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Biophytis ontploft, Integragen en Theradiag next!

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  1. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 9 juni 2020 11:07
    Dat een bedrijf met een doodlopende pijplijn nog zo heeft kunnen surfen op de golven van Corona is onvoorstelbaar. Nogal wat beleggers en directie moeten snel de zakken hebben gevuld. (+ 800%)

    Zelfs al zou het kandidaat-medicijn nog een beetje blijken te werken dan wordt het mini-bedrijfje weggevaagd door de bedrijven die verder zijn en machtiger.

    Biophytis blijft nog even langzaam zinken om daarna in de vrije val naar de bodem van de zee te geraken. Oppassen!
  2. [verwijderd] 9 juni 2020 11:40
    zolang er geen nieuws is blijven zitten , de daling is op niets gestoeld, spel van de markt ... de onderzoeken lopen nog , eens er daar duidelijkheid over is , dan telt het ... als het medicijn werkt , dan staan de grote pharmaceuten in de rij aan te schuiven , het is risicovol, dat zeker maar bon dat weet je vooraf ...
  3. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 21 juni 2020 17:01
    Dexamethason vergroot de overlevingskansen van ernstig zieke coronapatiënten aanzienlijk.

    Tot die conclusie komen onderzoekers nadat ze het middel – dat normaliter onder meer wordt ingezet bij misselijkheid, sommige vormen van kanker en aandoeningen die gepaard gaan met ernstige ontstekingen – onder een grote groep coronapatiënten testten. Het middel bleek met name de overlevingskansen van ernstig zieke coronapatiënten – die aan de beademing liggen – te vergroten. Ook patiënten die niet aan de beademing hoeven, maar wel extra zuurstof toegediend kregen, hadden iets betere overlevingskansen wanneer ze het middel toegediend kregen.

    Betere overlevingskansen
    “Dexamethasone is het eerste middel waarvan is aangetoond dat het de overlevingskansen van COVID-19-patiënten vergroot,” stelt onderzoeker Peter Horby. “Dit is een bijzonder welkom resultaat. Het overlevingsvoordeel is duidelijk en groot onder patiënten die zo ziek zijn dat ze extra zuurstof nodig hebben, dus dexamethason zou nu standaard aan deze patiënten moeten worden toegediend. Dexamethason is niet duur, op voorraad en kan direct gebruikt worden om wereldwijd levens te redden.”

    Het onderzoek
    Horby en collega’s baseren hun hoopgevende resultaten op een onderzoek onder duizenden coronapatiënten in Groot-Brittannië. Meer dan 2100 van deze patiënten kregen tien dagen op rij, eenmaal per dag 6 milligram dexamethason toegediend. Vervolgens werd hun ziekteverloop vergeleken met dat van meer dan 4300 patiënten die de gebruikelijke zorg (en dus geen dexamethason) ontvingen.

    De resultaten
    Na 28 dagen was maar liefst 41 procent van de patiënten die geen dexamethason had gekregen en aan de beademing lag, overleden. Van de patiënten die extra zuurstof toegediend hadden gekregen, maar geen dexamethason ontvingen, overleed in dezelfde periode 25%. Van de patiënten die geen ademhalingsondersteuning nodig hadden gehad en geen dexamethason ontvingen, overleed in 28 dagen tijd 13%. Onder patiënten die wel met dexamethason werden behandeld, lag de sterfte opvallend lager. Zo bleek het middel ervoor te zorgen dat de sterftecijfers onder patiënten die aan de beademing lagen, maar liefst een derde lager lagen. En de sterftecijfers lagen een vijfde lager onder patiënten die extra zuurstof vereisten. Er zijn verder geen aanwijzingen gevonden dat het middel ook de overlevingskansen van patiënten die geen ademhalingsondersteuning nodig hebben, verbetert.

    Duidelijke resultaten
    “De voorlopige resultaten zijn heel duidelijk,” aldus onderzoeker Martin Landray. “Dexamethason verkleint de sterftekans onder patiënten mer ernstige ademhalingsproblemen (door toedoen van COVID-19, red.). COVID-19 is een wereldwijde ziekte en het is geweldig dat de eerste behandeling waarvan bewezen is dat deze de sterfte terugdringt, een behandeling is die direct beschikbaar en betaalbaar is.”

