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Aandeel Aperam LU0569974404

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
30,900   -0,640   (-2,03%) Dagrange 30,700 - 31,400 308.174   Gem. (3M) 193,2K

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 14 oktober 2016 15:28
    Stainless steel production in H1 reached 22.1 million tonne

    The International Stainless Steel Forum has released figures for the first half year of 2016 showing that stainless steel melt shop production increased by 4.1% YoY to 22.1 million tonnes. Production increased in Asia without China and in China.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  2. forum rang 10 voda 17 oktober 2016 16:06
    Beursblik: UBS zet Aperam op verkooplijst

    Koersdoel omhoog naar 37,00 euro.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) UBS heeft maandag het advies op Aperam verlaagd van Neutraal naar Verkopen, maar verhoogde wel het koersdoel van 36,00 naar 37,00 euro.

    De analisten van de Zwitserse bank wezen op de sterke koersstijging van circa 30 procent die Aperam in de afgelopen drie maanden behaalde en concludeerden dat het aandeel inmiddels hoog gewaardeerd is.

    Het koersdoel werd licht verhoogd, omdat de marktvorsers van de Zwitserse bank verwachten dat het management van de fabrikant van roestvast staal de tweede helft van 2016 beter in staat is om het werkkapitaal te beheren dan in het eerste halfjaar het geval was.

    Wat betreft de aankomende kwartaalresultaten die Aperam begin november zal rapporteren, rekenen de analisten op een bedrijfsresultaat (EBITDA) van 119 miljoen dollar in het derde kwartaal, wat in lijn is met de consensus van 121 miljoen dollar. Ondanks de recente volatiliteit in de nikkelprijs verwacht UBS dat Aperam voor het vierde kwartaal zal uitgaan van een stabiel bedrijfsresultaat, omdat de basisprijzen in Europa zullen verbeteren, waardoor de seizoensmatige zwakkere volumes kunnen worden opgevangen.

    Op een rood Damrak noteerde het aandeel Aperam maandag 1,4 procent lager op 40,44.

    Door: ABM Financial News.


    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  3. forum rang 10 voda 17 oktober 2016 16:31
    BIS standard deadline on stainless steel utensils extended till November

    Press Trust of India reported that Indian government has extended the deadline till November for the steel industry to comply with three new mandatory standards prescribed for making kitchen utensils as well as engineering applications like plates. BIS Deputy Director General Mr AK Sharma told PTI “These are mandatory standards and the industry wanted more time to comply with. Therefore, we have extended the deadline till November.”

    Mr Sharma further said that even small utensil makers will be able to easily comply with these standards. They have to ensure they buy a sheet of steel which has the chemical composition as prescribed by the BIS.

    Two standards for manufacturing stainless steel utensils and one for engineering application like plates were notified on June 10 this year by the Bureau of Indian Standards. The chemical composition should be according to the BIS standard specification to ensure that the utensils do not get rusted and crack on edges. These standards will apply to the steel which is imported as well as those manufactured locally. The industry was given three months deadline till September 9 to comply with.

    Source : Press Trust of India
  4. forum rang 10 voda 24 oktober 2016 16:04
    Chinese Baiyin Nonferrous plans to setup a stainless steel plant in Philippines

    Bloomberg reported that China’s Baiyin Nonferrous Group Co has agreed to consider setting up a stainless steel plant in the Philippines that could cost as much as USD 700 million. The state owned firm will look at various resources projects in the Southeast Asian nation under a memorandum of understanding signed with Global Ferronickel Holdings Inc.

    Under the deal, signed during President Rodrigo Duterte’s state visit to China, Baiyin may also provide trade financing to Global Ferronickel’s Ipilan mine in Palawan province.

    Global Ferronickel Chairman Joseph Sy in a separate statement said that “We recognize the importance of promoting close cooperation with China to spur economic growth in the country. We see Baiyin as a strong partner who will play a vital role with us in creating greater value added in the nickel value chain.”

    The stainless steel plant would cost USD 500 million to USD 700 million, with an annual capacity of 1 million tonnes using ore from the Philippines, according to Global Ferronickel, the nation’s second-biggest producer. The potential investment comes amid an environmental audit instigated by Duterte that threatens to shutter some nickel mines, which are the biggest suppliers of ore to China’s stainless steel industry.

