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Aandeel TomTom NL0013332471

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
4,696   -0,174   (-3,57%) Dagrange 4,674 - 4,890 255.240   Gem. (3M) 320K

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  1. diederique 18 november 2009 22:22
    Tele Atlas North America Maps Rated Highest for Quality and Reliability

    ............Tele Atlas maps in North America delivers navigable cover for more than 7.4 million miles and include more than 12.1 million points of interest (POIs). To update its maps, Tele Atlas captures and verifies changes from thousands of global sources, ranging from government documents and public safety officials to construction companies and truck drivers, as well as satellite and aerial imagery. The company is also the first to use contributions from tens of millions of individual drivers. This community input is backed by stringent review and validation processes and further enables Tele Atlas to create fresh maps and deliver a better experience for end users of its maps. ...............

  2. diederique 9 december 2009 12:27
    Some see Google and the smartphone as less of an immediate threat. Oppenheimer (OPY) analyst Yair Renner wrote in a Dec. 2 research note that while Google's navigation application will "impact the PND business over time," it's far from perfect. The headwind for Garmin and TomTom will be gradual and not noticeable, he wrote, until mid-2010. In the meantime, he writes, sales are in line with expectations. He rates Garmin stock a market perform.


  3. [verwijderd] 11 december 2009 09:26
    NXP Signs Partnership with BMW Dealer to Showcase ADAS Technology

    Posted on 2009-12-10The Research and Development Center for NXP in Colombelles, France has signed a partnership with the BMW dealership in nearby Caen. The partnership allows for NXP to showcase its ADAS and infotainment technology on 12 BMW demos.

    en dat NXP ook zaken doet met TT/Tele

    Deze zomer is in en om Eindhoven een proef gestart met kilometerbeprijzing, gesteund door het ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat. NXP ontwierp het kastje dat de ritten registreert en IBM levert de back-endsystemen.

    De 'pre-test' met vijftig auto's duurt tot eind dit jaar en moet uitwijzen of de techniek geschikt is voor landelijke opschaling. Er moet de garantie zijn dat het systeem altijd werkt. Dat stelt zeer hoge eisen aan de elektronica, vertelt Gerard Daalderop van NXP.

    De chipfabrikant ontwikkelde met partners CPS Europe en Magicview een systeem met 'onboard unit' (OBU) en zelfklevend vignet met autokenmerken.

    Beide staan in contact met elkaar door middel van Near Field Communication. OBU en vignet moeten vlak bij elkaar op de voorruit worden gemonteerd. Het vignet gaat kapot als iemand probeert het te verwijderen. Het netwerk controleert regelmatig of de OBU nog aanwezig is. Zo is verzekerd dat alleen auto's met een werkende OBU op de weg zijn. De automobilist kan niet knoeien met locaties en prijzen. Het hart van het kastje is NXP's ATOP-chip met ARM-microcontroller en gps-ontvanger. Tijdens een rit stuurt de OBU de gps-locatiedata samen met de autokenmerken via het gsm-netwerk (gprs) naar de backoffice. De wegenkaart zit in de backoffice en kan daardoor altijd heel actueel zijn. De ritprijs wordt centraal berekend en teruggestuurd naar de OBU, die vervolgens contact opneemt met een bank om de betaling te regelen. In de OBU zit daartoe een creditcardchip die aan de hoogste veiligheidseisen van Visa/MasterCard voldoet. Door deze scheiding van functies is volgens Daalderop de privacy gewaarborgd.

    De OBU kan meer gedaanten aannemen: aparte kastjes die de automobilist zelf kan installeren, geintegreerd in een TomTom-achtig navigatiesysteem, of ingebouwd in nieuwe auto's. NXP voorziet meer toepassingen voor zijn ATOP-platform, waaronder het toekomstige Europese noodoproepsysteem bij ongevallen (e-call), opsporing van gestolen auto's, internettoegang in de auto en logistieke functies voor vrachtauto's.
  4. [verwijderd] 16 december 2009 08:54
    New Map Database from Tele Atlas Delivers Industry Firsts

    GENT, Belgium --(Business Wire)-- Tele Atlas (News - Alert), a leading global provider of digital maps and dynamic content for navigation and location-based solutions, today unveiled the latest version of its database, MultiNet® 2009.12. For the first time, MultiNet now includes changes from drivers in the Asia Pacific region, as well as nearly 5,000 kilometers (3,100 miles) of new or adjusted geometry across Bulgaria, Hungary, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Turkey. MultiNet also sets the new standard for map accuracy, with community input now helping Tele Atlas to detect changes and perfect its maps worldwide to the highest industry standard of five meters or 16 feet or less.

