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Aandeel ArcelorMittal LU1598757687

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
28,590   +0,270   (+0,95%) Dagrange 28,130 - 29,030 3.326.630   Gem. (3M) 3,1M

Arcelor Mittal november 2024

164 Posts
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  1. viermeiden 26 november 2024 17:28
    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Bank of America is minder somber over de volumes van ArcelorMittal in het vierde kwartaal en verhoogde dan ook de verwachtingen voor heel 2024. Dit bleek dinsdag uit een analistenrapport van de Amerikaanse bank, dat ook meer ruimte ziet voor meer aandeleninkopen.

    De analisten wezen op de richtlijn van ArcelorMittal zelf, dat het vierde kwartaal in grote lijnen vergelijkbaar zal zijn met het derde kwartaal, plus een stijging van de staalproductie in de Europese Unie met 5,6 procent op jaarbasis in de maand oktober.

    Dit is volgens Bank of America "een indicatie dat de voorraadafbouw die woog op het vierde kwartaal in zowel 2022 als 2023, zich dit jaar mogelijk niet zal herhalen."

    Daarom zijn de analisten minder somber over de volumes en werd de verwachting voor de EBITDA voor heel 2024 met 4 procent verhoogd naar 6,92 miljard dollar.

    Meer kansen buiten Europa

    Volgens Bank of America genereert ArcelorMittal steeds meer inkomsten buiten Europa en vonden recente strategische investeringen ook bijna uitsluitend buiten Europa plaats.

    Dinsdag maakte het bedrijf bekend dat het zijn duurzaamheidsplannen uitstelt, omdat er te weinig steun komt vanuit de Europese Unie.

    Volgens Bank of America heeft ArcelorMittal ongeveer 40 miljoen ton aan capaciteit in Europa, wat een "potentieel aanzienlijke" duurzaamheidsverplichting betekent, aldus de analisten.

    "ArcelorMittal heeft echter duidelijk verklaard dat het een passend rendement en concurrerende kostenpositie nodig heeft", zei de Amerikaanse bank.

    Kijkend naar manieren om de koers aan te jagen, wees Bank of America op de inkoop van aandelen. Tot nu toe heeft ArcelorMittal ongeveer 37 procent van de aandelen, inclusief converteerbare obligaties, die sinds het derde kwartaal van 2020 uitstaan, teruggekocht. De belangrijkste aandeelhouder doet echter niet mee, waardoor de free float steeds kleiner wordt, volgens de analisten.

    Met een nettoschuld ten opzichte van EBITDA van minder dan 1x ziet Bank of America ruimte voor een verdere aandeleninkoop, maar de bank sluit andere structurele opties niet uit.

    Bank of America zette recent een koopadvies op ArcelorMittal en heeft een koersdoel van 29,00 euro.

    Het aandeel leverde dinsdagmiddag 4,2 procent in op 22,88 euro.
  2. viermeiden 26 november 2024 22:43
    Staalgigant stelt groene investeringen in Europa uit: 'nieuw beleid nodig'

    Staalbedrijf ArcelorMittal had plannen om Europese hoogovens te vervangen voor duurzamere alternatieven. Maar die groene investeringen komen er voorlopig niet, schrijft het bedrijf in een persbericht.

    ArcelorMittal is de op-een-na grootste staalproducent ter wereld, met fabrieken in zestien landen. Een deel daarvan staat in Europa. In het Belgische Gent en Luik bijvoorbeeld. Maar ook in Luxemburg, Frankrijk, Polen en Spanje maakt het bedrijf staal.

    Net als het Nederlandse Tata Steel IJmuiden zoekt de staalmaker een weg naar een groene toekomst. ArcelorMittal wilde de Europese fabrieken deels vervangen door installaties die ook op groene waterstof kunnen draaien. Dat zou de CO2-uitstoot van de zeer vervuilende staalproductie naar beneden brengen.

    Die plannen gaan voorlopig op de lange baan. Zowel het Europese beleid als de marktomstandigheden zijn niet de gewenste kant op geschoven, stelt het bedrijf. De energieprijzen zijn te hoog, de ontwikkeling van groene waterstof gaat te langzaam. Ook moet het bedrijf beter beschermd worden tegen concurrentie van goedkoop Chinees staal.