    Het is niet voor het eerst dat wetenschappers behandelingen voor COVID-19 opperen. Eerder werd bijvoorbeeld het malariamedicijn hydroxychloroquine al voorgesteld als mogelijk wondermiddel. En ook het ebola-medicijn remdesivir werd als mogelijke behandeling tegen COVID-19 geopperd. Maar hard bewijs dat deze middelen ook daadwerkelijk effectief zijn en in de benodigde doses veilig aan coronapatiënten kunnen worden toegediend, is er tot op heden niet. Voor dexamethason ligt dat dankzij het grootschalige klinisch onderzoek in Groot-Brittannië vanaf vandaag dus anders. En dat mag als een voorzichtige doorbraak worden beschouwd. “Sinds de opkomst van COVID-19 – zo’n zes maanden geleden – wordt er gezocht naar behandelingen die met name de overlevingskansen van de ziekste patiënten kan vergroten,” aldus Landray. En voor het eerst is er eentje gevonden.

    Patrick Vallance, één van de adviseurs van de Britse regering, noemt het een ‘grensverleggende ontwikkeling in onze strijd tegen deze ziekte.” En dat is in dit stadium zeker niet overdreven. Want hoewel in Europa het aantal coronapatiënten dat in ziekenhuizen is opgenomen, langzaam afneemt, gaat vrijwel iedereen er wel vanuit dat de strijd nog niet gewonnen is en er een tweede besmettingsgolf zal volgen. En het zijn dit soort klinische studies die ervoor moeten zorgen dat artsen tijdens die tweede golf niet zo machteloos staan als tijdens de eerste en middelen tot hun beschikking hebben die juist in de behandeling van de ernstig zieke coronapatiënten perspectief kunnen bieden.
  4. forum rang 4 MisterBlues 25 juni 2020 11:29

    Relief Therapeutics and NeuroRx Expand Clinical Trial Evaluating RLF-100 in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients with Respiratory Failure to Houston Methodist Hospital...............


    by Relief Therapeutics | Jun 11, 2020

    Clinical trial to enroll 144 patients total with expansion to additional sites
    Clinical trial expanded to patients treated with both noninvasive and mechanical ventilation in Critical COVID-19.
    RLF-100 is a patented formulation of Aviptadil (synthetic human Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide VIP), which inhibits pro-inflammatory cytokines and protects alveolar type-2 cells in the lungs inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokines. Type 2 cells are essential to oxygen exchange and are preferentially targeted by the SARS-CoV-2 virus

    HOUSTON, June 11, 2020 – RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding AG (SIX:RLF) “Relief” and its U.S. partner, NeuroRx, Inc. today announced that Houston Methodist Hospital is participating in their Phase 2 clinical trial evaluating RLF-100 as a research intervention for critically ill patients with COVID-19 and respiratory failure. RLF-100 is a patented formulation of Aviptadil, (synthetic human vasoactive intestinal polypeptide or VIP), which targets alveolar type 2 cells in the lungs that are a major target of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. VIP is known from numerous animal models of lung injury and lung disease to inhibit inflammatory cytokines and to protect pulmonary epithelial cells that line the air sacs (alveolae) of the lungs.

    The multicenter clinical trial will enroll patients with COVID-19 and respiratory failure in the hopes that RLF-100 can decrease mortality in this condition and help to improve the ability of the patient’s lungs to transfer oxygen to the body. Based on recent FDA guidance, the trial has been expanded to include patients treated with high flow nasal oxygen and noninvasive forms of ventilation, instead of only enrolling patients on mechanical ventilators.

    The Principal Investigator at Houston Methodist Hospital is J. George Youssef, M.D., assistant professor of Critical Care Medicine & Pulmonology. Dr. Youssef was a co-investigator in the earlier study evaluating RLF-100 as a treatment for Acute Respiratory Distress (ARDS), a primary cause of COVID-19 related deaths, under the late Professor Sami Said, who discovered VIP in 1970 and treated the first patients.

