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Aandeel TomTom AEX:TOM2.NL, NL0013332471

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Centraal Apple draadje

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  1. [verwijderd] 5 augustus 2015 16:39
    Het zijn geen kleine aandeelhoudertjes die verkopen. De angsthazen zijn er al lang uit en de rest wacht sowieso op 15 euro (komende weken?).
    De koers wordt op professioneel niveau in de tang gehouden. Dat is al enkele maanden gaande en het lijkt mij dan door een partij die met een bod gaat komen. Apple is dan de meest voor de hand liggende kandidaat.
  2. [verwijderd] 15 augustus 2015 12:30
    uit het fd:

    Ook voor Mercedes-Benz is inmiddels een app voor de Apple Watch verkrijgbaar. De Duitse autofabrikant heeft de Companion App ontwikkeld, waarmee bestuurders zich na het verlaten van de auto door het horloge verder kunnen laten navigeren. De Apple Watch neemt bij de laatste meters te voet de functie van het navigatiesysteem uit het dashboard over. Bovendien kan het horloge altijd de weg wijzen naar de plek waar de auto geparkeerd staat en geeft het informatie over de inhoud van de brandstoftank, de actieradius of het onderhoudsinterval. De app is komend najaar gratis beschikbaar voor de Mercedes C- en S-Klasse. Andere modellen volgen later. — Niek Schenk
  3. [verwijderd] 16 augustus 2015 08:52
    Is Apple Developing Driverless Car In California?
    Tech Giant May Add Self-Driving Cars To Its Portfolio


    Apple has been looking for a secure location to test-drive an autonomous car, and the company may have found a perfect match, according to an exclusive report from the Guardian. The news confirms what has long been rumored but never proved through paper trail, that the tech company is developing a driverless car.

    The Guardian learned, through documents acquired through public records requests, that Apple has had its eye on GoMentum Station, a former military base that spans 2,100 acres outside San Francisco. The area is highly secure and has 20 miles of paved highways and city streets. It's closed to the public and guarded by the military, making it perfect for the notoriously secretive Apple to conduct testing of a robot car.

    "We would ... like to get an understanding of timing and availability for the space, and how we would need to coordinate around other parties who would be using" it, Apple engineer Frank Fearon wrote in correspondence with the facility, according to the Guardian.

    Apple isn't the only tech company developing autonomous cars, and it's not the only one looking into the GoMentum station as a testing ground, either. Aside from Apple's car, which is code-named Project Titan, Google, Tesla, Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen, among others, have been developing driverless cars. Those companies have been issued permits from the California Department of Motor Vehicles to test the vehicles on public roads, but it has been pointed out that to obtain those permits a company has to disclose technical and commercial details, which Apple may not be comfortable doing.

    The GoMentum facility is the old Concord Naval Weapons Station established during World War II, no longer in military service. In addition to the news that Apple is officially developing the vehicle, the Guardian also learned that the tech giant has opened up a discreet location in California, just miles away from its Cupertino headquarters, to develop this technology.
  4. [verwijderd] 16 augustus 2015 08:55
    Apple met with GoMentum Station’s program manager for autonomous vehicle testing

    Apple met in May with an official from GoMentum Station, a testing ground for autonomous and connected cars, a representative from the Contra Costa Transportation Authority told VentureBeat Friday afternoon. And that official just happened to be the testing facility’s program manager for connected and autonomous vehicle testing.

    GoMentum Station is operated by the CCTA. The CCTA’s public affairs director Linsey Willis said the meeting took place at an Apple location in Sunnyvale. She said the meeting was exploratory for Apple, and Apple did not end up testing anything at GoMentum Station.

    Willis had no information about the content of the meeting at Apple, and said there was no transcript. She said that the GoMentum Station’s program manager for connected and autonomous vehicle testing, Jack Hall, was the sole CCTA person who met with Apple. Hall has not responded to calls from VentureBeat for a description of the content of the meeting.

    Willis did not know the names of the Apple people who attended the May meeting. “A bunch of our team is going to be out of the office at 10:45. How would 9:30 to 10:30 work for you?” one piece of correspondence between Apple and CCTA said.

    The information from the CCTA confirms a report in the Guardian earlier today that said Apple engineers met in May with officials from GoMentum Station. The facility is a 2,100-acre former naval base near San Francisco that is now used as a testing ground for autonomous and connected vehicles. The Guardian found out about the meeting after filing a public information request with Contra Costa County.

    VentureBeat has since obtained the same documents and is presently reviewing them. One Apple engineer, Frank Fearon, is mentioned in the letter sent when planning the meeting.

