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Aandeel Aperam LU0569974404

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 6 juli 2017 17:00
    Indonesian nickel ore flows again to China - Mr Andy Home

    Mr Andy Home wrote in Reuters that the flow of Indonesian nickel ore to China has resumed after a three and a half year break. There have been a few false alarms since the Indonesian government banned all exports of unprocessed minerals, including nickel, at the start of 2014. China's trade figures have shown the occasional import of what has been classified as nickel ore but which was in all probability iron ore with high nickel content.

    But May's 264,000 tonnes seem the real deal. Not only was it the largest monthly total in three years but it tallies with plans by Indonesia's Aneka Tambang (Antam) to make its first 150,000-tonne shipment at the start of the month. It's still a fraction of what Indonesia used to send every month to China before 2014.

    The export ban remains in place but with a growing number of exemptions for companies that have committed to building processing plants.

    For the Chinese nickel pig iron producers that depend on such ore, it marks a dramatic turnaround from what looked like an existential crisis when Indonesia first cut off their supply.

    Famine, however, has now turned to feast. Indonesian ore will add to a growing number of nickel raw materials flows into China.

    And that spells trouble for the rest of the world's producers.

    Indonesia is not going to be supplying the same volumes of nickel ore to China as it did in 2012 or 2013, when imports reached 34 million and 41 million tonnes respectively. The government is granting only a limited number of exemptions with limited tonnage quotas. Antam, for example, has around five million tonnes of low-grade ore available for immediate shipment but so far has got approval to export only 2.7 million tonnes over the 12 months to March 2018. And others are joining the list of approved exporters. The latest is PT Ceria Nugraha, which has received government permission to export 2.3 million tonnes through July 2018.

    The quid pro quo for getting the official nod to export is construction of value-add processing plants within the country. This was the whole point of the export ban and to some extent it has been achieved with the number of plants constructed now in excess of 20. Many of them, not entirely surprisingly, have been built by Chinese companies looking to off-shore NPI production.

    There has been a steadily increasing flow of Indonesian intermediate material into China since the start of 2015. May's imports of 158,130 tonnes were a fresh all-time high. China's customs department classifies this stuff as "ferronickel" but it's not. The give-away is the price, an average $1,362 per tonne in May, compared with over $3,000 per tonne for imports from conventional ferronickel suppliers such as Colombia and Brazil.

    While China doubles up on Indonesian supply, it can now also feast on the alternative ore sources that arose after the 2014 export ban.

    The Philippines emerged as the main source of replacement supply for Indonesian ore.

    It was another part of China's supply chain that seemed in imminent danger of collapse until a few weeks ago.

    Source : Reuters
  2. forum rang 10 voda 12 juli 2017 15:11
    More smelters halt operations in Jakarta amid plummeting nickel price

    The Jakarta Post reported that following the free fall in global nickel prices, more smelter companies in Indonesia have begun halting operations. Mr Jonathan Handojo deputy chairman of Processing and Smelting Companies Association said that the number of smelters ceasing nickel processing activities increased to 17 in the first days of July, compared to 13 smelters that halted operations in June.

    Mr Jonathan said that “All of the smelters that halted operations were granted operational permits from the Investment Coordinating Board adding that BKPM chairman Thomas Lembong planned to meet with AP3I representatives to discuss the issue.

    He blamed the situation on the government for allowing an overflow of raw mineral exports.

    The government recently granted Indonesian company PT Ceria Nugraha Indotama permission to export 2.3 million tons of nickel ore after the company promised to develop a smelter in Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi.

    As a result, the price of benchmark nickel for three-month delivery on the London Metals Exchange fell by nearly 3% to USD 9,130 per tonne on July 6, compared to USD 9,410 on July 3.

    Source : The Jakarta Post
  3. forum rang 10 voda 14 juli 2017 12:53
    SA stainless steel industry battles economic storm – SASSDA

    Business Community reported that South Africa's ZAR 15 billion stainless steel industry has felt the strain of a contraction in its apparent consumption figures in the last two years. This has been caused by a flood of Asian imports, mainly from China, a drop in exports of finished products and the resultant huge decrease in the conversion of primary to finished products

    Mr John Tarboton ED of the South African Stainless Steel Development Association said “Our declining apparent consumption is a concern. Prior to 2015, our figures mirrored what was going on in the rest of the world, whereas now we’re deviating from the global trend.”

