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Aandeel ArcelorMittal LU1598757687

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
29,610   +1,020   (+3,57%) Dagrange 28,510 - 29,830 3.126.155   Gem. (3M) 3,1M

Arcelor Mittal juli 2024

325 Posts
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  1. forum rang 6 christo1 12 juli 2024 19:15
    Goed nieuws voor arcelormittal Brazilië.

    The US and Mexico will exempt Brazilian steel imported from Mexico from adjustments made to the US' section 232 tariffs.

    Steel imported from Brazil that is processed in Mexico then exported into the US will not be subject to tariffs, the Mexican external relations ministry said today, adding that "the melting and pouring requirements will not apply to products that come from [Brazil]."

    The US and Mexico jointly announced on Wednesday new import restrictions that will reinstate the 25pc and 10pc section 232 tariffs on some steel and aluminum imported from Mexico, requiring imported steel to be melted and poured in the US-Mexico-Canada free trade agreement (USMCA) region, while aluminum should not contain primary aluminum or be smelt or cast in Belarus, China, Iran or Russia.

    The new measures aimed at preventing Chinese steel from triangulating through Mexico, which both the administration and a bipartisan group of lawmakers have accused Mexico of allowing.

    The move is part of an effort from Mexico's government to avoid negative effects on the country's steelmaking sector, which is suffering because of a 50-day long strike at one of its key mills, ArcelorMittal's Lazaro Cardenas mill in the Michoacan state, that has cost the firm almost 500,000 metric tonnes (t) in lost production.

    Brazil is an important steel exporter to Mexico. In June, the South American country exported around 68,480t of slab to Mexico, more the double the amount from the same month in 2023, according to Brazil's ministry of development, industry and foreign trade data compiled by the Global Trade Tracker.

    Steelmakers that have greater exposure to selling products with less added value to units in Mexico to then be rolled there are the companies that tend to benefit the most from this situation, Genial Investimentos metals analyst Igor Guedes told Argus.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 12 juli 2024 22:14
    Beursupdate: AEX op Wall Street
    12-jul-2024 22:11

    Alleen ArcelorMittal en Unilever licht hoger.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Op Wall Street zijn vrijdag zes van de acht AEX-genoteerde fondsen ten opzichte van het slot in Amsterdam lager gesloten.

    Aegon (-0,81%)
    ArcelorMittal (+0,12%)
    ASML (-0,74%)
    ING Groep (-0,31%)
    Philips (-0,55%)
    RELX (-0,22%)
    Royal Dutch Shell (-0,16%)
    Unilever (+0,06%)

    Euro/dollar: 1,0909

    Op basis van de bovenstaande koersuitslagen zou de AEX index, die sloot op 944,91 punten, zijn geëindigd op 943,61 punten.

    Door: ABM Financial News.


    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
  3. forum rang 10 voda 15 juli 2024 08:00
    ArcelorMittal Standoff: Mexican Union's Legal Struggles

    Synopsis: The Mining Union blocking ArcelorMittal's facilities in Lázaro Cárdenas since May 24 faced its third legal setback. The ongoing dispute revolves around profit distribution to workers, involving key entities such as ArcelorMittal and the Federal Labor Court for Collective Affairs.

    Updated on :
    Monday, July 15, 2024

    The Mexican unit of global steel giant ArcelorMittal has been embroiled in a prolonged standoff with the Mining Union, which has blocked part of its facilities since May 24. The union's actions, motivated by allegations of poor profit distribution to workers, have led to significant operational disruptions and financial losses for the company.

    The dispute began with the union blocking entrances to an iron mine and a blast furnace in Lázaro Cárdenas, symbolized by red and black flags indicating a strike. ArcelorMittal responded by detailing the timeline of events, noting that the union issued a first strike call for June 11, followed by another for July 11. This suggests that the blocked facilities, despite being owned by ArcelorMittal, operate under two different legal entities.

    Voor meer, zie link:

  4. forum rang 10 voda 15 juli 2024 08:30
    Citi Research herhaalt het koopadvies voor ArcelorMittal
    maandag 15 juli 2024 - 06:59u -

    Citi Research verlaagt het koersdoel van ArcelorMittal naar € 38,00 van € 50,00. Het koopadvies van dinsdag 7 september 2021 wordt herhaald. Dit vorige advies heeft geresulteerd in een rendement van 3,23%.

