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Windpower - USA

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 10 augustus 2022 07:50
    Iberdrola to Operate Vineyard Wind I Offshore Wind

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    10 Aug, 2022, 5:30 am

    Iberdrola has reached an agreement to take over management of the assets and operation and maintenance of Vineyard Wind 1, the first commercial-scale offshore project in the United States. The group is participating in the construction of this facility through a 50/50 joint venture between AVANGRID, its subsidiary in the country, and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners.Under the agreement reached between the partners, the company will take control of the operational phase of the project and will assume responsibility for controlling the operation and management of the facility once construction is completed and commercial operation begins.

    Iberdrola's services for the project include operations management, supervision of tasks such as turbine, cable and substation maintenance, contractor coordination, 24/7 control centre services, marketing and asset management.With 800 megawatts of power, Vineyard Wind 1 will generate clean, renewable and affordable energy for more than 400,000 homes and businesses across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and prevent the emission of more than 1.6 million tonnes of CO2 per year.

    Vineyard Wind 1 projectis scheduled to begin supplying clean energy to Massachusetts in 2023 and to enter commercial operation in 2024.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 29 september 2022 09:27
    Vestas aan de slag in VS
    Geen financiële details gemeld.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Vestas heeft een opdracht binnengehaald in de Verenigde Staten. Dit meldde de Deense bouwer van windturbines donderdag, zonder financiële details te geven.

    Vestas zal 41 turbines van het type V150-4.5 MW leveren voor een windproject.

    De turbines zullen halverwege 2023 worden afgeleverd en vanaf het vierde kwartaal in bedrijf zijn. Na de levering en installatie zal Vestas de windmolens ook onderhouden gedurende meerdere jaren.

    Door: ABM Financial News.


    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
  3. forum rang 10 voda 7 oktober 2022 07:35
    Bloomberg: windmolenfabrikant GE schrapt banen om minder vraag
    ANP Producties - Gisteren om 08:55
    © ANP

    BOSTON (ANP) - Het Amerikaanse industrieconcern General Electric (GE) gaat honderden banen schrappen bij zijn windmolentak, meldt persbureau Bloomberg op basis van ingewijden. Het bedrijf heeft last van een lagere vraag naar windturbines, met name voor de molens die op land worden geplaatst. De laatste jaren was die afdeling juist een van de best presterende binnen de divisie van GE die zich met hernieuwbare energie bezighoudt.

    GE geeft aan van een vijfde van zijn personeel in de Verenigde Staten af te willen. Onduidelijkheid over Amerikaanse belastingvoordelen, die de bouw van nieuwe windmolens moeten versnellen, zorgde ervoor dat er juist minder in nieuwe windturbines werd geïnvesteerd. Ook hogere materiaalprijzen en personeelstekorten leidden tot problemen.

    De reorganisatie van GE beperkt zich niet louter tot de VS. Ook in Europa en Azië moeten er banen verdwijnen, al is nog niet duidelijk hoeveel.

    GE is niet de enige windmolenfabrikant die moeite heeft om winst te maken. Siemens-dochter Siemens Gamesa lijdt ook al enige tijd verlies en kondigde vorige week aan 2900 banen te schrappen.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 26 oktober 2022 07:32
    Atlantic Shores Selects Vestas as Preferred Turbine Supplier

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    26 Oct, 2022, 5:00 am

    After a thorough and competitive process, Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind, a 50:50 partnership between Shell New Energies and EDF Renewables, is proud to announce its selection of Vestas as the preferred supplier for its 1.5 GW offshore wind project in New Jersey, USA.

    Vestas will provide its industry leading V236-15.0 MW™ offshore wind turbines, with installation expected in 2027. Once installed, the project will generate enough clean energy to power more than 700,000 U.S. homes.

    This Preferred Supplier Agreement (PSA) was signed shortly after New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy issued an Executive Order increasing the state’s offshore wind target by 50 percent to achieve 11 GW by 2040.