    Looking at the value and output of the local market, Tarboton explained that apparent consumption last year was just over 130,000 tonnes in terms of primary product which represents a value of ZAR 4.6 billionn if you assume an average cost of USD 35,000 a tonne. The conversion of that product, costed at twice that of primary product value, equals an additional ZAR 9.2 billionn, which results in the total value of the local stainless industry of close to ZAR 15 billion.

    In terms of physical output, the national average is currently four tonnes per worker a year, which based on apparent consumption figures, means approximately 32,000 people are employed in the conversion of stainless steel primary products to finished products.

    Overall, the statistics show that the stainless steel market continues to contract in 2017. The forecast is showing zero primary, non-producer exports and so apparent consumption may return closer to primary supply into the market. (Primary supply minus primary exports equals apparent consumption.) At present, the forecast shows similar primary supply for 2017 as 2016.

    Looking at the first four months of this year compared to last year (January - April 2016 vs. January - April 2017), the primary supply of stainless steel is down by 17%, leading to apparent consumption having declined by 10%. Tarboton explained that, “The reasons for the supply of product into the market declining are due to a lack of demand in the local market, reflecting our current grindingly tough economic conditions.”

    A longer term comparison of 2015 vs. 2016 reveals that primary supply (produced locally + imports) which includes: sheet, coil and plate stainless steel - dropped by 11% in 2016 or 20,000 tonnes and unfortunately, the apparent consumption figure - which is the amount of stainless steel expected to be converted to a finished product - declined by 31% in 2016, probably due to destocking of primary products and the reversal of finished products trade balance.

    Imported finished products surged with an increase of 44%. This is supported by anecdotal evidence and feedback from the sassda member survey and is largely due to a flood of imported product, primarily Chinese. In comparison, the export of finished products dropped by 20%, which is the opposite of previous years. Stated Tarboton: “So, whereas in 2015 we were a net exporter of stainless steel finished products and exported 8,000 tonnes more than we imported, we now import 40,000 tonnes of stainless steel finished products more than we exported and therefore run a trade deficit on stainless steel finished products.”

    Source : Business Community
  4. forum rang 10 voda 20 juli 2017 19:46
    South Africa ITAC urged to remove increased duty on stainless steel fasteners

    Cape Business News reported that in what it believes to be an ‘oversight’, Cape Town based fastener supplier Fastenright is appealing for the removal of the customs duty that was implemented on stainless steel fasteners on April 1. The duty was imposed as part of protection measures for the local fastener manufacturing industry through the implementation of a hot-rolled coil safeguard duty, which was approved by Trade and Industry Minister Dr Rob Davies last month.

    The International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa reviewed the customs duty imposed on a number of downstream steel industry products following requests from a number of domestic fastener manufacturers to increase the customs duty applicable to stainless steel fasteners to their respective World Trade Organisation bound rates of 15% and 30%.

    Fastenright MD Mr Rainer Lutz pointed out that there are no local manufacturers that can produce stainless steel fasteners in the range of sizes, standard of quality or volumes required by customers. Fastenright, in common with many fastener suppliers, imports its stainless steel fasteners from approved suppliers mainly from Asia and Europe, with material excellence certificates confirming quality.

    Fastenright’s products are used by a range of manufacturing industries including boat building, construction and security.

    He said that “These products always used to be, and should continue to be, duty-free but all stainless steel fastener importers in South Africa, are now casualties of what seems to be oversight in applying this customs duty to stainless steel fasteners.”

    In his opinion, Mr Lutz believes that for the very few local stainless steel fastener manufacturers, the customs duty offers little protection or incentive as they cannot compete on availability, quality or price with well established and respected international manufacturers. Lutz fears that more unscrupulous suppliers may attempt to import goods under the wrong tariff heading giving them an unfair advantage.