    An Apple representative telephoned VentureBeat shortly after we requested comment, saying: “We do not comment on rumor and speculation.”
  5. [verwijderd] 16 augustus 2015 08:56
    No, Apple’s Project Titan wasn’t ‘confirmed’ to be a self-driving car

    A new report from The Guardian claims to have documentation that “confirms” Apple is working on a self-driving car. In the report, Apple is found to be in discussion with a facility that is fashioned like a makeshift city.

    Here’s the crux of what’s happening: Apple engineer Frank Fearon sent an email to people at the facility in question, GoMentum Station. The facility is a 2,100 acre former Naval Base near San Francisco, and has features like faux gas stations and freeway overpasses.

    In his email, The Guardian says Fearon wrote “We would… like to get an understanding of timing and availability for the space, and how we would need to coordinate around other parties who would be using [it].”

    A previous email form Fearon reportedly states “We are hoping to see a presentation on the… testing grounds with a layout, photos, and a description of how the various areas of the grounds could be used.”

    The “we” is presumed to be Apple, and the facility is assumed to be needed to test Project Titan, Apple’s alleged self-driving car.
  6. [verwijderd] 16 augustus 2015 08:59
    Leuk filmpje van het GoMentum Station..

    Here's the autonomous vehicle test bed Apple asked to see

    Inside GoMentum Station.

    The nugget of news in the Guardian’s big scoop yesterday—the one that supposedly “confirmed” that Apple is building a self-driving car—is that at least one Apple engineer inquired about and visited a 5,000-acre decommissioned naval base called GoMentum Station.

    The Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA), which owns the property and its 20 miles of cracked roadway, crumbling buildings, tunnels, train crossings, overpasses, sidewalks, curbs and firehydrants, has been been shopping it around as the perfect test bed for “connected vehicle (CV) applications and autonomous vehicles (AV) technologies.”

    Apple wanted a look-see, and according to the CCTA (which has a lot to learn about Apple nondisclosure agreements), it got one.

    You can see it too.

    The promotional video below, posted last month on YouTube, was shot by Honda, which ponied up $250,000 in March to join the GoMentum Station consortium. Whether Apple has also joined is not known.
  7. [verwijderd] 16 augustus 2015 09:20
    Het Apple nieuws van gisteren is nogal HOT NEWS in mijn denkbeeld.

    Zoals het lijkt zijn er maar weinig mensen op dit forum die dit nieuws goed oppakken.
    De bevestiging dat TomTom de helpende partner is van Apple staat niet in bovengenoemde artikelen, maar een weldenkend mens weet toch genoeg.. ???

    Ik zeg het maar weer..
    The hidden name TomTom is all over the place !!

    Fijne zondag allemaal !
    Groeten uit Dordt
  8. [verwijderd] 16 augustus 2015 10:03

    Informer schreef op 16 augustus 2015 09:20:

    Het Apple nieuws van gisteren is nogal HOT NEWS in mijn denkbeeld.

    Zoals het lijkt zijn er maar weinig mensen op dit forum die dit nieuws goed oppakken.
    De bevestiging dat TomTom de helpende partner is van Apple staat niet in bovengenoemde artikelen, maar een weldenkend mens weet toch genoeg.. ???

    Ik zeg het maar weer..
    The hidden name TomTom is all over the place !!

    Fijne zondag allemaal !
    Groeten uit Dordt
    En hoe dichterbij dordt, hoe rotter het.......:)
  9. [verwijderd] 16 augustus 2015 10:08

    Informer schreef op 16 augustus 2015 09:20:

    Het Apple nieuws van gisteren is nogal HOT NEWS in mijn denkbeeld.

    Zoals het lijkt zijn er maar weinig mensen op dit forum die dit nieuws goed oppakken.
    De bevestiging dat TomTom de helpende partner is van Apple staat niet in bovengenoemde artikelen, maar een weldenkend mens weet toch genoeg.. ???

    Ik zeg het maar weer..
    The hidden name TomTom is all over the place !!

    Fijne zondag allemaal !
    Groeten uit Dordt
    Helemaal mee eens.
    Maar je weet het, zolang TomTom niet duidelijk benoemd wordt zal dit niet opgepakt worden.
    En waarschijnlijk zit TomTom hier inderdaad met een poot in.
    Waarschijnlijk is geen koersexplosie
  10. mark60 16 augustus 2015 12:03

    Het enige dat we enigszins zeker weten is dat er een team van minimaal enkele honderden mensen aan Titan werkt, en bij diverse tech- en autofabrikanten wordt voor grof geld toppersoneel weggekocht. Zo schijnt batterijenmaker A123 in 1 klap vleugellam te zijn gemaakt

    en dan streefdatum pas 2020 dat geloof je toch zelf niet. Dit gaat echt geen 5 jaar meer duren
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