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Aandeel ArcelorMittal LU1598757687

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
29,500   -0,870   (-2,86%) Dagrange 29,170 - 30,300 2.465.064   Gem. (3M) 3,1M

Arcelor December 2024

120 Posts
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  1. forum rang 10 voda 10 december 2024 12:59
    Beursblik: Citi verkiest Arcelor boven Prosus
    10-dec-2024 11:21

    Zakenbank past Focus List aan.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Het aandeel ArcelorMittal biedt meer potentie dan dat van Prosus. Dit bleek dinsdag uit een analistenrapport van Citi.

    ArcelorMittal werd toegevoegd aan de zogeheten Focus List Europe. Ook 3i, E.ON, NatWest werden op de lijst gezet.

    Tegelijk besloot Citi om Prosus van de lijst te halen, net als de aandelen London Stock Exchange, HSBC en Leonardo.

    "Europese aandelen zaten in het oog van de storm", aldus de analisten van de Amerikaanse zakenbank. Maar met 2025 in het verschiet is het volgens Citi tijd om van gedachten te veranderen.

    De marktverwachtingen zijn momenteel "extreem bearish".

    Maar onder meer de renteverlagingen die de ECB waarschijnlijk gaat doorvoeren en een stabiele mondiale groei zullen volgens Citi een rotatie naar cyclische aandelen ondersteunen. Reden dat Citi recent het advies voor Europese aandelen verhoogde naar Overwogen.

    "We zien de Stoxx 600 eind 2025 op 570 punten uitkomen." Dinsdag noteerde deze index op 520 punten.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 10 december 2024 22:45
    Beursupdate: AEX op Wall Street
    10-dec-2024 22:30

    Twee punten lager.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Op Wall Street zijn dinsdag zeven van de acht AEX-genoteerde fondsen ten opzichte van het slot in Amsterdam lager gesloten. Shell en ING waren de sterkste dalers.

    Aegon (+0,26%)
    ArcelorMittal (-0,50%)
    ASML (-0,03%)
    ING Groep (-0,61%)
    Philips (-0,32%)
    RELX (+0,13%)
    Royal Dutch Shell (-0,67%)
    Unilever (-0,03%)

    Euro/dollar: 1,0525

    Op basis van de bovenstaande koersuitslagen zou de AEX index, die sloot op 893,42 punten, zijn geëindigd op 891,33 punten.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 11 december 2024 09:17
    China's Steel & Iron Ore Trade: A Shifting Landscape in 2024

    Synopsis: In November 2024, China's steel exports increased by 15.9% compared to the same month the previous year, reaching 9.28 million metric tons. However, this figure represented a 17% drop from October 2024’s nine-year high. Meanwhile, China's iron ore imports fell slightly by 1.91% in November due to seasonal demand fluctuations, as colder weather slowed construction activities. Despite the short-term decline, China’s overall iron ore imports for the year continued to grow, increasing by 4.3%. These shifts in trade patterns underscore the dynamics of China’s steel industry and its role in the global market, with seasonal changes impacting both supply and demand for key materials.
    Wednesday, December 11, 2024

    China's steel exports saw a notable rise in November 2024, increasing by 15.9% compared to the same month the previous year. This surge in exports reached 9.28 million metric tons, although it represented a 17% decline from the nine-year high of 11.18 million metric tons recorded in October 2024. Despite this drop, the export figures for November still reflect strong demand for Chinese steel in international markets, bolstered by China's continued industrial and infrastructure activity. This trend in steel trade contrasts with the slight dip in China's iron ore imports during the same period, as the demand for raw materials softened.

    In the first eleven months of 2024, China's steel exports have experienced a robust 22.6% increase year-on-year, totaling 101.15 million metric tons. This figure also surpassed the entire steel export total for 2023, which was 90.26 million metric tons, signaling that China remains a dominant force in the global steel market. The sharp rise in exports can be attributed to several factors, including China's recovery from previous economic disruptions and its competitive pricing in the global market. The country has positioned itself as a major supplier to markets in Asia, Africa, and Europe, despite global uncertainties and trade barriers.

