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LogicaCMG Nieuws

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  1. [verwijderd] 5 oktober 2006 19:13
    Zal maar weer een nieuw draadje aanmaken voor nieuws. Weer een mooi contract erbij.

    LogicaCMG sluit contract met Welsh Water

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--LogicaCMG heeft een contract getekend met Welsh Water. De ICT-dienstverlener is een van de drie partijen in een ICT-alliantie. Het contact heeft een waarde van GPB40 miljoen en een looptijd van zeven jaar.

    LogicaCMG zal samenwerken met Welsh Water in het uitbesteden van diensten en ICT-functies. Het Brits-Nederlandse bedrijf wordt verantwoordelijk voor 'betrouwbare levering van cruciale diensten aan alle Welsh Water sites', aldus het bedrijf donderdag in een verklaring.

    LogicaCMG heeft sinds 2001 ICT uitbestedingen verzorgd aan Welsh Water. Het voortdurende partnerschap 'steunt de aanhoudende investeringsstrategie in Wales', stelt de ICT-dienstverlener.

    Door Carel Grol, Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5890270, carel.grol@dowjones.com

  2. [verwijderd] 5 oktober 2006 19:21
    NetzwocheTicker-News vom 05.10.2006
    Novell und Logica CMG kooperieren mit SAP

    Der britische IT-Dienstleister Logica CMG und die SAP AG wollen ihre Kooperationsvereinbarung, die bereits seit vielen Jahren besteht, ausweiten. Künftig wird Logica CMG die bisher auf Basis von SAPs ERP-Software erbrachten Business-Process-Outsourcing-Leistungen auf das gesamte SAP-Produkt-Portfolio für Human-Capital-Management erweitern. Durch den Vertrag mit SAP werte Logica nicht nur ihr Portfolio mit neuen Funktionalitäten für die Personalwirtschaft sowie die Lohn- und Gehaltsrechnung auf, sondern könne auch die globale Präsenz ausbauen, sagt Frank Koopmans, Global Busness Development Director for HR and Payroll bei Logica.
    Auch der Identity-Management-Spezialist Novell meldete gestern mit seinem Beitritt zur SAP Global Security Alliance eine Kooperationsvereinbarung mit dem Walldorfer Software-Haus. Gemeinsame Kunden von Novell und SAP können künftig Identitäts- und Zugriffs-Management-Lösungen wie Novell Identity Manager und Novell E-Directory über das SAP Global Security Alliance Programm beziehen.

    Diesen Artikel weiterempfehlen

  3. [verwijderd] 5 oktober 2006 19:22
    LONDON, October 5 /PRNewswire/ --

    - LogicaCMG Study Reveals Attitudes to Water Shortages

    Three quarters of consumers agree that hosepipe bans are the right way totackle water shortages and more than 50 per cent would support householdwater allocations in times of drought, according to research released todayby LogicaCMG, a leading provider of business services to the water utilitysector. The research report entitled "Water Efficiency - Public Opinion,Private Action" looks at consumer attitudes towards water conservation andwater usage in the average UK household.

    Key findings - 75 per cent agree that there should be hosepipe bans during times of drought - 74 per cent are more likely to report leaks since this summer's drought - 51 per cent are more concerned about the environmental impact of the amount of water they use, rather than the financial costs involved - 69 per cent would change their behaviour if the Government conducted a campaign to raise awareness

    A public good, an environmental need

    The survey amongst almost one thousand UK consumers found thatthree quarters of respondents have actively looked for ways to reduce waterconsumption in the home and 74 per cent agree that this summer's drought hasmade them more likely to report leaks. One in three consumers would even beprepared to go so far as to obtain all water from stand pipes in the streetin times of drought, with almost half of respondents willing to take a bathwith a partner to save water. More than half of consumers (51 per cent) weremore motivated to reduce their water consumption for environmental reasons,rather than financial costs, marking a real shift in consumer attitudes.Interestingly almost the same number of people (29 per cent) would reporttheir neighbours if they flouted the hosepipe ban, as have reported a waterleak (30 per cent), which was unexpectedly low.

    Understanding water usage

    More than half of all respondents admitted that they are completelyunaware of their household water consumption. This lack of knowledge isidentified as one of the primary causes of domestic water wastage.

    For example, 97 per cent of respondents vastly underestimated the actualvolume of water consumed when using a garden sprinkler for one hour. Themajority estimated 30 litres but actual usage is twenty times that at 600litres. Ninety one per cent underestimated the use of a power shower (actualamount: 60 litres) - see table below for additional statistics. With theaverage household using 150 litres of water a day, this clearly outlines theneed for education at a grass roots level in the practicalities of waterconsumption.