    Given the state’s significant investment in the New Jersey Wind Port and keeping in line with the Atlantic Shores’ commitments to New Jersey as part of its selected Project 1 proposal, Vestas intends to establish a nacelle assembly facility at the New Jersey Wind Port in Salem County where the assembly and testing of the hub, cooler top, and heli-hoist modules will take place. The facility will supply Atlantic Shores’ inaugural project in its portfolio.

    In addition, Vestas will deliver a comprehensive wind turbine service solution as soon as the project commences operations. These services will be executed from a state-of-the-art operations and maintenance base established by Atlantic Shores in Atlantic City, that will also provide additional local employment opportunities over the life of the project.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 14 november 2022 07:26
    Vestas to Supply EnVentus Turbines for Goose Creek Wind Farm

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    13 Nov, 2022, 1:32 pm

    Leading wind turbine supplier Vestas has received a 300 MW order from Apex Clean Energy to power the Goose Creek Wind project in Illinois, USA. The order consists of 50 V162-6.2 MW turbines delivered in 6.0 MW operating mode.

    The order includes supply, delivery, and commissioning of the turbines, as well as a 10-year Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreement, designed to ensure optimised performance of the asset.

    Turbine delivery begins in the third quarter of 2023 with commissioning scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2023.
  6. forum rang 10 voda 24 november 2022 07:11
    Vestas Secures 178 MW Order in USA

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    24 Nov, 2022, 6:05 am

    Vestas has received a 178 MW order to power an undisclosed wind project in the USA. The order consists of 23 V150-4.5 MW turbines, 14 V150-4.2 MW turbines in 4.3 MW operating mode, and four V136-3.45 turbines delivered in 3.6 operating mode.

    The order includes supply, delivery, and commissioning of the turbines, as well as a multi-year Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreement, designed to ensure optimised performance of the asset.

    Turbine delivery begins in the third quarter of 2023 with commissioning scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2023.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 13 december 2022 09:08
    Vestas Bags 203 MW Wind Turbine Order in US

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    13 Dec, 2022, 4:14 am

    Leading wind turbine supplier Vestas has received a 203 MW order to power an undisclosed wind project in the USA. The order consists of 45 V150-4.5 MW wind turbines.

    The order includes supply, delivery, and commissioning of the turbines, as well as a multi-year Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreement, designed to ensure optimised performance of the asset.

    Turbine delivery begins in the third quarter of 2023 with commissioning scheduled in the fourth quarter of 2023.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 16 december 2022 07:51
    Equinor Secures Lease in California for Offshore Wind Project

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    16 Dec, 2022, 4:14 am

    As provisional winner of a lease area on the Outer Continental Shelf off California, Equinor continues to lead the way in growing the US’ offshore wind industry. Five leases were offered by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management in thefirst-ever offshore wind lease sale on the US west coast and the first-ever US sale to support commercial-scale floating offshore wind energy development opportunities. With a bid of USD 130 million for 80.062 acres in the Pacific Ocean, Equinor secured a ~2-gigawatt (GW) lease in the Morro Bay area that has the potential to generate enough energy to power ~750 000 US homes.

    Following regulatory approvals, the new lease will be added to Equinor’s existing US portfolio, which includes the Empire Wind and Beacon Wind projects on the US Northeast coast, and has the potential to generate a total capacity of at least 2 GW of renewable power for the West Coast.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 16 januari 2023 09:04
    PERSBERICHT: Boskalis verwerft opdracht voor honderdste windpark op zee

    Papendrecht, 16 januari 2023

    Boskalis heeft de opdracht verworven voor de aanleg van een omvangrijk windpark voor de kust van de Verenigde Staten. Hiervoor zal Boskalis onder meer het transport en de installatie van de turbinefundaties en elektriciteitskabels voor zijn rekening nemen, met de inzet van twee kraanschepen en diverse transport- en kabellegschepen. Met het contract wordt een bijzondere mijlpaal voor Boskalis bereikt, omdat dit het honderdste windparkproject op zee betreft waaraan Boskalis de afgelopen tien jaar heeft gewerkt.

