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Unibail Rodamco Westfield 2023, Rise or Fall ?

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  1. forum rang 6 Lamsrust 2 november 2023 22:01

    Zitzak500 schreef op 2 november 2023 19:32:

    In het kader van het is ook nooit goed; twee weken geleden wilde ik graag, zeker naar aanleiding van de bijdrages hier op t forum, bijkopen op 42 (om GAK van 48 wat te verlagen) maar had even geen cash. Gisteren wat vrij gemaakt, knallen we naar de 51.

    Iemand nog andere leuke ideeën?
    VIX futures, die staan nu erg laag door wegebben marketfear, maar die kunnen bij het minste of geringste issue zo 20% omhoogschieten.

    Zeer high risk product, dus beperkt instappen.
  2. Franse aandelen 2 november 2023 22:03

    Lamsrust schreef op 2 november 2023 21:55:


    My numbers were global. If in my example assets go from 30 to 33, then equity goes from 6 to 9 as the debts remain the same.

    Book value of assets is 50, but the market values them on 30 now as sum of debts and equity is 30.
    Dear Lamrust, ok, now I understand. Basically you are saying that if market value goes from 30 to 33 then equity value goes from 6 to 9. So it was not asset value but market value.

    Interesting remark! I remember in the financial statements there are sensitivities on the interest rates but your formula is more easy :-) Of course your formula is not static but dynamic and evolving.

    Where does your formula come from ? Is this your own idea or did you see it somewhere. I like your concept a lot. Thank you.

    Kind regards.
  3. forum rang 6 Lamsrust 2 november 2023 22:11

    Franse aandelen schreef op 2 november 2023 22:03:


    Dear Lamrust, ok, now I understand. Basically you are saying that if market value goes from 30 to 33 then equity value goes from 6 to 9. So it was not asset value but market value.

    Interesting remark! I remember in the financial statements there are sensitivities on the interest rates but your formula is more easy :-) Of course your formula is not static but dynamic and evolving.

    Where does your formula come from ? Is this your own idea or did you see it somewhere. I like your concept a lot. Thank you.

    Kind regards.
    This is my own idea, very simplified. As URW also has minority interests, the actual leverage affect will be somewhat smaller.
  4. forum rang 7 Branco P 2 november 2023 22:13
    with "prime d'emission" you mean a cash pay out of company capital in stead of cash dividend? I believe Klepièrre did that yes, but that also does of course lower your cash and LTV goes up. So in URW's case I do not see that as a better option than cash dividend when your priority would be to first lower your debts.
  5. forum rang 6 Lamsrust 2 november 2023 22:14

    Franse aandelen schreef op 2 november 2023 21:56:


    Dear Branco P,

    good point scrip/stock dividend is also an alternative, true.

    Are you aware that there might be also a "prime d'emission", i.e. a way that reduces the buying price but does not pay out anything. Imagine 4 EUR prime d'emission. And imagine you have a 51 EUR initial buying price. After the prime d emission you have the same number of shares but your buying price is not any more 51 EUR but 47 EUR (51 EUR - 4 EUR).

    I am not a dividend expert, but if I am not wrong French competitor Klepierre used the "prime d'emission" recently. So why not URW as well?

    Are you familiar with "prime d'emission" or anyone else ? Was this discussed here in the forum ?

    Kind regards.

    In english prime d’emission is according to me the paid up share premium on a share issue in the past. A company can repay this under certain conditions without withholding dividend tax. KLEP did this, but then the shareholder actually receives the repayment in cash. At least I received it in cash without French dividend tax withheld.
  6. Franse aandelen 2 november 2023 22:22

    Lamsrust schreef op 2 november 2023 22:14:


    In english prime d’emission is according to me the paid up share premium on a share issue in the past. A company can repay this under certain conditions without withholding dividend tax. KLEP did this, but then the shareholder actually receives the repayment in cash. At least I received it in cash without French dividend tax withheld.
    Dear Lamrust,
    ah, yes sorry, you are right, one gets cash without withholding tax.

    (And then, once one sells the shares one has a new buying price that is reduced by the cash amount divided by the stocks one owns... At least this is my understanding of French tax residents, maybe it depends on the tax residency. I am not sure).