    “ We are encouraged by findings from the previous clinical trial of RLF-100 as a treatment for ARDS in patients with sepsis which showed seven out of eight patients on mechanical ventilation experienced substantial improvement and six ultimately left the hospital alive,” Dr. Youssef said. “If the early ARDS results can be replicated in critically ill COVID-19 patients with respiratory failure, this approach could present a significant advancement in the treatment of these patients.”

    Jonathan Javitt, M.D., MPH, CEO of NeuroRx, added, “We at NeuroRx are enormously excited to have Dr. Youssef join our study, in light of his long involvement in the VIP story. While we can read about Dr. Said’s breakthrough, Dr. Youssef witnessed it firsthand and participated in the early clinical care of patients. It’s rare to have science come full circle in service of patients.”

    The trial is being led by NeuroRx, Inc., the US development partner of Relief Therapeutics, whose clinical operations are based in Radnor, PA. Patients are being treated under an FDA Investigational New Drug clearance, as part of the FDA’s Corona Treatment Acceleration Program (CTAP). Details of the study are posted on clinicaltrials.gov NCT04311697.
  5. @ out of the blue 1 juli 2020 21:57

    Press releaseBiophytis Receives FDA IND ClearanceforCOVA, aPhase 2/3 Clinical TrialwithSarconeos(BIO101)forthe Treatment of Patients with COVID-19 Related Respiratory FailureParis, (France), Cambridge (Massachusetts, United States), July1, 2020, 9:00 pmCEST-Biophytis SA (Euronext Growth Paris: ALBPS), a clinical-stage biotechnology company specialized in the development of drug candidates for the treatment of aged related diseases, includingneuromuscular diseases,today announces that the United States (US) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has accepted the Investigational New Drug (IND) application to proceed with its clinical development program COVA. This Phase 2/3 program will assess Sarconeos (BIO101) as a potential treatment foracuterespiratory failure associated with COVID-19.The COVA clinical programis designed to evaluate theefficacy and safety of Sarconeos (BIO101) as atreatment of therespiratory deterioration in COVID-19 patients with severe respiratory failure. This pivotal, international clinical trial will be conducted in two parts, the first of which has the objectiveto assess treatment safetyand provide an indication of activity of Sarconeos (BIO101),in 50 hospitalized COVID-19 patients suffering from acute respiratory deficiency. The second partof the studywillinvestigate the efficacyof Sarconeos (BIO101) on the respiratory functionof around300 additional patients.Stanislas Veillet, CEO of Biophytis, said: “There is an urgent need for therapies to help patients with COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) given the continuing rapidspread of SARS-CoV-2 and limited therapeutic options. With FDA clearance, we intendto initiate a clinical trial to evaluate Sarconeos (BIO101) in patients with acute respiratory failure associated with COVID-19. The elderly and those with comorbidities are at highest risk of deathfrom SARS-CoV-2. We have already initiatedthe work to startthis key Phase 2/3 trial as soon as possible in the US, and in the Europeancountrieswhere we received approval, and will update the market shortly on our planned timelines.”***About BIOPHYTISBiophytisSA is a clinical-stage biotechnology company specialized in the development of drug candidates to slow down degenerative processes and improve functional abilities in patients with age-related diseases, includingneuromuscular diseases.Sarconeos (BIO101), our leading drug candidate, is a small molecule, administered orally, currently in clinical Phase 2b in sarcopenia (SARA-INT) in the United States and Europe. A pediatric formulation of Sarconeos (BIO101)is being developed for the treatment of Duchenne
    Press releaseMuscular Dystrophy (DMD). The company plans to start the clinical development (MYODA) in H2 2020.Sarconeos (BIO101) isalso beingdeveloped as a treatment for COVID-19. TheCompany has received approval from FAMHP(Belgium), the MHRA (UK) and US FDA to begin thePhase 2/3 clinical trial (COVA) toevaluate Sarconeos (BIO101)as a potential treatment for respiratory failure associated with Covid-19. The Company also filed a clinical trial application with the French regulatory agency, ANSM inFrance.The company is based in Paris, France, and Cambridge, Massachusetts. The company's common shares are listed on the Euronext Growth Paris market (Ticker: ALBPS -ISIN: FR0012816825). For more informationvisit www.biophytis.comDisclaimerThis press release contains forward-looking statements. While the Company considers its projections to be based on reasonable assumptions, these forward-looking statements may be called into question by a number of hazards and uncertainties, so that actualresults may differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements. For a description of the risks and uncertainties likely to affect the results, BIOPHYTIS' financial position, performance or achievements and thus cause a change fromthe forward-looking statements, please refer to the "Risk Factors" section of the Company's 2018 Annual Report available on BIOPHYTIS website (www.biophytis.com).This press release, and the information contained in it, does not constitute an offer to sell or subscribe, nor the solicitation of a purchase or subscription order, of BIOPHYTIS shares in any country. The elements contained in this communication may contain forward-looking information involving risks and uncertainties. The Company's actual achievements may differ materially from those anticipated in this information due to different risk and uncertainty factors. This press release was written in French and English; If there is a difference between the texts, the French version will prevail.Biophytis Contact for Investor RelationsEvelyne Nguyen, CFO evelyne.nguyen@biophytis.comMedia contactCitigate Dewe Rogerson Sylvie Berrebi/ Nathaniel Dahan/ David Dible / Quentin Dussartbiophytis@citigatedewerogerson.comTel: +44 (0) 20 7638 9571 / +33 (0)1 55 30 70 91
  6. @ out of the blue 1 juli 2020 21:58

