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Illumina spant rechtszaak tegen genoma

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  1. Vitavita 22 april 2016 00:19
    Illumina Files Patent Infringement Suit in Switzerland against Genoma SA for Infringement of NIPT Patents
    April 21, 2016 04:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time

    SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Illumina, Inc. (NASDAQ: ILMN) today announced that it, and its wholly owned subsidiary, Verinata Health, Inc. (together “Illumina”), filed a patent infringement suit against Genoma SA in the Federal Patent Court in Switzerland. Illumina is seeking all available remedies, including damages and injunctive relief.

    The patents asserted are European Patent (CH) 2 183 693 B1, European Patent (CH) 0 994 963 B2, European Patent (CH) 1 981 995 B1, and European Patent (CH) 2 514 842. The patents are directed to using cell-free fetal DNA for non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT).

    The suit accuses Genoma’s Tranquility® NIPT testing service, including its use of next-generation sequencing to analyze cell-free DNA from a sample of maternal blood. Genoma’s testing facility in Switzerland also services samples collected from its other labs, including those located in Spain and Italy.

    “We will continue to monitor activities in the NIPT field and file suits where appropriate to protect our substantial investments in this technology covered by our intellectual property,” said Charles Dadswell, Senior Vice President and General Counsel for Illumina.

    The Tranquility NIPT service uses the IONA® Test sold by Premaitha Health plc. Illumina previously filed separate suits against Premaitha in the United Kingdom for sale of the IONA Test.

  2. Vitavita 22 april 2016 00:22
    Niet los hiervan staat de slechte gang van zaken van Illumina in Europa.

    Illumina Shares Take Hit on Weakness in Europe.
    Wall Street Journal By Joshua Jamerson, April 19, 2016 8:39 p.m. ET

    Illumina Inc.’s shares plunged Tuesday, scraping near 52-week lows after the company pared its revenue-growth target amid weaker-than-expected sales in Europe.

    Shares plunged 24% to $135.46 in midday trading in New York, a decline that would erase roughly $6 billion of the company’s market value in one day if the stock closes at that level. Analysts said the company’s revenue forecast could reflect a misread of the market environment in Europe and that Illumina is likely to be alone among its peers in posting underwhelming results on the region.

    Illumina, the maker of gene-sequencing machines, said Monday that sales of its HiSeq 2500, 3000 and 4000 instruments were lower than anticipated in Europe, resulting in management changes in the region. The company blamed greater-than-expected outsourcing, which analysts said could reflect more lab and equipment sharing. The company also pointed to fewer upgrades of older instruments.

    A representative for Illumina said the company wouldn’t comment further until it reports results on May 3.

    Paul Knight, an analyst with Janney Montgomery Scott LLC, said that a greater amount of equipment and lab sharing in Europe compared with other regions such as the U.S. likely weighed on the results. But he said that lab sharing in Europe is “nothing new,” and that “it was clearly a management misread” to overestimate sales in the region.

    Leerink analysts said in a note that the guidance prompted “an emerging debate over ILMN’s ability to forestall centralization.” The analysts said it was the first time they had seen this shift affect a company’s quarterly results, and that any correlation to other firms would be “modest at best.” Kevin Chen, an analyst with Leerink, said in an interview that “there is a trend in Europe where there is more sharing of these major instruments.”

    Leerink also said the lower-than-expected revenue was likely an Illumina-specific issue, as other tools vendors such as Thermo Fisher Scientific and PerkinElmer Inc. have recently reported revenue that beat consensus estimates. Mr. Knight of Janney noted that U.K.-based Oxford Instruments said last week it saw “a strong performance” in its March quarter, and expected results in line with expectations.

    Illumina said it now expects 12% revenue growth for the year, compared with prior guidance of 16% growth. The firm said first-quarter revenue was about $572 million, below the average estimate of $596 million that analysts had forecast in a Thomson Reuters poll.
  3. [verwijderd] 22 april 2016 09:23

    Diegy schreef op 22 april 2016 08:08:

    Dat is natuurlijk nooit fijn een rechtzaak. Gaat veel tijd en geld kosten voor beide partijen. Waar de aandeelhouders weer de dupe van zijn. Misschien een kleine emissie op komst? Of zal dat niet nodig zijn?
    Zo incompetente basher,probeer je het nu ook op het forum TomTom.
  4. [verwijderd] 22 april 2016 13:07
    press release Esperite:

    Published: 12:54 CEST 22-04-2016 /GlobeNewswire /Source: Esperite N.V. / : ESP /ISIN: NL0009272137

    DAVID and GOLIATH - Genoma sued by Illumina. Notice of Patent Infringement Proceedings

    Geneva, Switzerland - 22 April 2016

    We, Genoma SA, (DAVID), Genomics company specialised in Prenatal and Oncology DNA analysis for early detection and follow-up of genetically caused diseases, have read in a press release that Illumina Inc. (GOLIATH) and its wholly-owned subsidiary Verinata Health Inc., have filed a patent infringement suit against us, Genoma SA, in the Federal Patent Court in Switzerland. The patents asserted are European Patent (CH) 2 183 693 B1, European Patent (CH) 0 994 963 B2, European Patent (CH) 1 981 995 B1, and European Patent (CH) 2 514 842.

    The patents are directed to using cell-free fetal DNA for non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT).

    Genoma's Directors hold a firm belief that Tranquility, a cell-free fetal DNA, non-invasive test developed by Genoma for early detection of Down syndrome, as well as other trisomies, like trisomy 13 and trisomy 18, does not infringe the patents as claimed by Illumina.

    The Company will update the market in respect of further developments, as appropriate.

    Genoma is a company of Esperite group.
  5. forum rang 4 Diegy 22 april 2016 13:57
    Esperite aangeklaagd over prenatale test

    Gepubliceerd op 22 apr 2016 om 13:19 | Views: 611

    Esperite 13:33
    2,48 0,00 (-1,98%)

    ZUTPHEN (AFN) - Esperite-dochter Genoma heeft een patentaanklacht aan zijn broek. Biotechnologiebedrijf Illumina claimt dat het het Zwitserse Genoma inbreuk maakt op een patent op technologie over het testen van ongeboren foetussen op afwijkingen zoals downsyndroom.

    Het in Zutphen gevestigde stamcel- en geneticabedrijf Esperite zegt dat van patentbreuk geen sprake is. De door Genoma ontwikkelde prenatale test Tranquility zou geen gebruikmaken van technologieën van Illumina.
  6. forum rang 4 torro 22 april 2016 13:59

    Genoma weerlegt beschuldiging Illumina.
    Genoma, dat onderdeel is van biotechbedrijf Esperite, wordt in Zwitserland aangeklaagd door het Amerikaanse biotechbedrijf Illumina vanwege vermeend patentmisbruik. Dit meldde de Zutphense onderneming vrijdagmiddag.
    De tak die zich richt op voorspellende geneeskunde zou zich met zijn test Tranquility schuldig hebben gemaakt aan de inbreuk op diverse patenten van Illumina en zijn dochteronderneming Verinata Health.
    Tranquility is een prenatale test die chromosomale afwijkingen als het syndroom van Down, maar ook het geslacht van een ongeboren baby binnen vijf dagen kan vaststellen
    Genoma weerlegde vrijdag de beschuldigingen en zal de markt informeren wanneer er nieuwe ontwikkelingen zijn.
    Esperite komt volgende week donderdag met jaarcijfers en een trading update over het eerste kwartaal. Het aandeel noteerde vrijdagmiddag 1,9 procent lager op 2,48 euro.
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