    Source : Bloomberg
  5. forum rang 10 voda 26 oktober 2016 16:31
    Hogere winst voor Acerinox

    Spaanse staalmaker behaalt minder omzet.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Acerinox heeft in het derde kwartaal van 2016 meer winst behaald, onder meer gesteund door een stabilisatie van de nikkelprijzen. Dit maakte de Spaanse fabrikant van roestvast staal woensdagmorgen bekend.

    Het bedrijfsresultaat (EBITDA) steeg gedurende het derde kwartaal met bijna 150 procent op jaarbasis naar 103 miljoen euro. Het bedrijfsresultaat in de eerste negen maanden lag met 223 miljoen euro echter 9 procent lager dan een jaar eerder.

    Acerinox, een sectorgenoot van het in Amsterdam genoteerde Aperam, behaalde daarentegen over de eerste negen maanden van dit jaar op jaarbasis 12 procent minder omzet op 2.915 miljoen euro.

    "Het derde kwartaal van 2016 werd gekenmerkt door een sterke vraag, de stabilisering van de nikkelprijzen en een einde van voorraadwijzigingen. Al deze factoren hebben de gewoonlijke daling van leveringen in het derde kwartaal gecompenseerd", zei de Spaanse onderneming.

    Nikkel is nodig om roestvast staal te produceren en nikkelprijzen worden doorberekend in verkoopprijzen. Wanneer nikkel goedkoper wordt wachten klanten met bestellingen. Acerinox wees erop dat de nikkelprijs zich momenteel op het laagste niveau sinds 2008 bevindt. In de komende maanden kan echter een opwaartse trend beginnen, aangezien de nikkelmijnen in de Filipijnen worden gesloten.


    Het bestuur van Acerinox verwacht in het vierde kwartaal positieve resultaten te behalen en rekent voor heel 2016 op een verbetering ten opzichte van 2015. Wat betreft 2017 gaan de Spanjaarden ervan uit dat de vraag in het eerste kwartaal zal aantrekken.

    Door: ABM Financial News.


    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  6. Azoia 26 oktober 2016 22:12
    Daily Nickel/Stainless Steel Briefing (8:00 AM CST is 1PM in London)
    Three month nickel closed Tuesday's trading session at $4.64/lb . Indicators at 6:00 am CST today show 3 month nickel trading around $.02/lb lower. Stockpiles of nickel stored in LME approved warehouses rose slightly on Tuesday and now total just under the 362,500 tonne level. Sideway trading continues, although we have read two technical traders recently, one of which is forecasting a break to the positive side and one saying the charts don't yet show that. Things are looking better in China but stockpiles have yet to show the declines necessary to prove we have hit a level where demand outweighs supply significantly. In fact, LME warehouses are 480 tonnes above where they started the month today. Without some major news, we expect prices to continue trading sideways.
    Average price of cash nickel so far this month - $4.65/lb
    Average price of LME traded nickel in 2015 - $5.37/lb / 2014 - $7.65/lb / 2013 - $6.80/lb / avg 2012 - $7.95/lb /
    (USGS) Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 - pdf here
    Baltic Dry Index - (current) (chart)
    Dollar trading graph - (chart of dollar index) (live java chart)
    Reuters metals morning - Shanghai aluminium hits 2-year high on coal price surge - more
  7. forum rang 10 voda 3 november 2016 16:25
    Outokumpu behaalt meer winst

    Omzet daalt licht.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Outokumpu heeft in het derde kwartaal meer winst behaald, maar zag de omzet en staalleveringen afnemen. Dit bleek donderdag uit de resultaten van de Finse fabrikant van roestvast staal.

    De sectorgenoot van het in Amsterdam genoteerde Aperam zei dat de verbeterende winstgevendheid vooral het gevolg was van vooruitgang in de Amerikaanse activiteiten en een verbetering van het sentiment in de Europese markten.

    "De Amerika's hebben wederom een recordniveau bereikt qua leveringen en bleven de financiele prestaties verbeteren, waarmee de verliezen afnamen tot 7 miljoen euro's. Europa zette zijn stabiele vooruitgang door en rapporteerde zijn sterkste derde kwartaal ooit", zei CEO Roeland Baan.