    He said that “Removing the duty will level the playing field and cost savings will inevitably and ultimately be passed on to end-users and exporters.”

    To support its application to ITAC, Fastenright has submitted proof of its research confirming that there are no viable stainless steel bolt and nut manufacturers in South Africa.

    The company submitted typical enquiries for stainless steel fasteners to several local manufacturers, all of which were unable to supply the products, claiming that they are not part of their product range.

    In response to Fastenright’s enquiry, the South African Fasteners Manufacturers Association has confirmed that all the stainless steel fasteners that the company is importing are not made by any South African manufacturers, except for screw studs and screw studding of stainless steel, more commonly known as threaded rods, which Fasten right acknowledges must be subjected to the customs duty to protect local manufacturers.

    Mr Lutz said that “If our application to ITAC is unsuccessful, we will be forced to significantly increase our selling prices as we cannot absorb the newly imposed import duties.”

    He added that “All suppliers are facing the same predicament, which will have an unnecessary inflationary effect on the entire South African stainless steel industry, affecting many other products that depend on using stainless steel fasteners for assembly and production.”

    Mr Lutz believes that exporters of products which include its fasteners will also not be able to increase their selling prices to recover these higher duties, as this would put them in an uncompetitive situation. Stifling growth Lutz notes that local demand for stainless steel fasteners has been growing, as customers realise the advantages of the product over other inferior materials. Imposing a hefty and unnecessary customs duty will stunt the growth of the industry.

    Mr Lutz said that “A superior, robust product offering, our commitment to customer service and stockholding capacity that guarantees availability, is the reason for Fastenright’s steady market growth over the past seven years. We added a third warehouse to our operations in October last year to ensure adequate stockholding, adding that the company can source any fastener in any material, due to its positive relationships with its suppliers.”

    Fastenright has steadily increased its range of security fasteners over the past few years and can source almost any kind of tamper-proof fixings.

    He concluded that “We are constantly extending our product range beyond the normal bolts and nuts including special products for the solar and maritime industry which are also in stock. The implementation of the customs duty on stainless steel fasteners is an unnecessary obstacle, stifling the growth of an essential commodity.”

    ITAC urged to remove increased duty on stainless steel fasteners The South African financial services sector is undergoing major changes as the industry prepares for the introduction of the Financial Services Board’s Retail Distribution Review (RDR). However, many consumers the primary intended beneficiaries of the regulatory overhaul remain largely unaware of what RDR is and how it will impact them once implemented.

    Source : Cape Business New
  5. forum rang 10 voda 24 juli 2017 14:43
    Tohoku Steel to start stainless steel plant in Sri City

    The Hindu reported that Tohoku Steel India Private Ltd, a wholly owned unit of Tohoku Steel Co Ltd of Japan, is setting up a facility at Sri City to manufacture heat-resistant stainless steel for making automobile engine valves. The plant, which will come up on a six-acre plot in the domestic tariff area of Sri City, is expected to involve an investment of about INR 80 crore.

    Mr Yamaguchi, president of the company, broke the ground and laid the foundation stone for plant on Friday.

    The plant is expected to go on stream by the end of next year.

    Tohoku Steel would be the 17th Japanese firm to set up base in Sri City. Mr. Yamaguchi said the upcoming unit at Sri City would produce engine valves for two and four wheelers.

    Source : Hindu
  6. forum rang 10 voda 25 juli 2017 16:14
    Outokumpu verrast niet na winstwaarschuwing

    Kwartaalresultaten wel fors gestegen op jaarbasis.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Finse producent van roestvast staal Outokumpu heeft in het tweede kwartaal meer winst gemaakt, maar zoals reeds gewaarschuwd wel minder dan aanvankelijk voorzien. Dit bleek dinsdag uit kwartaalcijfers van de de sectorgenoot van Aperam.

    Bij een omzet van 1,7 miljard euro, ruim meer dan de 1,4 miljard euro een jaar eerder, behaalde Outokumpu een EBITDA van 209 miljoen euro. Aangepast was dit 199 miljoen euro.