    Table of water usage for everyday activities (litres)

    Water usage for % that got it wrong everyday activities (litres) Bath 80 83 % Ordinary shower 30 55 % Power shower 60 91 % Standard garden sprinkler for an 600 97 % hour Dishwasher 20 62 % Leaving tap on whilst brushing 3 30 % teeth for one minute

    Source: LogicaCMG/Future Foundation[i]

    A Call to Action: Consumers look to the Government to intervene

    Government intervention, severe water shortages and price increases wouldbe the major drivers to behavioural change, according to the research.Sixty-five per cent of consumers would vary their behaviour and indicatedtheir support if water allocations were ordered by the Government and almost70 per cent would change their behaviour if targeted by a Government backedcampaign.

    Eighty-two per cent of those surveyed would take direct action to limittheir water consumption if prices doubled (water bills have increased by anaverage of 12 per cent in the last two years). The research results revealedthat nearly three quarters of consumers believe that having a water meter intheir home would change their behaviour, with almost half of respondentswilling to take positive action by writing to their local MP in the event ofa price rise.

    Jacob Tompkins, director of Waterwise commented: "Climate change,population shift and a growing demand for water all mean that the UK isrunning out of water. This new survey shows that people are concerned aboutwater and are keen to take action to be more efficient. Appeals for thepublic to save water this summer resulted in a 10 per cent fall in waterconsumption in the drought hit areas of the UK. So small behavioral changescan result in big savings and it is up to everyone, water companies,Government, manufacturers, retailers and the media to make it as easy aspossible for people to do the right thing."

    Kieron Brennan, managing director of LogicaCMG's energy and utilitiesbusiness in the UK, commented: "The research has confirmed that householdswant to use water more efficiently and are prepared to make sacrifices andinconvenience themselves to do so. Our findings also show that consumers needto be equipped with the right information and effective technology to enablethem to monitor and ultimately limit their water consumption. Consumers arecalling on the Government to further educate the population about waterscarcity and in methods of conserving water in the home so another summer ofdroughts and hosepipe bans can be avoided."

    Notes to Editors

    Full report can be found at www.logicacmg.com/uk/waterefficiency
  4. J.O. 6 oktober 2006 01:11
    Wat mij ook goed lijkt voor de ICT branche is dat de ICT-markt aantrekt. Personeel wordt schaars of gaat op zoek naar betere waardering/lees beloning....
    Intermediair deze week: Accenture, ATOS, LogicaCMG, etc. gaan nu zelfs hier weer adverteren en werven !
    LcigaCMG biedt niet meer geld, maar 'carriereperspectief'... tja.
  5. [verwijderd] 6 oktober 2006 20:51
    Capita, Logica To Gain From Xansa Comments

    Friday, October 06, 2006 4:32:09 AM ET
    Dow Jones Newswires

    0712 GMT [Dow Jones] Capita (CPI.LN) and LogicaCMG (LOG.LN) could both benefit from read across from Xansa's (XAN.LN) comments on its India ambitions, says Bridgewell. Notes Xansa plans to have 10,000 people in India in three years, and to focus on back office process work. Points out this is Capita's core strength. "It will be easier for Capita to transfer its existing BPO contracts offshore than for Xansa to get into Capita's markets," it says. Notes Logica is also expanding its headcount in India, and sees both Logica and Capita as ahead of Xansa in maximizing value from offshoring to India. Capita unchanged at 553.5p, LogicaCMG flat at 164p, and Xansa flat at 82.25p. (KHO)

    Contact us in London.

  6. [verwijderd] 11 oktober 2006 22:59
    11.10.2006 09:07
    LogicaCMG to Resell the UK Financial Services Authority's Transaction Reporting System

    LONDON, October 11 /PRNewswire/ -- LogicaCMG (Nachrichten) (LSE: LOG) announces today that it has signed an agreement with the UK Financial Services Authority (FSA) to market and sub-licence the FSA's Transaction Reporting System (TRS).

    TRS was designed and developed by LogicaCMG for the FSA and has been operational since November 2005. The system allows firms executing FSA reportable transactions to send their transaction reports electronically to the FSA and has been designed for compliance with the European Union's Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID).

    Under Article 25 of MiFID, investment firms which execute transactions in any financial instruments admitted to trading on a regulated market are required to report the details of these transactions to their regulator as quickly as possible, and no later than the close of the following working day. The regulators are required to establish the necessary arrangements so that the regulators of the most relevant markets in terms of liquidity for those financial instruments also receive this information.

    John Evans, director of risk and compliance products at LogicaCMG, said: "We intend to provide a fully managed service allowing regulators to receive a single, over-night aggregated data feed for their monitoring systems. Collection of transaction reports from the investment firms will be provided by LogicaCMG along with registration, certification and help desk services."