    MultiNet encompasses nearly 32 million kilometers (20 million miles) across 94 countries and territories. It is the only digital map database in the world that is constantly validated by the tens of millions of drivers who use it in GPS devices, smartphone applications and online. To date, Tele Atlas has validated and processed well over one million edits sourced from this group of users, the largest GPS data collection community in the world. The latest release of the database includes edits across 16 attributes and features that changed crossings into roundabouts, added or adjusted street names, and adjusted traffic flow. Tele Atlas also leveraged anonymous GPS measurements in combination with other sources and processes to validate and realign or extend the world's road network.

    "We're excited that the user community has expanded so significantly this year and that the breadth and depth of its contributions continues to grow," said Peter Davie, director of product management at Tele Atlas. "We look forward to expanding it even further in the future, so that public service partners and other contributors worldwide can actively help us create the most accurate maps and local search content." To update its maps, Tele Atlas captures and verifies changes from a comprehensive network of global sources, ranging from government documents and public safety officials to construction companies and truck drivers, as well as satellite and aerial imagery. By validating and adding contributions from individual drivers as an additional source, Tele Atlas is able to increase the total number of changes identified by its network, particularly in geographically dispersed and rural areas covered less frequently by other data sources. This community input is backed by stringent review and validation processes and further enables Tele Atlas to create fresher, higher quality maps and deliver a better experience for end users of its maps. Recent quality tests show Tele Atlas maps of the United States, Canada and Mexico rate highest in terms of quality and reliability, and in certain markets are up to 10% more accurate than other maps. Tele Atlas quality testing uses a process certified by the TÜV SÜD, a leading global testing and inspection organization with 14,000 experts providing consulting, testing, certification and training services at more than 600 locations in Europe, North America and Asia.

  5. [verwijderd] 16 december 2009 08:56
    wist u ook dat MultiNet een soort community/social network aan het wortden is.

    4 Technology Solutions That Sizzle

    While insurers often are cautious in their adoption of emerging technologies, carriers are investing in four solutions -- cloud computing, mobile, analytics and social networking -- that are just too transformative to ignore.

    By I&T Staff
    december 15, 2009

    Social Media Opens New Avenues for Insurers

    Insurers have been dipping their toes in social networking for several years. But it no longer is enough merely to have a presence on a social networking site.

    "[Carriers] are increasingly focused on using social media to access new markets [and] customer segments and to get the word out," says Joe Guastella, principal, insurance, Deloitte Consulting. "Now we're actually talking to the compliance people about that. ... It's a bit of a learning curve, but social media will develop quickly as an integral part of a company's presence and possibly distribution."

    As such, carriers increasingly are customizing their social media sites. New York Life ($14 billion in 2008 operating revenue), for example, has joined forces with LinkedIn to offer a customized experience. "We have been participating in a beta program with LinkedIn that shows an agent recruiting view of the company to those in sales and a corporate jobs view to others," relates Kenneth Hittel, VP, corporate Internet department, for the New York-based insurer, which also maintains a Facebook page.

    According to Ben Foster, senior strategy and content manager - social networking for Allstate Life Insurance, a business unit of Northbrook, Ill.-based Allstate ($29.4 billion in 2008 revenue), there is huge value for a company that can create a personalized social Web experience. "The social Web can help us deliver a highly personalized experience that could so radically improve products, services and experience that leading brands in our industry could become as beloved as brands like Nike, Whole Foods or Apple," he asserts.

    In addition to a Facebook page and multiple Twitter accounts (each with its own objective), Allstate also supports proprietary community microsites, where people can share ideas about "keeping families safe, saving money and preparing for what's next," Foster relates.

    Meanwhile the dynamics of social media are forcing carriers to communicate much more openly -- both internally and externally -- than ever before. "People are more proactively asking us things, asking our opinions," says New York Life's Hittel. "Communication is much more conversation-based."

    Under the auspices of carriers, agents also now have a pervasive social media presence -- although regulatory concerns are always top of mind. "They cannot conduct business on the site," Hittel explains, referring to New York Life's Facebook page. "When they communicate with anyone from a business perspective, they use their dedicated agents' e-mail, which we can monitor. We meet all of our SEC and FINRA requirements."