    Daarmee waren de cijfers in lijn met de recente winstwaarschuwing, waarin de fabrikant waarschuwde voor een aangepaste EBITDA van ongeveer 200 miljoen euro. Voor deze waarschuwing mikte Outokumpu nog op een iets lager bedrijfsresultaat dan in het eerste kwartaal van dit jaar, toen dit 294 miljoen euro was. In het tweede kwartaal van 2016 behaalde de onderneming een aangepast EBITDA van 66 miljoen euro.

    De resultaten, zo liet Outokumpu al weten bij de winstwaarschuwing, stonden afgelopen kwartaal onder druk door een lagere productie van ferrochroom doordat onderhoud langer duurde dan voorzien. Ook ondervond de fabrikant de nadelige gevolgen van lagere grondstofprijzen.

    De nettowinst van Outokumpu verbeterde op jaarbasis van een verlies van 20 miljoen euro naar een winst van 109 miljoen euro.

    Het rendement op het ingezette kapitaal (ROCE) steeg van 6,2 naar 13,2 procent.


    Ondanks de eerdere winstwaarschuwing herhaalde Outokumpu te verwachten dat de onderliggende "gezonde" vraag naar roestvast staal zal aanhouden.

    Voor het lopende derde kwartaal mikt Outokumpu op een "significant" lagere aangepaste EBITDA op kwartaalbasis.

    Het aandeel Outokumpu daalde dinsdag 2,8 procent.

    Door: ABM Financial News.


    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  7. forum rang 10 voda 26 juli 2017 17:01
    Outokumpu reports solid profitability despite ferrochrome production challenges

    Outokumpu’s second-quarter adjusted EBITDA amounted to EUR 199 million, compared to EUR 66 million in the second quarter of 2016. The financial performance was positively impacted by robust market environment with significantly higher ferrochrome prices and by higher base prices in both Europe and the Americas. Furthermore, Outokumpu’s efficiency improvement measures continued to yield solid results. The performance was negatively impacted by low ferrochrome production. Adjusted EBITDA includes raw material-related inventory and metal derivative net losses of EUR 9 million (gains of EUR 15 million).

    Stainless steel deliveries were 625,000 tonnes (629,000 tonnes).
    Adjusted EBITDA was EUR 199 million (EUR 66 million).
    EBITDA was EUR 209 million (EUR 62 million).
    Adjusted EBIT was EUR 145 million (EUR 9 million).
    EBIT was EUR 154 million (EUR 6 million).
    Operating cash flow was EUR 150 million (EUR 54 million).
    Net debt decreased to EUR 1,239 million (March 31, 2017: EUR 1,376 million).
    Gearing was 48.4% (March 31, 2017: 55.0%).
    Return on capital employed (ROCE) was 13.2% (6.2%).

    Highlights during the first six months of 2017
    Stainless steel deliveries were 1,264,000 tonnes (1,240,000 tonnes).
    Adjusted EBITDA was EUR 493 million (EUR 95 million).
    EBITDA was EUR 518 million (EUR 108 million).
    Adjusted EBIT was EUR 382 million (EUR -19 million).
    EBIT was EUR 407 million (EUR -6 million).
    Operating cash flow was EUR 97 million (EUR 129 million).

    Underlying stainless steel demand is expected to remain healthy in both Europe and the US. In the third quarter, typical seasonal slowdown is forecasted to have a negative impact on apparent stainless steel consumption. Consequently, Outokumpu expects business area Europe’s and Long Products’ stainless steel deliveries to decrease in the third quarter, whereas in the Americas, deliveries are expected to remain relatively flat compared to the second quarter. There is market pressure towards decreasing base prices in both Europe and the US.

    The lower ferrochrome contract price and low delivery volumes are expected to have a significant negative impact on third-quarter earnings. The maintenance of the damaged ferrochrome furnace has been completed and the furnace is currently being ramped up. The furnace is expected to return to normal operations during the third quarter.

    As alloy surcharges have decreased faster than raw material input costs, raw material-related inventory and metal derivative losses are expected to have a sizeable negative impact on Outokumpu’s earnings in the third quarter.

