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Xeikon NIEUWS!

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  1. [verwijderd] 12 juli 2013 12:58

    Wikie de Vicking schreef op 12 juli 2013 12:47:

    We hebben een winnaar:

    Pool xeikon
    Poil-1 : 5,85 (voorkennis, zal nader onderzocht dienen te worden)
    Wickie : 6,45
    had een bod tussen de 6 en 7 euro verwacht zie eerdere post:

    poil-1 1 jul 2013 om 21:12
    ps. nog even over de koers. gaan we nog verder opveren deze week? heb zelf het idee dat overnemende partij al aan het inslaan is geweest. laat boekje is namelijk wel erg dun richting de 5 euro.
    mijn voorspelling: voor 15 juli wordt de overnemende partij bekend gemaakt. verwachting tussen 6 en 7 euro per aandeel (meer mag ook ;) )
  2. [verwijderd] 12 juli 2013 13:02
    Wat we hier hebben is een te verwachten openbaar bod, maar nog niet helemaal zeker. Dus ik verwacht een koers zo rond de € 5,50/€ 5,60. Welke indicatie is er voor een overname-strijd? Dan zou zelfs (tijdelijk) boven € 5,85 geboden kunnen worden. Zie ik (nog?) niet gebeuren. Stel koers hangt idd rond de € 5,50, wat dan te doen? Toch nog (bij)kopen, met (klein?) risico dat zelfs het bod € 5,85 niet tot stand komt. Niet overenthousiast raken, lijkt het motto. Iemand andere mening?
  3. [verwijderd] 12 juli 2013 13:26

    Punch International maakt bekend dat het 'vergevorderde' gesprekken voert rond een overname van Xeikon. De geïnteresseerde partij - die niet met naam wordt genoemd - zou 5,85 euro per aandeel overhebben voor de grafische groep. Momenteel noteert het aandeel op 5 euro. Om 13u hervat de handel.
    De productie-afdeling van Xeikon in Lier
    Het bod heeft een totale waarde van 168 miljoen euro. Xeikon heeft een beurswaarde van 143 miljoen euro.
    De noteringen van Punch International op Euronext Brussel en van Xeikon op Euronext Amsterdam werden deze ochtend opgeschort. Volgens Kees Vlasblom, financieel directeur van Xeikon, kwam de schorsing er op vraag van de Belgische en Nederlandse beursautoriteiten.
    Het aandeel Xeikon zat in Amsterdam tot aan de schorsing van de handel met ruim 7 procent in de lift. En woensdag kwam er ook al 6,5 procent bij. Punch steeg vanmorgen tot aan de schorsing 6 procent, gisteren 3,8 procent en woensdag 3,1 procent. Het kan er op wijzen dat het nieuws over de gesprekken bij sommige investeerders al bekend was. Om 13 uur kan er opnieuw handel zijn in de aandelen.
    Punch International meldde op 8 januari dat het onderhandelde met een niet nader genoemde partij die een openbaar bodzou uitbrengen op Xeikon. De Tijd kwam te weten dat de interesse voor Xeikon uitging van het Nederlandse investeringsfondsGilde.
    De onderhandelingen vorderden echter moeizaam. In mei luidde het dat er ‘nog geen duidelijkheid’ was ‘over de mogelijke voorwaarden en modaliteiten’ en dat Punch meer informatie zou verschaffen zodra daar reden toe was.
    In een persbericht zegt Punch nu: 'De gesprekken zitten in een vergevorderd stadium en zouden op korte termijn kunnen worden afgerond, doch er bestaat op dit moment nog geen zekerheid over alle voorwaarden en modaliteiten en evenmin over de succesvolle afronding. Indien en zodra ontwikkelingen daartoe aanleiding mochten geven, zullen nadere mededelingen worden gedaan volgens de wettelijke bepalingen.'
    Als Xeikon de deur uitgaat, bestaat Punch enkel nog uit cash en de vastgoedvennootschap Accentis. De vraag is dan welke toekomst Punch International nog heeft. Een ontbinding van de vennootschap is dan een realistische optie.
  4. [verwijderd] 12 juli 2013 20:00
    Liquid Toner Challenging Inkjet – A Xeikon Trillium Update
    Ralf Schlozer
    Jul 10, 2013
    In 2012 Xeikon announced that it had acquired a research company active in liquid toner electrophotography. Its intellectual property provided the foundation upon which Xeikon is developing a liquid toner based printer. The technology was presented publicly for the first time at drupa 2012 with a single station unit shown behind glass printing at 60 meters per minute as a technology demonstration, but without showing or handing out print samples.

    Cross-section view of Xeikon Trillium print towers

    Though interesting, this technology demonstration did not fully convey the potential of the technology. Now Xeikon has made public some more details on the technology and its planned first product implementation, which show how the company intends to challenge inkjet technologies at higher volumes.