  5. lefreaks 15 juli 2024 09:43
    Over the period 8 July to 12 July 2024 a total of 1,125,000 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 21.1122. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 74.87% of its total target.

  6. forum rang 4 03har 15 juli 2024 12:42
    Supreme court orders ArcelorMittal Mexico to pay more in Mmining dispute
    Monday, 15 July 2024 11:19:40 (GMT+3) | San Diego


    The mining union that has kept part of the facilities of the Mexican unit of the global steel giant, ArcelorMittal, blocked since last May 24, received another judicial setback.

    After 50 days of blocking part of the ArcelorMittal Mexico facilities by its union, its leader Napoleón Gómez Urrutia said that the workers want more money than the $2,139 that the company offers to conclude the labor dispute that began on May 24 . If not accepted, the blockade will be defined up to the Highest Court of Mexico, which could extend the inactivity for much longer.

    “It is a very dangerous (labor) conflict (...), if necessary we will go to the Supreme Court of Justice (of the Nation, SCJN). We are going to fight in court,” said congressman and union leader Napoleón Gómez Urrutia in an interview with the Mexican newspaper La Jornada.

    La Jornada, like the union leader, are allies of the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The political party that the president founded made Gómez a Senator and starting in October he will continue as a congressman, now as the equivalent of the United States House of Representatives.

    The union leader said that at the beginning of the conflict, ArcelorMittal México offered to unblock the conflict MXN 3,000 ($160) in food vouchers and in the face of rejection it has increased its offer to MXN 40,000 ($2,139), but half in cash and the other part in food vouchers.

    In addition, the company promised to pay 75 percent of salaries in the blocking period, undergo a tax audit to verify the payment of profits and suspend the procedure of laying off workers.

    That last proposal was rejected in a vote by the majority of the workers. In this regard, the Mexican government said through the Ministry of Labor that the rejected agreement was “very good” for the workers and that the solution to the conflict will be had in the courts.

    In the courts it will be resolved until August 7, that is, the blocked blast furnace and iron mine will be inactive for 76 days, which will stop producing around half a million metric tons (mt) of liquid steel and some 125,000 mt of rod.

    Alleging violation of Mexico's federal labor law, ArcelorMittal intends to dismiss more than 1,200 workers.

    According to the company, since the 16th day of the blockade (June 8), the company has recorded million-dollar losses and until the 76th (August 7) ??there will be more.
  7. forum rang 6 christo1 15 juli 2024 16:57
    Het wordt ook alsmaar lastiger voor arcelormittal om week na week grote aantallen aandelen in te kopen, gelukkig kan arcelormittal dit momenteel nog aan zeer lage koersen doen.

    Ik denk dat dit volgend jaar niet meer het geval zal zijn, de rentes beginnen te zakken in Europa en de VS gaan normaal gezien in september volgen.

    Na het huidige inkoopprogramma zal er wel een nieuw gelanceerd worden als arcelormittal hun strategie van de afgelopen jaren volhoudt.

    Voor mij niet gelaten het dividend kan er alleen maar wel bij varen naar de toekomst toe.

    Mijn persoonlijke visie.
  8. gerard45 15 juli 2024 17:51

    christo1 schreef op 15 juli 2024 16:57:

    Het wordt ook alsmaar lastiger voor arcelormittal om week na week grote aantallen aandelen in te kopen, gelukkig kan arcelormittal dit momenteel nog aan zeer lage koersen doen.

    Ik denk dat dit volgend jaar niet meer het geval zal zijn, de rentes beginnen te zakken in Europa en de VS gaan normaal gezien in september volgen.

    Na het huidige inkoopprogramma zal er wel een nieuw gelanceerd worden als arcelormittal hun strategie van de afgelopen jaren volhoudt.

    Voor mij niet gelaten het dividend kan er alleen maar wel bij varen naar de toekomst toe.

    Mijn persoonlijke visie.
    als ze opnieuw een inkoop programma zouden starten, dan hadden ze dat toch al lang aangekondigd
  9. forum rang 6 christo1 15 juli 2024 19:37

    gerard45 schreef op 15 juli 2024 17:51:


    als ze opnieuw een inkoop programma zouden starten, dan hadden ze dat toch al lang aangekondigd
    Hoe kan arcelormittal een nieuw inkoopprogramma aankondigingen als het huidige nog niet afgerond is, het is al een prestatie om 85.000.000 miljoen aandelen uit de markt te halen.