    Thank you
    P.S. : yes, prime d emission is the paid up share premium, the name I was looking for ...thanks.
  7. Franse aandelen 2 november 2023 22:35

    Branco P schreef op 2 november 2023 22:13:

    with "prime d'emission" you mean a cash pay out of company capital in stead of cash dividend? I believe Klepièrre did that yes, but that also does of course lower your cash and LTV goes up. So in URW's case I do not see that as a better option than cash dividend when your priority would be to first lower your debts.
    Branco, very interesting remark!

    The scrip dividend is paid by issuing more shares, right ? If that is the case, I am with you, because I guess scrip dividend indeed does not lower cash and does not increase LTV, right? However it dilutes the shareholders a bit, i guess... correct?

    kind regards
  8. Franse aandelen 3 november 2023 00:01

    Lamsrust schreef op 2 november 2023 19:19:


    Thank you. I would like to add another factor, the huge leverage effect inside the "implicit balance sheet" of URW, which looked a few days ago very globally as follows:

    Assets 30

    Senior Debt 22
    Hybrid debt 2
    Equity 6 = 140 mln @ EUR 43 per share

    So, if due to interest declines the value of the assets rise with 10%, the equity rises with 50%!

    The other way around a small increase of the interest rate, leads to a large decline of the equity value.
    Nice idea, indeed. I like this idea of 5x leverage versus assets' rise in value a lot.
  9. Sven Magnus C. 3 november 2023 08:10
    Hopelijk heeft deze knul Fransee aandelen nog een beetje goede nachtrust de komende tijd.

    Vanochtend weer een setje cijfers van weer een toko die haar LTV maar niet onder controle weet te krijgen. Uiterst zwakke onderhandelingspositie nu in 2024-2025 de bulk van commercieel vastgoed naar de markt komt voor herfinanciering

    Risico premies op leningen gaan verder omhoog - de zwakke broeders gaan het lastig krijgen.

    Veel forum discussie over rentes - de keerzijde van die medaille - het wegvallen van de rugwind inflatie op de huurontwikkeling zou wat meer aandacht mogen hebben.

    Prima short kans die zich gaat aandienen in winkel- en kantorenvastgoed.
  10. forum rang 7 Branco P 3 november 2023 12:06

    Sven Magnus C. schreef op 3 november 2023 08:10:

    Hopelijk heeft deze knul Fransee aandelen nog een beetje goede nachtrust de komende tijd.

    Vanochtend weer een setje cijfers van weer een toko die haar LTV maar niet onder controle weet te krijgen. Uiterst zwakke onderhandelingspositie nu in 2024-2025 de bulk van commercieel vastgoed naar de markt komt voor herfinanciering

    Risico premies op leningen gaan verder omhoog - de zwakke broeders gaan het lastig krijgen.

    Veel forum discussie over rentes - de keerzijde van die medaille - het wegvallen van de rugwind inflatie op de huurontwikkeling zou wat meer aandacht mogen hebben.

    Prima short kans die zich gaat aandienen in winkel- en kantorenvastgoed.
    goed inzicht, maar vooralsnog wel even twee maanden te laat ;-) Afgaande op de inhoud en timing van je bericht vermoed ik dat je zelf niet van het positieve ritje van de afgelopen dagen in de vastgoedfondsen hebt mogen profiteren?

    als je goed onderpand hebt, is herfinanciering de komende tijd geen issue. Banken staan er goed voor, immers. Wel koersen de rentes nu aan de hoge kant, dus dan verleng je de financieringen kort, voor 3 jaartjes (of in ieder geval fixeer je de rente maar voor 2 of 3 jaartjes). En dan kijk je over 3 jaar nog eens opnieuw wat wijsheid is. En je keert, ter compensatie, niet al je cash uit.

    aan de inkomstenkant zit je focus wat mij betreft op de verkeerde parameter. Je moet niet naar huurontwikkeling kijken, dat is immers het gevolg van iets anders, namelijk van omzetten en winsten die huurders in jouw objecten realiseren. Zo meteen gaan huurindexeringen weer gewoon naar circa 2% a 2,5% per jaar (inflatievolgend) en als je ZARA en je H&M en je lokale horecahuurder jaar op jaar wel mooie omzetstijgingen weten te realiseren, dan gaan de huurcontract-heronderhandelingen vanzelf ook weer meer opleveren. De enige angst die je kunt hebben is een diepe recessie die de normale consument zodanig raakt dat deze moet gaan bezuinigen op shirtjes van ZARA en broodjes bij de broodjeszaak. Zo ver zijn we nog lang niet, maar als het wel die kant op zou gaan, dan gaan de rentes uiteraard weer zeer rap naar beneden.