    'Hulp van de overheid'
    "Hoewel we klanten hebben die duurzamer staal willen, zijn diegenen die daar meer voor willen betalen een kleine minderheid", zegt bestuursvoorzitter Aditya Mittal. "We zijn heel blij met de hulp van verschillende overheden tot nu toe bij het versnellen van de verduurzaming. Maar we hebben verdergaand beleid nodig om grotere investeringen vrij te maken."

    De staalmaker vreest dat de toch al kwakkelende Europese sector zonder extra bescherming zal worden weggeconcurreerd.

    Toch houdt topman Mittal hoop. "Ik blijf ervan overtuigd dat we onze doelstelling van netto nul uitstoot in 2050 nog steeds kunnen halen", zegt de zoon van oprichter Lakshmi Mittal. "Maar hoe, dat zou weleens kunnen verschillen van wat eerder werd aangekondigd."

    Het bedrijf wil nu eerst volgend jaar afwachten. Daarin wachten Mittal overheidsbeslissingen die meer helderheid verschaffen over hoe Europa de staalindustrie gaat ondersteunen.
  3. forum rang 6 christo1 28 november 2024 17:56
    Ik hoop van harte dat het vrijhandelsakkoord er komt tussen de EU en de MERCOSUR landen, dan zal arcelormittal Brazilië en arcelormittal Argentinië volop kunnen profiteren.

    Ook denk ik dat Trump de tarieven die hij Mexico & Canada wil opleggen geen lang leven zal beschoren zijn, Mexico & Canada zal de boodschap begrepen hebben en zullen hun grenzen en dus migratie naar de VS beheersbaar houden.

    Mijn persoonlijke visie.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 29 november 2024 07:29

    lefreaks schreef op 28 november 2024 11:43:

    Hij is een paar dagen weg en zou vandaag weer terug komen.
    Hopelijk is Hans goed uitgerust, zodat we alle weekdata weer kunnen inzien, ook de Ytd... ;-))
    Klopt. Helaas een covidje vanuit Praag meegenomen. Ach, daar kom ik ook wel weer overheen.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 29 november 2024 08:28
    Italian Consortium Set to Acquire Key Assets of Acciaierie d’Italia in Strategic Steel Deal

    Synopsis: A consortium of Italian steel companies led by Marcegaglia plans to acquire several assets of Acciaierie d’Italia, a steel giant with facilities in Taranto. The deal, which could reach €1.5 billion, comes amidst international interest from investors in India and Azerbaijan. Key challenges include environmental issues and the need for modernization of the Italian steel industry.
    Friday, November 29, 2024

    According to local media reports, in a significant development for the Italian steel industry, a consortium of local steel companies, spearheaded by Marcegaglia, has moved to acquire key assets of Acciaierie d’Italia, the operator of the sprawling Ilva steel complex in Taranto. The consortium, which also includes Sideralba, Eusider, and Industrie Metalli Cardinale, aims to secure plants in Novi Ligure, Racconiggia, Salerno, and a facility in France. While the Italian group pursues these assets, the main steel mill in Taranto remains the focus of international interest, particularly from two large foreign investors: India's Vulcan Green Steel and Azerbaijan's Baku Steel.

    The ongoing negotiations are complex, with Vulcan Green Steel having previously tried to acquire Ilva in 2017, but ultimately losing out to ArcelorMittal. Now, Vulcan is renewing its bid, this time with a focus on decarbonizing the steel production process using green hydrogen. Similarly, Baku Steel is working closely with the Italian government, considering the possibility of contributing to the decarbonization of the Taranto plant by supplying natural gas through a floating regasification unit. Both companies have been actively inspecting the Taranto facilities and other sites under Acciaierie d’Italia’s management. However, due to the intricacies of the deal and the technical requirements, a final decision on the sale is expected to be delayed, with a new bid deadline potentially extending from November 30, 2024 to January 10, 2025.

