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Aandeel BAM Groep Koninklijke NL0000337319

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
5,180   -0,110   (-2,08%) Dagrange 5,175 - 5,280 806.056   Gem. (3M) 966,2K

Mei 2013 begint met een grote opdracht!!

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  1. Spetter 6 mei 2013 22:56
    Nog meer van dezelfde site. Waarom lees ik hier nergens anders hier over?

    Bam frontrunner for £150m Saatchi job

    29 April 2013 | By Allister Hayman

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    Exclusive: Bam secures pre-construction role on Derwent’s redevelopment of the former Saatchi & Saatchi office building in London

    Make scheme for Derwent in Charlotte Street

    Source: Derwent

    Bam Construct has emerged as the frontrunner in the race for Derwent’s £150m redevelopment of the former Saatchi & Saatchi office building in London after securing a pre-construction role on the project.

    Speaking exclusively to Building following the publication of the firm’s results last week, Bam Construct chief executive Graham Cash said the firm had been appointed to provide pre-construction advice on Derwent’s £150m redevelopment of the former Saatchi & Saatchi office building in Fitzrovia, London.

    Cash said Bam was providing pre-construction advice to the client and the consultant group, as well as developing a Building Information Modelling (BIM) system of the at 80 Charlotte Street & 65 Whitfield Street, which will comprise 323,000 sq ft of offices and 14,000 sq ft of private residential units.

    He said he hoped the pre-construction role would give Bam an edge in the race for the main contractor’s role on the Make-designed scheme, with Mace, Brookfield and Bam all vying for the job.

    “We are developing the project with the client, but ultimately the client has the opportunity and probably will tender to those three bidders,” he said.

    Cash (pictured) said the firm had enjoyed a “superb start” to the year, winning a range of work, including the high profile £300m Google HQ job in London - a contract win that Cash is unable to discuss - and, as Building revealed last week, schools work through the government’s Priority School Building Programme. “We’ve had a strong first quarter - well up on last year’s - even if you don’t include the project that we’re not allowed to talk about,” he said.

    Cash said that because the firm was already “well structured” it had not had to focus on internal restructuring in response to the downturn, like many of its rivals, and instead had concentrated on researching its clients’ needs as well as developing innovation and technology.

    Last year Royal Bam Group signed a €3.5m (£2.8m) contract with software firm Autodesk to provide BIM technology across its global operations, including all Bam projects in the UK, and launched a new project aimed at using BIM to improve the facilities management of a building once it is complete.

    Cash said the firm’s focus on BIM had helped give it a market edge, including on the Google HQ job.

    He added that the firm’s focus on innovation and technology had helped it to “beat the market”, with its revenue and profit holding steady amid the ongoing downturn. “With the market dropping the amount it has, even though we are level [with last year], we are actually beating the market because the market is falling,” he said,

    In its results for the year to 31 December 2012, Bam Construct’s revenue fell 3%, from £945.9m to £917.2m in 2012, while profit rose from £11.5m in 2011 to £13.9m. This firm’s pre-tax profit margin was 1.5%, up from 1.2% the previous year.

    Cash said the firm’s turnover, which peaked at around £1.1bn at the height of the boom, had now levelled out, and he expected it to be “in the 900 millions” again this year. He said this year the firm hoped to boost profit, with margins to “show a similar improvement” as this year. “It’s about getting the right quality of work with the right risk profile. If you can do that and deliver a good product then the margin will follow,” he said.

    Meanwhile, Bam Nuttall, the engineering business, reported revenue of £730m, down from £809m in 2011, with pre-tax profit up 18% to £18.1m - giving the firm a pre-tax margin of 2.5%.

