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Ripple - XRP - nieuwe verdienmodellen noodzakelijk voor bancaire sector

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  1. Frederik C. 23 december 2013 20:19
    “The big revolution we are witnessing is the emergence of the internet for value,” says Chris Larsen, CEO of Ripple Labs, the creator of the Ripple payments network, which is online and global. “The world has learned how to build value exchange systems without a central operator.” He adds that JPMorgan’s patent suggests that it is now under way in designing its own payments system suited to the internet age.

    Full article: www.euromoney.com/Article/3291838/Cat...
  2. Frederik C. 26 december 2013 21:01
    26/12/13 21:00 #accounts 53,146

    Joerg Platzer, founder of Crypto Economics Consulting Group, encourages individuals to start preparing for this day in advance to ensure economic survival. He also emphasizes the need for governments to be honest and to anticipate the vast swath of society that will simply be impoverished after the great wealth transfer to a cryptocurrency society.

    Further economic thoughts on the cryptocurrency and free banking space will undoubtedly be filled out by other bitcoin economic thinkers, such as Peter Šurda, Konrad Graf, JP Koning, and George Selgin.
  3. Frederik C. 28 december 2013 17:54
    New Yotk Times today

    28/12/13 18:00 # accounts 53,789

    But don’t let the fancy trappings fool you: What’s really happening is a determined march to the days when money meant stuff you could jingle in your purse. In tropics and tundra alike, we are for some reason digging our way back to the 17th century.
  4. Frederik C. 29 december 2013 01:16
    'T gaat beginnen!

    anticipation of Peercover company shares feature, we would like to announce the first IPO on the Ripple protocol February 1st, 2014. We will issue 1% of Peercover shares (PC) for sale on the open market.

    On the day of our IPO, you will be able to name a Company, buy a ticker from us, and issue shares, then sell shares on the Ripple protocol. Optionally tie shares to fee distribution within Companies.


  5. Frederik C. 3 januari 2014 00:40
    02/01/14 23:59 # accounts 55,440
    Bloomberg eergisteren...speciale aandacht voor Ripple; lees ook even aandachtig de laatste alinea!

    Led by Bitcoin, virtual currency had a breakout year. As the basics became more widely known, investors flocked into Bitcoin in March, with the market capitalization growing from $370 million to $1 billion in a month. Exchanges such as Bitstamp and U.S. on-ramps such as Coinbase Inc. gained traction; others, plagued by regulatory challenges, stopped working with U.S. banks (Mt. Gox) or closed (Bitfloor), leaving users unable to retrieve their funds. The Bitcoin-based drug market Silk Road was going strong until it was busted by federal authorities. At year’s end, U.S. retailer Overstock.com announced a plan to accept Bitcoins by next summer. New virtual currencies, including Ripple Labs Inc., appeared, and other virtual currencies, such as Litecoin, rode the wave of investor enthusiasm. Money from venture capitalists flowed into the virtual currency ecosystem.

    In November, U.S. regulators held hearings, sending encouraging signals to virtual markets. At the same time, major Chinese companies began embracing Bitcoin, but the promise of that market was short-lived: The Chinese government backpedaled in December. Even though that move lead to a decline in Bitcoin values, the market cap ended the year in the $9 billion range.

    To become more than a fad for technology enthusiasts, day traders and libertarians, virtual currency needs to find direct utility as a means of transaction. The fundamental technological innovation is the ability for two entities to transfer value securely, almost instantly, without a middleman, and with negligible fees. This opens up new possibilities, including cheaper international remittances of foreign-earned wages by workers from developing countries, micropayments for digital goods such as news and mobile apps, and the ability of the non-banked developing world to engage in global e-commerce for digital goods, virtual services or crafts.
  6. Frederik C. 3 januari 2014 01:22
    Mooie uiteenzetting van een gebruiker; de voordelen van Ripple als transactiemodel.

    I understand that different people will put a different level of importance on the many reasons why I believe a Ripple account is better than a bank account, but most of us will agree with the following reasons:

    Money stored in the ripple network can move faster than on a banking network. It takes days to move money from different banks accounts but only a second to move any kind of funds from one ripple account to another.