    The seasonally slower market, decreased ferrochrome prices and low ferrochrome delivery volumes, and raw material-related inventory and metal derivative losses are expected to lead to significantly lower third-quarter adjusted EBITDA compared to the previous quarter (EUR 199 million).

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  8. [verwijderd] 26 juli 2017 17:59
    vers vd pers: we increased our EBITDA for the six first months of 2017 to U.S.$340 million, compared to U.S.$235 million over the same period of last year. Our net income for the six first months of 2017 increased to U.S.$178 million compared to U.S.$102 million for the same period of last year.
  9. [verwijderd] 26 juli 2017 18:05
    Second quarter 2017 - results1 Luxembourg, July 26, 2017

    ¦ Health and Safety: LTI frequency rate2 of 1.3x in Q2 2017 compared to 1.1x in Q1 2017.
    ¦ Steel Shipments of 478 thousand tonnes in Q2 2017, a 2% decrease compared to steel
    shipments of 486 thousand tonnes in Q1 2017.
    ¦ EBITDA3 of USD 169 million in Q2 2017, compared to USD 171 million in Q1 2017.
    ¦ Net income of USD 85 million in Q2 2017, compared to USD 93 million in Q1 2017.
    ¦ Basic earnings per share of USD 1.10 in Q2 2017, compared to USD 1.20 in Q1 2017.
    ¦ Cash flow from operations amounted to USD 100 million in Q2 2017, compared to USD 27 million in Q1 2017.
    ¦ Free cash flow before dividend and share buy-back4 of USD 63 million in Q2 2017, compared to USD (15) million in Q1 2017.
    ¦ Net debt5 of USD 235 million as of June 30, 2017 compared to USD 220 million as of March 31, 2017, including impact of USD 108 million of cash returns to shareholders during Q2 2017.

    ¦ EBITDA in Q3 2017 is expected to decrease compared to Q2 2017 mainly due to the effects of the recent decline in raw material prices on top of the traditional seasonal slowdown.
    ¦ Net debt to decrease in Q3 2017.

    Aperam (referred to as “Aperam” or the “Company”) (Amsterdam, Brussels, Luxembourg, Paris: APAM and NYRS: APEMY), announced today results for the three month period ending June 30, 2017
    Timoteo Di Maulo, CEO of Aperam, commented:
    “Despite some recent production challenges in Europe, Aperam delivers another strong set of results in the second quarter thanks to market conditions as well as the Top Line strategy and the continuous contribution of the Leadership Journey®6 .
    Looking forward, we are cautious regarding the third quarter in view of strong seasonality and recent drops in raw material prices. However we remain confident about the fundamentals of the stainless steel market and our ability to continuously enhance our performance.”
  10. [verwijderd] 26 juli 2017 18:12
    Aperam boekt iets lager kwartaalresultaat

    LUXEMBURG (AFN) - Roestvrijstaalbedrijf Aperam heeft in het tweede kwartaal een iets lager bedrijfsresultaat (ebitda) geboekt dan in de eerste drie maanden. Aperam gaf aan voor het derde kwartaal een daling van het resultaat te verwachten in vergelijking met de afgelopen periode, vanwege de recente daling van de grondstofprijzen en een seizoensgebonden afzwakking van de vraag.

    Klik hier voor meer nieuws en actuele koersinformatie over Aperam

    De ebitda bedroeg 169 miljoen dollar, tegen 171 miljoen dollar in het eerste kwartaal. Aperam had in mei een prognose uitgesproken voor een vergelijkbaar resultaat op kwartaalbasis.

    De omzet zakte naar bijna 1,27 miljard dollar, van krap 1,28 miljard dollar in de voorgaande periode. Op nettobasis werd een winst behaald van 85 miljoen dollar, tegen 93 miljoen dollar in de eerste drie maanden van 2017.

    In juni kondigde Aperam aan zijn winstgevendheid structureel te willen verbeteren. Daarbij wordt voor de periode 2018 tot en met 2020 gemikt op jaarlijks 150 miljoen dollar. Dit doet het onder meer door de bedrijfsvoering te stroomlijnen waarbij het gebruik zal maken van nieuwe technologieën. Ook zet het bedrijf in op automatisering en digitalisering.

