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Artemis: 10 bagger within weeks......?!

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  1. sjon 7 oktober 2017 14:21
    Zojuist gepost op Stockhouse maar wellicht ook interessant voor Nederlandse beleggers.
    Artemis Resources is recentelijk een Joint Venture aan gegaan met Novo Resources. Gezien het belang van Eric Sprott in beide bedrijven en de hoeveelheid aandelen die hij heeft ingeslagen (en nog steeds aan het inslaan is!), lijkt het mij aannemelijk dat Artemis op heel korte termijn zal worden overgenomen.

    Volgende week start het drill programma (dat Novo's QH leidt) en indien visual gold wordt gevonden zal dat direct kenbaar worden gemaakt aldus Novo's CEO. (Officiële results worden verwacht in January.)

    Hieronder een verslag van markettofuture op Australische site HotCopper waarin hij uiteenzet waarom de prijs van Artemis weleens heel snel (binnen enkele weken) van het huidige $0,24 naar de $2---$4 range zou kunnen gaan. (Ook voor deze tip geldt: No guarantees yet)

    Artemis o.a. te koop aan de OTC

    Artemis to $2-$4 within weeks..
    Though the courtesy of Bluebird (SH: Artemis BB) and Markedtofuture (Hot Copper)

    "Structural drilling
    It started yesterday these holes will not be assayed these holes are not being drilled to find gold have to be very clear on that, they are being drilled to simply test the depth and consistency of the conglomerate prior to very expensive large diameter drilling.

    You don't want to stop drilling after 10m if the conglomerate zone is 20m thick and inversly if some areas are only 5m thick you don't want to drill to 10 and send 1.75 tons of waster material to be assays that would be a huge waste of money.

    Large diameter drilling and Trenching
    Next step is October 15th that will be large diameter drilling the Novo MD has stressed they will be giving visuals updates on the early holes, if they see visual gold they will be reporting it, very important to know and he said assays will be early January this sample are very big and take a long time to process.
    What can we expect from this trenching and drilling campaign the trenching, what we know is 358 detection thats beeps on the metal detector over an area about 30m x 10m x 30cm deep.

    image: hotcopper.com.au/attachments/zyhtr1-j...

    The biggest question about trenching is not will they find gold, we know it's there but how much big are the nuggets they will find, during the live stream we saw 2 examples

    image: hotcopper.com.au/attachments/325-jpg....
    I estimate 1-2 gram nuggets

    image: hotcopper.com.au/attachments/erw54-jp...
    Confirmed 16g nugget

    So that is quite a gulf when you look at our table of potential grades

    image: hotcopper.com.au/attachments/tre6554-...

    I think reality probably averages out something like this, 6-7g/t from trenching, now keep in mind this is simply nuggety gold, this doesn't account for fine gold, if we go back to our bulk sample we will see that nuggets are just one portion of the gold recovered.

    image: hotcopper.com.au/attachments/fsd554-j...

    So what about this large diameter drilling

    image: hotcopper.com.au/attachments/453fg-jp...
    Once again it's a question of the nugget effect have a some luck with the drill first hole could pop out at 20 g/t or more, have some bad luck and could be 1-2g/t, so thats why we take a measured view of things and know they will drill many holes and our luck will average out.

    image: hotcopper.com.au/attachments/ter5-jpg...

    Once again I think it will average out to 5-7 g/t of gold over time, but that assumption is based on several things consistent distribution of nuggets through out the 10m and the 10m actually being there and not being 1m, things I don't know depth of detection I used 30cm it could be less, meaning bigger resource.

    So in reality what are we looking at here if this turns out to be what Novo claims it to be.

    image: hotcopper.com.au/attachments/gh657-jp...

    So 50% of that to ARV if this is legitimate 6.2Moz-8.7Moz which would all be shallow in a pit amazing, GOR is $600mill for 1.75Moz which they own is their pit they have, for ARV just the nuggets would send them into the billions in Mcap?

    I think actually more I wrote a post here that explores the economics of these discoveries and it's amazing 6.2Moz is worth double, profit wise compared to a traditional discovery like CDV/GOR/DCN......

    Economics here

    Also 6.2Moz isn't the end of the story we still have to add in medium gold add another 40-60% on top of that it gets crazy quickly on this one, easy to see why company with right land have been bagging.

    Now why I am holding ARV if all this is true ARV share of prudy is similar size to DEG when you account for the 50% they have ownership and DEG have less than half the Mcap, yes it certainly is, but with ARV I feel Novo isn't telling the full story.

    Strike extent

    This is what Novo wants us to think prudys is, it just boom dead stops at that creek.

    image: hotcopper.com.au/attachments/ykiyu-jp...

    Thats funny cause thats not what ARV said when they were still in control of the property.

    image: hotcopper.com.au/attachments/4321-jpg...
    So this is what Novo wants us to believe that the trend stops at the creek and they have all the exploration potential and ARV have nothing

    image: hotcopper.com.au/attachments/rew546-j...

