoyant on heavy Turkish buying

    Turkish mills have been on the rampage booking nearly 1 million mt scrap about a fortnight ago. Low inventory and worry of severe weather conditions culminating in supply shortage from Russia Romania has fired scrap buying.

    Turkish mills mostly favor USA scrap 80-20 HMS owing to superior quality and better yield. Last booking price was heard at USD 395 per tonne, CFR for un-shredded and USD 400 per tonne for shredded. European scrap is booked at USD 375 per tonne.

    Scrap from Italy has been booked at Euro 245 - 250 per tonne, FOB however the trend is towards booking more from USA owing to high nickel, light Cargo content-mixture of insulated etc

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  3. forum rang 10 voda 19 november 2013 16:35
    China steel futures at SHFE hit 3 week low

    Reuters reported that Shanghai rebar futures dropped to their lowest level in almost three weeks on Monday, with China's sweeping reform plans unlikely to buoy short-term steel demand in the world's top consumer.

    The most briskly traded rebar contract for May delivery on the Shanghai Futures Exchange fell as low as 3,583 yuan ($590) a tonne, its weakest since Oct. 29. It closed down 0.6 percent at 3,592 yuan.

    "There's not really much in the reform plan that would stimulate demand for steel and commodities in general in the short term," said Ting Zhou, analyst at Jinrui Futures in Shenzhen.

    Mr Zhou said China's eventual move away from investment-focused economic growth could also cut its demand for steel. He said that "They don't want to see rapid growth in construction and infrastructure, so demand cannot be positively impacted. On the supply side, the government is trying to control supply of steel.”

    Source - Reuters
  4. forum rang 10 voda 19 november 2013 16:35
    China average daily crude steel output at 2.144 million tonnes

    China Iron & Steel Association data showed that China's average daily crude steel output rose in first 10 days of November from the previous ten days to reach 2.144 million tonnes.

    CISA estimated the country's total production based on its members, including more than 80 large steel mills that account for about 80% of China's total steel output.

    Source - Reuters
  5. forum rang 10 voda 19 november 2013 16:36
    Siemens offers solution for generating steam from off-gases of electric arc furnaces

    Siemens Metals Technologies has developed a system for recovering heat from the hot off-gases of electric arc furnaces. The thermal energy that was previously discharged unused to the environment is now used to generate steam. The steam can be put to good use in other processes in the steel works or in the generation of electricity. The system has a modular structure and can be dimensioned for the amount of heat to be recovered and integrated into the existing exhaust gas cooling system. To maximize the amount of steam obtained, it can substitute the complete conventional off-gas cooling system in the electric steel plant. A possible saving of 22.5 kilowatt hours per metric ton of steel in the specific use of energy was proven in a Turkish steel mill. If the generated steam is used to preheat the feed water in the plant's in-house power station, the annual savings potential amounts to 45,000 metric tons of coal.

    In order to cut running costs or to fulfill environmental regulations, more and more operators of electric steel mills are banking on improving the energy efficiency of their plants. Although the electric steel production route based on scrap recycling has a much lower specific energy requirement than steel production from iron ore, it is nevertheless an energy-intensive process. Depending on the method of operation, up to one-third of the energy used by an electric arc furnace is lost through off- gases. The sensible heat of the exhaust gases is usually discharged unused to the environment through the water and air cooling systems.

    Temperatures of up to 1,800 °C prevail in the exhaust gas stream. To make these considerable amounts of energy suitable for use, Siemens has developed a steam generation system that can be integrated into the existing off-gas cooling system of the arc furnace or can replace it entirely. The system consists of a boiler including steam drum, piping, water tanks, pump groups for feed and boiler water, and the associated sensors. A group of feed water pumps supplies the boiler with the necessary water and ensures the required pressure. To increase its recovery performance, the system can be equipped with a feed water preheating process called an "economizer". This economizer heats the water almost to the boiling point before feeding it into the steam drum on the boiler.