    Voor meer, zie link:

  4. Take a break 11 december 2024 12:00
    Je kunt er inderdaad geen peil op trekken. Aperam staat onveranderd, meestal gaan die 2 redelijk hand in hand qua koers. Verder zou je denken dat de spoeling steeds dunner wordt door de inkoop van eigen aandelen maar blijkbaar zijn er nog steeds genoeg beleggers die hun stukken maar blijven aanbieden.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 11 december 2024 22:34
    Beursupdate: AEX op Wall Street
    11-dec-2024 22:19

    Shell sterkste stijger.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Op Wall Street zijn woensdag vier van de acht AEX-genoteerde fondsen ten opzichte van het slot in Amsterdam hoger gesloten. Shell was met een winst van 0,7 procent de sterkste stijger. ING was met een verlies van 0,4 procent de sterkste daler.

    Aegon (-0,1%)
    ArcelorMittal (+0,1%)
    ASML (+0,4%)
    ING Groep (-0,4%)
    Philips (+0,2%)
    RELX (-0,2%)
    Shell (+0,7%)
    Unilever (-0,2%)

    Euro/dollar: 1,0495

    Op basis van de bovenstaande koersuitslagen zou de AEX index, die sloot op 896,14 punten, zijn geëindigd op 896,75 punten.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
  6. forum rang 10 voda 12 december 2024 07:13
    December's Steel Market: Uncertainty Looms Over Italian & European Sectors

    Synopsis: The Italian and European steel markets face uncertainty as demand weakens and prices fluctuate.
    Thursday, December 12, 2024

    In December, the Italian and European steel markets have found themselves in a state of significant uncertainty. According to the monthly market report by Assofermet Acciai, the association representing Italian distributors of scrap, raw materials, and steel products, the preceding month of November was characterized by persistently weak demand and complex dynamics impacting both upstream and downstream sectors. This ongoing instability has left many industry players apprehensive as they approach the new year, with concerns about how these trends will evolve in the coming months.

    European flat carbon steel mills have been pushing for price increases despite the stagnant demand observed in various end-use sectors. Producers are facing a challenging environment where costs are rising, yet the market does not support higher prices due to weak consumption patterns. This effort to raise prices comes at a time when producers are increasingly concerned about negative profit margins. Many mills are operating at reduced capacities, which further complicates the market dynamics. The lack of sufficient support from end-users has resulted in a precarious balance in the market, leading to speculation about potential reductions in production capacity. Service centers are also feeling the pinch, as they are compelled to adjust their price lists to maintain financial viability in the first quarter of the upcoming year, reflecting the broader challenges within the steel supply chain.

    Voor meer, zie link:

  7. forum rang 7 mvliex 1 12 december 2024 18:43

    Dollars per Metric Tonne -- Pct Change
    (net ton) [gross ton] {Euros}

    Region: USA, East of the Mississippi
    Hot-rolled band: 752 (682) -1%
    Cold-rolled coil: 958 (869) -11%
    Standard plate: 1045 (948) 1%
    Shredded scrap*: 375 [381] 0%
    #1 Heavy melting scrap: 315 [320] 0%
    #1 Busheling scrap: 389 [395] 0%

    Region: Mainland China***
    Hot-rolled band: 408 0%
    Cold-rolled coil: 492 1%
    Rebar: 388 0%
    Standard plate: 415 0%

    Region: Western Europe
    Hot-rolled band: 588 {558} 1%

    Region: World Export Market
    Hot-rolled band: 496 -2%

    To receive SteelBenchmarker graphic and tabular price history, register as a "provider" at www.steelbenchmarker.com.
    NOTES: E-mailed December 12, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. to Non-Provider Receivers. The first price release was for April 10, 2006.
    If a product is not listed or a price is not indicated, fewer than ten (10) price inputs were received at this time.
    Prices are: USA -- FOB mill; Western Europe and China -- Ex-works; and World Export Market -- FOB port of export. For USA steel scrap -- delivered to the steel plant. *For shredded scrap the region is "for all but the West Coast".
    For product specifications go to www.steelbenchmarker.com/specifications.
    *** SteelHome's non-steelbenchmarker derived average price for each product is the determinant of the Chinese ex-works benchmark price. It is published for comparative purposes.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 12 december 2024 18:44
    Crisis Thyssenkrupp raakt Siegerland in het hart

    Han Dirk Hekking
    Thyssenkrupp Steel Europa wil 11.000 van de 27.000 arbeidsplaatsen kwijt. De fabriek in Kreuztal-Eichen moet zelfs dicht. Dat komt hard aan in het Siegerland, van oudsher een staalregio. 

