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Rodriguez Group

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  1. [verwijderd] 17 november 2011 14:55
    RODRIGUEZ GROUP : CA T4 2010 2011
    (15/11/11 17:46 CET)

    COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE Cannes, le 15 novembre 2011

    Publication du chiffre d`affaires du 4eme Trimestre 2010/2011 : objectif atteint

    En milliers d`Euros CA T4
    2010/2011 2009/2010 Variation en %
    Bateaux 22 694 30 973 -26,7 %
    Services 9 609 9 549 +0,6 %
    TOTAL 32 303 40 522 -20,3 %

    En milliers d`Euros CA 2ème semestre
    du 1er avril 2011 au 30 septembre 2011 CA 12 mois
    du 1er Octobre 2010 au 30 septembre 2011
    2010/2011 2009/2010 Variation en % 2010/2011 2009/2010 Variation en %
    Bateaux 28 739 46 676 -38,4 % 70 855 54 657 +29,6 %
    Services 19 018 18 680 +1,8 % 29 205 32 538 -11,4 %
    TOTAL 47 757 65 356 -26,9 % 100 060 87 195 +14,8 %

    Rodriguez Group a clos le 30 septembre 2011 le 4ème trimestre de son exercice social 2010/2011, et est désormais en mesure d`annoncer à ses partenaires et actionnaires que les objectifs de chiffre d`affaires fixés en début d`exercice ont été atteints.

    Le chiffre d`affaires du 4ème trimestre, portant sur la période du 1er juillet 2011 au 30 septembre 2011, s`établit à 32,3 MEUR, en baisse de 20,3% par rapport au 4ème trimestre 2009/2010 et se répartit comme suit :

    La vente de bateaux atteint 22,7 MEUR, soit une baisse de 26,7 % par rapport au 4ème trimestre 2009/2010 ;

    La vente de Services s`élève à 9,6 MEUR, en hausse de 0,6% par rapport au 4ème trimestre 2009/2010.

    Ces comparatifs doivent toutefois être lus à la lumière de la performance des différentes activités sur l`intégralité de l`exercice, qui révèle :

    Un excellent démarrage de l`activité Ventes de bateaux neufs sur le 1er semestre 2011 ainsi qu`un très bon 4ème trimestre, alors qu`en 2009/2010 87% du chiffre d`affaires lié à la vente de bateaux neufs s`était concentré sur ce seul 4ème trimestre ;

    Un démarrage plus tardif de l`activité Ventes de bateaux d`occasion comparativement à la saison précédente, révélant une nouvelle tendance dans le comportement des clients ;

    La stabilité de l`activité Vente de Services, qui conserve en outre la même saisonnalité.

    Ainsi, comme anticipé à l`issue du troisième trimestre, l`activité Vente de bateaux s`est révélée bien meilleure sur le dernier trimestre, grâce notamment aux ventes de bateaux d`occasion, qui ont généré un chiffre d`affaires de 6 MEUR contre 1,37 MEUR sur le trimestre précédent et 2,7 MEUR sur la même période l`année dernière (+123%).

    Même si l`activité Vente de bateaux neufs est en retrait sur le 4ème trimestre 2010/2011 par rapport à l`exercice précédent (16,7 MEUR de chiffre d`affaires au T4 2010/2011 contre 28,3 MEUR de chiffre d`affaires au T4 2009/2010), le Groupe Rodriguez enregistre une performance annuelle très satisfaisante puisque les ventes de bateaux neufs ont généré un chiffre d`affaires total de 53,9 MEUR sur l`exercice 2010/2011, contre 32,6 MEUR sur l`exercice 2009/2010 (+62,5%).

    La période estivale a notamment permis la vente de deux nouvelles unités issues des chantiers de construction italiens :

    le 32 mètres sport fly nouveau modèle, conçu et élaboré en collaboration avec Italyachts,

    mais surtout le SD 92, premier bateau sorti des chantiers Sanlorenzo depuis la signature du contrat d`exclusivité entre les deux groupes en décembre 2010.

    Rodriguez Group se réjouit particulièrement d`avoir clôturé son exercice 2010/2011 sur ces deux ventes, qui concrétisent le succès des accords conclus avec les nouveaux chantiers partenaires et le très bon accueil qui leur a été réservé par la clientèle du Groupe.

    En définitive, l`activité Vente de bateaux (neufs et occasions) a généré un chiffre d`affaires global de 70,8 MEUR sur l`exercice 2010/2011 : le chiffre d`affaires cible de 70 MEUR pour l`activité phare du Groupe Rodriguez est donc atteint.