    Adds Deloitte's Guastella, "It is a sign of maturity, if you will -- the fact that [social media have] been raised to the attention of compliance officers rather than just on the distribution side. Previously people were just brainstorming on how social media could help distribution and community presence. Now it has been elevated to something needing oversight and management as part of company operations. That represents a maturation of its perceived role in the company." -- Melanie Rodier
  6. [verwijderd] 16 december 2009 17:09
    ESRI Announces Support for Virtual USA

    Redlands, California—December 15, 2009—ESRI announces support for Virtual USA, an initiative designed to improve decision making for local, state, tribal, and federal homeland security practitioners. Virtual USA integrates existing resources to provide real-time access to operational information from multiple sources and jurisdictions. Data such as weather, traffic, infrastructure, fuel supplies, emergency shelters, and medical facilities can be fully integrated, analyzed, mapped, and disseminated for emergency response


    wist u ook dat,

    May 27, 2009

    ESRI and Tele Atlas Announce Availability of Europe Map Data for ArcPad
    ArcPad Bundled with Latest Tele Atlas North American and Europe Data Saves Time, Eliminates Errors, and Increases Accuracy
  7. [verwijderd] 16 december 2009 21:29

    beeldscherm schreef:

    ESRI Announces Support for Virtual USA

    Redlands, California—December 15, 2009—ESRI announces support for Virtual USA, an initiative designed to improve decision making for local, state, tribal, and

    wist u ook dat,
    May 27, 2009
    ESRI and Tele Atlas Announce Availability of Europe Map Data for ArcPad
    beeldscherm bedankt voor de waardevolle info!

    ab-tje hiervoor.

  8. [verwijderd] 17 december 2009 09:19
    Tele Atlas Logistics Optimizes Fleet Planning and Routing in Europe with Truck Speed Limit and Hazardous Materials Content

    Major Truck Manufacturers Rely on Tele Atlas Logistics for Planning Optimal Routes

    GENT, Belgium--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Tele Atlas, a leading global provider of digital maps and dynamic content for navigation today announced a new version of Tele Atlas® Logistics® is now available in Europe with hazardous materials and truck speed limit content to enable optimal planning and routing for fleets. Tele Atlas Logistics, a specialized digital map database designed for fleet owners and operators who manage large trucks and other road-restricted vehicles, as well as application developers who serve this market, is available for 30 countries in Europe, and now also features coverage for Croatia and Romania. Tele Atlas Logistics supports short and long-distance transportation needs with consistent coverage and broad availability, including unparalleled coverage in Eastern Europe, which is a region experiencing considerable growth in the industry and in the fleet driver base.

    Commercial vehicles face a number of road restrictions based on their height, length, weight, number of axles and cargo type, including hazardous materials. Tele Atlas Logistics takes into account these specific requirements of commercial vehicles when guiding drivers in unfamiliar surroundings. The specialized digital map database can help drivers and fleet operators better identify and avoid situations that may cause damage to the vehicle or infrastructure. When combined with the Tele Atlas MultiNet global digital map database, which features superior positional accuracy, comprehensive addressing, geocoding functionality and rich map display, Tele Atlas Logistics meets specific commercial vehicle telematics needs.

    Jonathon Husby, Tele Atlas Vice President of Automotive, Transportation and Telematics explains: “Fleet operators are looking for more than just navigation with fuel economy, reduced vehicle emissions, safety and legal compliance all top-of-mind. Enriched Tele Atlas Logistics with information regarding hazardous materials restrictions and truck speed limits, as well as other unique Tele Atlas products such as Speed Profiles and HD Traffic, help fleet operators better manage their resources from the first to the last critical mile.”

    Earlier this year, both Mercedes-Benz and Scania launched integrated truck navigation systems provided by Bosch Car MultiMedia, which are powered by Tele Atlas Logistics across Europe, marking the first “factory fitted” devices for truck specific navigation in Europe

    mooi he, die laatste zin....
  9. [verwijderd] 17 december 2009 10:38

    gq_jelle schreef:

    Tele Atlas Logistics Optimizes Fleet Planning and Routing in Europe with Truck Speed Limit and Hazardous Materials Content
    mooi he, die laatste zin....

    al het goede nieuws zal zich toch eens moeten gaan vertalen in hogere koersen...
    dit is allemaal toegevoegde waarde voor TT,in geval v/e bod op TT
  10. [verwijderd] 18 december 2009 13:46
    Google going local for next buy
    18th December 2009

    Google has renewed takeover talks with local business review site Yelp.

    The two have talked before without nailing down a deal. Yelp offers user-generated reviews of companies by local area - so you can see reviews of restaurants in Islington for instance

    But sources have told The New York Times that the discussions got serious about two months ago and are focussing on price and other details. Techcrunch puts the price at $500m - a hefty premium for a firm with annual revenues of $30m.

    The company makes money by selling the slot above the reviews - not entirely dissimilar to how Google displays sponsored results above its search results.

    Yelp was started by two ex-Paypal staff.

    The San Francisco-based firm got into trouble earlier this year over allegations that sales staff were offering to disappear negative reviews of companies in exchange for advertising deals. Yelp was quick to deny that it moved negative reviews, but slower to comment on whether its sales staff were making such promises.