    Daarom is mijn assessment, voorlopig, dat we de afgelopen tijd wel aan het dippen waren, qua koersen. Maar als er de komende tijd toch weer wat rentestijging aankomt, dan gaan we weer ietsje lager, dat wel.
  11. forum rang 7 Branco P 3 november 2023 12:23

    Franse aandelen schreef op 2 november 2023 22:35:


    Branco, very interesting remark!

    The scrip dividend is paid by issuing more shares, right ? If that is the case, I am with you, because I guess scrip dividend indeed does not lower cash and does not increase LTV, right? However it dilutes the shareholders a bit, i guess... correct?

    kind regards
    Exactly, it does dilute shareholders a bit BUT you have more shares to compensate the dilution, right?

    Script is just a way to go around the SIIC obligation to pay dividend. If everybody gets a mandatory 100% scrip dividend it is, in my opinion, exactly the same as not paying dividend at all.
  12. forum rang 7 HCohen 3 november 2023 12:39

    Branco P schreef op 3 november 2023 12:23:


    Exactly, it does dilute shareholders a bit BUT you have more shares to compensate the dilution, right?

    Script is just a way to go around the SIIC obligation to pay dividend. If everybody gets a mandatory 100% scrip dividend it is, in my opinion, exactly the same as not paying dividend at all.
    In France an offer of script only isn't allowed, companies are obligated by law to offer a choice between cash and script.

    The choice of the shareholder, who remains the sole decision-maker
    The payment of dividends in shares cannot be imposed on the shareholder, the company must simply make the proposal to the shareholder.

    He can therefore accept the company's proposal, or refuse and request the payment of his dividends in cash. A shareholder who rejects the transaction will suffer a dilution of his or her stake if other shareholders accept it.
  13. Franse aandelen 3 november 2023 13:37

    HCohen schreef op 3 november 2023 12:39:


    In France an offer of script only isn't allowed, companies are obligated by law to offer a choice between cash and script.

    The choice of the shareholder, who remains the sole decision-maker
    The payment of dividends in shares cannot be imposed on the shareholder, the company must simply make the proposal to the shareholder.

    He can therefore accept the company's proposal, or refuse and request the payment of his dividends in cash. A shareholder who rejects the transaction will suffer a dilution of his or her stake if other shareholders accept it.
    Mr Cohen, Very interesting, I did not know. Thank you. Best regards.
  14. forum rang 7 Branco P 3 november 2023 17:38

    HCohen schreef op 3 november 2023 12:39:


    In France an offer of script only isn't allowed, companies are obligated by law to offer a choice between cash and script.

    The choice of the shareholder, who remains the sole decision-maker
    The payment of dividends in shares cannot be imposed on the shareholder, the company must simply make the proposal to the shareholder.

    He can therefore accept the company's proposal, or refuse and request the payment of his dividends in cash. A shareholder who rejects the transaction will suffer a dilution of his or her stake if other shareholders accept it.
    waar precies staat dit gedeelte in de Franse tekst? Ik vind het zo snel niet terug en de vertaalfunctie werkt kennelijk ook niet :-)
  15. Franse aandelen 3 november 2023 17:42

    Branco P schreef op 3 november 2023 17:38:


    waar precies staat dit gedeelte in de Franse tekst? Ik vind het zo snel niet terug en de vertaalfunctie werkt kennelijk ook niet :-)
    "Le choix de l’actionnaire, qui reste le seul décisionnaire

    Le paiement des dividendes en actions ne peut être imposé à l’actionnaire, la société doit se contenter de lui en faire la proposition.

    Il peut donc accepter la proposition de la société, ou refuser et demander le paiement de ses dividendes en numéraire. L’actionnaire qui refuse l’opération subira une dilution de sa participation si d’autres actionnaires l’acceptent."

    Bon we
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