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NOVO Resources: Grootste goudvondst OOIT?!

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  1. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 6 juli 2021 13:56
    Nullagine Gold Project Update

    VANCOUVER, British Columbia, June 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Novo Resources Corp. ( “Novo” or the “Company” ) (TSX: NVO & NVO.WT; OTCQX: NSRPF) is pleased to provide an operations update from its Beatons Creek conglomerate gold project in Nullagine, Western Australia (the “ Nullagine Gold Project ”) following its recent exploration update ( refer to the Company’s news release dated June 3, 2021 ) and previous operational update ( refer to the Company’s news release dated April 29, 2021 ).


    No lost time injuries to date at the Nullagine Gold Project
    Record gold production of 5,064 oz Au for May 2021, realizing revenue of C$10.8 million (A$11.5 million) from the sale of 4,754 oz Au at an average realized gold price of A$2,407
    Mining and processing rates continue to increase month-on-month
    May 2021 month-end cash balance of C$45.2 million (excluding fair value of investments of approximately C$204 million)


    The lost time injury frequency rate for the past twelve months remains at zero for the Nullagine Gold Project and also for the Company; a significant achievement for a company rapidly growing its workforce and making the transition from explorer to production. Ongoing development of safety and management systems, particular to Novo and its culture, are progressing well with wide acceptance across the Company.

    Gold Production

    Gold production at the Nullagine Gold Project has increased month-on-month project to date, with a record month of 5,064 ounces poured during May 2021 ( refer to Figure 1 ). Gold production is anticipated to continue to increase due to improved throughput rates and recovery in the mill combined with improved grade as higher grade conglomerates at Grant’s Hill are accessed and brought into the mine schedule.

    Figure 1 ? ? is available at ml.globenewswire.com/Resource/Downloa...


    Mill throughput has continued to increase month-on-month. The processing plant is currently operating at an annualized rate of 1.5 mtpa ( refer to Figure 2 ), with demonstrated capacity to achieve a throughput rate of approximately 1.8 mtpa. A total of 124 kt of mineralized material was processed in May, with recovery of 94.5% achieved. This follows a major planned shutdown in April which saw the first reline of the processing plant since acquiring Millennium Minerals Limited in September 2020 ( refer to the Company’s news releases dated August 4, 2020 , and September 8, 2020 ). During May 2021, gravity gold accounted for the majority of gold production (61%) versus 39% from carbon-in-leach (CIL), with the processing plant achieving a total recovery of 94.5%. Management is satisfied with processing plant performance, with all key operational metrics within expected parameters and a cohesive and capable operational crew bedded in and operating the facility productively and safely.


    Mining productivities have continued to improve as the operation matures, with the operation gradually transitioning from constrained mining areas on ridges to broader benches that allow for larger equipment to operate more productively ( refer to Figure 2 ). Iron Mine Contracting Pty Ltd has been working cooperatively with Novo technical staff to continue to improve operational performance and has demonstrated excellent flexibility in meeting operational equipment and personnel requirements. Mine scheduling has been optimized to allow one of the three current dig fleets to relocate to undertake a planned tailings dam lift expected during the third quarter of 2021 ( refer to Figure 3 ).

    Figure 2 is available at ml.globenewswire.com/Resource/Downloa...

    Figure 3 is available at ml.globenewswire.com/Resource/Downloa...

    Following a competitive tender process, the operation will transition from an interim drill and blast arrangement to a 24-month contract awarded to Ozland Drill and Blast Pty Ltd (“ Ozland ”). Importantly, Ozland will be mobilizing a new and highly productive T45 Atlas Copco blast hole drill rig to site during the month of June. This drill consumes substantially less diesel fuel as compared to other traditional drills and has technical advantages of being able to self-locate drill collars and also boasts ‘measure while drilling’ capabilities that will assist in more efficient blast designs and possibly contribute to further technical knowledge to accurately locate mineralized horizons.

