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INSM - Insmed - 2009 draadje

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  1. [verwijderd] 6 augustus 2010 21:56
    ** please read ** a retail owner was fed up with the downpaints on Insmed shareprice and called FINRA
    The poster in questions complained about the market maker

    " for manipulation. That close yesterday at .71 with 100 shares when the bid x ask was .73 x .735 was the last straw.

    Just like last Friday when they painted the tape lower from .75 to .715 with 100 shares.

    I spoke to the enforecement officer. She is URGING EVERYONE TO SEND HER A LETTER. The more complaints the faster we get these crooks removed as market makers.
    This was the 8th time in the last 22 sessions that they closed the stock LOWER than where the bid vs ask was.

    Email to:

    Personally i dont mind people getting fed up with downpaints, do hope the rodent patrol on yahoo is mentioned as well if/when people email to finra.

    I too sent and email and included my disgust about the disinformation campaign on the yahoo board.

    Dear Pat Clem,

    I saw a posting by another retail owner about how he complained about the end of day down painting of the closing prices in the nasdaq traded stock INSM ( Insmed ).
    He asked if others had the same experience.

    I am an investor and have been invested in Insmed in varying positions for over three years.

    What struck me that with Insmed we see a combination of things:

    - A very consistent smear and defame campaign on the yahoo retail board.
    This is so consistent that this is unlikely to be retail owner or retail shorting related.
    I have complained about this coherent effort to the sec on multiple occasions, but nothing has been done there.
    The bash and trash goes beyond freedom of speech and methods used are also by using deceptive topics and statements known to be false as defaming rumors in postings. All way beyond the intention of free speech.
    Both on those and past complaints in 2008 on painted closings , none of those resulted in any communication in relation to those complaints.

    -Combined with this bashing, I also witnesses countless closing pricing that undercut Insmed closing price by 2-3 cents whilst there was a strong bid in place 2 or three cents higher.
    These same antics have happened before as well, but i shall limit myself to recent weeks.
    I think that in the past weeks, leading up to the russel index reshuffle and in the days after that we have seen numerious of such downpaints in this stock.
    Not coincidentally 5mln shorts were covered on the russel index reshuffle when a lot of index funds had to sell on june 30th.

    Past month I think surely 7-9 times of downpainted closes have occured.
    And as stated this is not the first time it has happened.

    It has appalled me that both a coherent smear, defame and deter campaign can be waged in a vile manor on a public message boards.
    (i might add that dozens of complaints on the yahoo board has also not led to action by yahoo on it, complaints on false and misleading statements with the sec have not lead to any action there either)

    Combined with the painted closes this makes me label the antics shown as nothing less but securities fraud in an attempt to defraud common shareholders of normal market value. The downpaints leading up to the russel index sales was one example of that.
    Condoned by whatever market maker who allows for the downpaints as well.

    Sincerely hope some action can be taken , although i am quite disappointed so far in how rules seem not to apply.

    With regards,

  2. [verwijderd] 6 augustus 2010 22:48

    junkbond schreef:

    Ja mooi Crack. verstuurd hoor
    snel getyped dus wel wat syntax fouten,maargoed....
    maar ook het message board gebeuren gemeld, finra gaat vooral over financiele sector in algemeen, market makers etc.. maar lijntjes kort naar elders,dus we zien wel

    Fijn om een klaagpunt te hebben, zullen toch wel niet horen hoe/wat maar je weet nooit wat eruit komt. Ik gun de ratten wel wat ellende.
  3. [verwijderd] 7 augustus 2010 19:04

    crackedtooth schreef:

    ** please read ** a retail owner was fed up with the downpaints on Insmed shareprice and called FINRA
    The poster in questions complained about the market maker

    " for manipulation. That close yesterday at .71 with 100 shares when the bid x ask was .73 x .735 was the last straw.

    Just like last Friday when they painted the tape lower from .75 to .715 with 100 shares.

    I spoke to the enforecement officer. She is URGING EVERYONE TO SEND HER A LETTER. The more complaints the faster we get these crooks removed as market makers.
    This was the 8th time in the last 22 sessions that they closed the stock LOWER than where the bid vs ask was.

    Email to:

    Personally i dont mind people getting fed up with downpaints, do hope the rodent patrol on yahoo is mentioned as well if/when people email to finra.

    I too sent and email and included my disgust about the disinformation campaign on the yahoo board.

    Dear Pat Clem,

    I saw a posting by another retail owner about how he complained about the end of day down painting of the closing prices in the nasdaq traded stock INSM ( Insmed ).
    He asked if others had the same experience.

    I am an investor and have been invested in Insmed in varying positions for over three years.

    What struck me that with Insmed we see a combination of things:

    - A very consistent smear and defame campaign on the yahoo retail board.
    This is so consistent that this is unlikely to be retail owner or retail shorting related.
    I have complained about this coherent effort to the sec on multiple occasions, but nothing has been done there.
    The bash and trash goes beyond freedom of speech and methods used are also by using deceptive topics and statements known to be false as defaming rumors in postings. All way beyond the intention of free speech.
    Both on those and past complaints in 2008 on painted closings , none of those resulted in any communication in relation to those complaints.