    According to Xeikon, Trillium is targeted at high quality print applications, similar to the current 8000 Series dry toner printers, but designed for higher print volumes and with an improved cost structure that will challenge not only inkjet, but also provide an improved break-even point versus offset. In short, Trillium is an extension of the Xeikon product portfolio of document printers. The company plans to position the technology for demanding high coverage colour applications that inkjet cannot reach from a quality or cost perspective.

    The base imaging process is liquid toner electrophotography. The toner particles used are about 2-3 microns in size, instead of about 7 micron as in Xeikon’s current dry toner products. This should allow very high resolution and a thin colorant layer on the substrate. The liquid carrier traps the small particles without letting them become airborne, allowing very precise handling of these fine particles. A liquid paraffin type imaging oil is used to transport and trap the pigment during image transfer. Xeikon stresses that there are three transfer steps from a metering roller to the OPC drum (Organic Photo Conductor) to the intermediate roller to the substrate. Very small gaps between cylinders, termed “micro gaps,” allow precise transfer from drum to drum. During the transfer most of the imaging liquid is retained while letting the toner pass. Finally the toner with some residual imaging oil is transferred to the paper, while the rest of the imaging oil is recycled.

    Other parts of the imaging process builds upon tried and tested Xeikon imaging technology. The printer will use Xeikon’s own LED-imaging technology, resulting in the same resolution of 1,200 dpi. The process uses a seamless OPC drum as in current products, but they are bigger to allow for faster speeds and heavier workloads. Fusing is done with heat and pressure in a final fusing unit.

    Trillium today is a technology, not a product. Xeikon, however, has given some hints about what a future product will look like. The proposed product consists of two vertical towers; one for each side of the paper, with a turn bar in between the towers. The design is larger than the current duplex tower models, but is still compact through the use of vertical towers. Xeikon targets roughly 11 meters (36 feet) as the length for the printer. The first model will have a speed of 60 meters per minute (approximately 200 feet per minute). Doubling the speed in a future model is in sight. With a planned imaging width of around 500 mm/19.8” (likely to be the same as the 504 mm imaging width in the current Xeikon models) this would roughly translate into 800 images per minute for a duplex printer. The paper range is targeted for 60 to 250 gsm.

    Currently Xeikon runs a customer engagement program that provides key users the ability to give input into requirements for the upcoming product. Xeikon has a short list for beta sites so far and after this summer Xeikon will conclude where the beta test will take place, adding that the first sites will be in Europe. The field test will start in the first quarter of 2014 and devices will be tested for about six months. Afterwards there will be a full launch, possibly by the end of 2014. Top candidates for a Trillium based printers are users with three (or more) top of the line Xeikon 8000 printers. Coincidentally three 8800 printers with a speed of up 260 ppm have the same output as the proposed Trillium-based printer. Xeikon already announced that users can buy 8800 printers today and get them exchanged for a Trillium printer when it becomes available. Hardware pricing is expected to be comparable to three 8800 printer which would put the price at around $3 million.

    Trillium is not going to replace the current portfolio of dry toner devices – not even the 8000 Series models for document printing. According to Xeikon these will remain the models of choice for users with lower volume needs. The Trillium product is billed for 5 million A3 impressions per month as targeted volume and a duty cycle in the 30 million A4/month range.

    Xeikon is active in packaging and label printers as well. The first Trillium products will be targeted at document printing, but future label & packaging applications are possible. For the time being Xeikon wants to focus on document printing first where it sees bigger opportunities. Also substrates for label & packaging are far more demanding.

    InfoTrends tracks and forecasts the print-on- demand market and our U.S. and Western European POD forecasts are now available. For more information on the 2012-2017 forecasts you can reach Scott Phinney at 781-616-2123 or at scott.phinney@infotrends.com. Watch out for our upcoming white paper on production inkjet developments as well.

    Xeikon staat niet stil en blijft innoveren. Dit zal de koers alleen maar ten goede komen. Overname of geen overname ik lig er niet wakker van. Interessant is het natuurlijk wel, wanneer het aandeel (net zoals vandaag) in the spotlight staat.
  5. [verwijderd] 15 juli 2013 08:27
    June 2013 -- By 2018, digital printing will equal 50% of the global offset sector, and be higher in the more mature print regions, according to a new study from Smithers Pira titled, The Future of Offset vs Digital Printing to 2018.

    In 2008, digital accounted for a little under 18.5% of the offset market in value terms. Continuing falls in run length is the key reason for the adoption of digital technology by many offset companies, together with the recent improvements in digital print technology.

    Key findings:

    Digital's share of the total print market will grow from 9.8% in 2008 to 20.6% in 2018, led by inkjet technology where improvements in productivity and reliability are making digital printing more cost effective over higher runs.