    Grade Control Assays

    Novo recently announced a commercial arrangement with Intertek Testing Services (Australia) Pty Ltd (“ Intertek ”) ( refer to the Company’s news release dated May 18, 2021 ) with respect to gaining priority access to two Chrysos photon assay machines at its new state of the art mineral assay laboratory complex in Perth, WA, whilst retaining access to MinAnalytical’s facilities at Perth and Kalgoorlie, WA. Installation of the two machines at Intertek’s facility is proceeding according to schedule, with assay results now being received from the first machine with commissioning of the second machine well underway. Intertek is also conducting sample preparation works in Perth, and is expected to transition to site sample preparation in the third quarter of 2021. It is expected that the backlog of outstanding assays will be processed by August 2021 at which point the Company can achieve a sample assay turnaround time that will proactively support mining operations.

    Novo Financial Position

    The Company’s cash reserves increased to C$45.2 million as at May 31, 2021 as a result of the Company’s recently closed special warrant financing ( refer to the Company’s news release dated April 14, 2021 , May 4, 2021 , and May 26, 2021 ) along with operational revenue of C$10.8 million (A$11.5 million) from the sale of 4,754 ounces of gold and 543 ounces of silver in May 2021. The Company does not have any hedging facilities in place, allowing full exposure to the improving gold price of approximately A$2,440 (US$1,890). In addition to its cash reserves, the Company’s portfolio of investments held a fair value of approximately C$204 million as at May 31, 2021 1 .

    “The Company has navigated a complex and rapid project commencement without recording a lost time injury which is a testament to the site culture and calibre of the team” commented Rob Humphryson, Novo’s Chief Executive Officer and a director. “Despite a resources boom across the resources hotspot of Western Australia, Novo has attracted a group of team-oriented, practical, and resilient people that have put their collective shoulders to the wheel, negotiated challenging operational conditions, and extreme heat and rain events to continually drive the project forward. The team continues to identify and resolve operational challenges as they arise, whilst importantly building the foundations for solid relationships with local stakeholders.”
  2. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 6 augustus 2021 14:46
    Record Monthly Production From Nullagine Gold Project
    T.NVO, V.NFG | 1 day ago


    Continuing excellent safety record with no LTIs recorded at the Company’s Beatons Creek conglomerate gold project (the “Nullagine Gold Project”)
    Record monthly gold production of 8,589 oz Au in July, a 46% increase over June
    7,899 ounces of gold sold in July, generating revenue of C$17.8 million1 (A$19.2 million), a 50% increase over June
    Record number of grade control assays processed in July (> 68,000 PhotonAssays), expecting to clear the assay backlog by October 2021
    Exploration drilling ongoing at near-mine and East Pilbara conglomerate and orogenic basement targets
    July month-end cash balance of C$49 million, representing 6% growth since June
    Fair value of Novo’s investments of approximately C$170 million2

    “I’m delighted with the continuing positive trajectory of the Nullagine Gold Project as the team adjusts to mining and processing this completely new style of conglomerate gold mineralization,” commented Rob Humphryson, CEO and a director of the Company. “The site team is functioning cohesively as they perfect the geological and mining methods required to underpin a sustained and successful operation.”

    VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Aug. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Novo Resources Corp. (“Novo” or the “Company”) (TSX: NVO, NVO.WT & NVO.WT.A) (OTCQX: NSRPF) is pleased to provide an operations update from the Nullagine Gold Project after another record month of growth. Subsequent updates will be provided on a quarterly basis.


    Gold Production

    Gold production at the Nullagine Gold Project for July 2021 was a record month of 8,589 ounces produced during July 2021 (Figure 1).

    Figure 1 available at www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/Attach...


    Mill throughput continued to increase month-on-month. As anticipated in the Company’s news release dated June 8, 2021, the processing plant’s annualized rate is increasing towards 1.8 mtpa (Figure 2). A total of 148 kt of gold-bearing conglomerate material was processed in July. Recovery rates are also stabilizing around 95%. July’s processing head grade was 1.94 g/t Au.


    Mined mineralized and waste material was lower in July with some of the Company’s contract mining fleet allocated to assist with initial preparatory works for an upcoming tailings storage facility expansion.