    To separate the heat from the off-gas of the electric arc furnace as efficiently as possible, the new Siemens system has diverse nested radiation and convection heating surfaces. The water is fed to the heating surfaces through distribution pipes with the aid of recirculation pump groups. The amount of water fed depends on the different pipe geometries and the heat load of the respective sections. A correspondingly adapted recirculation ratio ensures safe, reliable and cost-effective operation of the boiler system. A certain amount of the boiler water evaporates during every circulation cycle between the steam drum and the heated surfaces. The resulting steam bubbles are then separated from the water inside the steam drum. A buffer storage can be optionally installed to balance out steam production, which is uneven due to the production process.

    The heat recovery system from Siemens was specially conceived for the tough ambient conditions in the steel mill. Large amounts of dust and corrosive components in the exhaust gas must be dealt with as well as changing temperatures and amounts of the off-gas. Moreover, the system is equipped with the required safety facilities to comply with the Pressure Equipment Directive. It has a modular structure and can be adapted to differing requirements in each plant, thus facilitating the modernization of existing systems. Plant operators can choose between using the energy recovered in the form of steam directly or, for example, to generate electrical energy in steam turbines.

    Installation of an energy recovery system in the exhaust gas system of an electric arc furnace with a tapping weight of 190 metric tons was analyzed within the scope of a feasibility study in a Turkish steel mill. The system was conceived for feed water preheating in the plant's own coal-fired power station. The continuous 50 bar high-pressure steam production enables an annual saving of about 45,000 metric tons of coal in the power station. A power output of five megawatts (electrical) could be achieved if the steam were used directly to generate electricity. This corresponds to a reduction in the specific energy requirement of 22.5 kilowatt hours per metric tonne of liquid steel.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute

  6. forum rang 10 voda 19 november 2013 16:38
    German steel recyclers fear 2013 revenues could fall by 10 per cent

    German ferrous scrap recycling companies project a decline in turnover of around 10 per cent for the current 2013 calendar year. Compared with 2012, processed volumes had decreased by an average of 5 per cent, which had resulted in very cautious investing and modest cutbacks in personnel, the Federation of German Steel Recyclers and Waste Management Companies reported at its annual meeting. The data were obtained through a survey of the association's members on the economic climate.

    Some 21% of the companies participating in the survey expected business to improve in the coming year, according to the BDSV. However, they also said they were burdened by excessive environmental regulation and the restrictive rules of Germany's central recycling law, the Closed Substance Cycle and Waste Management Act. The association's president Heiner Gröger called for regulatory relief for private-sector companies collecting recyclable waste from households.

    Source - www.euwid-recycling.com
  7. forum rang 10 voda 19 november 2013 16:40
    Yonggang to realize steel sales of 7.73 million tonnes in 2013

    In the first ten months of this year, Jiangsu-based Yonggang made a great achievement in wire rod and rebar sales under the backdrop of overcapacity, price fall and fierce competition. Yonggang realized steel sales of 5 million tonnes at domestic market and exports of 1.41 million tonnes. Exports surged up 50% compared to the same period last year, earning foreign exchange of USD 800 million.

    It is expected that Yonggang might realize steel sales of 7.73 million tonnes in the whole year of 2013, a rise of 7% year on year. The company exported steel products to more than 40 countries across the world, becoming the largest rebar exporter of China.

    Source - www.steelhome.cn/en
    China steel information centre and industry database
  8. forum rang 10 voda 19 november 2013 16:41
    Laiwu Steel exported 130000 tonnes of sections in 10 months

    In the first ten months of this year, Laiwu Steel, part of Shandong Steel Group, exported more than 130,000 tonnes of sections. In August, the company had export order of 15230 tonnes, hitting a year to date new high.

    The company deepens product mix adjustment of sections and steps up efforts on world market expansion to improve profitability of sections products since the beginning of this year. With tenological advantage and stable quality, Laiwu Steel's sections win high praise from foreign customers.

    Source - www.steelhome.cn/en
    China steel information centre and industry database
  9. forum rang 10 voda 19 november 2013 16:42
    7 Products of Baotou Steel get Golden Cup Award

    Recently, China Iron and Steel Association releases the result of Physical Quality Certification on Metallurgical Products in 2013. 7 products of Baotou Steel win the award, which are: low alloy high strength structural steel HR heavy plate, low alloy structural steel HR steel plate/strip, hot rolled ribbed steel bar for reinforced concrete purpose, quality carbon structural steel HR round steel, alloy structural steel HR round steel, HR steel rail for railway purpose and HR 310 Z sections. 14 products of Baotou Steel have got the award so far.