    Voor meer ,zie link:

  6. forum rang 10 voda 29 november 2024 08:29
    Siderurgia Nacional Faces Disruptions as Energy Prices Soar, Threatening Steel Industry’s Future

    Synopsis: Siderurgia Nacional, Portugal’s largest long steel producer, has temporarily halted production at its Seixal and Maia plants due to skyrocketing electricity costs. The company warns that without swift action to address energy challenges, the future of the country’s steel industry is at risk.
    Friday, November 29, 2024

    Siderurgia Nacional, a key player in Portugal’s steel sector and part of the Megasa Group, has been forced to temporarily halt operations at its Seixal and Maia plants due to escalating energy prices. These plants, which are among the largest in Portugal, are critical to the country’s steel production and industrial output. The stoppage, initially set to last until Friday, may be extended depending on the ongoing volatility in electricity prices. SN has made it clear that the surging costs of electricity have made it economically unfeasible to maintain regular production schedules, as the plants can no longer operate at a profit under current energy cost conditions.

    The decision to suspend operations is a direct response to the soaring electricity prices that have crippled the plant’s ability to function effectively. Megasa, the parent company of SN, explained that the plants had previously only operated when electricity costs per megawatt-hour were economically viable. However, the current market conditions have pushed energy costs beyond levels that can be absorbed by the company without significant financial losses. As one of the largest energy-intensive industries in Portugal, the steel sector is particularly vulnerable to fluctuations in energy prices, and the rapid rise in electricity costs has left SN with no choice but to halt production temporarily.

    Voor meer, zie link:

  7. forum rang 10 voda 29 november 2024 08:48
    ArcelorMittal Triumphs in Legal Battle, Pushing Liberty Steel East Europe Toward Administration Amid Debt Crisis

    Synopsis: ArcelorMittal has won a court case that places Liberty Steel East Europe into administration after the company failed to repay a €140 million debt. This legal outcome marks a significant development for Liberty Steel, a part of the GFG Alliance, highlighting the ongoing financial struggles within the company and the European steel industry.
    Thursday, November 28, 2024

    In a landmark legal case, ArcelorMittal has successfully secured a ruling to place Liberty Steel East Europe into administration, following the company's failure to repay a €140 million debt. The debt stems from an agreement made in 2019, when Liberty Steel acquired assets from ArcelorMittal. Despite several attempts at restructuring its operations and financial situation, Liberty Steel has been unable to meet its repayment obligations, leading to the court declaring the company "cash flow insolvent." The legal decision comes after a recent arbitration ruling, where ArcelorMittal sought repayment of the outstanding debt, and the court ruled in its favor.

    Liberty Steel is a subsidiary of the GFG Alliance, a global industrial group led by Sanjeev Gupta. The company's financial troubles began in earnest with the collapse of Greensill Capital in 2021, a major financier for Gupta's empire. Greensill’s downfall exposed deep structural issues within GFG Alliance, which holds various industrial assets, including Liberty Steel. The group had hoped that restructuring would resolve some of these financial problems, but as the debt remains unpaid, the company has been unable to stabilize. With no clear path to resolving the debt, the administration decision now opens the door for possible asset sales or further restructuring.

    Voor meer, zie link:

  8. forum rang 7 mvliex 1 29 november 2024 12:18

    Dollars per Metric Tonne -- Pct Change
    (net ton) [gross ton] {Euros}

    Region: USA, East of the Mississippi
    Hot-rolled band: 759 (689) -2%
    Cold-rolled coil: 1080 (980) -4%
    Standard plate: 1038 (942) -4%
    Shredded scrap*: 375 [381] -1%
    #1 Heavy melting scrap: 315 [320] 0%
    #1 Busheling scrap: 389 [395] -1%

    Region: Mainland China***
    Hot-rolled band: 408 -3%
    Cold-rolled coil: 489 -2%
    Rebar: 389 -5%
    Standard plate: 416 -3%