    Dilwyn Griffiths, Head of Market Monitoring at the FSA said: "TRS has helped investment firms in the UK by offering flexibility in the way they report electronically. Our agreement with LogicaCMG will benefit other regulators and could help them to comply with MIFID reporting requirements."

    TRS recognises that investment firms may wish to send reports in a variety of ways depending on the number of reports they submit. Three mechanisms for report submission are provided: a web browser application to enable online entry of transaction reports, uploading XML files using a web browser application and direct machine to machine transfer of XML files. Investment firms may use one or more of these mechanisms depending on their requirements. They also have flexibility in how they batch-up their reports. For example, some organisations may simply create a single report, record all of its daily transactions and then submit this report at the end of the day. Other organisations may have a number of different reports and they may submit these throughout the day. TRS performs validation against the XML schema and the defined business rules to ensure high quality of submission data. The LogicaCMG service centre, provides help desk assistance to the investment firms including their registration to use TRS and certification that their systems and processes are functioning correctly against the trial system. Online help and computer based training are also supplied.

    TRS is open standards based and uses a n-tier architecture for stability and security between the layers. The system is fully scalable and is currently deployed on hardware for 2000 users and 2.25 million transactions per day.

  7. [verwijderd] 11 oktober 2006 23:00
    LogicaCMG "buy", estimates raised

    Wednesday, October 11, 2006 5:38:02 AM ET
    Merrill Lynch

    LONDON, October 11 (newratings.com) - Analyst Alvaro Serrano of Merrill Lynch reiterates his "buy" rating on LogicaCMG (LOQ.ETR), while raising his estimates for the company. The target price is set to 205p.

    In a research note published this morning, the analyst mentions that the completion of LogicaCMG’s acquisition of WM Data is expected to act as a catalyst for the former company’s share price. The integrated company is expected to deliver its sales and EBITA for 2007 at £3.5 billion and £310.9 million, respectively, the analyst adds. The EPS estimate for 2007 has been raised by 6% to 12.3p.
  8. [verwijderd] 12 oktober 2006 09:47
    LogicaCMG in de lift na rapport Goldman

    AMSTERDAM (ANP-AFX) - Het aandeel van de automatiseerder LogicaCMG wint donderdag terrein na een positief rapport van de Amerikaanse zakenbank Goldman Sachs. Het aandeel staat kort na opening 1,6 procent in de plus op 2,54 euro.
    Goldan Sachs verhoogde het beleggingsadvies voor aandelen LogicaCMG naar ’buy’ van ’neutral’. Daarnaast hebben de analisten het aandeel toegevoegd aan de zogenoemde ’conviction buy list’, een pan-Europese lijst.
  9. [verwijderd] 12 oktober 2006 10:40
    LogicaCMG moderniseert National Bank of Kuwait

    LONDEN (ANP-AFX) - De IT-dienstverlener LogicaCMG neemt de computersystemen van de National Bank of Kuwait onder handen. De opdracht, die een looptijd kent van twee jaar, levert 27 miljoen dollar op. Dat heeft LogicaCMG donderdag bekendgemaakt.
    De eerste fase, een voorstudie naar de mogelijkheden om de systemen te moderniseren, is inmiddels afgerond.
  10. [verwijderd] 12 oktober 2006 11:12
    Market Talk: LogicaCMG omhoog naar buy bij Goldman12 okt 2006, 11:05 uur
    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Goldman Sachs verhoogt het advies van LogicaCMG naar buy van neutral en verhoogt het koersdoel naar 197p van 170p. De zakenbank noemt de waardering aantrekkelijk na de overname van WM Data en denkt dat beleggers, gezien de huidige prijs van het aandeel, de risico's van de overname overdrijven. Omstreeks 10.50 uur noteert het aandeel 1,6% hoger op EUR2,54, terwijl de Midkap met 0,4% stijgt. (EBA)

    Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31 20 5890270, amsterdam@dowjones.com
  11. [verwijderd] 12 oktober 2006 11:14
    RTRS-LogicaCMG moderniseert National Bank of Kuwait
    LONDEN (ANP) - De IT-dienstverlener LogicaCMG neemt de
    computersystemen van de National Bank of Kuwait onder handen. De
    opdracht, die een looptijd kent van twee jaar, levert 27 miljoen
    dollar op. Dat heeft LogicaCMG donderdag bekendgemaakt.

    De eerste fase, een voorstudie naar de mogelijkheden om de
    systemen te moderniseren, is inmiddels afgerond.

    ((ANP Redactie Economie, email economie(at)anp.nl, +31 20
    504 5999))
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