    CISA carry out the certification aims to promote technological advancement of steel mills, impel product mix adjustment, improve quality of metallurgical proucts and meet demand of relevant industries and customers.

    Source - www.steelhome.cn/en
    China steel information centre and industry database

  10. forum rang 6 Candelll 19 november 2013 19:28
    ArcelorMittal gebruikt techniek Air Products voor on-site productie gassen

    19 november 2013 - Bij de staalfabriek van ArcelorMittal in de Zuid-Franse plaats Saint-Chély-d'Apcher zijn onlangs drie Prism PHG100 waterstofgeneratoren (PHG) en een Prism GN700 stikstofgenerator van Air Products in gebruik genomen. De installaties produceren on-site waterstof en hoogzuivere stikstof, die gebruikt worden voor de productie van staal.

    Het contract voor de bouw van de installaties werd in juli 2012 getekend. ArcelorMittal koos destijds voor Air Products vanwege de ervaring met dergelijke on-site projecten, het modulaire ontwerp en de bewezen betrouwbaarheid van de apparatuur. De staalfabriek is nu volledig operationeel.

    Air Products heeft bij de staalfabriek een drietal compacte stoom methaan reformers (SMR) met een relatief lage capaciteit geplaatst. De reformers zetten stoom en lichtere koolwaterstoffen - zoals methaan - op efficiënte en zuinige wijze om in waterstof en koolmonoxide. De Prism PHG’s zijn voor afnemers op afgelegen locaties een prima alternatief voor de levering van waterstof met tankauto’s. Dankzij de productie van gas op locatie is er altijd voldoende gas beschikbaar en kan de productie continu doorgaan. Ook vervallen de logistieke kosten en de overlast door regelmatige bevoorrading met trucks.

    Aangezien de ArcelorMittal-fabriek in Saint-Chély-d'Apcher niet geschikt is voor de opslag van grote hoeveelheden gasvormige waterstof bleek het modulaire on-site concept met drie waterstofgeneratoren een goed alternatief. Het systeem is zo ontworpen, dat de vereiste capaciteit altijd geleverd kan worden; zelfs wanneer één van de generatoren uitvalt. De andere modules en reservetanks garanderen dan een ononderbroken levering van gas.

    Behalve waterstof leveren de installaties van Air Products ook stikstof. Die wordt geproduceerd door een cryogene generator die gebruik maakt van een unieke distillatietechnologie voor het produceren van hoogzuivere stikstof. Om te zorgen voor een continue levering van gas zijn er vier verdampers geïnstalleerd ter ondersteuning van de generator en zijn er twee reservetanks voor de opslag van stikstof geplaatst.

    Zowel de waterstof als de stikstof wordt gebruikt in de gloeilijn van de fabriek in Saint-Chély-d'Apcher voor het produceren van staal. Dat staal wordt onder meer gebruikt in elektromotoren en windturbines. De gassen zorgen bij ArcelorMittal niet alleen voor een hogere productie van hoogwaardig staal maar dragen ook bij aan het verlagen van de uitstoot van kooldioxide door de fabriek. Daarnaast levert het on-site concept van Air Products besparingen op door het verbeteren van de werking van de fabriek en het verkorten van de opstarttijd.

    Air Products heeft het complete ontwerp, de fabricage en de installatie van de generatoren verzorgd. Ook de technische ondersteuning, onderhoud en monitoring van de installaties is in handen van Air Products. Het systeem wordt bediend vanuit het Operating Service Centre (OSC) van Air Products in Frankrijk, waar ervaren OSC-operators de data uit het systeem dag en nacht (24/7) controleren om te zorgen dat de fabriek soepel en veilig draait en het benodigde onderhoud tijdig wordt geregeld
  11. forum rang 6 Candelll 19 november 2013 19:44
    ThyssenKrupp pays Deutsche Bahn damages over cartel - paper

    FRANKFURT Tue Nov 19, 2013 1:03pm EST


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    Nov 19 (Reuters) - German steelmaker ThyssenKrupp will pay state railway Deutsche Bahn more than 150 million euros ($202.88 million) in damages for its role in a cartel, newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung reported, citing unnamed sources.