    Het onderliggende bedrijfsresultaat (EBITDA) bedroeg 119 miljoen euro, ten opzichte van 62 miljoen euro in het tweede kwartaal en 13 miljoen euro een jaar eerder. Onder aan de streep bleef een winst over van 13 miljoen euro, waar een jaar terug nog een verlies werd geleden van 115 miljoen euro.

    De omzet zakte van 1.487 miljoen euro vorig jaar naar 1.419 miljoen euro.

    Outokumpu leverde 608.000 ton staal af in het kwartaal. Een jaar terug was dit nog 570.000 ton staal.


    De Finnen verwachten dat de onderliggende vraag naar roestvast staal zowel in Europa als in Amerika gezond zal blijven in het vierde kwartaal. Wel rekent Outokumpu op een verzwakking richting het jaareinde, vanwege de vakantieperiode.

    Ook verwacht de staalfabrikant dat de basisprijzen zullen stijgen, wat een licht positief effect zal hebben op de winstgevendheid in de laatste drie maanden.

    Door: ABM Financial News.


    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  8. forum rang 10 voda 11 november 2016 14:37
    Indian Dairy Association stresses need of Stainless Steel for Dairy industry

    Indian Dairy Association, the apex body of the dairy industry in the country, stressed on the need to enhance the usage of stainless steel in the dairy industry to ensure safe and healthy dairy products. Taking its commitment ahead to enhance usage of standard products, Bureau of Indian Standards has also released the new standards for design and development of stainless steel milk cans.

    The seminar on “Stainless Steel in Dairy; to enhance Food Safety”, jointly organised by Indian Stainless Steel Development Association and Indian Dairy Association in alliance with Jindal Stainless, asserted on the significance of using stainless steel in dairy. Present on the occasion were Dr GS Rajorhia vice president- Indian Dairy Association, Mr KK Pahuja, President, Indian Stainless Steel Development Association and Mr Ashok Gupta , Director Jindal Stainless (Hisar) Limited among others.

    Hygiene and quality is increasingly becoming a common concern for milk and milk products which is consumed by all age groups. 70% of the milk production pertains to unorganized sector. India being the largest producer of Milk at 146.3 million tonnes/day demands specified guidelines for the segment when it comes to health. The focus of the unorganized sector is more on commercial aspect than the hygiene and health issue which leads to use of unfavorable materials for processing and storage. Various research reports emphasize that use of hazardous materials in dairy industry have serious impact on public health as few materials lead to food contamination. Stainless Steel has emerged as an alternate material for various usages in the dairy sector and approximately 8000-10,000MT of Stainless Steel is used for storage, processing and transportation equipments every year in India. CODEX the international food standards under WHO, has also recommended stainless steel as a preferred material for storage of food and transportation. CODEX is a collection of internationally recognized standards, codes of practice, guidelines, and other recommendations relating to foods, food production, and food safety.

    Commenting on this occasion, Mr KK Pahuja president of ISSDA said that “Research demonstrates that compared to other materials, Stainless Steel is the most hygienic and biologically suitable material for milk processing and storage. Due to increased focus on hygiene, quality and food safety standards, usage of stainless steel has grown. Our effort is to increase the pace of adoption of stainless steel in this area to ensure a better public health.”

    Dr GS Rajorhia vice president of Indian Dairy Association said that “Stainless Steel is an integral part of dairy industry. Its erosion and corrosion free characteristic is recognized by the dairy industry for total food safety and public health.”

    Mr Ashok Gupta, Director, Jindal Stainless (Hisar) Limited said that “We appreciate the efforts taken by regulators to ensure quality standards and with the new guidelines issued by BIS for milk cans , the scenario will change in the dairy sector as well. Taking a cue from these efforts, we, at Jindal stainless along with can producers, have developed a low cost prototype (204 Cu- food grade approved) of Stainless Steel milk can which is not only better in quality but also low cost. As 204Cu is already approved as food grade by BIS under IS 15997(Grade N2), we believe that it can deliver high quality milk at an affordable cost to the end customer."