    Region: Western Europe
    Hot-rolled band: 580 {551} -3%

    Region: World Export Market
    Hot-rolled band: 505 -4%

    To receive SteelBenchmarker graphic and tabular price history, register as a "provider" at www.steelbenchmarker.com.
    NOTES: E-mailed November 28, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. to Non-Provider Receivers. The first price release was for April 10, 2006.
    If a product is not listed or a price is not indicated, fewer than ten (10) price inputs were received at this time.
    Prices are: USA -- FOB mill; Western Europe and China -- Ex-works; and World Export Market -- FOB port of export. For USA steel scrap -- delivered to the steel plant. *For shredded scrap the region is "for all but the West Coast".
    For product specifications go to www.steelbenchmarker.com/specifications.
    *** SteelHome's non-steelbenchmarker derived average price for each product is the determinant of the Chinese ex-works benchmark price. It is published for comparative purposes.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 29 november 2024 19:43
    Beursupdate: AEX op Wall Street
    29-nov-2024 19:23

    Meerderheid lager.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Op Wall Street zijn vrijdag vijf van de acht AEX-genoteerde fondsen ten opzichte van het slot in Amsterdam lager gesloten.

    Aegon (+0,60%)
    ArcelorMittal (+0,30%)
    ASML (-1,36%)
    ING Groep (-0,30%)
    Philips (-0,02%)
    RELX (-0,11%)
    Royal Dutch Shell (-0,33%)
    Unilever (+0,04%)

    Euro/dollar: 1,0572

    Op basis van de bovenstaande koersuitslagen zou de AEX index, die sloot op 881,73 punten, zijn geëindigd op 880,86 punten.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 30 november 2024 10:19
    EU Steel Industry Shifting Toward Low-Cost Renewable Energy as Key to Survival

    Synopsis: The European steel industry faces growing challenges with rising energy costs. The shift towards low-cost renewable energy sources and strategic investments in energy efficiency will become crucial for maintaining competitiveness, according to Stanislav Zinchenko, CEO of GMK Center. The future of steelmaking in Europe depends on a new energy landscape that prioritizes clean energy and reduces costs.
    Saturday, November 30, 2024

    The landscape of steel production in the European Union is undergoing a significant transformation. As electricity prices rise across the continent, the European steel industry is increasingly being shaped by energy costs, with lower-priced renewable energy sources becoming the primary driver of production decisions. According to Stanislav Zinchenko, CEO of consultancy GMK Center, EU steelmakers will increasingly relocate their operations to countries or regions where renewable energy is cheapest. This shift is expected to intensify competition within the EU, creating new challenges and opportunities for steel producers.

    One of the central issues highlighted by Zinchenko is the growing disparity in electricity prices between EU countries. For example, in October 2024, average day-ahead electricity prices in Italy were approximately €55 per megawatt-hour higher than in France. Despite this price gap, Italy remains a key player in the EU's electric arc furnace-based steel production. However, the financial pressures caused by high energy costs are prompting steel producers to reconsider their locations and the feasibility of their current operations. The future of steelmaking in Europe will hinge on where mills can access affordable, clean energy, such as wind and solar power.

    Voor meer, zie link:

  11. forum rang 10 voda 30 november 2024 10:23
    ArcelorMittal Eisenhüttenstadt Celebrates Christmas Tradition with Stunning 62-Meter Tree

    Synopsis: Every year since 1999, ArcelorMittal Eisenhüttenstadt has continued a unique Christmas tradition by placing a towering Christmas tree atop its Blast Furnace 5A. The 62-meter-high tree, visible from miles away, brings holiday cheer to both employees and the surrounding community.
    Saturday, November 30, 2024

    ArcelorMittal Eisenhüttenstadt has once again welcomed the holiday season with its dazzling Christmas tree tradition, which has become a highlight for both employees and the local community since 1999. This year, a majestic blue spruce from Ragow near Beeskow stands tall atop the factory's Blast Furnace 5A, an impressive 62 meters above the ground. The tree, a symbol of festive spirit and community pride, is a shining beacon visible across the factory grounds and beyond, providing a touch of magic during the holiday season.