  11. Chris14 26 juli 2017 18:13
    Ik weet het ook niet zeker... zit niet echt in de materie. ;-) behalve dat ik soms wat stukken van analisten lees. Daarin geven zij zelf al aan dat Q3 en Q4 mindere kwartalen zijn ivm seizoensinvloeden... ik kom er alleen nog niet zo goed uit hoe het nu zit met Q1 versus Q2, Q2 lijkt minder.. lezen jullie dat ook zo? Ben erg benieuwd wat de kenners er van vinden ;-)
  12. forum rang 10 voda 26 juli 2017 18:16
    Aperam presteert conform eigen verwachtingen

    Voorzichtig over derde kwartaal.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Aperam heeft, zoals het zelf voorspelde, in het tweede kwartaal een stabiele winst gerealiseerd ten opzichte van de eerste drie maanden van dit jaar. Dit bleek woensdag nabeurs uit de resultaten van de fabrikant van roestvast staal.

    Het bedrijfsresultaat (EBITDA), de belangrijkste winstgraadmeter voor het staalbedrijf, bedroeg 169 miljoen dollar. In het eerste kwartaal was dit 171 miljoen dollar. Analisten geraadpleegd door ABM Financial News zaten met hun taxaties ook dicht bij dit resultaat. In hetzelfde kwartaal een jaar terug werd nog een EBITDA gerealiseerd van 123 miljoen dollar.

    De winst werd aangejaagd door het kostenbesparingsprogramma van Aperam. Begin juni maakte het bedrijf bekend dit programma uit te breiden tot en met 2020. Vanaf 2018 moet dit jaarlijks 150 miljoen dollar aan het EBITDA resultaat toevoegen.

    De omzet van de fabrikant steeg op jaarbasis van 1.121 miljoen naar 1.268 miljoen dollar. Aperam leverde 478.000 ton staal af tijdens het kwartaal. Een jaar terug was dit 520.000 ton en in de eerste drie maanden van dit jaar stokte de teller op 486.000 ton.

    Onder de streep restte een nettowinst van 85 miljoen dollar, iets minder dan de 93 miljoen dollar een kwartaal eerder.

    De nettoschuld van Aperam ging licht omhoog. Aan het einde van het tweede kwartaal bedroeg de schuldenlast 235 miljoen dollar. Ultimo maart was dit 220 miljoen dollar. Aperam keerde voor 108 miljoen dollar aan contanten uit aan zijn aandeelhouders gedurende de verslagperiode.


    "Wanneer we vooruitkijken zijn we voorzichtig gestemd over het derde kwartaal vanwege de sterke seizoensgebonden effecten en de recente gedaalde grondstofprijzen", zei CEO Timoteo Di Maulo. De topman bleef wel positief over de onderliggende vraag.

    Deze voorzichtigheid is geen verrassing. Het derde kwartaal is altijd minder sterk vanwege een lagere activiteit gedurende de zomermaanden.

    De nettoschuld zal volgens het Luxemburgse concern gedurende het lopende kwartaal toenemen.

    Op een groene beurs sloot het aandeel Aperam woensdag 0,7 procent hoger op 41,60 euro.

    Door: ABM Financial News.


    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  13. Chris14 26 juli 2017 18:19
    Die andere staalboeren hadden toch allemaal een hogere omzet tov vorige periode..? Bij Aperam daalt ie... begin steeds meer te twijfelen of het idd wel zo n goed resultaat is... ik lees voorzichtigheid wat ik bij de anderen veel minder had.. Volgens mij is het ook of er al wat in de koers zat verwerkt.
  14. Chris14 26 juli 2017 18:54
    Wordt er nog iets geroepen over het omzetten van de obligaties naar aandelen.. dat zou voor de koers niet goed zijn. Het zou logisch zijn als ze dan weer aandelen zouden gaan inkopen. Daar nog iets over gelezen. Ben het overigens eens dat de cijfers niet slecht zijn maar mijn onderbuik zegt wat anders (ik vond de toon van het bericht niet zo goed).
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