    In het kort
    - Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe saneert. De productie moet dalen vanwege de slechte markt.
    - Het bedrijf wil vijfduizend mensen ontslaan; met desinvesteringen zijn zesduizend banen gemoeid.
    - Eén vestiging moet dicht: de fabriek in Kreuztal-Eichen, in staalregio Siegerland.

    Lees het volledige artikel: fd.nl/bedrijfsleven/1539795/thyssenkr...
  9. forum rang 10 voda 12 december 2024 22:21
    Beursupdate: AEX op Wall Street
    12-dec-2024 22:17

    Alles lager.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Op Wall Street zijn donderdag alle acht AEX-genoteerde fondsen ten opzichte van het slot in Amsterdam lager gesloten.

    Aegon (-0,71%)
    ArcelorMittal (-0,24%)
    ASML (-0,32%)
    ING Groep (-0,42%)
    Philips (-0,45%)
    RELX (-0,14%)
    Royal Dutch Shell (-0,05%)
    Unilever (-0,26%)

    Euro/dollar: 1,0470

    Op basis van de bovenstaande koersuitslagen zou de AEX index, die sloot op 894,42 punten, zijn geëindigd op 892,86 punten.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 13 december 2024 10:51
    Outokumpu komt met winstwaarschuwing
    13-dec-2024 10:48

    Negatieve ontwikkelingen op markt voor roestvast staal.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Outokumpu verwacht dat de aangepaste EBITDA in het vierde kwartaal van 2024 rond nul of zelfs daaronder zal uitvallen. Dit zei de Finse fabrikant van roestvast staal in een persbericht.

    Voorheen zei de fabrikant ervan uit te gaan dat de aangepaste EBITDA lager zou zijn dan de 86 miljoen euro die in het derde kwartaal werd behaald.

    De tegenvaller wordt veroorzaakt door de zwakkere dan verwachte markt voor roestvrij staal, een langer dan gepland jaarlijkse onderhoud op de Tornio-locatie in Finland en een negatieve waardering van de voorraden, lichtte het concern toe.

    Daarnaast waarschuwde het bedrijf ervoor dat de levering van roestvrij staal in het vierde kwartaal naar verwachting lager zal uitvallen dan eerder voorzien. Het bedrijf zei eerder te rekenen op een daling van 0 tot 10 procent ten opzichte van het derde kwartaal. Inmiddels denkt Outokumpu dichter in de buurt van een daling van 10 procent uit te zullen komen.

    Op 13 februari 2025 publiceert Outokumpu de jaarcijfers.

    Het aandeel Outokumpu daalde vrijdag met 7,4 procent.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
  11. forum rang 6 christo1 13 december 2024 21:08
    Komt er eindelijk schot in de zaak om de Europese staalbedrijven te beschermen tegen oneerlijke dumping?

    The European Commission could significantly tighten its existing steel safeguard in light of weak market conditions as part of its impending review.

    The commission is likely to expedite its annual review of the measure in light of increasing global overcapacity, and could announce it next week, sources said.

    "You can imagine the current situation of the steel industry and global overcapacity requires action from the legislator to support EU industry," one source said.

    Given weak steel demand within Europe, mill sources suggest the commission's review should stop the 1pc liberalisation of the quota, which provides importers with an increased share of a declining market. Buy- and sell-side sources anticipate a further tightening of import volumes over and above the 15pc cap imposed on the "other countries" quota.

    There is also talk of further dumping investigations, in addition to the case against hot-rolled coil (HRC) from Egypt, Japan, India and Vietnam. Vietnamese hot-dip galvanised is in scope, as is South Korean and Indonesian plate, and HRC and downstream products from other countries could possibly become subject to investigations. Recent market chatter suggests there could be an investigation of cold-rolled coil from Taiwan, and perhaps other Asian sellers.

    Mills have for months been pressing for tighter measures, suggesting the safeguard is not fit for purpose.