    Any funds stored in a bank account can be frozen, unlike in Ripple. Your bank can decide to freeze your bank account and even close it if it does not like how you are spending your funds or where they are coming from. This is not possible on the ripple network.

    You can hold as many currencies as you like in your ripple wallet, without any fees. Most of the banks don't provide you this options and the ones that do, charge you for it. If you are like 99% of the people with regular bank accounts, your bank will convert any foreign funds sent to you into your native currency and charge you for it, without any authorisation needed from your part. Ripple on the other hand, allows you to receive any currency and keeps them in their original denomination unless you choose to change them.

    No government can block you from moving your funds stored in Ripple. Remember Cyprus and Greece in 2012/2013? When everyone was thinking that the EURO would collapse, the government restricted people from the amount of money they could withdraw from their accounts at any given day. For over a week, the people in Cyprus didn't even have access to their funds. And in China, the government restricts its citizens (not businesses) from moving over $50,000 per year. If those funds would be in a ripple wallet, this would be a non-issue.

    Safer. Yes, it is safer, as long as you use some common sense when creating your password and where and how you access your account. I am speaking as someone that has been a victim of identity theft, let me tell you that it is so easy for a rogue cashier at any retail store to obtain your personal and financial information and use them later on to make purchases of their own while pretending to be you. This has happened to me and my bank said that I could not prove that those purchases where not made by me, so I basically lost my money. This would have not happen in Ripple, as soon as you are aware of the fraud, you can just jump on the ripple forum and the community as well as the staff at Ripple Labs will help you trace the culprit.

    For the last six months I have been using Ripple as a savings account and I look forward to the day I can use it as my checking account as well.
  7. Frederik C. 4 januari 2014 01:04
    03/01/14 23:59 # accounts 55,700

    So what possible recourse do we free (ish) individuals have against the bullying might of this vast, increasingly confiscatory system stacked against us? Well this is where bitcoins, Litecoins and Quarks et al come in. They’re the monetary equivalent of that scene in Atlas Shrugged where the productive, hardworking creators revolt against the corrupt, hyper-regulated, sclerotic, wasteful, doomed system and retreat beyond the mountains to Colorado.

    Cryptocurrencies were created by and for people who have simply had enough. They’ve seen the way the world is going and rather than grumble or pretend it’s not happening, they’ve decided instead to make a new one, in their own liberty-loving image. It’s a world where, by and large, Big Brother has no place — which is why, for example, it’s so popular on the black market.

    But you don’t need to be a crim to see why cryptocurrencies make sense. Have you noticed how increasingly difficult it is, for example, to conduct the most basic transactions from your bank account? You want to pay for some item, perhaps by bank transfer, and the security’s so tight (thanks to onion layers of EU regulation, probably) you sometimes find yourself being shut out of your own account. Well, with bitcoin you’re your own bank: you transfer your money electronically from your wallet to the payee’s wallet, and that’s it.

    Oh, and another thing. And this may be the clincher: the number of retail outlets which accept bitcoin is exploding, with thousands more each week. For example, already there’s a delightful agriturismo farmhouse in Tuscany, a place by a lake in Portugal, an apartment in Dubrovnik. Paying for these in BTC is like spending Monopoly money, like you’re getting your pleasures free.
  8. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 4 januari 2014 09:35

    @?¿Roemerd:-) schreef op 4 januari 2014 01:14:

    Wat ik nu leuk vind met al dat grappige digitale geld, wat nu als die zonnevlam komt waarvan je weet dat hij komt, wat dan alles weg?
    Zonnevlam is te lang om uit te leggen maar google maar eens op de effecten.
    Beste Roemerd,
    jij weet zeker nog steeds niet dat jouw spaargeld ook digitaal bewaard wordt...!!???

    Zo'n stevige zonnevlam of nog beter een stevige EMP zou trouwens ook als gevolg kunnen hebben dat alle (staats)schulden binnen een paar seconden zijn verdwenen. lol

    Maar goed, bij welke ramp dan ook, als er ergens op de aarde maar een computer in tact blijft met de bitcoin-boekhouding erop, dan zal het BTC-systeem overleven. i.t.t. gewone banksaldi.
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