    Source : Business Standard
  9. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 27 november 2016 11:40
    Gemaakt met Aperam-rvs...???
    Robotarmen en stofzuiger in megahuls kerncentrale Tsjernobyl

    Een enorm omhulsel van roestvrij staal en beton krijgt dinsdag zijn definitieve plaats over de kerncentrale van Tsjernobyl. Het gevaarte van 165 meter lang, 260 meter breed en 110 meter hoog ziet eruit als een megagrote vliegtuighangar en zou gemakkelijk de Parijse kathedraal Notre Dame kunnen herbergen. Het moet de komende eeuw voorkomen dat straling uit reactor 4 van de rampcentrale kan ontsnappen.

  10. forum rang 10 voda 29 november 2016 16:36
    Outokumpu stainless steel rebar reinforces sea defences at Cromer coast in the UK

    Outokumpu delivers Forta DX 2304 duplex stainless steel rebar for the Cromer coast in the UK. Cromer is an English town located on the stormy North Sea coast which needed to rebuild its sea defences and prepare for rising sea levels.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  11. forum rang 10 voda 1 december 2016 17:20
    Outokumpu solidly on track – shows progress and levers to earnings growth at Capital Markets Day 2016

    Outokumpu will present its plans to reach its vision to be the best value creator in stainless steel by 2020 through customer orientation and efficiency and the levers to reach an underlying EBIT of EUR 500 million by 2020.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  12. forum rang 10 voda 7 december 2016 17:15
    India extends implementation of quality control order on stainless steel by 2 months

    Press Trust of India reported that the Indian government on Tuesday extended by another two months the date for implementation of the Stainless Steel Products (Quality Control) Order. The earlier deadline expired on Tuesday and the present extension was necessitated as licensing process by BIS would take some more time

    Earlier, the Metal and Stainless Steel Merchants’ Association, an apex body of stainless steel producers, importers and stockists, had urged the Government to postpone the implementation of the quality control order by one year as most of the stainless steel producers are yet to get Bureau of Indian Standard registration.

    In a notification on June 10, the Ministry of Steel said the quality control order will come into force in three months. However, as of today, only one international and four domestic manufacturers, including two Jindal steel plants, have received BIS certification while rest of the industry is waiting for months to get BIS certification due to the cumbersome process, said Manoj Kunango, Chairman, MASSMA.

    With non-receipt of BIS registration most of the stainless steel producers have stopped production and this has resulted in huge shortage of key raw material for many industries in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Chennai, said Jitendra Shah, President, MASSMA.

    Source : Press Trust of India
  13. forum rang 10 voda 13 december 2016 17:00
    Indian Steel Ministry for raising stainless steel customs duty

    Financial Express reported that paying heed to the stainless steel industry’s demand, steel ministry has proposed an increase in the basic customs duty on the product from 7.5% now to at least 10%. The move is aimed at protecting the domestic firms from burgeoning imports from China, Japan and Korea at predatory prices.

    A senior steel ministry official said that “Anti-dumping duty, imposed on certain grades of stainless steel in June last year, has now become redundant as circumventions are happening in galore. We will go by the industry request and suggest some hike in the BCD for stainless steel products.”

    Like most of the Indian steel sector, the stainless steel industry has also been facing difficult times over the last three-four years as a result of higher imports from China. This has dragged down capacity utilisation of the domestic industry by half to around 3.4 million tonne per annum.

    The government had in June 2015 levied anti-dumping duty for five years on imports of certain varieties of hot-rolled flat products of stainless steel from China ($309 per tonne), Korea ($180 a tonne) and Malaysia ($316 per tonne).

    Imports of stainless steel flat products to India have gone up 64% over the last three years to stand at 5.32 lakh tonne in 2015-16. China accounted for more than 50% of the total imports. China was a net importer of stainless steel till 2009, but now it has become the largest exporter of the product due to weak demand domestically. Japan and Korea account for around 15% of the total imports. India has already lowered duties to zero on imports of stainless steel flat products from ASEAN countries and Japan and is in a phased tariff-reduction programme with South Korea.

    An industry official said that “Chinese stainless steel manufacturers are supported with high rates of import duty on finished goods with virtually no duties on the raw materials. However, Indian producers are saddled with between 2.5-5% import duty on the raw material including steel scrap. Thus, there is a need to give them us some duty relief.”

