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GTCB - GTC Biotherapeutics - Deel 10

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  1. [verwijderd] 17 augustus 2007 19:36

    SkySpam1 schreef:

    ik heb nog nooit zo'n groene nasdaq gezien met af en toe een rood verdwaald eilandje daartussen, dat is gtcb.

    mvg, verdwaald.

    wat een zinloos gedoe zeg, dit fonds.

    ik denk dat we over een jaar of 6 als er ondertussen meer dan 200 miljoen aandelen uitstaan de koers even boven de 1.10 uitpiept.

    dag hoor.
    Met dank,
    zéér leerrijk, connect.

    bedankt sky,

    ze moeten de tent gewoon verkopen, iedereen blij.

    dit schiet niet op, en de emissies worden walchelijk laag maar het is niet anders in de markt gezet.
  2. [verwijderd] 17 augustus 2007 20:04

    Beurs-kneus schreef:

    Ik sta nu in de bied op 0,81 met flink wat k!

    Nou Nou 10K flink opgeblazen luchthandelaar,,,zou ik zeggen (;))
    Ik heb mijn order net weggehaald en er blijven 10k zichtbaar dus die weergave klopt echt niet! ik zet hem zo terug op 0.82 want die 0.81 lukt niet verwacht ik.
  3. [verwijderd] 17 augustus 2007 20:37

    SkySpam1 schreef:


    dit schiet niet op, en de emissies worden WALCHELIJK laag maar het is niet anders in de markt gezet.

    connect, jij die anderen regelmatig op de vingers tikt, omtrent hun schrijfwijze!!
    Zoals ik voorheen al zei:
    "zij die zonder zonde, werpe de eerste steen"!!
    je hebt w(a)el ge lijk.

    heel goed.
  4. [verwijderd] 17 augustus 2007 20:41

    plausibel schreef:

    Eerlijkheid gebied mij te zeggen dat ik eerder het tegengestelde gevoel hiervan krijg, ook al daar voor dhr. CC 14,2K een klein zéér kleine investering is t.o.v. zijn inkomen.
    Heeft er intussen wel al 265 K,
    dus het vertrouwen valt wel mee!

    Alleen dat geklooi met die koers,
    daar kan niemand vrolijk van worden!
  5. gustaaf1e 17 augustus 2007 21:41

    france schreef:


    dit schiet niet op, en de emissies worden WALCHELIJK laag maar het is niet anders in de markt gezet.

    connect, jij die anderen regelmatig op de vingers tikt, omtrent hun schrijfwijze!!
    Zoals ik voorheen al zei:
    "zij die zonder zonde, werpe de eerste steen"!!
    je hebt w(a)el ge lijk.

    heel goed.
    Hm, laat ik ook nog een steentje werpen:
    Volgens mij is de uitdrukking: "hij die zonder zonde is werpe de eerste steen."

    Heeft nog wel wat stenen te koop.
  6. [verwijderd] 17 augustus 2007 21:57

    ramon72 schreef:

    Pff wie is de bedenker van het hele beursgebeuren.

    Indices enigszins aan het herstellen vanwege de rente-verlaging.(niet dat wij daar als GTCb aandeelhouders iets van vernemen)

    Gaat de dollar die zich net aan het herstellen was,na deze aankondiging weer net zo hard naar beneden.

    Een bepaalde groep investeerders zal er op een of ander manier wel aan verdienen.
    Mij kost het vandaag de dag alleen maar geld,is het niet linksom dan wel rechtsom.

    Niet te filmen deze K#tzooi!
    Inderdaad, dollar herstel VOOR de rente verlaging, wegens verwachting van een strakker monetair beleid door de FED. Dit was goed voor europese GTCB beleggers. Komt een renteverlaging, beter voor aandelen algemeen---> zwakkere dollar, slecht voor ons want GTCB reageert niet op algemeen markt sentiment. Rente verlaging kwam er onder zware druk van industrie in US.
  7. [verwijderd] 17 augustus 2007 22:01
    Dit leest eenvoudiger dan de attachments, sorry.