    De verwerving van dit project volgt op een drukbezet jaar voor Boskalis in de offshore windmarkt. De kraanschepen Bokalift 1 en 2, alsmede het valpijpschip Seahorse waren actief op diverse projecten in Taiwan en met de surveyvloot is bodem- en grondonderzoek uitgevoerd ten behoeve van diverse offshore windprojecten in de Verenigde Staten en Europa, alwaar Boskalis ook actief was met zijn kabellegschepen.

    Peter Berdowski, CEO Boskalis: "Wij zijn trots dat wij met de verwerving van dit prachtige project de mijlpaal van ons honderdste windpark op zee hebben bereikt. Het illustreert de leidende rol die wij het afgelopen decennium in de offshore windmarkt hebben opgebouwd. In die tien jaar waren wij betrokken bij de realisatie van bijna de helft van alle offshore windparken wereldwijd, met uitzondering van China. Met onze combinatie van activiteiten op het gebied van waterbouw en offshore leveren wij een unieke bijdrage aan de mondiale energietransitie."

    Boskalis is een toonaangevende internationale dienstverlener op het gebied van baggeren, maritieme infrastructuur en maritieme diensten. De onderneming levert wereldwijd creatieve en innovatieve totaaloplossingen voor infrastructurele uitdagingen in maritieme gebieden, kuststreken en rivierdelta's. Met kernactiviteiten zoals kust- en oeverbescherming en landaanwinning kan Boskalis adaptieve en mitigerende oplossingen aanbieden ter bestrijding van de gevolgen van klimaatverandering, zoals extreme weersomstandigheden en de stijging van de zeespiegel, evenals oplossingen voor de toenemende behoefte aan ruimte in kust- en deltagebieden over de hele wereld. De onderneming faciliteert de ontwikkeling van offshore energie-infrastructuur, waaronder duurzame windenergie. Tevens is Boskalis actief in de aanleg en het onderhoud van havens, waterwegen, toegangskanalen en civiele infrastructuur waarmee bijgedragen wordt aan het faciliteren van handelsstromen en de sociaal-economische ontwikkeling van een regio. Boskalis is tevens een internationaal expert op het gebied van scheepsbergingen en heeft een strategisch partnership in terminaldiensten (Smit Lamnalco). Met een veelzijdige vloot van ruim 500 schepen en vaartuigen en circa 10.000 medewerkers, inclusief deelnemingen, is de onderneming wereldwijd actief met Creating New Horizons.

    Dit persbericht is tevens opgenomen op onze website www.boskalis.com.


    -- Boskalis 100ste windpark NL 16012023
  10. forum rang 10 voda 24 januari 2023 07:50
    Ørsted to Acquire PSEG’s Equity Share in Ocean Wind 1

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    24 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    Ørsted has signed an agreement to acquire Public Service Enterprise Group’s 25 % equity stake in the 1,100 MW offshore wind energy project Ocean Wind 1 located approx. 24 km off the coast of southern New Jersey in the US. The acquisition provides Ørsted with 100 % ownership of Ocean Wind 1.

    As Ocean Wind 1 continues its planning and development, Ørsted will ensure the project delivers affordable energy to New Jersey, while providing economic opportunity across the state and region. PSEG will support onshore infrastructure construction.

    Ørsted has 30 years of experience in offshore wind energy, including operating the first US offshore wind farm off the coast of Rhode Island. As the US leader in offshore wind with 5 GW in development, Ørsted is advancing the offshore wind industry supply chain, having stimulated more than USD 2 billion in US investments to date.
  11. forum rang 10 voda 26 januari 2023 08:31
    Fincantieri to Build Service Operation Vessel for Offshore Wind

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    26 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    Italian shipbilder Fincantieri, through its US subsidiary Fincantieri Marine Group, has signed a contract with CREST Wind, a joint venture between Crowley and ESVAGT, to design and build a Service Operation Vessel. The 88-meter ship will be built at Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding and will go into service in 2026. The vessel will service the Dominion Energy Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project in the US under a long-term charter.