    The process of preparing and erecting the tree is no small feat. It requires careful planning, precise coordination, and teamwork. Employees from several departments, including maintenance, the blast furnace service team, and the plant’s fire brigade, work together to ensure that the installation is carried out safely and efficiently. From the transportation of the tree to its secure placement atop the furnace, every detail is meticulously planned. This collective effort ensures that the tree is not only safely erected but also perfectly positioned to spread holiday joy to all who see it.

    Once the tree is in place, the next step is to decorate it with lights. A total of 120 bright LED lights are carefully arranged on the tree, creating a beautiful glow that can be seen throughout the entire plant. These lights are not just a decoration but a symbol of warmth and togetherness, providing a festive atmosphere for workers and residents alike. The lighting ceremony, which takes place promptly at the beginning of Advent, marks the official start of the Christmas season at the ArcelorMittal facility.

    The tradition of placing a Christmas tree on the blast furnace is more than just a decoration, it's a meaningful gesture that strengthens the bond between the company and the local community. Over the years, the tree has become a symbol of hope, joy, and unity, bringing people together to celebrate the season. For the employees of ArcelorMittal Eisenhüttenstadt, it serves as a reminder of the importance of teamwork and dedication, as well as the company’s commitment to maintaining a positive and festive atmosphere at the workplace.

    In addition to its role as a holiday symbol for ArcelorMittal employees, the Christmas tree has become a beloved feature of the region’s winter landscape. Residents of the area look forward to seeing the tree lit up each year, knowing that it signals the start of the holiday season. For many, the sight of the tree atop the blast furnace is an iconic image that marks the end of the year and the beginning of festive celebrations.

    The tree will remain lit through the first week of January, continuing to brighten the lives of those who work at the plant and those living in the surrounding communities. The tradition also gives the plant an opportunity to give back to the local area, fostering a sense of unity and shared celebration that extends beyond the workplace. It is not just a tree, but a part of the fabric of the community, drawing people together in the spirit of the season.

    As ArcelorMittal Eisenhüttenstadt prepares for another year of production and innovation, the Christmas tree atop the blast furnace serves as a reminder of the company's longstanding traditions and its connection to the people who work there. With its stunning lights and towering presence, the tree continues to shine brightly every year, marking a beloved ritual that has stood the test of time. Through this tradition, ArcelorMittal Eisenhüttenstadt reminds us all of the importance of celebration, community, and the joy of the holiday season.

  12. forum rang 7 mvliex 1 30 november 2024 12:15
    Over the period 25 November to 29 November 2024 a total of 2,224,103 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 23.4337. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 89.40% of its total target

    Over the period 18 November to 22 November 2024 a total of 900,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 23.8925. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 86.78% of its total target.

    Over the period 10 September to 13 September 2024 a total of 1,007,425 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 19.8835. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 85.72% of its total target.

    Over the period 4 September to 6 September 2024 a total of 708,216 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 19.9867. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 84.54% of its total target.

  13. forum rang 6 christo1 30 november 2024 20:18

    mvliex 1 schreef op 30 november 2024 12:15:

    Over the period 25 November to 29 November 2024 a total of 2,224,103 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 23.4337. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 89.40% of its total target

    Over the period 18 November to 22 November 2024 a total of 900,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 23.8925. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 86.78% of its total target.

    Over the period 10 September to 13 September 2024 a total of 1,007,425 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 19.8835. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 85.72% of its total target.

    Over the period 4 September to 6 September 2024 a total of 708,216 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 19.9867. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 84.54% of its total target.

    Arcelormittal zal nog tegen het jaareinde het huidige inkoopprogramma willen afronden.

    Nu hopen dat de Europese commissie binnen de 100 dagen een industrieel plan uitgewerkt heeft waarin de staalsector is opgenomen om de dumping vooral uit China ongedaan te maken.

    Dat Trump aan Mexico en Canada 25% tarieven wil opleggen zal wel zo'n vaart niet lopen, mr Trudeau van Canada is vandaag reeds langsgeweest bij mr Trump om dit te bespreken Mexico zal wel volgen.

    Hopelijk komt er binnenkort ook een bestand in Oekraïne waarbij arcelormittal zijn faciliteiten ongeschonden snel kan opschalen.

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