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Aandeel ArcelorMittal AEX:MT.NL, LU1598757687

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
22,060   0,000   (0,00%) Dagrange 21,790 - 22,170 1.813.580   Gem. (3M) 2,5M

ArcelorMittal Mei 2022

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  1. [verwijderd] 12 mei 2022 20:25

    Gotcha70 schreef op 12 mei 2022 17:10:


    en ook op 16 mei (record date)
    Nee hoor, gewoon op de ex date. Als het beide zou zijn, zou dat ook betekenen dat aandelen die tussen ex div. en record date verhandeld worden, dus geen dividend ontvangen. Die zijn immers niet op beide data in dezelfde handen.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 13 mei 2022 06:06
    Beursupdate: AEX op Wall Street

    Door ABM Financial News op donderdag 12 mei 2022
    Views: 7.026

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Op Wall Street zijn donderdag zes van de acht AEX-genoteerde fondsen ten opzichte van het slot in Amsterdam hoger gesloten. ING was met een winst van 1,8 procent de sterkste stijger. ArcelorMittal was met een verlies van 0,4 procent de sterkste daler.

    Aegon (-0,3%)
    ArcelorMittal (-0,4%)
    ASML (+0,5%)
    ING Groep (+1,8%)
    Philips (+0,3%)
    RELX (+0,2%)
    Royal Dutch Shell (+1,1%)
    Unilever (+0,5%)

    Euro/dollar: 1,0375

    Op basis van de bovenstaande koersuitslagen zou de AEX index, die sloot op 675,09 punten, zijn geëindigd op 678,10 punten.

    Bron: ABM Financial News
  3. forum rang 10 voda 13 mei 2022 08:16
    Court Orders ArcelorMittal South Africa Workers to Return to Work

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    12 May, 2022, 6:15 am

    ArcelorMittal South Africa announced that the National Union of Metal workers of South Africa has issued the Company with a strike notice on 9 May 2022, giving notice of its intention to embark on a strike on 11 May 2022, following a breakdown in the 2022 annual wage negotiations with NUMSA. In the union’s strike notice, NUMSA has reverted to its original 15% increase demand. ArcelorMittal South Africa said “It was hoped that this action could be averted but this has not been possible. The Company has also applied for an interdict to prevent certain employees from striking on the basis that they are involved in providing a maintenance service as contemplated in the Labor Relations Act.

    ArcelorMittal South Africa CEO Mr Kobus Verster said “The Company is concerned that unsustainable increases in base pay will lead to cost pressures which will weaken our competitiveness. Our industry remains very cost sensitive, challenging and volatile. To survive and be sustainable, we need to ensure that our cost base remains competitive so that we can manage through the downturns. Communication channels between the parties remain open in the interest of speedily reaching agreement in the negotiation process. The impact and duration of the strike cannot be predicted but the Company has in place plans to mitigate the impact thereof, and to protect its people and assets, and service its customers insofar as is possible.”

    NUMSA said that at the heart of the dispute was ArcelorMittal refusal to make a meaningful offer to settle in the deadlocked negotiations. NUMSA said "The bosses have tabled a final offer of only 5% across the board. They are also offering workers 2% of their salaries in cash as a monthly amount. We reject this proposal. What is a 5% increase for the lowest-paid worker who earns approximately R7 000? It is not much at all.”

    In the most recent engagement on 5 May, which was conciliated by the Centre for Dispute Resolution at the Metals and Engineering Industry Bargaining Council, ArcelorMittal South Africa tabled a significantly improved final offer of 7%, comprising of a 5% increase across the board on all remuneration elements as well as a 2% cash equivalent based on all remuneration elements, to be paid monthly and in acknowledgement of the immediate term cost of living squeeze. The offer is higher in both percentage terms and absolute rand terms than what has been implemented in the steel sector (5.5% average) and elsewhere in the recent past, which is indicative of the substantially higher salary scales at ArcelorMittal South Africa compared to the rest of the industry and other sectors. NUMSA disputes this fact but has to date not presented any factual evidence to the contrary. The Company is of the firm view that its offer is fair and considers both the current economic conditions and the future sustainability of the business.