    -Combined with this bashing, I also witnesses countless closing pricing that undercut Insmed closing price by 2-3 cents whilst there was a strong bid in place 2 or three cents higher.
    These same antics have happened before as well, but i shall limit myself to recent weeks.
    I think that in the past weeks, leading up to the russel index reshuffle and in the days after that we have seen numerious of such downpaints in this stock.
    Not coincidentally 5mln shorts were covered on the russel index reshuffle when a lot of index funds had to sell on june 30th.

    Past month I think surely 7-9 times of downpainted closes have occured.
    And as stated this is not the first time it has happened.

    It has appalled me that both a coherent smear, defame and deter campaign can be waged in a vile manor on a public message boards.
    (i might add that dozens of complaints on the yahoo board has also not led to action by yahoo on it, complaints on false and misleading statements with the sec have not lead to any action there either)

    Combined with the painted closes this makes me label the antics shown as nothing less but securities fraud in an attempt to defraud common shareholders of normal market value. The downpaints leading up to the russel index sales was one example of that.
    Condoned by whatever market maker who allows for the downpaints as well.

    Sincerely hope some action can be taken , although i am quite disappointed so far in how rules seem not to apply.

    With regards,

    Goede aktie van mij een aanbeveling, ik hoop dat het wat uithaald , ik zit al jaren in aandelen ook in Crucell vanaf 2002 en heb bij dit aandeel ook heel wat mistige dingen gezien, toppunt was wel toen er een dag voor een aankondiging (WHO) een PB uitkwam dat de deal niet door zou gaan het gevolg kun je wel raden, de volgende dag was de deal een feit en de koers wilde exploderen, we zagen toen in het diepteboek hele vreemde dingen die we waarschijnlijk niet hadden mogen zien, er werd geblokt met vele KKKKKKKK aandelen de koers mocht niet omhoog, we hebben het voorval natuurlijk gemeld bij de AFM, we moeten nog wat horen!!!

    Ja Ja toezichthouders he!! de rest is historie!!

    Grt. Yok
  4. ludwig mack 9 augustus 2010 16:34
    met dank aan crack van alxa draadje:

    INSM overweight nog steeds cost avg .71 ofzo ,volume droogt mooi up nu
    -russel index shares absorbed op 30 juni (volume spike was dat end of day 15mln aandelen) ,
    -short interest mid juli down naar 800k van 5.5 miljoen op een float van 130mln
    -cash per share .97 (127 miljoen cash, geen schulden)
    -wel afwachten wat ze gaan doen, bedrijf in verkoop, herstart iplex productie, reverse merger of anderszins, maar fijne discount op cash nu en goede mogelijkheden nog voor hun lead drug in retinopathy en mogelijk ALS.
  5. [verwijderd] 11 augustus 2010 11:44

    junkbond schreef:

    Crack ik las die post van Zake ..weet jij zeker dat het hier om Insmed gaat ? Ik kan (nephrology-related conditions) namelijk niet erg plaatsen.
    ging om de vijf biologicals waar insmed mee bezig was, campbell heeft blijkbaar wel degelijk insmed begeleid bij de merck deal

    en nu dus weer aan boord
  6. [verwijderd] 20 augustus 2010 19:00
    Junkbond: even tov yahoo opmerkingen

    laag volume betekent zeker niet geen interesse
    en message boards worden bewerkt om retail te beinvloeden, dat heeft echt meer invloed dan jij denkt.... retail koopt nie veel op zulke laag volume dagen (meestal niet), maar moegebeukte retail verkoopt vaker wel in lleine plukjes

    vaak word juist bij laag volume over langere tijd geaccumuleerd en regelmatig hebben de bigboys daarin een veel langere adem dan jij als retail owner

    bijkomend voordeel van prijs laten sudderen is dat mensen als er dan een stijging komt eerder geneigd zijn te verkopen als prijs iets eerder bij hun eerdere aankoopprijs zit

    vergis je niet in de spelletjes en dat slaat niet alleen op insmed trouwens

  7. [verwijderd] 20 augustus 2010 19:07
    zie ook deze chart

    zolang het blocken netto aan het eind van de week aandelen oplevert dan zal dat blijven gebeuren

    daarom ook soms gekke dump bv in laatste minuut/second terwijl er laag volume was, op andere gekke dumps... allemaal computer geprogrammeerde verkoop of kooptactieken
  8. ludwig mack 4 september 2010 19:28
    leuk verhaal gelezen van een consultant dat ik hier niet kan plaatsen vanwege copyrights, waarbij aangegeven wordt dat veel bedrijven, ook met name genoemd zijn de grote bio's, veel cash hebben op dit moment;
    belangrijkste doel blijft groei voor die bedrijven en dus ook overnames (obligaties die ze dan nog uitgeven zijn laag geprijsd, als het te duur zou worden);
    in die vijver zit insm met zijn 100 mln, dus we moeten afwachten.

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