    In an interview with Argus in September, Eurofer director general Axel Eggert told Argus the association had asked the commission for a "structural solution" to stop the pernicious impact of global overcapacity, such as a global "tariff-like system". Countries with the largest exposure to overcapacity could have the greatest tariffs in this scenario. In a recent article in the Financial Times, Lakshmi Mittal, executive chairman of ArcelorMittal, said the EU must "urgently address imports" and "intervention is required so that European steel is better protected", adding that emergency trade measures would be a "strong first signal".

  12. forum rang 10 voda 14 december 2024 07:21
    Beursupdate: AEX op Wall Street

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Op Wall Street zijn vrijdag zeven van de acht AEX-genoteerde fondsen ten opzichte van het slot in Amsterdam lager gesloten.

    Aegon (-1,50%)
    ArcelorMittal (-0,81%)
    ASML (-0,47%)
    ING Groep (-0,17%)
    Philips (+0,15%)
    RELX (-0,21%)
    Royal Dutch Shell (-0,29%)
    Unilever (-0,08%)

    Euro/dollar: 1,0498

    Op basis van de bovenstaande koersuitslagen zou de AEX index, die sloot op 893,55 punten, zijn geëindigd op 891,87 punten.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 15 december 2024 12:07
    ArcelorMittal Halts Wire Rod Production in Spain Amid Market Struggles

    Synopsis: ArcelorMittal has announced the suspension of wire rod production at its Gijon plant in Spain due to low steel demand and high imports from outside the EU. The suspension, which affects over 180 employees, will last until January 7, 2025. This decision follows a series of production cuts in response to poor market conditions, including a reduction in orders and rising energy costs.
    Saturday, December 14, 2024

    ArcelorMittal, the global steel giant, has temporarily shut down its wire rod production at its Verinha, Gijon, facility in Spain, citing low steel demand and increased imports from non-EU countries as the primary reasons. The suspension, effective until January 7, 2025, was announced following a challenging period in the steel market, with a noticeable downturn in orders and the influx of cheaper steel imports.

    This is not the first time the plant has faced disruptions this year. In October, production was halted for 10 days due to similar reasons, and now, in coordination with the holiday period, the suspension is extended to reduce operational impacts.

    Wire rod, a key rolled product in steel production, has been particularly affected by the rising volume of imports from countries outside the European Union, which has put pressure on local manufacturers. The production shutdown will directly impact over 180 employees, who are now being offered alternatives such as medical checks, holidays, or vocational training during the downtime.

    The company had previously announced a series of production adjustments, including a reduction in operations at its Romanian plant, ArcelorMittal Hunedoara, due to a similar demand slump. Additionally, ArcelorMittal’s plans to build new Direct Reduced Iron plants, including the one in Gijon, were postponed as of November 26, 2024, due to adverse political, energy, and market conditions in Europe.

    The steel industry’s struggles are compounded by broader economic challenges, including a slowdown in global demand and rising energy prices, leaving producers like ArcelorMittal grappling with tough decisions to sustain profitability and operations.

  14. forum rang 10 voda 15 december 2024 12:09
    ArcelorMittal South Africa Defends Tariffs Amid Calls for Policy Reform

    Synopsis: ArcelorMittal South Africa has rejected calls to remove trade protection measures, arguing that tariffs are necessary to protect the local steel sector. The company highlights concerns over rising imports, particularly from China, which are undermining local steel production and jobs.
    Saturday, December 14, 2024

    ArcelorMittal South Africa, the largest steel producer on the African continent, continues to defend the use of trade protectionism measures, particularly import tariffs, amid growing criticism from industry experts and policymakers. The recent call for removing tariffs came from Donald MacKay, CEO of XA Global Trade Advisors, who argued that current industrial policies are outdated and harming economic activity. According to MacKay, trade protectionism in the scrap metal industry costs South Africa approximately R8.5 billion annually, without yielding substantial job creation benefits.

    In response, Amsa’s group manager for stakeholder management and communications, Tami Didiza, emphasized that South Africa must focus on localisation and strengthening domestic supply chains to ensure economic resilience. Didiza warned that removing protectionist measures could lead to a further influx of cheaper steel imports, particularly from countries like China, where excess production capacity and economic downturns have led to steel being exported at lower prices. This, he said, puts immense pressure on local steel producers, including Amsa, and threatens jobs, production levels, and financial stability.

    Voor meer, zie link:

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