    By 2018, the digital printing market will grow from $131.5 billion in 2013 to $187.7 billion -- a compound annual growth rate of 7.4%.

    The global volume of all offset prints will fall by 10.2% between 2008 and 2018, while digital print volume is forecast to grow by 68.1%.

    Proportion of Offset and Digital in All Print Markets, 2008-18
    (by value and volume)

    Source: Smithers Pira, 2013

    As stated by Smithers Pira, digital printing is better suited to the changing demands of print buyers - and importantly, to end consumers of print - than offset is. Primary research conducted for this report highlights the continuing demands of buyers for lower run lengths and faster turnaround, and the use of versioning and personalization is continuing.

    According to the research, the average selling price of all offset print will fall from $11.43 per 1,000 x A4 prints in 2008 to $10.16 in 2018, a decline of 11.1%.

    Digital print has a low set-up cost but unit cost per copy is higher; the average price will increase, from $92.48 per 1,000 prints in 2008 to $119.53 in 2018, an increase of 29.25%.

    About: The market data presented is from primary research sources and discussions with leading players across the supply chain. Additional sources of research included economic forecasts, demographic and population changes, government statistics, UN data on imports and exports, etc. The study includes paper and ink production and sales data and real world sales data from many of the leading public companies and supplier organizations in the sector. Smithers Pira uses feedback from high-level contacts based across the world, following the Delphi technique, to provide sense checks and further refine the accuracy of data.

    Source: Smithers Pira, Digital print market to reach $187.7 billion by 2018, June 12, 2013.

    De koper weet dit ook!, maar andere partijen zullen dit ook weten. Gaat nog heel interessant worden met dit aandeel.
    Succes, poil
  6. forum rang 5 Diegy 15 juli 2013 08:58

    poil-1 schreef op 15 juli 2013 08:27:

    June 2013 -- By 2018, digital printing will equal 50% of the global offset sector, and be higher in the more mature print regions, according to a new study from Smithers Pira titled, The Future of Offset vs Digital Printing to 2018.

    In 2008, digital accounted for a little under 18.5% of the offset market in value terms. Continuing falls in run length is the key reason for the adoption of digital technology by many offset companies, together with the recent improvements in digital print technology.

    Key findings:

    Digital's share of the total print market will grow from 9.8% in 2008 to 20.6% in 2018, led by inkjet technology where improvements in productivity and reliability are making digital printing more cost effective over higher runs.

    By 2018, the digital printing market will grow from $131.5 billion in 2013 to $187.7 billion -- a compound annual growth rate of 7.4%.

    The global volume of all offset prints will fall by 10.2% between 2008 and 2018, while digital print volume is forecast to grow by 68.1%.

    Proportion of Offset and Digital in All Print Markets, 2008-18
    (by value and volume)

    Source: Smithers Pira, 2013

    As stated by Smithers Pira, digital printing is better suited to the changing demands of print buyers - and importantly, to end consumers of print - than offset is. Primary research conducted for this report highlights the continuing demands of buyers for lower run lengths and faster turnaround, and the use of versioning and personalization is continuing.

    According to the research, the average selling price of all offset print will fall from $11.43 per 1,000 x A4 prints in 2008 to $10.16 in 2018, a decline of 11.1%.

    Digital print has a low set-up cost but unit cost per copy is higher; the average price will increase, from $92.48 per 1,000 prints in 2008 to $119.53 in 2018, an increase of 29.25%.

    About: The market data presented is from primary research sources and discussions with leading players across the supply chain. Additional sources of research included economic forecasts, demographic and population changes, government statistics, UN data on imports and exports, etc. The study includes paper and ink production and sales data and real world sales data from many of the leading public companies and supplier organizations in the sector. Smithers Pira uses feedback from high-level contacts based across the world, following the Delphi technique, to provide sense checks and further refine the accuracy of data.

    Source: Smithers Pira, Digital print market to reach $187.7 billion by 2018, June 12, 2013.

    De koper weet dit ook!, maar andere partijen zullen dit ook weten. Gaat nog heel interessant worden met dit aandeel.
    Succes, poil

    Dat denk ik ook. Ik verwacht dat er deze week nog wel een partij gaat komen die een bod gaan doen. Bod van 5,85 is er sowieso daar zal de koers deze week ook echt wel naar toe gaan. Je kan nu nog een leuk centje verdienen door in te stappen.
  7. [verwijderd] 15 juli 2013 08:59
    Geen nieuws uit het weekend, zo te zien. Wellicht koersdaling in het eerste uur. Gevolgd door herstel voor degenen die op (nog) lagere niveaus willen instappen? Of meteen al grote aankopen na een weekend lang nadenken, en daardoor meteen procenten omhoog. Hoe dan ook, best wat actie te verwachten vandaag, ook zonder nieuws.
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