    However, according to a latest media report, striking NUMSA workers are expected back at work after the labor court granted an interim order to ArcelorMittal South Africa prohibiting workers from striking for above-inflation wages.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 13 mei 2022 08:31
    Mr Poelvoorde Calls to Save EU Steel Makers Green Transition

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    13 May, 2022, 6:14 am

    European Steel Association EUROFER President & ArcelorMittal Europe CEO Mr Geert Van Poelvoorde, while speaking at the multisectoral business federation FEDIL’s annual reception in Luxembourg, spoke on the urgent topic of the decarbonisation of European steelmaking and the many uncertainties that the sector faces. Mr Van Poelvoorde explained in detail what ArcelorMittal Europe has already done to decarbonise to date, and what it will take to move to the next, crucial phase

    He said “Building zero-carbon emissions steel plants across ArcelorMittal Europe means replacing the blast furnaces with DRI plants and building electric furnaces powered by renewable energy. Replacing the natural gas with green hydrogen in the DRI plants – once green hydrogen is available at scale and at a competitive price will bring our CO2 emissions down by 90%. And the remaining CO2 emissions will be captured and either stored or used. We have a detailed plan to do this and are ready to roll out this plan; we have the investment support of the Belgian, French, German and Spanish governments, and are preparing as much as possible, while we await funding approval from the European Commission, we submitted applications for funding, on time, last summer but are still waiting for a decision.”

    Speaking in his EUROFER capacity, he added that across Europe more than 60 industrial scale projects are about to be launched by steelmakers - potentially reducing the European steel industry’s CO2 emissions by 81.5 million tonnes by 2030: That matches the annual CO2 emissions per capita of around 13 million Europeans – or more than the populations of Belgium and Luxembourg combined. No other energy-intensive industry has set out such ambition.

    Ahead of votes on the ETS revisions in the environment committee of the European Parliament next week and a plenary vote in early June, Mr Van Poelvoorde said “The situation is very serious, and urgent. With the revised ETS that’s on the table today, even after the whole European steel sector has cut CO2 emissions by 30% and invested EUR 31 billion in capex and €55bn in opex, the European steel sector will be paying EUR 8.4 billion a year in CO2 costs in 2030 - at a time when we will still be investing heavily in the transition phase from blast furnace-based steelmaking to DRI-EAF steelmaking.”
  5. forum rang 7 Dividend Collector 13 mei 2022 09:56
    Steel Prices Are Rising, Too. These Stocks Can Benefit.
    By Brian Swint
    May 13, 2022 3:00 am ET

    The war in Ukraine shocked the outlook for European steel companies more than most sectors, both lifting prices for the commodity and increasing the costs of production.

    The question for investors is whether the balance of those opposing forces will come out in the companies’ favor. Analysts, meanwhile, have share-price targets well above the current market prices for three stocks: ArcelorMittal (ticker: MT.Netherlands), ThyssenKrupp (TKA.Germany), and Salzgitter (SZG.Germany).


    ArcelorMittal, based in Luxembourg, also engages in mining and has operations in North America, Brazil, and Africa. Shares have slipped 7.4% this year to 26.05 euros ($27.02). But the average price target among 14 analysts is €43.41. The company’s first-quarter earnings and sales rose on higher steel prices.

    ArcelorMittal lowered its earnings guidance for this year, based on weaker prospects for Europe. But in an earnings statement, CEO Aditya Mittal said that “it is clear that the longer-term fundamental outlook for steel is positive.” The stock is cheap, fetching 2.9 times earnings. It’s valued at a 10% discount to its peers.