    Interesting when I flip that map around it seems to be that on the other side of that creek we head right back up into the correct elevation for conglomerates for the complete run of our tenement....

    image: hotcopper.com.au/attachments/rwe546-j...

    Here look I can see not difference in topography on one side of the creek to the other Novo assertion that it simply disappears is backed up by no evidence whats so ever.

    image: hotcopper.com.au/attachments/fyyr-jpg...

    When we look at how the area was mapped it's pretty clear that the Mt roe basalt which gold trend runs directly under runs through prudys completely over 7km not the 1.5km Novo is claiming.

    image: hotcopper.com.au/attachments/fg76-jpg...

    Why would Novo do such a thing? well right now they can drill it confirm it and buy ARV out quickly as a project with 1.5km of strike, even if they paid full blown price for 1.5km they know full well it's got 7km+ over 4 times the amount of strike they are paying for!!!

    Additional discovery potential to the north, their is a clear extension of the mt roe basalt from prudys to the north and north east, of which ARV exposure to thanks to it's mt oscarwits tenement, I think this ground just as favorable for discovery as any ground that KAI or DEG have, being 100% it's a boom for the company if they can work out how to explore it properly

    image: hotcopper.com.au/attachments/das5454g...

    For me ARV is a stellar buy, we are being held back by Novo, but it can't go on forever prudys land wise is the jewel in the crown, Novo will not be able to hide your extra 5.7km of strike forever, if we resist the quick takeover it will be game on.

    2 weeks till drilling, if that drill starts dripping nuggets we will be on the fast track to $2-$4 real quick!


  2. sjon 5 november 2017 09:42
    Willem Middelkoop's Discovery Fund bezit nu ong. 4% van alle aandelen, de sjeik rond de 14%.
    Indien, zoals door bijna iedereen hier wordt gesuggereerd, het hele veerhaal een hoax is dan zijn de volgende personen en instanties dus allemaal bij de neus genomen:

    Eric Sprott (Miljardair en Insider die nog steeds aan het bijkopen is, ook de afgeklopen weken nog)
    Sjeik Maktoem Hasher Al Maktoem (14% aandelen Artemis)
    CDF (4%)
    Kirkland Lake (recentelijk 14 miljoen aandelen Novo ingeslagen.... = CAD$56,000,000)
    Newmont (nog steeds 5% in Novo)

    Het KAN zijn dat bovenstaande experts en instituten het helemaal mis hebben.......

    In het hele overname verhaal spelen in mijn ogen 2 zaken die belangrijk zijn:

    1) Het re-wiren van de processing plant van Artemis duurt ong. 6 maanden en kost $5 miljoen. De installatie is 100% Artemis bezit en is in de verre omtrek de enige.......
    2) De Artemis/Novo Joint venture lands hebben alle mining permits in place. Dat is niet het geval bij de 10000 vierkante km landpackages die Novo de afgelopen jaren heeft gestaked!! Kortom, via de JV valt eea op korte termijn te verwachten, voor alle andere landpackages moet nog worden gewacht op allerlei procedures..

    @ Overvloedgolf:
    De 14% investering in Artemis van een prins van de koninklijke familie zal een eventuele overname lastiger maken... of op z'n minst zorgen voor een veel hogere overname prijs. Hoe interpreteer jij de komst van de sheikh?

  3. sjon 5 november 2017 16:43
    Wat betreft het tijdspad van exploratie in Pilbara nog een keer het volgende:

    Er zijn behalve Artemis geen andere Juniors die het gehele traject van aanvraag tot en met toestemming tot mining hebben doorlopen. ARV is hier de uitzondering en Novo is niet voor niets juist een JV aangegaan met deze Junior. De komende weken zullen interessant zijn vanwege updates over rock chip samplers.... Ik verwacht 40 cents tegen het einde van de week!
  4. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 5 november 2017 18:01
    Munni Munni PGM and gold project, Western Australia


    Measured, Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource
    Located in proximity to town and port infrastructure

    Situated in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, the Munni Munni Complex is one of Australia’s most significant PGM occurrences and has a Measured, Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource of 23.6Mt at 1.1g/t gold and 1.5g/t platinum using a cut-off of 1.9g/t PGM + Au (SRK 2002 and Snowden 2003).

    In 2015, Platina entered into a binding agreement with Artemis Resources providing for Artemis’ subsidiary Karratha Metals Pty Ltd to earn a 70% interest in the Mining Leases held by Platina by expending $750,000 in exploration over a three-year period.
  5. [verwijderd] 5 november 2017 18:07

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 5 november 2017 18:01:

    Munni Munni PGM and gold project, Western Australia


    Measured, Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource
    Located in proximity to town and port infrastructure

    Situated in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, the Munni Munni Complex is one of Australia’s most significant PGM occurrences and has a Measured, Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource of 23.6Mt at 1.1g/t gold and 1.5g/t platinum using a cut-off of 1.9g/t PGM + Au (SRK 2002 and Snowden 2003).