    Bam Nuttall’s chief executive Steve Fox said the firm’s margin “exceeds most competitors and places us among the top performing businesses in the civil engineering market”. “Our order book remains strong, vindicating our selective approach to work winning,” he added.
    Results to 31 December 2012

    Bam Construct

    Revenue £917.2m (down 3%)

    Pre-tax profit £13.9m (up 20%)

    Pre-tax margin 1.5% (2011: 1.2%)

    Bam Nuttall

    Revenue £730m (down 9.8%)

    Pre-tax profit £18.1m (up 18%)

    Pre-tax margin 2.5%


  2. Spetter 6 mei 2013 22:56
    Bam Construct holds steady in difficult market

    3 May 2013 | By Allister Hayman

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    Chief executive Graham Cash says turnover has now levelled out and cites ‘well structured’ business as reason for firm’s resilience

    Make scheme for Derwent in Charlotte Street

    Source: Derwent

    Bam Construct’s revenue and profit have held steady amid difficult UK market conditions, with the firm’s boss saying its focus on innovation and technology has helped it to “beat the market”.

    Speaking to Building following the publication of the firm’s results for the year to 31 December 2012, Graham Cash Bam Construct chief executive, said that the firm’s revenue and profit had held up in a challenging market.

    “With the market dropping the amount it has, even though we are level [with last year], we are actually beating the market because the market is falling,” he said

    Bam Construct’s revenue fell 3%, from £945.9m to £917.2m in 2012, while profit rose from £11.5m in 2011 to £13.9m. The firm’s pre-tax profit margin was 1.5%, up from 1.2% the previous year.

    Cash said the firm’s turnover, which peaked at around £1.1bn at the height of the boom, had now levelled out, and he expected it to be “in the £900ms” again this year. He said this year the firm hoped to boost profit, with margins to “show a similar improvement” to this year. “It’s about getting the right quality of work with the right risk profile. If you can do that and deliver a good product then the margin will follow,” he said.

    Cash said the firm had enjoyed a “superb start” to the year, winning a range of work, including the high-profile £300m Google HQ job in London – which Cash is unable to discuss – as well as schools work through the government’s Priority School Building Programme.

    “We’ve had a strong first quarter – well up on last year’s, even if you don’t include the project that we’re not allowed to talk about,” he said.

    Cash said that because the firm was already “well structured” it had not had to focus on internal restructuring, as many of its rivals had, and instead had concentrated on researching clients’ needs and developing innovation and technology.

    Last year Dutch parent company Royal Bam Group signed a €3.5m (£2.8m) contract with software firm Autodesk to provide Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology across its global operations, including all Bam projects in the UK, and launched a project aimed at using BIM to improve the facilities management of a building once it is complete.

    Cash said the firm’s focus on BIM had helped to give it a market edge, including on the Google HQ job.

    Bam has also been appointed to provide pre-construction advice, including building a BIM model, on Derwent’s £150m redevelopment of the former Saatchi & Saatchi (pictured) office building in Fitzrovia, London.

    Cash said he hoped this would give Bam an edge in the race for the main contractor’s role on the Make-designed scheme, with Mace, Brookfield and Bam all vying for the job. “We are developing the project with the client, but ultimately the client has the opportunity to tender to those three bidders, and probably will,” he said.

    Meanwhile, Bam Nuttall, the UK engineering business, reported revenue of £730m, down from £809m in 2011, with pre-tax profit up 18% to £18.1m – giving the firm a pre-tax margin of 2.5%.

    Steve Fox, chief executive of Bam Nuttall, said the firm’s margin “exceeds most competitors and places us among the top performing businesses in the civil engineering market”.

    Results for year to 31 Dec 2012
    Bam Construct

    Revenue £917.2m (down 3%)
    Pre-tax profit £13.9m (up 20%)
    Pre-tax margin 1.5% (2011: 1.2%)
    Bam Nuttall

    Revenue £730m (down 9.8%)
    Pre-tax profit £18.1m (up 18%)
    Pre-tax margin 2.5%

  3. [NL]HardcoreHolland 7 mei 2013 08:39
    BAM bags £9m Cambridge technical college job

    Aaron Morby | Fri 3rd May | 8:33

    BAM has been picked as preferred bidder for a £9m contract to build a university technical college in Cambridge.

    The contractor will deliver a three-storey building to hold 670 students aged 14 to 19.

    TheCambridge UTC will specialise in biomedical and environmental sciences and technologies.