    SOVs are purpose-built vessels used to transport technicians to service and monitor operation of wind turbines at sea. Crowley is one of the major companies supporting the US offshore wind market while ESVAGT is the leading provider of SOV service in Europe.

    Fincantieri continues to be a prime mover in the construction of support vessels for the wind offshore sector. The ship for CREST Wind is added to the ten Construction Service Operations Vessels (CSOV) or SOV in portfolio, along with two cable laying vessels. Thanks to its know-how and its leadership in the construction of SOV, the Group will seize further opportunities resulting from the increase in the total installed capacity expected by 2030 and in the additional need for vessels in the wind farms.
  12. forum rang 10 voda 3 februari 2023 07:15
    GE Proposes Building 2 Offshore Wind Facilities in New York

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    3 Feb, 2023, 5:59 am

    GE announced has submitted a plan to construct two new manufacturing facilities in New York if it wins a sufficient volume of orders from customers in the State’s ongoing solicitation for up to 4.6 GW of offshore wind. To support localized content and New York’s vision to become the nation’s offshore wind manufacturing hub, GE proposed building the factories with Carver Companies at their Port of Coeymans site. These cutting-edge factories are designed to advance New York as the foundation of a clean energy economy while supporting the local community through durable jobs and positive economic impact:

    Should GE receive sufficient order volume, LM Wind Power, a GE subsidiary, is ready to build a state-of-the-art facility to manufacture offshore wind turbine blades, creating approximately 650 direct jobs, with approximately 35% of those jobs coming from disadvantaged communities. Approximately 900 additional indirect jobs and over 500 construction jobs would be created along with millions of dollars of related economic benefits.

    The two facilities would produce components for the next generation of GE’s Haliade-X offshore wind turbine. An earlier version of the Haliade-X was the first 12+ Megawatt turbine in the industry and the only one to have full type certification to operate at 14.7 MW. That model of the Haliade-X has been operating for three years and has been selected by several customers, including for the 3.6 Gigawatt Dogger Bank Wind Farm. That project will be the largest in the world when completed. Others that have selected the earlier model include the 800 MW Vineyard Wind Project that will be the first large-scale offshore wind project in the United States, and the 1100 MW Ocean Wind 1 project. The next generation model of the Haliade-X builds off the proven platform of its predecessor but contains some design changes and upgrades.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 9 februari 2023 07:49
    Equinor & bp bid for Third New York Offshore Wind Solicitation

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    9 Feb, 2023, 3:45 am

    Equinor and bp havejointly bid into New York’s third offshore wind solicitation NY3, building on their strong commitment to deliver renewable energy for New Yorkers, create sustainable jobs, boost the economy across the state, and support a just transition to renewable energy.

    Equinor and bp’s proposal includes new manufacturing plants capable of creating game-changing renewable energy career opportunities in the Capital Region, establishing a new vision for the creation of a manufacturing hub in the Region. The proposal includes a facility to produce cable components for offshore wind projects both locally and around the world. Additionally, working with offshore wind turbine manufacturers, Equinor and bp propose to support the establishment of state-of-the-art facilities to manufacture wind turbine components, such as blades and nacelles, in New York State. These significant new manufacturing and supply chain initiatives build on the companies’ current investments in New York’s supply chain, solidifying the state’s leadership position in developing a homegrown offshore wind industry.

    Equinor and bp’s bid, submitted to the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority in response to the state’s most recent offshore wind energy solicitation, would provide New York with renewable energy from the Beacon Wind 2 lease area located approximately 60 miles off the eastern tip of Long Island.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 20 februari 2023 07:42
    Siemens Gamesa to Build Wind Turbine Nacelle Facility in New York

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    20 Feb, 2023, 3:30 am

    Siemens Gamesa has announced its intention to build a major nacelle manufacturing facility in New York State, subject to the company’s wind turbines being selected by the New York authorities in their third offshore wind solicitation. The planned facility will be located at the Port of Coeymans. It would create up to approximately 420 direct jobs, support a significant rise in indirect jobs, and represent an investment of around USD 500 million in the region.