    DJ INSINGER DE BEAUFORT: US Strategy Behind Market Woes

    By Stephen Lewis
    Of Insinger de Beaufort

    LONDON (Dow Jones)--Nobody should have thought the withdrawal of the ´Greenspan put´ would be painless.
    One of the remarkable features of the latest market turbulence is that nothing is occurring that has not been expected and widely discussed for years past. In previous financial crises, there had always been grounds for asking who would have thought the precipitating events could happen. Who would have thought, in 1987, that the interaction of computer programmes could wipe 25% off stockmarket values in less than a week? In 1997, who would have thought that Asian nations´ financial dependence on private portfolio inflows would leave them just as vulnerable to balance of payments strain as if they had relied on bank borrowing? In 2001-2002, who would have thought that the malpractices revealed in the Enron and subsequent scandals might come to cast doubt on the truthfulness of US corporate figures?
    By contrast, for at least three years, everyone with an opinion has been talking about the dangers in the US housing bubble. Time and again, central bankers warned that markets were mispricing risk. That we should end up with a disorderly widening of risk premiums triggered by trouble in the US housing sector should surely have been the most unsurprising development of modern times. If there is any surprise at all, it is that the breakdown should have been delayed so long. Even as central bankers were telling the world that the markets´ risk premiums were too narrow, investors continued to pile into high-risk assets on skimpy credit spreads.
    Why did investors behave in this seemingly irrational fashion? The answer, surely, is they put their faith in the ´Greenspan put´, that is, in the belief that central banks would step in and bail them out of bad positions at the first sign of trouble. That way, they would avoid the pain that their investment strategies would otherwise inevitably entail. The signs are, however, that the Bernanke Fed is on a mission to withdraw the ´Greenspan put´. To Mr Bernanke and his colleagues, ending the ´put´ is a necessary condition for restoring healthily-functioning financial markets.
    The Fed´s critics have taken to representing Mr Bernanke as an academic who is hopelessly out of touch with market realities. This, they maintain, accounts for his failure to respond to the markets´ current distress with emergency interest rate cuts. If he were clued in to the damage market participants are facing, he would relieve the situation by easing monetary policy.
    However much truth there may be in this characterisation of the Fed Chairman, he is evidently not alone in wishing to return to harsher market disciplines. Mr Paulson, the US Treasury Secretary and one of Wall Street´s own, said this week that nothing should be done to guarantee market players against losses and that the repricing of risk in markets should not surprise anyone. He added that the turmoil would ´extract a penalty´ on growth but that the economy was strong enough to absorb the impact.
    This was a very important intervention. It left no doubt that US official policy was set against any bail-out for the markets because that would hinder the repricing of risk. The US Treasury is also prepared, within limits, to see economic growth take a knock in the course of this process. The shift in US financial strategy is more than a matter of a change in personnel at the top of the Fed.
    Why is the US Treasury now willing to countenance carnage in the markets, when previously it was happy to go along with Mr Greenspan´s indulgence of market excess? It is far from fanciful to suppose the determining factor is US policymakers´ recognition that the drive to maintain US global hegemony through military means has failed. If US leaders want to maintain their dominant world position, as they do, they need another basis on which to found their authority.
    The obvious alternative to the military channel is the exercise of financial power. An obstacle to a financially-based strategy is that the US financial system has become flabby, gorged on credit and over-extended on risk. From the US official point of view, an extensive shake-out of market participants, traded instruments and trading practices might therefore be salutary. Even though such a shake-out would exact a near-term cost, in terms of economic growth, that price might be well worth paying to secure a more robust financial system.
    If we are to understand US official policy in these terms, market participants will look in vain to the Fed for succour. But belief in the ´Greenspan put´ dies hard. The assumption is strongly held in some quarters that, if only yields on short-dated US Treasury securities can be driven down far enough, the Fed will somehow be forced to cut the federal funds target rate.
    To be sure, the Fed has not ruled out an emergency rate cut. But Mr Poole, president of the St Louis Fed, declared two days ago that there was no need for one. There are two points to note about this. First, Mr Poole was very unlikely, at a time such as this, to be putting a personal view; he would almost certainly have checked the content of his comments beforehand with his FOMC colleagues. Secondly, it was Mr Poole, not Mr Bernanke, who spoke. Indeed, Mr Bernanke has had very little to say since his congressional testimony last month. Mr Bernanke could lead the Fed to actions different from those that Mr Poole has recommended without damaging his own credibility or that of the Fed.
    The conclusion is that the Fed is still far from stepping in to shore up markets but is keeping open the option of doing so if a systemic crash threatens. Failing such a threat, there is no reason the Fed should halt a process it regards as healthy.

    -By Stephen Lewis: (+44) 20 7190 7193; sjlewis@insinger.com
    (Stephen Lewis is chief economist at Insinger de Beaufort Ltd., London, independent brokers specializing in institutional business.)
    Opinions expressed are those of the author, and not of Dow Jones Newswires.
    This column is published for information only, and it neither constitutes, nor is to be construed as, an offer to buy or sell investments. The information and opinions expressed herein are based on sources the author believes to be reliable, but he cannot represent that they are accurate or complete. Any information herein is given in good faith, but is subject to change without notice. No liability is accepted whatsoever by Insinger de Beaufort Ltd., employees and associated companies for any direct or consequential loss arising from this article.

