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Acacia Pharma« Terug naar discussie overzicht

Acacia Pharma - 2022: het jaar van de harde waarheid

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  1. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 4 maart 2022 17:04
    Galapagos wacht lastige slag met big pharma

    Na meer dan twintig jaar investeren in de ontwikkeling van geneesmiddelen heeft Galapagos een mijlpaal bereikt. Het Nederlands-Belgische biotechbedrijf boekte vorig jaar voor het eerst omzet met een eigen geneesmiddel. De ontstekingsremmer Jyseleca (stofnaam: filgotinib) was goed voor verkoopinkomsten van €25,7 mln.

    Bij de publicatie van de jaarcijfers vorige maand waagde Galapagos zich ook aan een prognose. Jyseleca zal dit jaar naar verwachting goed zijn voor een omzet van €65 mln tot €75 mln. Wat zegt dat? Gaat Jyseleca een mooie, winstgevende business vormen voor Galapagos?

    Lees het volledige artikel: fd.nl/financiele-markten/1431990/gala...
  2. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 28 maart 2022 08:21
    Offer by Eagle Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
    Acacia Pharma Group plc
    Mon, March 28, 2022, 8:00 AM·8 min read




    Not for release, publication or distribution, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly in, into or from any jurisdiction where to do so would constitute a violation of the relevant laws of such jurisdiction

    For immediate release

    28 March 2022, 08:00 a.m. (Brussels time)






    to be effected by means of a Scheme of Arrangement
    under Part 26 of the Companies Act 2006


    This summary should be read in conjunction with, and is subject to, the full text of the following announcement (including its Appendices).

    Key highlights

    Acacia Pharma Group PLC (“Acacia”) met its formulary goals for both Barhemsys® and Byfavo® in FY2021 and continues to be encouraged that feedback for both products is indicative of significant future commercial potential.

    However, Acacia’s standalone financial condition has been negatively impacted by physical access limitations caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic, and a significant latency of demand due to postponement of surgical procedures. Accordingly, Acacia expects it would require a minimum of approximately US$115m of additional cash to fund operations to break-even (based on projections assuming break-even by early FY2025).

    As a result, the Acacia Board appointed Greenhill to undertake a comprehensive review of strategic alternatives available to maximise value for Acacia Shareholders. The review included consideration of options to raise additional capital, but found that the terms on which such capital was likely to be available would have led to significant dilution and potential destruction of value for Acacia Shareholders.

    Following this comprehensive exploration and assessment of all strategic alternatives, the board of directors of Acacia and the board of directors of Eagle Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (“Eagle”) hereby announce that they have reached agreement on the terms of a transfer of the entire issued and to be issued share capital of Acacia to Eagle by way of a scheme of arrangement under Part 26 of the Companies Act 2006 (the “Proposed Transaction”).

    Under the terms of the Proposed Transaction, each Scheme Shareholder will receive as consideration (the “Consideration”):

    for each Scheme Share, €0.68 in cash and 0.0049 New Eagle Shares

    The Proposed Transaction values Acacia’s existing issued and to be issued share capital at approximately €94.7 million on a fully diluted basis.

    The cash portion of the Consideration represents approximately 75 per cent. of the total Consideration, and the New Eagle Shares that Acacia Shareholders would receive represent approximately 25 per cent. of the total Consideration, which represents approximately 3.8 per cent. of the enlarged Eagle share capital in issue immediately following completion of the Scheme. The total Consideration equates to €0.90 for each Scheme Share.
  3. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 28 maart 2022 08:22

    The Consideration provides Acacia Shareholders with both up-front cash and, through the New Eagle Shares to be acquired by Acacia Shareholders, equity participation in the value creation potential for the enlarged business through de-risked funding requirements, enlarged group synergies, and being part of a well-funded entity with shares trading on a liquid exchange.

    Having considered all of the available alternatives as part of its strategic review, the Acacia Board believes that the Proposed Transaction represents the best option for Acacia Shareholders to maximise the value of their shares, and therefore unanimously recommends the Proposed Transaction.

    Furthermore, the Acacia Board considers that there is a significant risk that if the Scheme is not approved by the necessary number of Acacia Shareholders, this could lead to a very material reduction in the value attributable to Acacia Shares and/or an insolvency procedure relating to the Acacia Group, which could in turn result in negligible (if any) value being attributable to Acacia Shares.

    In making its recommendation, the board of Acacia has considered the financial position of Acacia given the significant operational challenges as a result of the limited physical access to institutions resulting from the global COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the significant latency of demand due to the postponement of non-essential surgical procedures, as a result of which the Acacia Group has experienced a significant reduction in its available liquidity as the net revenue in 2021 and so far in 2022 continues to lag behind expectations.