  10. gerard45 15 juli 2024 20:53

    christo1 schreef op 15 juli 2024 19:37:


    Hoe kan arcelormittal een nieuw inkoopprogramma aankondigingen als het huidige nog niet afgerond is, het is al een prestatie om 85.000.000 miljoen aandelen uit de markt te halen.

    omdat ze het de vorige keer ook zo deden, de ene was nog niet afgerond en ze kwamen al met de volgende
  11. gerard45 15 juli 2024 21:25
    het valt mij nu pas op, maar een maandtopic van arcelor mittal heeft elke maand meer dan 20000 views.
    dat is dagelijks meer dan 600. grofweg.

    veel meer mensen dan die hier op dit topic reageren zijn dus geïnteresseerd in arcelor mittal. bijzonder.

    ik zou haast zeggen... nou stille kijker.. laat eens van je horen! wat brengt je hier?
  12. forum rang 7 mvliex 1 15 juli 2024 22:31
    Beursupdate: AEX op Wall Street

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Op Wall Street zijn maandag zeven van de acht AEX-genoteerde fondsen ten opzichte van het slot in Amsterdam lager gesloten. ASML was met een verlies van 1,3 procent de sterkste daler. Shell sloot vlak.

    Aegon (-0,4%)

    ArcelorMittal (-0,7%)
    ASML (-1,3%)
    ING Groep (-0,2%)
    Philips (-0,5%)
    RELX (-0,1%)
    Shell (0,0%)
    Unilever (-0,3%)

    Euro/dollar: 1,0897

    Op basis van de bovenstaande koersuitslagen zou de AEX index, die sloot op 937,47 punten, zijn geëindigd op 935,48 punten.

    Bron: ABM Financial News
  13. forum rang 10 voda 16 juli 2024 08:40
    ArcelorMittal Long Products' Crucial Role in Ariane 6 Launch

    Synopsis: In Kourou, French Guiana, the European Space Agency's successful launch of Ariane 6 on July 9, 2024, captured global attention. Behind the scenes, ArcelorMittal Long Products, based in Rodange, played a pivotal role by manufacturing high-quality crane railings. These rails facilitated the movement of the launch pad structure, enabling the rocket's precise positioning and eventual liftoff into space.

    Updated on :
    Tuesday, July 16, 2024

    ArcelorMittal Long Products, operating from its facility in Rodange, produced specialized crane rails essential for constructing the mobile gantry that surrounds and protects the rocket during assembly and until launch. This gantry not only provides access to the rocket but also shields it from external environmental factors, ensuring a safe working environment for teams involved in the project.

    The mobile gantry, equipped with ArcelorMittal's robust rails, plays a crucial role in the Ariane 6 launch process. It allows for controlled movement of the entire launch infrastructure rather than the rocket itself, a sophisticated engineering feat that supports safe and efficient operations from assembly to liftoff. Moving at a speed of 7 meters per minute, the gantry weighing over 8200 metric tons gradually releases the rocket, contributing to Europe's quest for greater space independence.

    Voor meer, zie link:

  14. forum rang 10 voda 16 juli 2024 08:44
    Steel Production Surges: Insights into AISI's Latest Report

    Synopsis: In the latest report by the American Iron and Steel Institute, the week ending July 13, 2024, witnessed a significant surge in domestic steel production, totaling 1,735,000 net tons. This marks a 2.7% increase compared to the same period in 2023, reflecting robust growth in the industry. The article explores the factors contributing to this rise, the involvement of key firms like ArcelorMittal and Nucor Corporation, and the implications for the future of the U.S. steel sector.
    Updated on :
    Tuesday, July 16, 2024

    In the latest update from the American Iron and Steel Institute, the week ending July 13, 2024 saw robust activity in the domestic steel production sector. AISI reported a total production of 1,735,000 net tons of raw steel across the United States. This marks a significant increase from the 1,689,000 net tons produced during the same week in 2023, reflecting a notable 2.7% year-over-year growth. Additionally, compared to the preceding week, which recorded 1,695,000 net tons, production rose by 2.4%.

    Breaking down the production figures by geographical regions, the North East district contributed 132,000 net tons, the Great Lakes region dominated with 588,000 net tons, the Midwest reported 211,000 net tons, the Southern region saw production of 737,000 net tons, and the Western region contributed 67,000 net tons.

    Voor meer, zie link:

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