    Figure 2 is available at www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/Attach...

    Operational Improvements

    Intertek Testing Services (Australia) Pty Ltd (“Intertek”) has now fully commissioned two Chrysos PhotonAssay machines at its Maddington (Perth) facility (Figure 3) (refer to the Company’s news release dated May 18, 2021) and processed a total of 68,235 PhotonAssays (including QA/QC samples) in July. This compares favourably against average sample returns per month over the past six months. Assuming that July’s processing rates continue, the Company expects that its backlog of grade control samples will be cleared by the end of October 2021 which will significantly improve the Company’s ability to optimize recovery of mineralized material at the Nullagine Gold Project.

    Figure 3 is available at www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/Attach...

    Intertek have also been selected to design and manage a site-based sample preparation laboratory at the Nullagine Gold Project. The lab setup is proceeding rapidly, with commissioning expected to be completed by mid-August. To date the crusher/dryer facility, ducting refurbishment, and pad extensions have all been completed, with lab personnel expected to arrive on site early next week
  3. [verwijderd] 2 oktober 2021 09:02

    weet nog goed pump filmpje ging en daarna iedere week de meest mooie verhaaltjes van super vondsten.

    en de koers maar stijgen......

    Willem Middelkoop ook zeer enthousiast,nu hoor je m niet meer.........

    Honkytonk wou er niets van horen als er hier negatief over vermeld werdt
  4. [verwijderd] 2 oktober 2021 09:40

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 2 oktober 2021 09:28:


    Toch gaat het helemaal niet slecht met Novo.
    ze produceren iig,maar of dat een mc waard is van C$425,76 mln en meer zal blijken.

    De verhalen van WITS2 lijken voorbij en dat QH steeds meer andere baantjes aan neemt vind ik ook twijfelachtig.

    Waarom doe je dit als je eerst verkondigd op de grootste goudvondst van de eeuw tezitten ,dan heb je verder niets anders meer nodig om mee bezig tezijn lijkt me.

    maar hoop voor iedereen dat t verhaal verbetert en dat de koers weer herstelt.
  5. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 2 oktober 2021 11:13
    De kostprijs voor een ounce goud zijn bij Novo zo ontzettend laag dat ze meer kunnen verdienen dan een veel grotere goudmijn.

    Het grote probleem voor Novo is dat ze niet kunnen berekenen hoeveel goud er nog in de grond zit. Ze kunnen hoogstens een ruwe schatting maken op basis van bulkmonsters, maar zo'n schatting voldoet niet aan de eisen van de beurs.
  6. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 4 oktober 2021 08:16

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 6 augustus 2021 14:46:

    Record Monthly Production From Nullagine Gold Project
    T.NVO, V.NFG | 1 day ago


    Continuing excellent safety record with no LTIs recorded at the Company’s Beatons Creek conglomerate gold project (the “Nullagine Gold Project”)
    Record monthly gold production of 8,589 oz Au in July, a 46% increase over June
    7,899 ounces of gold sold in July, generating revenue of C$17.8 million1 (A$19.2 million), a 50% increase over June
    Record number of grade control assays processed in July (> 68,000 PhotonAssays), expecting to clear the assay backlog by October 2021
    Exploration drilling ongoing at near-mine and East Pilbara conglomerate and orogenic basement targets
    July month-end cash balance of C$49 million, representing 6% growth since June
    Fair value of Novo’s investments of approximately C$170 million2

    Op jaarbasis komt de productie dus uit op ca 100.000 ounces en dat is veel meer dan b.v. Erdene.
  7. [verwijderd] 4 oktober 2021 09:45

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 4 oktober 2021 08:16:


    Op jaarbasis komt de productie dus uit op ca 100.000 ounces en dat is veel meer dan b.v. Erdene.
    grote verschil is wel veel hogere mc van novo en erdene lage capex voor de boeg met ook nog veel exploratie kansen.

    En mogelijk hoge waarde in Zuun project.

    Erdene grote plannen hogere produktie tzt,maar eerst maar eens produktie gereed maken daarna zien we wel verder.
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