    Recommendation, irrevocable undertakings and shareholder support for the Proposed Transaction

    The Acacia Directors consider the Proposed Transaction to be the best available option for Acacia Shareholders. In making this assessment, the Acacia Directors have received financial advice from Greenhill who, in providing its financial advice, has taken into account the commercial assessments of the Acacia Directors. Accordingly, the Acacia Directors intend unanimously to recommend that Acacia Shareholders vote in favour of the Scheme at the Court Meeting and the Resolutions to be proposed at the General Meeting, as the Acacia Directors have irrevocably undertaken to do in respect of the 217,543 Acacia Shares which they hold and which they control (or can procure the control of) the voting rights, representing approximately 0.22 per cent. of the issued share capital of Acacia on 25 March 2022, being the last business day before this announcement.

    In addition to the irrevocable undertakings referred to above, Eagle has also received irrevocable undertakings from the three largest shareholders of Acacia to vote in favour of the Scheme at the Court Meeting and the Resolutions to be proposed at the General Meeting in respect of the 49,012,875 Acacia Shares which they hold and which they control (or can procure the control of) the voting rights, representing approximately 48.56 per cent. of the issued share capital of Acacia on 25 March 2022, being the last business day before this announcement.

    Therefore, Eagle has received irrevocable undertakings representing, in aggregate, 49,230,418 Acacia Shares representing approximately 48.78 per cent. of the issued share capital of Acacia.

    Further details of these irrevocable undertakings, including the circumstances in which they cease to be binding, are set out in Appendix 3 to this announcement.

    Information on Eagle

    Eagle is a fully integrated pharmaceutical company with research and development, clinical, manufacturing and commercial expertise. Eagle is committed to developing innovative medicines that result in meaningful improvements in patients’ lives. Eagle’s commercialised products include vasopressin injection, PEMFEXY™, RYANODEX®, BENDEKA®, BELRAPZO®, TREAKISYM (Japan), and its oncology and CNS/metabolic critical care pipeline includes product candidates with the potential to address underserved therapeutic areas across multiple disease states. Additional information is available on Eagle’s website at www.eagleus.com.

    Eagle is listed with shares of its common stock publicly traded on Nasdaq under the trading symbol “EGRX” and has a market capitalisation of approximately US$615 million as at 25 March 2022, being the last business day before this announcement.

    Comments on the Proposed Transaction

    Commenting on the Proposed Transaction, Scott Byrd, Chairman of Acacia, said:

    “I am proud of the progress that Acacia has achieved in bringing Barhemsys® through clinical trials to the market and in the progress it has subsequently made in launching both this product and Byfavo® in the US. Both products are designed to address clear and important hospital needs and to date have received positive feedback from customers and strong formulary acceptance, positioning them well for future success. However, the global COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in significant and sustained challenges that have significantly disrupted hospital operations, limited access, and dramatically increased the time and investment required for product launches.

    The Acacia Board believes this Proposed Transaction represents an opportunity for Acacia shareholders to realise value for their investment in cash and, through Eagle, retain an interest in the future value that may be generated from Barhemsys® and Byfavo® being part of a larger portfolio of hospital products, in the hands of a well-capitalised company. We are therefore unanimously recommending this Proposed Transaction to our shareholders.”

    Commenting on the Proposed Transaction, Scott Tarriff, President and Chief Executive Officer of Eagle, said:

    “We are delighted to announce that we have agreed to terms for the proposed acquisition of Acacia. This will be a very important acquisition for us, both financially and strategically. In recent years, the pharmaceutical industry has witnessed slower uptake of new products and longer ramp periods. In the face of further challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, many smaller underfunded companies experienced significant hurdles launching products. We therefore believe that Eagle is well suited to drive uptake of these two new products, building from Acacia’s established foundation since its launch, through our experienced and specialised hospital-based sales organisation with minimal additional infrastructure.”
  4. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 28 maart 2022 08:46

    Reacher schreef op 2 januari 2022 15:19:

    Erg jammer en bijzonder dat de grootste perma- bear van het Acacia forum het draadje van 2022 hier opent. Maar het meest kwalijke is dat hiermee regel 2.1.8 van het reglement wordt overschreden. We krijgen bij de start van 2022 wel direct het bewijs of op dit forum hier met 2 maten wordt gemeten of dat meneer DZR voor deze actie een waarschwing krijgt van de moderator. Ik ben benieuwd, maar weet ondertussen het antwoord wel.
    Het kan verkeren, zei Vondel.......................!!!
  5. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 29 maart 2022 09:59

    Dimmu Borgir schreef op 4 januari 2022 22:59:

    Ach. Tja... De zwarte ridder... Alsof die de wijsheid in pacht heeft. Opende drie jaar terug een topic om wat op Netflix te bashen. We weten ondertussen wat de koers gedaan heeft...
    Idem in 2013 met Ripple. Ondertussen ging die koers x100. De beste man heeft al véél geld laten liggen.
    Laat ons binnen drie of tien jaar maar eens naar Acacia kijken.
    Ook leuk om terug te lezen.....!!!
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