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Aandeel Pharming Group NL0010391025

Laatste koers (eur) Verschil Volume
0,718   0,000   (0,00%) Dagrange 0,712 - 0,736 10.719.662   Gem. (3M) 5,5M

Waarde Pharming naast Rhucin/Ruconest

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  1. [verwijderd] 15 juli 2014 22:19

    Zoals je hieronder kunt lezen is Pharming meer dan alleen Rhucin/Ruconest.
    Er zitten nog twee producten in de pipeline waarvan RhC1INH in de Preclinical fase zit.

    Ook heeft Pharming patent op het een en ander

    "The company owns and has in-licensed a significant number of patents and patent applications worldwide, broadly covering the technology for the production of recombinant proteins in the milk of transgenic animals, as well as the specific products under development. Protection for recombinant proteins produced in milk as well as methods of generating transgenic animals will last beyond 2020."

    Wat is de waarde van de patenten en RhC1INH en rhFactor VIII ?

    Met vriendelijke groet,

    De Ronselaer


    RhC1INH for organ transplants
    There is significant scientific evidence that recombinant human C1 inhibitor (rhC1INH) can be used to prevent complications after organ transplantation.

    Medical need
    Despite all the technical advances that have been made during the last decades, rejection of transplanted organs remains a critical issue. Given the shortage of available organs and the high costs associated with transplantation, there is a need for additional new and safe products that reduce the chances of organ rejection. The C1 inhibitor protein may play a significant role in preventing problems after solid organ transplantation, such as delayed graft function and antibody-mediated rejection. C1INH reduces the inflammatory reactions that lead to tissue damage, malfunctioning and sometimes a rejection of the transplanted organ.

    Pharming’s therapy
    There is significant scientific evidence that our product recombinant human C1 inhibitor can be used as a safe and effective treatment to prevent complications after organ transplantation. Our technology enables for the quality-controlled large-scale production and purification of the protein, yielding a safe product.


    Pharming's lactoferrin product
    Pharming is focusing on the development of human lactoferrin (hLF) for use as an ingredient in advanced nutritional products. The product also has potential for pharmaceutical applications (e.g. against systemic infections).

    Food and food supplements
    Lactoferrin is a protein naturally occurring in many human secretions including mother’s milk, saliva and tears. The protein has unique anti-infective and anti-inflammatory properties and it plays an important role in the defense system of infants as well as adults, where it is active against a wide range of bacterial, fungal and viral pathogens.

    Pharming food additives
    The first commercial application of hLF is the use as an ingredient in foods and food supplements, targeted at people who will benefit from the use of hLF.

    Transgenic Production Technology

    After the discovery of DNA and recombinant DNA techniques in the past decades it became possible to transfer genes between different organisms, such as plants and bacteria. Scientists discovered how to transfer mammalian genes into the genetic material of other animals, and breed transgenic animals with specific (mixed) characteristics. This new scientific approach of recombining genetic material from different biological sources became known as transgenic or recombinant DNA technology.

    Therapeutic proteins from milk
    Pharming’s predecessor company GenPharm was founded to commercialize this innovative technology. The Pharming scientists were able to breed animals that could produce human-like proteins in their milk. The company further improved this technology and made it fully compliant with regulatory guidelines that apply in the United States and Europe.

    Large-scale manufacturing
    For commercial purposes, Pharming also developed large scale purification methods for separating the human proteins from the other natural components in milk. This was done with our partner Schering-Plough. All production facilities and processes comply with regulatory GMP-guidelines and are suitable for large-scale production of the highest quality pharmaceuticals products.

    High quality in sufficient quantity
    Pharming can now produce complex therapeutic proteins in the mammary glands of rabbits or cattle and purify the protein from milk for its therapeutic application. This production method has the advantage of delivering high quality human proteins in sufficient quantities.

    High potential
    There is a need in the industry for new means to produce over 900 protein therapeutics in development. Pharming believes that its production technology offers significant competitive advantages and will enable the development of better, safer and more cost-effective therapeutic products.