    En parallèle, l`activité Services a généré un chiffre d`affaires de 9,6 MEUR sur le 4ème trimestre 2010/2011, contre 9,5 MEUR sur la même période en 2009/2010. Sur l`année, cette activité enregistre un chiffre d`affaires total de 29,2 MEUR, contre 32,5 MEUR sur l`exercice précédent, ramenés à 28,7 MEUR hors événements non récurrents liés aux accords conclus au cours de la sauvegarde (soit une hausse de 1,7%).

    En définitive, le chiffre d`affaires consolidé global du Groupe enregistre une hausse de 14,8% sur l`exercice, passant de 87,2 MEUR en 2009/2010 à 100 MEUR en 2010/2011.


    Faits marquants du trimestre écoule

    Le 4ème trimestre 2010/2011 a été marqué par les événements suivants :

    - la vente du 1er Sanlorenzo commercialisé en exclusivité par Rodriguez Group ;

    - la signature d`un contrat d`exclusivité entre Camper & Nicholsons et Wider Yachts pour le Wider 150` ;

    - la publication du chiffre d`affaires consolidé du 3ème trimestre 2010/2011.


    Rodriguez Group publiera le 14 décembre prochain ses résultats annuels pour l`exercice 2010/2011.

    Rodriguez Group est coté au compartiment C de l`Eurolist Paris (Code ISIN : FR0000062994)


    Pour tout renseignement ou demande d`inscription au fil de l`information réglementée :

    Direction Financière Rodriguez Group
    105 avenue des Frères Roustan
    06220 Golfe-Juan
    Tel.: 04 97 21 81 81
    E-mail: finance@rodriguezgroup.com
    Site internet: www.rodriguezgroup.com/finance-action...
    RODRIGUEZ GROUP CA T4 2010 2011
  2. [verwijderd] 17 november 2011 15:43
    Publication of 4th quarter 2010/2011 sales: Target met
    Cannes, November 15, 2011

    Q3 sales

    € thousands 2010/2011 2009/2010 % change
    Yachts 22,694 30,973 (26.7%)
    Services 9,609 9,549 0.6%
    Total 32,303 40,522 (20.3%)
    HY2 sales - April 1, 2011 to September 30, 2011

    € thousands 2010/2011 2009/2010 % change
    Yachts 28,739 46,676 (38.4%)
    Services 19,018 18,680 1.8%
    Total 47,757 65,356 (26.9%)
    12-month sales - October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2011

    € thousands 2010/2011 2009/2010 % change
    Yachts 70,855 54,657 29.6%
    Services 29,205 32,538 (11.4%)
    Total 100,060 87,195 14.8%

    RODRIGUEZ GROUP closed the 4th quarter of its 2010/2011 financial year ending September 30, 2011, and is now able to announce to its partners and shareholders that the sales target set out at the beginning of the financial year has been reached.

    4th quarter sales, concerning the period from July 1st, 2011 to September 30th, 2011, were € 32.3 million, 20.3% lower than in the 4th quarter of 2009/2010, and were distributed as follows:
    - Yacht sales reached € 22.7 million, i.e., 26.7% lower than in the 4th quarter of 2009/2010;
    - Sales of services went up to € 9.6 million, up by 0.6% compared to the 4th quarter of 2009/2010.

    These comparisons should, however, be considered in light of the performance of the various divisions during the whole financial year, revealing:

    - An excellent startup of new yacht sales in the 1st half of 2011, as well as a very strong 4th quarter, while in 2009/2010, 87% of sales linked to new yacht sales were concentrated in the 4th quarter alone;

    - A slower start of pre-owned yacht sales compared to the previous season, revealing a new trend in customer behavior;

    - Sales of services were stable, while retaining their usual seasonality.

    Thus, as anticipated at the end of the third quarter, yacht sales turned out to be much better in the last quarter, thanks mainly to sales of pre-owned yachts, which generated revenues of € 6 million, compared to € 1.37 million in the preceding quarter and € 2.7 million during the same period last year (+123%).

    Even though sales of new yachts lagged in the 4th quarter of 2010/2011 with respect to the preceding financial year (€ 16.7 million in sales in Q4 2010/2011 compared to € 28.3 million in sales in Q4 2009/2010), the Rodriguez Group has recorded a very satisfying annual performance since new yacht sales generated total revenues of € 53.9 million for the 2010/2011 financial year, compared to € 32.6 million in the 2009/2010 financial year (up 62.5%).

    In particular, the summer season brought about the sales of two new units coming from Italian shipyards:
    - the 32 meter sport fly new model, designed and built in collaboration with ITALYACHTS
    - and above all the SD 92, the first yacht that has come out of the SANLORENZO shipyard since the signing of the exclusivity contract between the two groups in December 2010.