    It launched in the UK in January and paid some people to kickstart proceedings by seeding the site with reviews. ®

    TT - iLocal
  11. [verwijderd] 21 december 2009 16:17
    TomTom iPhone Navigation App Update 1.2

    I recently reviewed the TomTom iPhone Navigation App, and called it, "a solid first step platform onto which TomTom can build a world-class navigation product. I do want to see further enhancements for the product, including Text to Speech, lane guidance and live traffic feeds, but I anticipate that this is right around the corner, and can successfully be build on top of the existing platform."

    Well, we appear to be just around the corner, and TomTom has offered us the version 1.2 to their application for free with a nice list of additional features that make their Navigation app a very respectable player in the space including:

    Text to Speech
    Updated Maps and Points of Interest
    IQ Routes - a way for the TomTom to benefit from actual drive times collected by users anonymously reporting back their speed along roads.
    Advanced Lane Guidance - shows you what lane to be in while approaching complex highway intersections
    Added iPod player support - some limited support for the iPod within the App itself
    To some extent this closes the gap with competition that TomTom has with the navigation App, but I give them credit for getting out there with an App early and then iterating quickly to build on success. It's already one of the top grossing Apps in the iTunes App store. I would expect that they will add a for an incremental fee, traffic service onto the App sometime soon. No insider info here, but it's the next logical step in the development pipeline, and they already have the capability to sign people up for live traffic feeds through their standalone platform.

  12. [verwijderd] 21 december 2009 16:25
    Motorola's Android Tablet: A Peek at the Possibilities

    Leaked pictures and specifications of a Motorola tablet running Google Android have been doing the rounds online this weekend. The mysterious 3G device has a large display and will run a full suite of Google applications.


    bekijk het allemaal eens goed,

    Ik denk dat TT de markt gaat verrassen en ook met zoiets dergelijks gaat komen,gebaseerd op de technologie van iLocal,immers zij kunnen het dan aanbieden zonder veel data verkeer en DAT maakt het product ook weer GOEDKOPER dan Google,let maar eens op!!
  13. [verwijderd] 23 december 2009 09:55
    Siano Powers GPS Mobile TV Revolution
    PDAs | Just Announced
    Wed 23 Dec 2009

    Siano Powers GPS Mobile TV Revolution: Teams with World’s Largest PND Makers

    en dat TT daar ook bij zit

    Two out of the world's top-three PND vendors – TomTom, Garmin and Mio – have decided to adopt CMMB mobile TV solutions developed by Siano Mobile Silicon and plan to launch CMMB-enabled PNDs in the China market by the end of 2009, according to industry sources in Taiwan
  14. [verwijderd] 23 december 2009 10:08
    Raymarine geen overname gesprekken meer voert met Garmin.

    wel nog in exclusive gesprekken is met een ander partij (TT)??

    LONDON, Dec 18 (Reuters) - Raymarine Plc:



  15. [verwijderd] 28 december 2009 15:58

    beeldscherm schreef:

    Motorola's Android Tablet: A Peek at the Possibilities

    Leaked pictures and specifications of a Motorola tablet running Google Android have been doing the rounds online this weekend. The mysterious 3G device has a large display and will run a full suite of Google applications.


    bekijk het allemaal eens goed,

    Ik denk dat TT de markt gaat verrassen en ook met zoiets dergelijks gaat komen,gebaseerd op de technologie van iLocal,immers zij kunnen het dan aanbieden zonder veel data verkeer en DAT maakt het product ook weer GOEDKOPER dan Google,let maar eens op!!
    Apple hier al heel ver in is,


    en MS en Intel op het vinkentouw zitten,


    wat dan met TT, nu ik denk dat Intel om deze markt snel te betreden wel eens in zee kon gaan met TT,een soort co-development oftewel,een win/win situatie
  16. forum rang 10 voda 28 december 2009 20:23
    Consumentenclubs tegen koop Admob door Google
    28 dec 2009, 19:55 uur

    WASHINGTON (AFN) - Twee consumentenorganisaties hebben de Amerikaanse kartelautoriteit FTC gevraagd de aankoop van Admob door internetbedrijf Google tegen te houden. Google maakte vorige maand bekend dat het Admob, dat is gespecialiseerd is in advertenties voor smartphones, wil kopen voor 750 miljoen dollar.

    Volgens de consumentenorganisaties zou hierdoor de concurrentie in de ,,mobiele'' advertentiemarkt aanzienlijk verminderen. Volgens hen kan ook de privacy in het gedrang komen wanneer Google Admob opkoopt en ook daar moet de FTC naar kijken. ,,Zonder garanties op het gebied van privacy, kan een combinatie van deze twee marktleiders een ernstige bedreiging vormen voor consumenten'' menen Consument Watchdog en het Center for Digital Democracy.

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