    In 2015, Platina entered into a binding agreement with Artemis Resources providing for Artemis’ subsidiary Karratha Metals Pty Ltd to earn a 70% interest in the Mining Leases held by Platina by expending $750,000 in exploration over a three-year period.
    Bied ook veel fantasie voor de PGM aandeelhouders:-)

    Mining Leases immers ook aanwezig.

    interesting times:-)
  6. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 5 november 2017 19:04

    easy56 schreef op 5 november 2017 18:07:

    [...]Bied ook veel fantasie voor de PGM aandeelhouders:-)
    Mining Leases immers ook aanwezig.

    interesting times:-)
    De Grote Vraag is of dit project wordt teruggegeven aan PGM of bij Artemis blijft.

    Het lijkt me dat Artemis al genoeg te doen heeft.
  7. [verwijderd] 5 november 2017 23:08

    Fortescue Sediments above Munni Munni PGE Deposit
    -Karratha, Western Australia-

    David Lenigas, Artemis’s Executive Chairman, commented;
    “It is extraordinary that we have found so much Fortescue sediments overlying our
    Munni Munni PGE deposit, Australia’s largest Platinum Group Element resource. We
    now have nearly 15,000 metres of diamond drill core and RC drilling to work our way
    through to determine the gold potential in these Fortescue sediments. It’s these
    Fortescue Group rocks that we believe is the host of the gold at our nearby Purdy’s
    Reward conglomerate gold discovery. Munni Munni has the added advantage of not
    only having fully approved Mining and Exploration Licences, but it also has all of its
    Heritage agreements in place which is a big bonus in actually being able to do
    meaningful work in the Pilbara. This work also raising the possibility of conglomerate
    gold targets on our Whundo Mining Leases.”
  8. [verwijderd] 6 november 2017 20:38
    Ik zag net pas je vraag aan mij. De sjeik heeft inderdaad 14% hoorde ik van Middelkoop tijdens zijn webinar. Misschien moet je het hem vragen, hij is met 4% ook een grote aandeelhouder. Ik ben maar een kleine speler in dit geheel en ken de sjeik niet. Mijn inschatting is dat hij voor een hoge overnameprijs gaat, is alleen maar gunstig dan wordt Artemis in elk geval niet voor een habbekrats aan de eerste bieder weggegeven.
  9. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 7 november 2017 09:00

    easy56 schreef op 7 november 2017 08:34:

    More Pilbara nuggets fuel northern gold rush
    More Pilbara nuggets fuel northern gold rush
    Stuart McKinnon
    Tuesday, 7 November 2017 12:47AM

    1:19 | The West Australian
    Finance News Presenter Meilin Chew looks at the small miner hopefuls on the hunt for gold in WA's Pilbara.

    The Pilbara gold rush became more urgent yesterday when Segue Resources reported nuggets on one of its tenements and Artemis Resources claimed its Munni Munni project was overlaid by sediments prospective for conglomerate gold.

    Segue shares closed up 2.8¢, or 38.89 per cent, at 10¢ after hitting 10.5¢ in intraday trade after announcing that prospectors had uncovered gold nuggets shed from conglomerate units of the Mallina Basin at its Pilbara gold project.

    The explorer said it would undertake geological mapping and rock chip sampling of the areas around the nugget discoveries next month.

    Segue is also planning further exploration work over all its Pilbara tenements covering 600sqkm in the first quarter of next year after all approvals and access agreements are in place.

    Shares in fellow Pilbara gold play Artemis hit a fresh high of 43¢ before closing up 5¢, or 13.7 per cent, at 41.5¢ after identifying Fortescue Group sediments overlying its Munni Munni platinum group element joint venture project with Platina Resources.

    The Fortescue Group is said to be the host rock for conglomerate-style gold mineralisation in the Pilbara.

    Munni Munni lies 20km south-west of Artemis’ Purdy’s Reward prospect, where gold nuggets were found this year by the company’s Canadian joint venture partner Novo Resources Corp. The project already hosts a platinum group element resource of 24Mt at 2.9g/t, with Artemis saying it had already begun a review of 85,000m of historic drilling results at Munni Munni.

    Artemis executive chairman David Lenigas noted the company could ramp up exploration plans for Munni Munni because it had existing approvals in place.

    Other Pilbara conglomerate gold movers yesterday included Venturex Resources, which climbed 0.3¢ or 20 per cent to 1.8¢, DGO Gold, which lifted 28.5¢ or 18.39 per cent to $1.835, Kalamazoo Resources, which rose 2¢ or 14.29 per cent to 16¢ and Kairos Resources, up 0.9¢ or 12.33 per cent to 8.2¢.

    A swag of junior explorers have enjoyed big gains in recent months on hopes their land may host conglomerate-style gold mineralisation, similar to that of the massive Witwatersrand Basin in South Africa from which more than one-third of the world’s gold has been mined.
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