    RODRIGUEZ GROUP is particularly delighted to have closed its 2010/2011 financial year with these two sales, the concrete manifestation of the success of agreements concluded with our new partner shipyards, in addition to being very well received by the Group’s clientele.

    Ultimately, yacht sales (new and pre-owned) generated total revenues of € 70.8 million for the 2010/2011 financial year: consequently, the sales target of € 70 million for the Rodriguez Group’s core business has been achieved.

    At the same time, the Services business generated sales of € 9.6 million in the 4th quarter of 2010/2011, compared to € 9.5 million during the same period in 2009/2010. For the whole year, this division recorded total sales of € 29.2 million, compared to € 32.5 million during the preceding financial year, reduced to € 28.7 million excluding non-recurring events linked to agreements made during the safeguard period (i.e. an increase of 1.7%).

    Overall, the Group’s total consolidated sales recorded an increase of 14.8% during the financial year, going from € 87.2 million in 2009/2010 to € 100 million in 2010/2011.
    Highlights of the past quarter

    The 4th quarter of 2010/2011 was marked by the following events:

    - The sale of the 1st SANLORENZO exclusively marketed by the RODRIGUEZ GROUP;

    - The signing of an exclusivity contract between Camper & Nicholsons and Wider Yachts for the Wider 150’;

    - The publication of consolidated sales for the 3rd quarter 2010/2011.

    RODRIGUEZ GROUP will publish its annual results for the 2010/2011 financial year on December 14th.

    RODRIGUEZ GROUP is listed on Compartment C of the Eurolist Paris (ISIN Code: FR0000062994)

    For further information or to subscribe to our regulated information newsfeed:

    RODRIGUEZ GROUP Finance Department
    105 avenue des Frères Roustan
    06220 Golfe-Juan, France
    Tel: +33 4 97 21 81 81
    E-mail: finance@rodriguezgroup.com
  3. [verwijderd] 17 november 2011 23:40
    Rodriguez Group is wereldwijd n° 1 op het gebied van het ontwerp, de uitvoering en de verkoop van top of the range motorboten van meer dan 20 m. De omzet per activiteit is als volgt onderverdeeld:
    - verkoop van nieuwe boten (69,8%): boten van 23 tot 41 m met open opbouw (n° 1 wereldwijd; merken Léopard en Mangusta) en gesloten opbouw (Astondoa), jachten vanaf 37 m;
    - verkoop van tweedehands boten (14,5%): boten van 15 tot 35 m verdeeld tussen eigen merken en merken van derden;
    - dienstverlening (14,2%): reparatie, onderhoud en overwintering, huur-charter van boten (n° 1 wereldwijd), makelaardij (n° 1 wereldwijd), enz.;
    - andere (1,5%): met name de verkoop van artikelen voor de pleziervaart (staande wanten, kleding, vaatwerk, decoratieproducten).
    De geografische verdeling van de omzet is als volgt: Frankrijk (11%), Europa (58%), Amerika's (20%) en andere (11%).

    Huidige beurswaarde: 32 miljoen euro.

    De koers van het aandeel Rodriguez staat nu 4% boven de laagste koers ooit, terwijl de gepubliceerde cijfers goed zijn.

    Zie ook www.rodriguezgroup.com

  4. [verwijderd] 21 november 2011 17:25
    De cijfers zijn goed. Alle doelstellingen zijn bereikt, schulden zijn teruggebracht. De huidige koersdaling is kolder.

    Publication of 4th quarter 2010/2011 sales: Target met

    Cannes, November 15, 2011

    Q3 sales

    € thousands 2010/2011 2009/2010 % change
    Yachts 22,694 30,973 (26.7%)
    Services 9,609 9,549 0.6%
    Total 32,303 40,522 (20.3%)
    HY2 sales - April 1, 2011 to September 30, 2011

    € thousands 2010/2011 2009/2010 % change
    Yachts 28,739 46,676 (38.4%)
    Services 19,018 18,680 1.8%
    Total 47,757 65,356 (26.9%)
    12-month sales - October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2011

    € thousands 2010/2011 2009/2010 % change
    Yachts 70,855 54,657 29.6%
    Services 29,205 32,538 (11.4%)
    Total 100,060 87,195 14.8%

    RODRIGUEZ GROUP closed the 4th quarter of its 2010/2011 financial year ending September 30, 2011, and is now able to announce to its partners and shareholders that the sales target set out at the beginning of the financial year has been reached.

    4th quarter sales, concerning the period from July 1st, 2011 to September 30th, 2011, were € 32.3 million, 20.3% lower than in the 4th quarter of 2009/2010, and were distributed as follows:
    - Yacht sales reached € 22.7 million, i.e., 26.7% lower than in the 4th quarter of 2009/2010;
    - Sales of services went up to € 9.6 million, up by 0.6% compared to the 4th quarter of 2009/2010.