  6. SteelFollower 13 mei 2022 10:00

    Judge schreef op 13 mei 2022 09:22:

    Als een beursindex het goed doet gaat AM in het rood. Moet steeds tegen overgesteld noteren, en voor het dividend moet je het nu echt niet doen. Paar jaar geduld hebben
    Aandeel gaat vandaag ex-dividend en dat wordt gefinancierd met koerswinsten vandaar het vandaag tegendraads reageert met het AEX. Volgende week kruipen we langzaam maar zeker omhoog als alle doemfactoren een beetje naar de achtergrond zijn verdwenen zoals rente/inflatie/oorlog etc. Verwacht dat de recente rentestijgingen in juni/juli de inflatie zullen temperen in welke periode herstel zal volgen naar 28-30. Verwacht ook dat ze het huidige inkoopprogramma sneller dan verwacht zullen afronden ivm lagere inkoopkoersen waardoor ze op termijn de hogere koersen kunnen bagatelliseren om de beoogde gemiddelde inkoopprijs per aandeel te bereiken. Ik ben en blijf positief, laat je niet gek maken door de waan van de dag of 6 euro evangelisten. Suc6 allen..
  7. forum rang 7 mvliex 1 13 mei 2022 13:53

    Dollars per Metric Tonne -- Pct Change
    (net ton) [gross ton] {Euros}

    Region: USA, East of the Mississippi
    Hot-rolled band: 1579 (1433) -2%
    Cold-rolled coil: 2010 (1824) -4%
    Standard plate: 2132 (1934) -3%
    Shredded scrap*: 519 [527] -13%
    #1 Heavy melting scrap: 427 [434] -15%
    #1 Busheling scrap: 685 [696] 0%

    Region: Mainland China***
    Hot-rolled band: 629 -7%
    Cold-rolled coil: 710 -5%
    Rebar: 611 -6%
    Standard plate: 653 -5%

    Region: Western Europe
    Hot-rolled band: 1250 {1184} -11%

    Region: World Export Market
    Hot-rolled band: 995 -17%

    To receive SteelBenchmarker graphic and tabular price history, register as a "provider" at www.steelbenchmarker.com.
    NOTES: E-mailed May 12, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. to Non-Provider Receivers. The first price release was for April 10, 2006.
    If a product is not listed or a price is not indicated, fewer than ten (10) price inputs were received at this time.
    Prices are: USA -- FOB mill; Western Europe and China -- Ex-works; and World Export Market -- FOB port of export. For USA steel scrap -- delivered to the steel plant. *For shredded scrap the region is "for all but the West Coast".
    For product specifications go to www.steelbenchmarker.com/specifications.
    *** SteelHome's non-steelbenchmarker derived average price for each product is the determinant of the Chinese ex-works benchmark price. It is published for comparative purposes.
  8. 5&60+ 13 mei 2022 14:33

    Duikert schreef op 12 mei 2022 18:19:


    Gevonden. Ben met de telefoon aan het prutsen. Dat gaat niet heel handig. Ik begrijp nog steeds niet of ik ze bij opening of sluiten van de record date moet hebben. Wel heb ik voor de zekerheid wat bijgekocht op 25,74

    om dividend te vangen zou je ze voorbeurs moeten hebben (of recht op ) op de ex-dag .
    Veiliger is om ze voor het slot van de vorige handelsdag in bezit te hebben .
    JA , je kan ze verkopen op de ex-dividend dag , om toch dividend te ontvangen .

    Hier is een uitleg waarvan het voorbeeld strookt met bovenstaande ,
    maar de tekst over record-date ook behoorlijk verwarring geeft (bij mij) .


    Wellicht is het vaststellen door een bedrijf of je de aandelen in bezit hebt
    vertraagd ten opzichte van jouw aan- of ver-koop via de broker , wat me ook weer logisch lijkt .

    Met de Expiratie vandaag maakt AM het weer spannend zo tegen de 26 € aan met de koers
    heb 1 Short Put 26 , dus krijg ik er 100 bij of niet ?
    Dat zouden dan voor mij weer wat ‘’goedkopen “’ zijn ………
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