    Press Release1Biophytis announces the issuance of a €3 million tranche of ORNANE Paris, (France), Cambridge (Massachusetts, United States), July1,2020; 9pm CEST-BiophytisSA (Euronext Growth Paris: ALBPS), a clinical-stage biotechnology company specialized in the development of drug candidates for treatment of aged related diseases, amongst which neuromuscular diseases,announces the issuance of 120Bonds Redeemable in Cash or New or Existing Shares (ORNANE), for a total amount of €3 million. This second trancheof fundingfrom Atlaswill enable Biophytis to continue the clinical development of Sarconeos(BIO101) for the treatment of sarcopenia (Phase 2b SARA-INT study) and Covid-19 related respiratory failure (Phase 2/3 COVA study).On April 7,2020,Biophytis announced a new line of financing that could reach €24 million, raised from Atlas, a specialized investment fund based in New York (United States). The financing instrument allows the issuance of 960 ORNANE, at a par value of €25,000 each. The €24 million total financing can be drawn by Biophytis over the next 3 years, without obligation, through 8 successive tranches of €3 million each.The Company drew a first tranche of €3 million during the month of April 2020. The Company made use of its option, under the contract’s provisions, to request from Atlas a suspension of conversion from July1 to July 31, 2020.The Company will keep the shareholders informed of the exercise of the ORNANE issue warrants and the subsequent conversions, through a summary tableof issuewarrants, the ORNANE, and the number of shares in circulation, which will be available on the Company website.Main characteristics of the ORNANE issuedThe ORNANE will have a par value of €25,000 euros. They will not bear interest and will have a 24-month maturity from issuance. The Holder of ORNANE may request at any time to convert them during their maturity period, and at that time, the Company will beable to redeem the ORNANE in cash. In case of cash redemption, the amount reimbursed will be limited to 115% of the principal. Atlas has committed to subscribe to 8 tranches of the ORNANE at €3 million each over the next 3 years. At the end of the maturity period, and in the case where the ORNANE would not have been redeemed either in cash or in new or existing shares, the holder will have the obligation to convert the ORNANE.Number of securities and dilutionAs of June 29, 2020, based on 54830 895outstanding shares, and the conversionon this day(June 29 2020)and the lowestvolume weighted average price over the 10trading days preceding the concerned date,equal to €0,647:Impact on a shareholder’s 1% stake in the Company’s (on a non-diluted basis) capital prior to the operationNon dilutedDilutedBefore issuing of new ORNANE1.00%0.90%Upon conservionof the ORNANE from tranche 2 of Atlas: issuing of 4 638 915 additional shares0.92%0.83%****
    Press Release2About BIOPHYTIS Biophytis SA is a clinical-stage biotechnology company specialized in the development of drug candidates to slow down degenerative processes and improve functional abilities in patients with age-related diseases, especially neuromuscular diseases. Sarconeos (BIO101), our leading drug candidate, is a small molecule, administered orally, currently in clinical Phase 2b in sarcopenia (SARA-INT) in the United States and Europe. A pediatric formulation of BIO101 is being developed for the treatment of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). The company plans to start the clinical development in H2 2020. Sarconeos (BIO101) is also being developed as a treatment for Covid-19. The Company has received clearancefrom the FDA (US), FAMHP (Belgium) and the MHRA (UK) to begin the Phase 2/3 clinical trial (COVA) to evaluate Sarconeos (BIO101) as a potential treatment for respiratory failure associated with Covid-19. The Company also filed a clinical trial application with the French regulatory agency, ANSM in France.The company is based in Paris, France, and Cambridge, Massachusetts. The company's common shares are listed on the Euronext Growth Paris market (Ticker: ALBPS -ISIN: FR0012816825). For more information www.biophytis.com.DisclaimerThis press release contains forward-looking statements. While the Company considers its projections to be based on reasonable assumptions, these forward-looking statements may be called into question by a number of hazards and uncertainties, so that actual results may differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements. For a description of the risks and uncertainties likely to affect the results, BIOPHYTIS' financial position, performance or achievements and thus cause a change from the forward-looking statements, please refer to the "Risk Factors" section of the Company's 2018 Annual Report available on BIOPHYTIS website (www.biophytis.com). This press release,and the information contained in it, does not constitute an offer to sell or subscribe, nor the solicitation of a purchase or subscription order, of BIOPHYTIS shares in any country. The elements contained in this communication may contain forward-looking information involving risks and uncertainties. The Company's actual achievements may differ materially from those anticipated in this information due to different risk and uncertainty factors. This press release was written in French and English; If there is a difference between the texts, the French version will prevail. Biophytis Contact for Investor Relations Evelyne Nguyen, CFOevelyne.nguyen@biophytis.comMedia contact Citigate Dewe Rogerson Sylvie Berrebi/ Nathaniel Dahan/ David Dible / Quentin Dussartbiophytis@citigatedewerogerson.comTel: +44 (0) 20 7638 9571 / +33 (0)6 59 42 29 35
  7. [verwijderd] 2 juli 2020 00:14
    Dus als ik het goed begrijp is het onderzoek in België ivm de werking van Sarconeos voor Covid behandeling nog niet eens opgestart? Toestemming hiervoor dateert toch al van 20 mei. Laatste serieuze koersstijging van Biophytis was gefundeerd op de verwachte bekendmaking van de resultaten van het Belgische onderzoek (als ik de Franse Forums toen mocht geloven). Toen er geen mededeling over de resultaten kwam, zakte het aandeel de volgende dagen terug weg.
  8. @ out of the blue 3 juli 2020 09:17
    Hopla, en weer een nieuwe aandelen uitgifte!
    Dit bedrijf doet niet anders:

    Biophytis annonce un financement par placement privé de 6,1 millions d'euros.

    Les titres ont été souscrits par des investisseurs institutionnels européens et américains avec Invest Securities en tant que teneur de livre pour l'Europe, et H.C. Wainwright & Co. en tant que teneur de livre pour les Etats-Unis. Invest Corporate Finance intervenant en tant que Conseil de Biophytis.

    Ce placement privé donnera lieu à l'émission de 9 563 732 actions ordinaires nouvelles via une augmentation de capital avec suppression du droit préférentiel de souscription au profit de catégories de bénéficiaires, soit 14,5% des titres en circulation post-opération. A titre indicatif, la participation d'un actionnaire détenant 1% du capital social de la Société préalablement à l'augmentation de capital sera ramenée à environ 0,85% du capital social de la Société après l'opération.

    Le prix du placement a été fixé à 0,642 euro pour chaque nouvelle action. Ce prix correspond à une décote d'environ 20% (dans la limite de 20%) sur la base de la moyenne pondérée des cours de Bourse de l'action Biophytis au cours des 10 dernières séances de bourse précédant ce jour. Le produit brut de l'émission pour Biophytis est estimé à environ 6,1 millions d'euros.

    La société s'engage à ne pas procéder à d'autres augmentations de capital avant le 31 juillet 2020.
    Signaler un abus

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