    Siemens Gamesa is also committing to localizing several new component supplier facilities, including steel component fabrication, bearings, and composite components, demonstrating the further development of a sustainable local supply chain ecosystem. This could help double the number of jobs created by the facility.

    New York expects to procure a minimum of 2 GW of offshore wind energy, and up to 4.7 GW in this third round of procurement to achieve a total of 9 GW of offshore wind energy. This is a significant part of the United States’ target to realize 30 GW of offshore wind power by 2030.
  15. forum rang 10 voda 28 februari 2023 08:12
    Keystone & GE Start First Spiral Welded Wind Tower

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    28 Feb, 2023, 5:58 am

    Denver Colorado headquartered Keystone Tower Systems and GE Renewable Energy have announced a major milestone in the development of tapered spiral welding with the installation of the first commercial spiral-welded wind tower on a 2.8 MW GE turbine. The tower was manufactured at Keystone’s factory in Panhandle in Pampa in Texas.

    Keystone is now ramping up production of spiral welded towers, with additional deliveries targeted for Q1 of 2023. The first product is an 89-meter tall spiral welded tower for the GE 2.8-127 turbine, designed to be used interchangeably with GE’s conventional 89 meter tall tower. The spiral tower has received a component certification from TÜV NORD for a 40-year lifetime. Keystone and GE have also collaborated on a tower design for the GE’s 3 MW turbine platform and have signed a multi-year supply agreement for spiral towers from Keystone’s Pampa factory.

    Keystone has adapted spiral welding to accommodate the tapered diameter, variable wall thickness, and high manufacturing quality required for wind turbine towers. A single machine completes the joining, rolling, fit-up, welding and severing of a tower section, resulting in continuous production of steel tower shells. Because it is a high throughput, compact system, tapered spiral welding provides economic benefits when operated in a factory setting, and can also be readily mobilized for temporary operations on-site for onshore supply or port-side for offshore supply.

    Keystone’s tapered spiral welding process brings the speed, quality, and consistency of automated manufacturing to wind tower manufacturing. Keystone designs and builds its own custom spiral welding manufacturing equipment. The manufacturing process is designed to utilize coil steel, enabling a new segment of highly efficient domestic steel mills to supply into the wind industry.

    Panhandle factory was built at an idled facility that formerly made drilling equipment for the oil and gas industry. When at full capacity the factory will be capable of producing approximately 1GW of towers per year. While this first factory is in a fixed location, Keystone is also developing mobile factories capable of building taller towers directly at the wind site, as detailed in the US Department of Energy’s May 2022 publication, “How Spiral Welding is Revolutionizing Wind Turbine Manufacturing.”
  16. Joni-2 23 augustus 2023 12:49
    Orsted krijgt groen licht voor 704MW Revolution Wind
    Het Amerikaanse offshore windproject is het vierde dat goedkeuring krijgt van het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken
    22 augustus 2023 Offshore-wind

    Het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken heeft vandaag de goedkeuring bekendgemaakt van het 704 MW Revolution Wind-project voor de kust van Rhode Island.
    Het Orsted-Eversource Energy offshore windproject, gelegen ten zuidoosten van Point Judith, Rhode Island, zal het doel van president Biden helpen verwezenlijken om tegen 2030 30 GW aan offshore windenergiecapaciteit in te zetten.

    Dit is de vierde goedkeuring door het ministerie van een offshore windenergieproject op commerciële schaal, dat aansluit bij het Vineyard Wind-project voor de kust van Massachusetts, het South Fork Wind-project voor de kust van Rhode Island en New York, en het Ocean Wind 1-project voor de kust van New Jersey.

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