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
    August 17, 2007 07:28 ET (11:28 GMT)

  8. [verwijderd] 17 augustus 2007 22:13

    Dit is héél duidelijk, trouwens een goede verstaander heeft maar een half woord nodig!!!


    * The current worldwide market for therapeutics from transgenic sources is zero, BUT is EXPECTED TO EXCEED
    $1 billion in 2008 and "REACH" $18.6 billion in 2013.

    * By 2008, between eight and 10 transgenically produced human therapeutics are expected to be on the market. By 2013, there should be at least 30 products on the market or substantially more.

    * If regulatory guidelines for the production of generic drugs using transgenic systems are developed, the number of product approvals could be two or three times the projection for 2013.

    * The manufacture of biopharmaceuticals in animal and plant transgenic systems represents a revolution in the production of human therapeutics. This is expected to generate products "FOR AS LITTLE AS 1/1000th THE COST" of current methods

  9. [verwijderd] 17 augustus 2007 22:16

    SkySpam1 schreef:

    Dit is héél duidelijk, trouwens een goede verstaander heeft maar een half woord nodig!!!


    * The current worldwide market for therapeutics from transgenic sources is zero, BUT is EXPECTED TO EXCEED
    $1 billion in 2008 and "REACH" $18.6 billion in 2013.

    * By 2008, between eight and 10 transgenically produced human therapeutics are expected to be on the market. By 2013, there should be at least 30 products on the market or substantially more.

    * If regulatory guidelines for the production of generic drugs using transgenic systems are developed, the number of product approvals could be two or three times the projection for 2013.

    * The manufacture of biopharmaceuticals in animal and plant transgenic systems represents a revolution in the production of human therapeutics. This is expected to generate products "FOR AS LITTLE AS 1/1000th THE COST" of current methods

    Yep, maar eerst even de revolutieperiode overleven. Je moet een lange adem hebben...
  10. [verwijderd] 17 augustus 2007 23:09

    duffehenk schreef:

    Yep, maar eerst even de revolutieperiode overleven. Je moet een lange adem hebben...
    Hoop doet leven, duffie.

    Ik dacht dat het leven van een individu,
    toch meestal 'toekomst-gericht' is
    (op een azijnpisser na).
    En waaronder toch de meesten onder ons,
    een doel hebben en liefst nog, meerdere.
    Eens deze niet meer aanwezig is,
    dan stopt het!
    Eén van van 'de vele' voor mij persoonlijk is bvb.
    dat ik op alle continenten eens voet aan wal heb gezet.
    Heb er nog één te gaan, met name Afrika, en dergelijke
    droom doe je ook niet op één jaar!

    Moraal van het verhaal: "alles heeft z'n tijd"!!

  11. [verwijderd] 17 augustus 2007 23:24

    GTC Biotherapeutics Inc

    Pre-Market Quotes | Pre-Market Charts | After Hours Quotes | After Hours Charts Aug. 17, 2007 Market Close: $ 1

    After Hours Trade Reporting

    After Hours
    Last: $ 1.01 After Hours
    High: $ 1.01
    After Hours
    Volume: 4,100 After Hours
    Low: $ 1

    After Hours
    Time (ET) After Hours
    Price After Hours
    Share Volume
    16:48 $ 1.01 3,400
    16:23 $ 1.0056 200
    16:00 $ 1 500

    Vuurwerk nabeurs!
  12. ludwig mack 18 augustus 2007 01:24

    SkySpam1 schreef:


    Yep, maar eerst even de revolutieperiode overleven. Je moet een lange adem hebben...

    Hoop doet leven, duffie.

    Ik dacht dat het leven van een individu,
    toch meestal 'toekomst-gericht' is
    (op een azijnpisser na).
    En waaronder toch de meesten onder ons,
    een doel hebben en liefst nog, meerdere.
    Eens deze niet meer aanwezig is,
    dan stopt het!
    Eén van van 'de vele' voor mij persoonlijk is bvb.
    dat ik op alle continenten eens voet aan wal heb gezet.
    Heb er nog één te gaan, met name Afrika, en dergelijke
    droom doe je ook niet op één jaar!

    Moraal van het verhaal: "alles heeft z'n tijd"!!

    helemaal mee eens;
    wil ook nog heel wat plaatsen op de wereld zien en genieten.
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