    It will include five super labs on the top floor. These will hold 90 students each, with three capable of joining together to emulate large-scale research conditions.

    Sustainability features will include a combined heat and power plant to provide low-carbon energy; photovoltaic cells; and gravel beds to control rainwater run-off.

    The UTC will be built adjacent to the massive £175m Laboratory of Molecular Biology, which was completed last year.

    BAM regional design manager Malcolm Boyd said: “The LMB project helped us develop our designs for the science laboratories in the UTC, a key contribution to this important win for BAM.

    Start on site is scheduled for September 2013, with the UTC due to open a year later at the start of the 2014/15 academic year.

    Bron: www.constructionenquirer.com/2013/05/...
  4. Espanjolles 7 mei 2013 10:43

    Winnaar nieuwe fietsbrug Vaart / Kanaal bekend

    (Persbericht gemeente Assen:) Assen, 6 mei 2013 - Een beoordelingsteam van de gemeente heeft een ontwerp gekozen voor de eerste fietsbrug in het Kanaal. Na een zorgvuldige selectie van de ingediende ontwerpen door drie noordelijke aannemers/ontwerpers, koos het team voor het ontwerp van aannemer BAM Civiel Noordoost (Zuidbroek), Machinefabriek Rusthoven (Groningen) en ingenieursbureau ipv Delft. Deze kwam als beste uit de bus qua prijs-kwaliteitsverhouding.

    De ontwerpen werden beoordeeld aan de hand van een aantal criteria: het ontwerp, in hoeverre worden lokale mkb’ers ingeschakeld bij de bouw van de brug, wat is in de toekomst nodig aan onderhoud en hoeveel personeel werft de aannemer onder mensen die al geruime tijd geen baan hebben. Vervolgens was de vraag aan de orde welke bouwer biedt de beste kwaliteit tegen de economisch meest voordelige prijs. Op basis van al deze aspecten is de keuze gevallen op de bovengenoemde combinatie.

    Het afgelopen jaar heeft de participatiegroep Blauwe As meegedacht in de uitgangspunten van de bruggen. Ook deze criteria zijn meegenomen in de afweging. Het gaat dan om bijvoorbeeld optimale beleving van het water, toepassing van lichte kleuren en ranke vormen.

    De architect van het winnende ontwerp zegt zelf het volgende over de brug: ‘Wij zien een ingetogen fietsbrug voor ons, een brug die zich niet opdringt maar het zicht op het groen en het water open laat. Duidelijk van deze tijd, maar ook passend in de historische omgeving.’ Opvallende kenmerk in het ontwerp van de klapbrug is de subtiele, sensorgestuurde led-verlichting in de brugleuningen. Als de brug niet wordt gebruikt, wordt het licht gedimd. Deze wordt feller als er verkeer nadert. Verder zijn de slagbomen in open stand ‘weggewerkt’ en wordt gebruik gemaakt van duurzame materialen.

    Drie combinaties van noordelijke aannemers/ontwerpers deden mee aan de onderhandse aanbesteding. Het is de bedoeling dat de werkzaamheden voor de nieuwe brug na de zomer beginnen. Er wordt een tijdelijke fietsbrug geplaatst.

    De aanleg van de nieuwe brug is onderdeel van het project Blauwe As, behorende bij de FlorijnAs, het programma van de gemeente Assen om de stad klaar te maken voor de toekomst. De Blauwe As, maar ook de herinrichting van het stationsgebied en de aanleg van de Stadsboulevard worden gefinancierd door het Rijk. Dat gebeurt met geld dat Assen als compensatie krijgt voor het niet aanleggen van de Zuiderzeelijn. Het geld mag niet voor andere projecten worden gebruikt.
  5. [verwijderd] 7 mei 2013 11:16

    Bva5 schreef op 7 mei 2013 11:09:

    Daarnaast ook een dalende wig. adnbeursanalyse.nl/Aandelen/BAM-grafi...

    Dit geeft ook een positieve boost, echter met een koers van 3,50 zitten we aan de bovenkant van de lijn.
    In een drietal timeframes dus belangrijke signalen voor een nakende uitbraak
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