    Germany's federal cartel office last year fined four companies - ThyssenKrupp, two units of Voestalpine and Germany's Vossloh - a combined 124.5 million euros for fixing the price of rail track and said it was investigating others.

    Deutsche Bahn then filed a 550 million euro claim for damages against a number of track suppliers including ThyssenKrupp. Voestalpine, which blew the whistle on the cartel, was not among those sued.

    ThyssenKrupp and Deutsche Bahn declined to comment.

    Germany's biggest steelmaker will report fiscal fourth-quarter results on Thursday. ($1 = 0.7394 euros) (Reporting by Matthias Inverardi; writing by Harro ten Wolde; editing by Tom Pfeiffer)
  12. forum rang 6 Candelll 20 november 2013 08:30
    11/19/2013 10:37 PM ET
    German steel giant ThyssenKrupp AG (TYEKF) announced Tuesday that it is postponing the release of annual results by about ten days as it is in exclusive talks on the potential sale of its US steel plant in Calvert/Alabama. The fiscal 2013 results are postponed to December 2 from Thursday.

    Steel giant ArcelorMittal SA (MT) is said to be close to striking a deal to acquire the Alabama plant. It has teamed up with Japan's Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp. to reportedly bid about $2 billion for the plant and are in exclusive talks with ThyssenKrupp.

    ArcelorMittal, the world's largest steelmaker by volume, is said to have termed the Alabama pant as a 'world-class asset in terms of quality and capability.' The company has always hunted for the acquisition of beleaguered steel makers to built its empire. It already holds a 37 percent market share in the North American Free Trade Area.

    The talks also include a long term slab supply contract for its Brazilian steel mill in order to help it secure value by improving its utilization.

    ThyssenKrupp, Germany's largest steelmaker by output, is currently in the process of completely exiting its American steel operations (ThyssenKrupp Steel USA), and also expanding its operations in Brazil (ThyssenKrupp CSA).
  13. forum rang 6 Candelll 20 november 2013 08:40
    Outlook improves for European steel industry
    Improving fundamentals in the European steel industry, reflected by slight growth in euro area GDP and in the steel end-user markets, have resulted in a change of outlook to stable from negative, according to a new report by Moody's Investors Service.

    The outlook, which had been negative since October 2011, reflects Moody's view of the fundamental business conditions for the industry over the next 12-18 months.

    Moody's believes apparent steel use, which is a good proxy for end-user demand, in the European Union will be flat to up 1%-2% in 2014, versus an expected 1-2% decline in 2013.

    Moody's corporate finance group vice-president, senior analyst and report author, Denis Perevezentsev, said: "Despite the fragility in the euro area economy recovering, we are seeing the European steel industry starting to benefit from the slight improvement.

    "Next year, we also expect improvements in the steel end-user sectors, such as volumes stabilising at low levels in the building materials industry and some growth in European light vehicle sales which in turn will push demand growth in the steel sector."

    Moody's latest macroeconomic forecast is for euro area GDP growth of 0.5%-1.5% in 2014 versus flat to a 1% contraction in 2013 and there are signs that economic activity may be bottoming out in peripheral states.

    In Russia, Moody's forecasts GDP growth of 2.5%-3.5% in 2014 after a slowing to 1%-2% in 2013. The ratings agency expects this to help growth in steel end-user markets.

    Moody's report - European Steel Industry: Improving Fundamentals Drive Move to Stabilise European Steel Outlook - is available on www.moodys.com.

    Story provided by StockMarketWire.com
  14. forum rang 10 voda 20 november 2013 16:31
    Staalproductie neemt toe

    Gepubliceerd op 20 nov 2013 om 12:09 | Views: 1.894

    ArcelorMittal 16:12
    EUR 12,59+0,10(+0,80%)

    BRUSSEL (AFN) - De internationale staalproductie is in oktober met 6,6 procent gestegen ten opzichte van een jaar eerder. Dat meldde de World Steel Association woensdag.