    Source : Financial Express
  14. forum rang 10 voda 14 december 2016 16:56
    Stainless steel production in China cut after latest environmental drive

    SMM reported that the second round of 7 environmental protection inspection teams arrived in seven regions from November 24 to 30 to supervise environmental protection work, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Hubei, Chongqing, Shaanxi and Gansu.

    Will New Environmental Protection Inspections Trigger Massive Cuts in China Metals Producers. SMM learns that Jiangsu Delong Nickel Industry has suspended stainless steel production again due to environmental protection inspections, but maintains high-grade NPI production at present, but the production is going to be suspended.

    In November, the company produced 130,000 tonnes of stainless steel, all #300 stainless steel, counting for 12% of China’s total output of the type product. The company needs to purchase 20,000-30,000 tonnes of high-grade NPI each month for its stainless steel production in addition to its own high-grade NPI production. In November, the company also produced around 70,000 tonnes of high-grade NPI.

    The suspension of stainless steel production at the company means that demand for high-grade NPI will fall by 20,000-30,000 tonnes, accounting for 6 to 9% of China’s total output.

    Moreover, China’s high-grade NPI output will fall in December with output declines at producers in north China due to colder weather and possible cuts at Jiangsu Delong, but any declines will be small.

    Hence, stainless steel suspension at Jiangsu Delong will negatively affect high-grade NPI demand in China’s market in December and months ahead.
    In other news, stainless steel production at Linyi Jinhaihui Technology is now online, and there is high possibility for the company’s stainless steel production to be suspended. SMM will watch closely to progress of the event.

    Source : SMM
  15. forum rang 10 voda 15 december 2016 21:12
    Stainless steel pickling units in Wazirpur will be shut – Delhi Government

    Press Trust Of India reported that Delhi government assured the National Green Tribunal that it will take action against steel pickling industries in Wazirpur which are operating without consent and not complying with mandatory pollution standards.

    The AAP government told a bench headed by NGT Chairperson Justice Swatanter Kumar that appropriate legal action will be taken in collaboration with the Delhi Pollution Control Committee against steel pickling units in accordance with the law.

    The assurance came after DPCC told the bench that pickling activity is included in the "prohibited" activity list in Delhi Master Plan 2021 and the period granted by the Delhi High Court to continue such activities in accordance with law expired on September 22. It further said the decision of the Delhi government is still pending in this regard. However, the pollution monitoring body assured the NGT that it would not grant consent to operate such offending industrial units.

    The bench noted that "It is stated that consent to operate granted to steel pickling units has already expired and no further consent will be granted. Counsel appearing for Delhi and DPCC assures the tribunal that action would be taken against the steel pickling units without delay.”

    The bench was hearing a plea filed by NGO All India Lokadhikar Sangthan's seeking execution of an order by which the green panel had directed the Delhi Pollution Control Committee to take action against stainless steel pickling industries.

    Source : Press Trust Of India
  16. forum rang 10 voda 16 december 2016 15:35
    Fives to supply 500000 tonnes CAPL to Foshan Chengde Stainless Steel
    Published on Fri, 16 Dec 2016

    The new cold annealing and pickling line with production capacity of 500,000 tons per year will produce 200, 300, 400 series stainless steel products intended for different applications:

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  17. forum rang 10 voda 21 december 2016 17:13
    Global stainless steel production in 9M increases by 7% YoY – ISSF

    The International Stainless Steel Forum has released figures for the first nine months of 2016 showing that stainless steel melt shop production increased by 7.0% YoY to 33.6 million tonnes. Production increased in all regions except Central and Eastern Europe.

    Source : ISSF
  18. forum rang 10 voda 29 december 2016 14:39
    Russia’s stainless steel imports down 3.4 percent in November from October

    Russian imports of stainless steel products in November this year decreased by 3.4 percent month on month to 31,285 mt, according to Russia-based SpetsStal Association.

    In particular, in November Russia’s flat rolled stainless steel imports decreased by one percent, while its stainless steel seamless pipe imports fell by 48 percent, electric welded stainless steel pipe imports declined by 22.6 percent and stainless steel pipe fittings imports increased by 9.5 percent, all month-on-month. In the same month, Russia’s stainless steel long product imports indicated an increase of four percent compared to October.

    In the January-November period of this year, Russia’s imports of stainless steel products totaled 275,000 mt, increasing by 28.5 percent compared to the same period of the previous year.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
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