    These comparisons should, however, be considered in light of the performance of the various divisions during the whole financial year, revealing:

    - An excellent startup of new yacht sales in the 1st half of 2011, as well as a very strong 4th quarter, while in 2009/2010, 87% of sales linked to new yacht sales were concentrated in the 4th quarter alone;

    - A slower start of pre-owned yacht sales compared to the previous season, revealing a new trend in customer behavior;

    - Sales of services were stable, while retaining their usual seasonality.

    Thus, as anticipated at the end of the third quarter, yacht sales turned out to be much better in the last quarter, thanks mainly to sales of pre-owned yachts, which generated revenues of € 6 million, compared to € 1.37 million in the preceding quarter and € 2.7 million during the same period last year (+123%).

    Even though sales of new yachts lagged in the 4th quarter of 2010/2011 with respect to the preceding financial year (€ 16.7 million in sales in Q4 2010/2011 compared to € 28.3 million in sales in Q4 2009/2010), the Rodriguez Group has recorded a very satisfying annual performance since new yacht sales generated total revenues of € 53.9 million for the 2010/2011 financial year, compared to € 32.6 million in the 2009/2010 financial year (up 62.5%).

    In particular, the summer season brought about the sales of two new units coming from Italian shipyards:
    - the 32 meter sport fly new model, designed and built in collaboration with ITALYACHTS
    - and above all the SD 92, the first yacht that has come out of the SANLORENZO shipyard since the signing of the exclusivity contract between the two groups in December 2010.

    RODRIGUEZ GROUP is particularly delighted to have closed its 2010/2011 financial year with these two sales, the concrete manifestation of the success of agreements concluded with our new partner shipyards, in addition to being very well received by the Group’s clientele.

    Ultimately, yacht sales (new and pre-owned) generated total revenues of € 70.8 million for the 2010/2011 financial year: consequently, the sales target of € 70 million for the Rodriguez Group’s core business has been achieved.

    At the same time, the Services business generated sales of € 9.6 million in the 4th quarter of 2010/2011, compared to € 9.5 million during the same period in 2009/2010. For the whole year, this division recorded total sales of € 29.2 million, compared to € 32.5 million during the preceding financial year, reduced to € 28.7 million excluding non-recurring events linked to agreements made during the safeguard period (i.e. an increase of 1.7%).

    Overall, the Group’s total consolidated sales recorded an increase of 14.8% during the financial year, going from € 87.2 million in 2009/2010 to € 100 million in 2010/2011.
  5. [verwijderd] 21 november 2011 20:24

    Beursplein 5 schreef op 21 november 2011 17:25:

    De cijfers zijn goed. Alle doelstellingen zijn bereikt, schulden zijn teruggebracht. De huidige koersdaling is kolder.

    Tja, zoals ik al eerder schreef over de koers vorige week: een bedriegertje.

    Vandaag ging de koers 14,11% lager.

    Diegenen die het weer beter wisten dan de markt zijn vandaag hard afgestraft.

  6. [verwijderd] 22 november 2011 09:50
    Koers kan vandaag fors stijgen, er zijn vrij weinig verkooporders.

    Orderbook - best limits 22/11/11 09:33 CET
    # of orders # of shares Bid Ask # of shares # of orders
    2 2,320 2.09 2.14 2,221 2
    3 2,606 2.08 2.19 1,500 1
    2 7,030 2.07 2.21 1,100 1
    3 6,000 2.06 2.24 4,500 3
    2 2,520 2.05 2.25 400 1
    2 2,273 2.04 2.27 700 1
    4 4,830 2.02 2.29 600 1
    4 3,240 2.01 2.40 200 1
    4 800 2.00 2.42 200 1
    1 2,500 1.99 2.43 250 1
  7. [verwijderd] 22 november 2011 10:23
    De koers loopt weer iets terug, er zijn weer meer verkooporders.

    Orderbook - best limits 22/11/11 10:01 CET
    # of orders # of shares Bid Ask # of shares # of orders
    2 3,508 2.10 2.13 2,086 2
    1 330 2.09 2.14 3,416 3
    2 1,100 2.08 2.15 2,508 2
    2 7,030 2.07 2.16 1,908 2
    3 6,000 2.06 2.17 1,688 2
    2 2,520 2.05 2.18 1,000 1
    3 3,273 2.04 2.19 5,500 1
    4 6,330 2.02 2.20 1,000 1
    4 3,240 2.01 2.23 3,831 2
    4 800 2.00 2.24 1,000 1
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