    In totaal steeg de productie in de 65 landen die aan de brancheorganisatie rapporteren tot 134 miljoen ton. In China nam de productie met ruim 9 procent toe tot 65,1 miljoen ton. Ook in andere Aziatische landen werd meer geproduceerd. De Japanse staalbedrijven voerden de productie met bijna 8 procent op, in Zuid-Korea bedroeg de toename ruim 5 procent.

    De Amerikaanse productie was met 7,4 miljoen ton bijna 9 procent groter dan een jaar eerder. In Europa nam de productie van Duitse staalfabrieken met bijna 2 procent toe, tot 3,8 miljoen ton. In Frankrijk werd een krimp van bijna 2 procent gemeten, terwijl in Italië ruim 10 procent minder staal werd voortgebracht dan in oktober 2012. De Spaanse staalproductie trok met bijna een kwart aan.

    De bezettingsgraad in de staalsector verbeterde internationaal tot 77,5 procent, tegen 75 procent een jaar eerder.
  15. forum rang 10 voda 20 november 2013 16:50
    Iron price levels likely to touch yearly high on pre winter stocking

    After hanging around for a while in between USD 135-140 per tonne level iron ore price levels might be poised to touch the yearly high as the year draws to close.

    A significant jump in daily crude steel is estimated to reach 2.144 million tonnes in the first ten days of November, growing 2.2% from the previous ten days and that of large steel mills is estimated at 1.763 million tonnes, up 3.5% from previous ten days indicates trend of increased import culminating in more import of iron ore.

    However being the penultimate month before the year closes this might be the last round of price uptick with stockpiles touching nearly 84 million tonnes

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  16. forum rang 10 voda 20 november 2013 16:51
    ThyssenKrupp pays Deutsche Bahn damages over cartel - Report

    German newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung, citing unnamed sources, reported that that German steelmaker ThyssenKrupp will pay state railway Deutsche Bahn more than EUR 150 million in damages for its role in a cartel.

    Germany's federal cartel office last year fined four companies ThyssenKrupp, two units of Voestalpine and Germany's Vossloh a combined EUR 124.5 million euros for fixing the price of rail track and said it was investigating others.

    Deutsche Bahn then filed a EUR 550 million euro claim for damages against a number of track suppliers including ThyssenKrupp. Voestalpine, which blew the whistle on the cartel, was not among those sued.

    Source - Reuters
  17. forum rang 10 voda 20 november 2013 16:52
    Severstal rolled steel increase 10pct during first 9 month 2013

    Severstal, one of the world's leading vertically integrated steel and steel-related mining companies, announces that during the first 9 months of 2013 it increased sales volumes to international automakers operating in Russia by 10% compared with the same period in the prior year.

    In total, for the first 9 months of 2013, Severstal's steel shipments to customers in Russia and the CIS region grew to 145,000 tonnes, driven primarily by increasing demand from international automakers operating in Russia.

    Mr Dmitry Goroshkov head of Marketing and Sales at Severstal's Russian Steel Division said that "Severstal has maintained its position as a leading supplier to international automakers operating in Russia. This has been achieved by enhancing our product portfolio and by developing new and expanding existing rolled steel processing capacities at our joint venture enterprises, which supply ready-made blanks and car parts to international automakers in Russia."

    OOO Severstal-Gonvarri-Kaluga, a JV between Severstal and Gonvarri, is investing in expanding its production capacity. Severstal's total investment in this project has amounted to EUR 6,000,000 and so far has achieved: the launch of an extra line for the production of die-cut blanks; the building of an additional 6,350m2 production area, and; increasing the rolled steel storage area by 4000m2 to 30000 tonnes rolled steel storage capacity.

    Capacity at Severstal-Gonvarri-Kaluga will increase by 72,000 tonnes per year as a result of this investment in production expansion.

    This expansion will meet growing demand from the automotive sector, particularly at Gestamp-Severstal-Kaluga, where increased demand has been triggered by the expansion of Volksvagen production in the region.

    ZAO Severstal SSC-Vsevolozhsk, a JV between Severstal and Mitsui, began test trials of a rolled steel cross-cutting line in October and will test a slitting line in November.

    However, SSC is to begin commercial sales by the end of the year and the first customers will be consumers from the home appliances sector. The first trial deliveries to the automotive industry are scheduled for Q1 2014.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute

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