    Intellectual Property

    Pharming’s intellectual property (IP) portfolio contributes to Pharming’s leading role as a player in the field of the production of recombinant proteins in transgenic animals. The company owns and has in-licensed a significant number of patents and patent applications worldwide, broadly covering the technology for the production of recombinant proteins in the milk of transgenic animals, as well as the specific products under development. Protection for recombinant proteins produced in milk as well as methods of generating transgenic animals will last beyond 2020.

    Typically, various aspects of manufacturing and use of Pharming’s products are covered by separate patents, thus creating several independent layers of protection around each product. For instance, Pharming’s position in the production and use of Rhucin not only covers the therapeutic compound itself, but also methods of production and purification, improved versions of Rhucin, and therapeutic use in a large number of medical indications, including (but not limited to) HAE and other diseases linked to C1 inhibitor deficiency. Other patents and patent applications cover the recombinant human proteins fibrinogen, lactoferrin, collagen, and the field of DNA repair.

    In the field of transgenic technology, Pharming’s portfolio includes the following IP:

    Generation and use of transgenic cattle
    Milk specific expression in transgenic animals
    Animals carrying large transgenes (> 50kb)
    Purification of biopharmaceuticals from milk
    Structure and design of transgenes for high level production
    Fusion proteins for high level expression
    Generation of animals using nuclear transfer technology
    Oocyte activation for nuclear transfer
    Transgenic antibody production
    Sperm mediated gene transfer

    For applications outside of Pharming’s core activities, this IP is available for licensing.


  2. [verwijderd] 15 juli 2014 23:17

    voda schreef op 15 juli 2014 23:08:

    1 cent is huidige intrinsieke waarde van het aandeel.
    Poster vier, zat er weer eens met een nul naast.
    Ik denk eerder vier nullen ;)

    € 10,00 - ja dat is wel een redelijke schatting (nu belachelijk maar misschien poepen de konijnen over 5 jaar wel goud :))

    Maar goed even serieus, de medicijnen naast Ruconest zijn nog niet klaar voor gebruik (nog in ontwikkeling of nog niet klaar met trials). Hier kun je dus onmogelijk een waarde aan koppelen naar mijn inzicht.

    Het medicijn wat in China ontwikkelt wordt tegen Hemofilie gaat op termijn erg interessant worden, maar de kritische houding dwingt je ook hier om nog een 0 waarde toe te kennen voor het echt bij afronding in de buurt komt.

    Het medicijn (RhC1INH, eigenlijk gewoon Ruconest) wat kan helpen bij orgaan transplantaties wordt rond 20-25 juli gepresenteerd op een conferentie, waarop er beslist wordt over het vervolg in de trials (ik dacht mogelijk toestemming om een phase 3 trial te gaan doen maar pin me er niet op vast). Ook hier nog geen zekerheid dus maar het wordt al concreter dan Hemofilie, al heb ik nog geen waarde in mijn hoofd.
  3. [verwijderd] 15 juli 2014 23:23
    Ik ben ook in het bezit van wat aandelen Pharming. Voor mij zit de potentie van het aandeel Pharming slechts voor 30 tot 50% in het product Ruconest met als primair toepassing/afzet gebied de groep patienten met Angio-Oedeem. De zogenaamde "boem" komt pas wanneer het toegepast kan worden voor andere aandoeningen (Acute pancreatitis bijvoorbeeld)

    Verder zijn er inderdaad nog andere producten in de pijplijn maar dat is nog een lange weg.

    Dan nog even "off topic" over de Pharm. industrie.

    Momenteel worden er een aantal patienten met hoge bloeddruk voorzien van een stand in de hals-slagader. Dit betekend dat met een éénmalige "eenvoudige" ingreep geen of nauwelijks nog medicatie nodig is. Als deze ontwikkeling zich doorzet al dan niet met het gebruik van een stand (wellicht kan de verantwoordelijke zenuw ook op andere wijze geprikkeld worden met het zelfde resultaat) dan stort er een hele industrie (langzaam maar zeker) in.

    Ik zou de cardioloog in kwestie van dezelfde beveiliging als Geert Wilders willen voorzien want het gaat hier om een miljarden industrie die toch wat bedreigd wordt m.b.t. zijn bestaansrecht in de toekomst (10 - 15 jaar)

    Groeten & wijsheid,

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